Orthogonal and Least-Squares Based Coordinate Transforms for Optical Alignment Verification in Radiosurgery - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Orthogonal and Least-Squares Based Coordinate Transforms for Optical Alignment Verification in Radiosurgery


Orthogonal and Least-Squares Based Coordinate Transforms for Optical Alignment Verification in Radiosurgery Ernesto Gomez PhD, Yasha Karant PhD, Veysi Malkoc, Mahesh ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Orthogonal and Least-Squares Based Coordinate Transforms for Optical Alignment Verification in Radiosurgery

Orthogonal and Least-Squares Based Coordinate
Transforms for Optical Alignment Verification in
  • Ernesto Gomez PhD, Yasha Karant PhD, Veysi
    Malkoc, Mahesh R. Neupane,
  • Keith E. Schubert PhD, Reinhard W. Schulte, MD

  • Henry L. Guenther Foundation
  • Instructionally Related Programs (IRP), CSUSB
  • ASI (Associated Student Inc.), CSUSB
  • Department of Radiation Medicine, Loma Linda
    University Medical Center (LLUMC)
  • Michael Moyers, Ph.D. (LLUMC)

  • Introduction
  • System Components
  • 1. Camera System
  • 2. Marker System
  • Experimental Procedure
  • 1. Phantombase Alignment
  • 2. Alignment Verification (Image Processing)
  • 3. Marker Image Capture
  • Coordinate Transformations
  • 1. Orthogonal Transformation
  • 2. Least Square Transformation
  • Results and Analysis
  • Conclusions and Future directions
  • Q A

  • Radiosurgery is a non-invasive stereotactic
    treatment technique applying focused radiation
  • It can be done in several ways
  • 1. Gamma Knife
  • 2. LINAC Radiosurgery
  • 3. Proton Radiosurgery
  • Requires sub-millimeter positioning and beam
    delivery accuracy

Functional Proton Radiosurgery
  • Generation of small functional lesions with
    multiple overlapping proton beams (250 MeV)
  • Used to treat functional disorders
  • Parkinsons disease (Pallidotomy)
  • Tremor (Thalamotomy)
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Target definition with MRI

Proton dose distribution for trigeminal neuralgia
System ComponentsCamera System
Three Vicon Cameras
Camera Geometry
System ComponentsMarker Systems and
Marker Systems
Marker Caddy Halo
Experimental ProcedureOverview
  • Goal of stereotactic procedure
  • align anatomical target with known stereotactic
    coordinates with proton beam axis with
    submillimeter accuracy
  • Experimental procedure
  • align simulated marker with known stereotactic
    coordinates with laser beam axis
  • let system determine distance between (invisible)
    predefined marker and beam axis based on
    (visible) markers (caddy cone)
  • determine system alignment error repeatedly (3
    independent experiments) for 5 different marker

Experimental ProcedureStep I- Phantombase
  • Platform attached to stereotactic halo
  • Three ceramic markers attached to pins of three
    different lengths
  • Five hole locations distributed in stereotactic
  • Provides 15 marker positions with known
    stereotactic coordinates

Experimental ProcedureStep II- Marker Alignment
(Image Processing)
  • 1 cm laser beam from stereotactic cone aligned to
    phantombase marker
  • digital image shows laser beam spot and marker
  • image processed using MATLAB 7.0 by using
    customized circular fit algorithm to beam and
    marker image
  • Distance offset between beam-center and
    marker-center is calculated (typically lt0.2 mm)

Experimental ProcedureStep III- Capture of Cone
and Caddy Markers
  • Capture of all visible markers with 3 Vicon
  • Selection of 6 markers in each system, forming
    two large, independent triangles

Caddy marker triangles
Cross marker triangles
Coordinate TransformationOrthogonal
  • Involves 2 coordinate systems
  • Local (L) coordinate system (Patient Reference
  • Global (G) coordinate system (Camera Reference
  • Two-Step Transformation of 2 triangles
  • Rotation
  • L-plane parallel to G-plane
  • L-triangle collinear with G-triangle
  • Translation
  • Transformation equation used

pn(g) MB . MA . pn(l) t (n 1 - 3) Where
MA is Rotation for Co-Planarity, MB is rotation
for Co-linearity t is Translation vector
Coordinate Transformation Least-Square
  • Also involves global (G) and local (L) coordinate
  • Transformation is represented by a single
    homogeneous coordinates with 4D vector matrix
  • General Least-Square transformation matrix
  • AX B
  • The regression procedure is used
  • X A B
  • Where A is the pseudo-inverse of A (i.e.
    (ATA)-1AT, use QR)
  • X is homogenous 4 x 4 transformation matrix.
  • The transformation matrix or its inverse can be
    applied to local or global vector to determine
    the corresponding vector in the other system.

ResultsAccuracy of Camera System
  • Method compare camera-measured distances between
    markers pairs with DIL-measured values
  • Results (15 independent runs)
  • mean distance error SD
  • caddy -0.23 0.33 mm
  • cross 0.00 0.09 mm

ResultsSystem Error - Initial Results
  • (a) First 12 data runs
  • mean system error SD
  • orthogonal transform
  • 2.8 2.2 mm (0.5 - 5.5)
  • LS transform
  • 61 33 mm (8.9 - 130)
  • (b) 8 data runs, after improving calibration
  • mean system error SD
  • orthogonal transform
  • 2.4 0.6 mm (1.5 - 3.0)
  • LS transform
  • 46 23 mm (18 - 78)

ResultsSystem Error - Current Results
  • (c) Last 15 data runs,
  • 5 target positions, 3 runs per position
  • mean system error SD
  • orthogonal transform
  • 0.6 0.3 mm (0.2 - 1.3)
  • LS transform
  • 25 8 mm (14 - 36)

Conclusionand Future Directions
  • Currently, Orthogonal Transformation outperforms
    standard Least-Square based Transformation by
    more than one order of magnitude
  • Comparative analysis between Orthogonal
    Transformation and more accurate version of
    Least-Square based Transformation (e.g.
    Constrained Least Square) needs to be done
  • Various optimization options, e.g., different
    marker arrangements, will be applied to attain an
    accuracy of better than 0.5 mm
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