Video Codec for Multimedia Communications - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Video Codec for Multimedia Communications


Title: Video Codec for Multimedia Communications Author: Amir Asif Last modified by: Amir Asif Created Date: 4/1/1997 4:46:42 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Video Codec for Multimedia Communications

COSC 3213 Computer Networks I Instructor Dr.
Amir Asif Department of Computer Science York
University Section M Topics 1. Digital
Information 2. Digital Communications versus
Analogue Communications 3. Channel Capacity
Nyquist and Shannon Bounds. 4. Time and Frequency
Domain Representations of Signals Garcia
Sections 3.1 3.5
Digital Information
  • Recall that the lowest layer in OSI is the
    physical layer.
  • The physical layer deals with the transfer of raw
    bits and is the focus of our attention in the
    next few lectures.
  • Communication systems can be classified in two
  • Analogue Communication System dealing with
    analogue signals
  • Digital Communication System dealing with digital
  • Analogue signals are defined for the entire
    duration and can have any value.
  • Digital signals are defined at fixed instants and
    can only have one of the pre-selected set of
  • Information can be classified in two categories
  • Block-oriented information usually arranged
    nicely in contiguous blocks. Includes data files,
    BW documents, and images
  • Stream information usually arising from a natural
    process such as audio and video.

Block Oriented Information (1)
InformationType Format Raw Data Size Data Compression Compressed Data Size(CR) Applications
Text Files ASCII Kbytes to Mbytes Lossless Compression such as Dictionary or Arithmetic codes. Compress, Zip, and variations (2 6) Disk Storage, Modem transmission
Scanned BW documents A4 (8.5 x 11 in) page _at_ 200 x 100 pixels / inch overhead 256 Kbytes CCITT Group 3 fax standard 1554 KB (1D)5 35 KB (2D)(5 50) Storage,Fax Transmission
Color images 8 x 10 inch photo scanned _at_ 400 pixels / in 38.4 Mbytes JPEG standard 1.2 8 Mbytes(5 30) Image storage or transmission
Activity 1 Show that the raw data size of the
color image (last row entry) is indeed
Block Oriented Information (2)
  • Data compression seeks to exploit the redundancy
    present in the data to encode information in a
    fewer number of bytes.
  • Compression ratio (CR) is the ratio between the
    size of raw data to the size of the compressed
  • Why Data Compression?
  • Transmission time of Color image (raw) on V.90
    modem 12 minutes
  • Transmission time of JPEG encoded Color image on
    V.90 modem 24 seconds
  • Data Compression schemes can be classified in two
  • Lossless Compression No loss of information but
    compression ratio limited.
  • Lossy Compression Controlled loss of information
    for higher compression.
  • Bound of Lossless Compression is provided by
    Shannon's Source encoding theorem which states
    that the minimum size of compressed data without
    loss of information equals the entropy of the
    source generating the data.

Streamed Information
InformationType Format Raw Data Size Data Compression Compressed Data Size Applications
Voice 4 kHz voice 64 kbps PCM 64 kbps Digital telephony
ADPCM 16 - 32 kbps Voice mail, Telephony
Linear Prediction 8 - 16 kbps Cellular Telephony
Audio 16 24 kHz audio 512-748 kbps MPEG MP3 32 384 kbps MPEG audio
Video QCIF (176 x 144) or CIF (352 x 288)_at_ 10 - 30 fps 2 36.5 Mbps ITU H.261 coding 64 kbps 1.544 Mbps Video conferencing
720480 pels/frame _at_ 30 fps 249 Mbps ISO MPEG 2 2 6 Mbps NTSC TV, DVD
19201020 pels/frame _at_ 30 fps 1.6 Gbps ISO MPEG 2 19 38 Mbps HDTV
Activity 2 Show that the raw data size of HDTV
(last row entry) is indeed 1.6Gbps?
Why Digital Communications (1)?
Digital Communications results in an improved
Signal to Noise ratio (SNR) as compared to
analogue communications.
Example of an Analogue Communication System
Note that the tx signal can not be recovered from
the rx signal due to attenuation and
distortions. Attenuation must be compacted so
that the received signal (1) is strong enough
for the receiver to detect the signal and (2)
maintains a level sufficiently higher than noise
for correct bit detection.
Why Digital Communications (2)?
Example of a Digital Communication System
Analog Signals
  • Analog signals are classified in two categories
  • Periodic Signals that repeat themselves
  • Aperiodic or nonperiodic signals that do not
    repeat themselves.

Periodic Signals
  • Periodic signals repeat over time, i.e.,
  • Aperiodic signals do not repeat themselves

s(t) Asin(2pf0t f0)
Periodic Signals Sine wave
Activity 3 Identify the amplitude, fundamental
frequency, and phase of the sinusoidal signals?
Frequency Representation of Periodic Signals (1)
Periodic signals with fundamental frequency f0
1/T Hz may be represented by the Fourier Series,
defined as
Time Domain Frequency Domain

Frequency Representation of Periodic Signals (1)
  • Fourier Series says that any periodic signal with
    the fundamental frequency of f0 can be
    represented as a linear combination of a
    sinusoidal wave with the fundamental frequency of
    f0 and the higher order harmonics of the
    sinusoidal wave with fundamental frequencies
    (kf0) for (2 k 8).
  • As an example, consider the sum of the first two
    harmonics of
  • Including more terms will make the approximation
    closer to a square wave.

Frequency Representation of of Aperiodic Signals
Non-periodic signals may be represented by the
Fourier Transform, defined as
Time Domain Frequency Domain

Streamed Data Analogue to Digital Conversion
  • There are two steps involved in converting an
    analogue signal to a digital signal
  • Sampling obtain the value of signal every T
  • Choice of T is determined by how fast a signal
    changes, i.e., the frequency content of the
  • Nyquist Sampling theorem says

Analogue to Digital Conversion
  • There are two steps involved in converting an
    analogue signal to a digital signal
  • Quantization approximate signal to certain
    levels. Number of levels used determine the

First row of streamed information detailing voice
(from previous table) Voice maximum frequency
4 kHz voice Sampling rate (1 / T) gt 2
4000 or 8000 samples/second Sampling period (T)
1 / 8000 125 microseconds For digital
telephony, no. of levels (L) used in the uniform
quantizer are 256 Number of bits required to
represent a level log2(L) log2 (256) 8
bits Data rate 8000 8 or 64
kbps Activity 4Repeat for stereo music system
that contains a maximum frequency of 22 kHz. The
number of levels used by the uniform quantizer
are 64K. Remember there are 2 channels (L R) in
a stereo system. How much data will be generated
in one hour?
Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
  • PCM (sampling followed by quantization) is used
    to digitize voice signals in telephony.
  • Voice signal is band limited to 4 kHz (Sampling
    rate 8 ksamples/s)
  • 8-bit nonuniform quantizer is used to quantize
    each sample (Data rate 64 kbits/s)
  • It can be shown that the SNR for PCM (6m 10)

Fundamental Problem
  • Fundamental Question How fast (maximize data
    rate) and reliably (minimize errors) digital
    transmission can occur through a channel?
  • Depends upon a number of factor
  • Amount of energy present in the signal
  • Noise properties of the channel
  • Distance for signal to propagate
  • Bandwidth (BW) of the transmission medium
  • Bandwidth determines the range of frequencies
    that can be transmitted through a channel.
  • Consider a sinusoidal wave
  • Frequency present in the wave f0 Hz or 2pf0
  • Apply s(t) at the input of the channel and
    measure the amplitude of the output
  • Calculate the ratio of the amplitude of the
    output to that of the input (referred to as
    Amplitude response function) that provides a
    measure of the Bandwidth

Communication Channels Frequency Domain
Characterization (1)
  • Communication channels can be characterized
    either in the frequency domain or time domain
  • To obtain the frequency domain characterization,
    apply a sinusoidal signal at the input
  • and measure the output
  • Amplitude Response A(f) is the ratio of the
    output amplitude to input amplitude (Aout / Ain)
    as a function of frequency.
  • Phase Shift is the variation in f(f ) as a
    function of frequency.

Communication Channels Frequency Domain
Characterization (2)
  • Examples of Amplitude and Frequency-response
  • Bandwidth (BW) is the range of frequencies
    passed by the channel.
  • Attenuation is the reduction in signal power as
    in propagates through the channel.
  • Attenuation in dB 10 log10(Pin / Pout)
  • Activity 5 Show that the attenuation of the
    above channel is -201og10(A ( f ))?

Communication Channels Frequency Domain
Characterization (3)
Activity 6 What are the bandwidth of the
channels with the following amplitude-response
Communication Channels Time Domain
  • Time Domain characterization of a channel is
    determined by applying an impulse at the input of
    the channel and measuring the output.
  • where h(t) is called the impulse response.
  • Impulse response and amplitude-response function
    are related by the Fourier transform. Knowing
    one, the other can be calculated.
  • Given the impulse response (or the
    amplitude-response function), the output for any
    given input can be calculated.

Baseband Transmission (1)
  • Baseband Transmission is the transmission of
    digital information over a lowpass channel.
  • Two parameters used to characterize the
    performance of a communication system
  • Data rate in bps Number of bits transmitted per
  • Error rate Fraction of bits received in error.
  • Consider a binary lowpass channel using Polar NRZ
    representation for bits
  • The communication system is designed in such a
    way that the response to a single pulse is p(t)

Baseband Transmission (2)
  • Overall response to the binary data 101101 is
  • How does the receiver detects bits from r(t)?
  • Sample r(t) at t 0, T, 2T, 3T
  • If r(kT) gt 0, then bit 1 was transmitted at t
  • If r(kT) lt 0, then bit 0 was transmitted at t
  • For t 0, we get
  • The second term involving the summation results
    in Intersymbol Interference (ISI).
  • ISI causes overlapping between neighbouring
    pulses and therefore degrades the ability of the
  • receiver in detecting the transmitted bits from
    the received signal. ISI is a nuisance.
  • How do we reduce ISI? Select a pulse p(t) that
    contributes zero Intersymbol Interference.

Channel Capacity (1)
Width of pulse (T) 1 / (2W) where W BW of the
channel Maximum transmission rate 2W pulses /
Channel Capacity (2)
  • Let us calculate the bit rate for a channel with
    BW W Hz.
  • If bandwidth is W Hz, then minimum width of pulse
    1 / 2W seconds.
  • Nyquist Signaling Rate 2W pulses/s (maximum
    data rate assuming a noiseless channel).
  • Binary Transmission 1 bit per pulse gt
    Transmission rate 1 / duration of pulse 2W
  • M-level Transmission
  • No. of bits represented by one pulse log2(M)
  • Nyquist Signaling Rate in bps m (1 / duration
    of pulse) 2mW 2W log2(M) bps
  • Increasing m, increases the transmission rate
    !!!! Is there an upper limit?

Channel Capacity (3)
  • Channel Capacity (C) is the maximum bit rate
    supported by a channel.
  • Can the channel capacity C be made infinite by
    increasing m?
  • No! There are other constraints introduced by
    noise and channel interference.

More Errors
Channel Capacity (4)
  • By increasing m, the difference between adjacent
    levels is reduced affecting SNR
  • Reduction in SNR affects the Channel Capacity
  • Shannon Channel Capacity theorem provides an
    upper bound on the channel capacity in terms of
    bandwidth for a noisy channel
  • C W log2 (1 SNR) bps
  • Recall that the Nqyuist theorem provided the
    upper bound on the channel capacity for a
    noiseless channel. The Shannon theorem provides
    the upper bound for a noisy channel.
  • Shannon theorem provides no indication of levels.
    For M 2m levels or symbols, the channel
    capacity based on the Shannon theorem is given by
  • C W log2 (1 SNR) / m symbols/s
  • Activity 7 Calculate the channel capacity of a
    dial-in modem that has a BW of 3400 Hz if the
    best SNR possible in the modem is 40dB. Recall
  • SNR in dB 10 log10(SNR on a linear scale).

Channel distortion
  • Probability of error in presence of additive
    White Gaussian noise (AWGN)
  • where d is the distance between levels and s is
    the standard deviation of noise.
  • Activity 8 Consider a dial-in modem that uses
    Pulse Shift Keying (PSK) of a sinusoidal wave
    having a maximum amplitude of 5V. The bandwidth
    of the twisted pair wire used is limited to
    3400Hz. Assuming that the noise introduced by the
    channel is AWGN with a variance (s2) of 2.25.
  • the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for the channel
    in dB.
  • the channel capacity C of the twisted pair as a
  • the probability of error Pe for binary
  • Answers (a) 7.45 dB (b) 2.78 kbps (c) 2.43 x 10-6
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