How We Do CMR Perfusion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How We Do CMR Perfusion


Most perfusion defects occur during stress, such as pharmacological vasodilation. Adenosine is a safe and well tolerated pharmacological stress agent. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: How We Do CMR Perfusion

How We Do CMR Perfusion
Robert Manka, Rolf Gebker, Eike Nagel German
Heart Institute Berlin and
Created October 2007 for SCMR This
presentation posted for members of scmr as an
educational guide it represents the views and
practices of the author, and not necessarily
those of SCMR.
  • The occurrence of myocardial perfusion deficits
    is a very sensitive indicator of ischemia in the
    presence of significant coronary artery stenoses.
  • Most perfusion defects occur during stress, such
    as pharmacological vasodilation.
  • Adenosine is a safe and well tolerated
    pharmacological stress agent.
  • In-plane resolution of 2-3 mm allows separate
    visualization of the endo- and epicardial layers
    of the left ventricle.

Pharmacological Agent
  • Stressor agent
  • Adenosine i.v. 140 mcg/kg/min
    (preferable concentration
  • - A potent vasodilator of most vascular beds,
    except for hepatic and renal arterioles.
    It exerts its pharmacological effect through the
    activation of purine A1 and A2 cell-surface
    adenosine receptors
  • - Half-life 4-10 seconds
  • Antidote
  • Adenosine infusion should be discontinued
  • Aminophylline i.v (250mg slowly injected under
    ECG monitoring)
  • Patient instruction
  • No caffeine (tea, coffee, chocolate)
  • No aminophyline or nitrates for 24 hours

Adenosine- Side-Effects
  • Mild-to-moderate reduction in systolic, diastolic
    and mean arterial blood pressure (lt 10 mmHg) with
    a reflex increase in heart rate.
  • Some patients complain about chest pain, which is
    rather nonspecific and does not reliably indicate
    the presence of CAD.
  • Direct depressant effect on the SA and AV nodes
    transient first-, second- and third-degree AV
    block and sinus bradycardia have been reported in
    2.8, 4.1 and 0.8 of patients.
  • Increases in minute ventilation, reduction in
    arterial PCO2 and respiratory alkalosis.
  • Approximately 14 of patients complain of

  • Contraindication for Adenosine
  • Myocardial infarction lt3 Days
  • Unstable angina pectoris
  • Asthma or severe obstruktive pulmonary disease
  • AV-block gtIIa
  • Claustrophobia
  • Non compatible biometallic implants
  • Caution
  • Stenotic valvular disease
  • Autonomic dysfunction
  • Cerebrovascular insufficiency
  • Termination criteria
  • Persistent or symptomatik AV-block
  • Significant drop in systolic pressure (gt20 mmHg)
  • Persistent or symptomatic hypotension
  • Severe respiratory difficulty

Scanner environment
  • The pts lies in the supine position
  • 1.5 or 3 Tesla (T) whole body scanner
  • Gradient strength 30 mT/m,
    slew rate 150 mT/m/ms
  • 5 element cardiac synergy coil
  • Multichannel ECG (Vector-ECG)

Contrast Agents and Injection Scheme
  • Bolus with a dosage of 0.05 mmol/kg bw of an
    extracellular Gd-based CA (dose may be lower with
  • Injection speed of 4 ml/s is used at the German
    Heart Institute Berlin
  • The bolus is followed by a 20 ml saline flush
    using the same injection rate to facilitate a
    compact bolus passage
  • We recommend the use of an automatic infusion
  • Two 18 gauge venflons for separate administration
    of the stress agent and CA

Imaging Procedure
  • Cine wall motion imaging of the heart at rest,
    perfusion imaging under vasodilator stress, and
    finally delayed enhancement imaging
  • Examination time may vary between 40-75 minutes
  • Breathhold should be performed during expiration
    to ensure reproducible slice geometry
  • First is a about 6 to 10 seconds during baseline
    acquisition of myocardial signal intensity.
  • Then the patient is asked to inhale and exhale
    once more and to hold his breath as long as
    possible. Right before starting this breathhold
    command the contrast bolus is administered.
  • The patient should stop breathing at least for 15
    to 20 seconds resulting in a fixed slice geometry
    during the first-pass of the contrast agent

Perfusion Flowchart
  • Survey
  • Transversal
  • Single-angulated view
  • Double-angulated view
  • Resting wall motion
  • Short axis (apical, mid, basal slice)
  • 4 chamber/3 chamber
  • 2 chamber

Carefully exclude any wraparound If necessary
enlarge field of view
  • Perfusion test scan
  • Slice geometry identical to (4)
  • acquisition of 5 dynamic images

RR, rhythm respiratory monitoring
Adenosine infusion (140 µg/kg/min) over 4 minutes
Inject gadolinium 0.05 mmol/kg
  • Stress Perfusion
  • Start imaging (60 dynamics) after
  • 4 minutes of adenosine infusion

Stop adenosine infusion
wait 10 min
Inject gadolinium 0.05 mmol/kg
  • Rest Perfusion
  • Repeat (8) without adenosine
  • infusion

Inject gadolinium 0.1 mmol/kg
wait 10 min
  • Delayed Enhancement
  • Determine optimal inversion time

Scanning procedure
start scan
contrast injection
2nd breathhold
1st breathhold
free breathing
1 breathing cycle
scanning interval
Baseline 5 dyn, start contrast injection
Pulse Sequences
  1. T1-weighted
  2. In-plane resolution of 2-3 mm to separately
    visualize the endo- and epicardial layers.
  3. We use a balanced SSFP-technique which shows a
    higher peak enhancement and superior image
    quality compared with other sequences (T1-GrE,

Monitoring requirements
  1. Heart rate rhythm continuously
  2. Blood pressure every minute
  3. Pulse oximetry not required when the vector-ECG
  4. Symptoms continuously
  5. Defibrillator
  6. All medications for emergency treatment

Analysis of MR Perfusion Studiescover 16 out of
17 myocardial segments
  • Visual Analysis
  • For routine clinical use, we do a qualitative
    analysis by visual comparison of the contrast
    enhancement in different myocardial regions (see
    next slide)
  • Quantitative
  • Absolute Tissue Perfusion (Unit ml/g/min)
    (requires mathematical modeling)
  • Semiquantification
    (stress induced change of upslope)

Visual assessment of regional myocardial

Evaluate the equatorial slice first, then check
whether the suspected perfusion defect can be
followed in corresponding segments of the apical
or basal slice
  • Abnormalities
  • Signal intensity Pattern and Location
  • Dark regions arising from the subendocardium
    with usually irregular intramyocardial border or
    with completely transmural extent.
  • Dynamic myocardial filling pattern
  • Initially, slow or missing enhancement
    persistent over a few dynamics with consecutive
    signal intensity increase starting from the
    defects epicardial border.
  • Comparison Stress vs. Rest
  • If a regional defect is found in the stress
    scan, but not in the rest scan, inducible
    ischemia is confirmed. Regional persistence of
    the perfusion deficit shows myocardial scar.

  • Data is reported for 16/17 segments (segment 1
    16). The apical segment (17) is not visualized
    with 3 short axis views.
  • Perfusion defects are reported with their
    transmurality (transmural defect vs.
    subendocardial defect).
  • Perfusion images are compared to cine and late
    enhancement images

Early mycardial contrast uptake
RV contrast uptake
Late myocardial contrast uptake
LV contrast uptake
RV contrast uptake
Myocardial contrast uptake
Stress- Perfusion
Rest- Perfusion
Viability and coronary angiography
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