Title: Mental and Emotional Health
1Mental and Emotional Health
- Unit 2
- Lessons 5, 8, 9, 10, 11
2Communication Skills
I-message expresses your feelings or thoughts on
a subject. You-message is a statement that
blames or shames another person.
3Listening Skills
Active listening is the way you respond in
conversation to show that you hear and understand
what the speaker is saying.
Active listening includes clarifying, restating,
summarizing, or affirming what was said.
4Good Character
- Values your standard or belief
- Self-control regulates own behavior
- Compassion
- Good citizenship
- Fairness
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Trustworthiness
- Honesty
- Pay attention to your appearance
- Responsible actions
- Time for yourself
- Support others/Care about them
- Family time vs. Friend time
The willingness to accept responsibility for
one's own life is the source from which
self-respect springs. Joan Didion
- A persons belief about his or her worth.
- Positive self-esteem is a persons belief that he
or she is worthy and deserves respect. - A persons belief that he or she is not worthy
and does not deserve respect is negative
- Positive social-emotional exists when you receive
plenty of social-emotional boosters. - Negative social-emotional environment exists when
you experience too many social-emotional
8What Determines Your Personality?
- Heredity
- Environment
- Attitudes
- Behaviors
9Personality Test!!!!!!!!!!
10How You Focus Your Energy
- Extroverted You are energized by people and
things. - Introverted You are energized by ideas and
11How You Gather Information
- Sensing You trust tangible information that you
gather from your senses. - Intuitive You give more weight to information
from your insight and imagination.
12How You Make Decisions
- Thinking You base your decisions on objective
principles and facts. - Feeling You trust your gut and weigh decisions
against people issues and concerns.
13How You Get Work Done
- Judging Your approach to doing things is
structured and organized. - Perceiving Your approach to doing things is
flexible . You adapt as you do things and prefer
open-ended deadlines.
14Making Decisions
- Describe the situation that requires a decision.
- List all possible decisions.
- Evaluate outcomes of those decisions
- Decide and Act
- Review your decisions
15Addictions - Compelling desire to engage in a
- Drugs
- Exercise
- Gambling
- Nicotine
- Perfectionism
- Relationship
- Shopping
- TV / computer
- Work
- Thrills
16Mental Disorders
- Anxiety Real or imagined fears prevent a person
from enjoying life. - Obsessive Compulsive persistent, unwelcome
thoughts or images and engages in certain
rituals. - Panic feelings of terror strike suddenly and
repeatedly. - Phobia excessive fear of certain things
- Depressionlong lasting hopelessness
- Seasonal Affective Disordertype of depression,
reduced sunlight
17Mental Disorders
- Post-Traumatic Stress after effects of a
terrifying event. - Dementia brain deteriorates in function.
- Eating starve or binge
- Clinical Depression feelings of hopelessness,
sadness - Bipolar extreme happiness to extreme sadness
- Schizophrenia breakdown in the logical thought
process - Hypochondriamisinterpret aches and pains
18Mental Health Treatment
- Formal Intervention
- Evaluation
- Psychiatrist med
- Psychologistno med
- Medication
- Treatment Centers
- Therapy
- Support Groups
19- Anger is the feeling of being irritated or
- An anger trigger is a thought or event that
causes a person to become angry. - An anger cue is a body change that occurs when a
person is angry.
20- Hidden anger Not
- recognized, expressed
- inappropriate ways
- Hostility Chronic state of anger
- Projection Blaming others for actions or events
- Displacement Release of anger on someone or
something that isnt cause of anger.
- Chemical that is involved in controlling states
of consciousness and mood. - Lowered brain serotonin levels increases
22- Self Statement
- Use I messages
- Write a Letter
- Write in Journal
- Physical Activity
- Breathe Deeply
- Talk to Someone
- Rehearse Bad Situation
23- Stress Response of the body to the demands of
daily living. (physical mental) - Stressor Cause or source of stress
- Eustress Good stress
- Distress Bad stress
24Emotional Signs of Stress
- Aggressive Behavior
- Irritability
- Nervous Laughter
- Trouble Sleeping
- Eating
25Physical Signs of Stress
- Pounding Heart
- Trembling
- Grinding Teeth
- Dry Mouth
- Perspiration
- Aches in Back/neck
26General Adaptation Syndrome
- Alarm Stage Body ready for quick action,
adrenaline is secreted into bloodstream. - Resistance Stage Body attempts to regain
internal balance - Exhaustion Stage Wear and tear on the body
increase, risk injury, illness
27Two Types of Stressors
28External Stressors
- Physical Environment
- Social Interaction
- Organisational
- Major Life Events
- Daily Hassles
29Physical Environment
- Noise
- Bright Lights
- Heat
- Confined Spaces
30Social Interaction
- Rudeness
- Bossiness
- Aggressiveness by Others
- Bullying
- Rules
- Regulations
- Red - Tape
- Deadlines
32Major Life Events
- Birth
- Death
- Lost job
- Promotion
- Marital Status Change
33Daily Hassles
- Commuting to School
- Misplaced Homework
- Mechanical breakdowns
34Internal Stressors
- Lifestyle Choices
- Negative Self - Talk
- Mind Traps
- Personality Traits
35Lifestyle Choices
- Caffeine
- Lack of Sleep
- Overloaded Schedule
- Sports
- Partying
36Negative Self Talk
- Pessimistic Thinking
- Self Criticism
- Over Analysing
37Mind Traps
- Unrealistic Expectations
- Taking Things Personally
- All or Nothing Thinking
- Exaggeration
- Rigid Thinking
38- It is a normal reaction to feel angry or
depressed while trying to adjust to a life
- Minor depression is a mood disorder accompanied
by feelings of hopelessness, sadness, or
- Dysthymic disorder is a long-lasting form of
depression. - Major depression is a mood disorder accompanied
by long-lasting feelings of hopelessness,
sadness, or helplessness.
40Symptoms Used to Diagnose Depression
- The American Psychiatric Association uses these
symptoms to diagnose depression
- deep sadness
- apathy
- fatigue
- agitation
- sleep disturbances
- weight or appetite changes
- lack of concentration
- feelings of worthlessness
- morbid thoughts
41What Causes Depression
- Inability to cope with a life crisis
- Changes in brain structure
- Genetic predisposition the inheritance of genes
that increase the likelihood of developing a
condition. - Low serotonin levels
- Traumatic family events
- Physical illness and disorders
- Alcohol and other drug use
42Coping With Depression
- Talk to Someone
- Treatment
- Avoid Drugs/Alcohol
- Stay Social
- Practice Self-management Skills
- Resiliency is the ability to adjust, recover,
bounce back, and learn from difficult times.
- Suicide is the intentional taking of ones own
44- Para-suicide is a suicide attempt in which a
person does not intend to die.
- Parasuicide is a cry for help.
- Some teens who make a suicide attempt and do not
intend to die are not found in time, and their
attempts end in death. - Without help, teens who have attempted suicide
once might attempt suicide again.
45- Cluster suicides are a series of suicides
occurring within a short period of time and
involving people who are connected in some way.
- If you know someone who has committed suicide,
talk to your parents, a guardian, a school
counselor, or another trusted adult. - Do not copy this persons mistake.
46Suicidal Tendencies
- Abuse of alcohol/drugs
- Death of loved one
- Feelings of alienation/rejection
- Coping with body changes and sexuality
- Depression
- Impulsive/Aggressive behavior
- Mental disorder
47Signs of Suicide
- Direct statements
- Indirect statements
- Changed personality
- Withdrawing
- Appearance
- Giving away possessions
- Change in schoolwork
- Use alcohol/drugs
- Preoccupied with death
48Suicide Prevention Strategies
- Look for warning signs
- Listen without giving advice
- Take suicide threat seriously
- Ask if have a plan/ follow through
- Do not swear to secrecy
- Get an adult involved
- Stay with them until help arrives
4980 of all modern diseases have their origins in