The Victorian Age - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Victorian Age


The Victorian Age The Age and Its Double Lesson Outline Queen Victoria. Some common ideas about the age. Periodization: Conventional subdivisions. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Victorian Age

The Victorian Age
  • The Age and Its Double

Lesson Outline
  • Queen Victoria.
  • Some common ideas about the age.
  • Periodization Conventional subdivisions.
  • Diversity. Compromise. Contradictions.
  • Victorian values.
  • Poverty, unrest and reform
  • Change and progress
  • The Woman Question.
  • Science.
  • Religion
  • High culture and popular culture.
  • Architecture
  • Art.
  • The genres. The canon.
  • The construction of Victorianism
  • Modernist attitudes regarding the Victorian age
    and their influence on its construction.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of
times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age
of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it
was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season
of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was
the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair,
we had everything before us, we had nothing
before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we
were all going direct the other way - in short,
the period was so far like the present period,
that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on
its being received, for good or for evil, in the
superlative degree of comparison only.
Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
Queen Victoria, an Icon
  • Victoria b. 1819. German family House of Hanover
  • Father Duke of Kent (George IIIs son) d. 1820
    Victoria heir presumptive. Her uncle, King
    William IV, had no heirs. Educated for the
    throne in native German and English, by mother
    (House of Saxe-Coburg)
  • Came to the throne 1837 (coronation 1838)
  • 1840 married Albert Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, a
    German prince, her cousin. Image of bourgeois
    happiness. A strong morality and family values,
    in contrast to the sexual, financial and personal
    scandals that had been associated with previous
    members of the House of Hanover and which had
    discredited the monarchy. Lived at Buckingham
  • Had 9 children. 42 grandchildren. The grandmother
    of Europe.
  • Albert died 1861. Mourned for 10 yrs. No public
    appearances. Victoria wore black ever since.
    Albert Memorial. Later established close
    relationship with a Scottish manservant, John
    Brown. Maybe secret marriage.
  • 1876 Empress of India. Under Prime Minister
    Disraelis influence, expansionist foreign
  • Golden Jubilee (1887). Diamond Jubilee (1897)
    parade with representatives of all colonies.
  • Died 1901. Longest reigning British sovereign.

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An Age of Contrasts
  • Named by extrinsic facts.
  • Single label for a long and heterogeneous age.
  • No clear-cut features to characterize it.
  • Actually, an age of contrasts
  • Faith in reason vs fantasy, sensationalism, the
  • Earnestness vs nonsense, fun
  • Moralism vs unbridled sexuality, erotic lit.,
    the nude
  • Patriarchal repression of women vs emancipation,
    the New Woman, womens achievements in lit.
  • Victorianism is all but stuffy. It contains the
    seeds of modernity.

The Victorian compromise
  • The coexistence of contrasting realities
  • prosperity and progress on the one hand, and
    poverty, ugliness and injustice on the other.
  • Ethical conformism vs corruption
  • Moralism and philanthropy vs capitalistic
    greediness. ,
  • Private life vs public behaviour.
  • Victorian culture was dominated by a capitalist
    economy and a patriarchal structure which however
    were subtly undermined and challenged.
  • The Victorians are interesting not only because
    they are complicit with the ideological systems
    they often thought themselves resisting, but
    because they often tried to be oppositional and
    were remarkably alert to the constraints that
    language and conventions imposed on them (George

Victorian Values
  • Earnestness.
  • Self help.
  • Respectability a mixture of both morality and
    hypocrisy, severity and conformity to social
  • Puritanism, all sorts of taboos, even linguistic.
    Influence of Queen Victoria.
  • Family values.

  • Victorias reign 1837-1901
  • Victorian Age 1830 1890
  • 1830-1848
  • Ruthless Industrial Revolution laissez-faire
    policies move to the cities growth of slums
    social unrest, Chartism, 1832 Reform Act Marx
    Engels, cf Dickens
  • 1848-1870
  • Wealth and well-being triumphalism (Victorian
    compromise), Great Exhiition 1851, Empire,
    Expansion, Identification of middle-classes with
    monarchy. The Crimean war
  • 1870-1890
  • Military and economic set-backs. Uncertainty.
    Loss of continental power status. Queen
    Victorias Jubilee. The Boer war.
  • 1890 --? decadence, fin de siècle.
  • Debunking of earnestness. Art for arts sake
    movement. Aestheticism.

Change in the social sphere
  • Social change
  • Reform Bill 1832 Democratic process (partial
    extension right of vote to middle classes)
  • Chartism (Radical movement male suffrage)
    failed but Created a framework for future
    working-class organisations.
  • Repeal Corn Laws (free trade, anti-protectionism)
  • Poor Laws 1834
  • Growth of cities, new cities. Growth of slums and
    dire poverty
  • The Industrial Revolution
  • meant that the balance of power shifted from the
    aristocracy, whose position and wealth was based
    on land, to the newly rich business leaders.
  • Education Acts extended compulsory education.

  • On the home front the Industrial Revolution
    accelerated the migration of the population from
    country to city.
  • The result of this movement was the development
    of horrifying slums and cramped row housing in
    the overcrowded cities.
  • Misery and distress among the working classes.
    The new urban conditions created a lot of health
    problems. Whole families were often crowded in
    single rooms, where lack of hygiene occasionally
    led to cholera.
  • By 1900 80 of the population lived in
    cities,-the poor living further away from the
    city core.
  • Suburban rail transit

Advances in Technology
  • Mining (coal)
  • Industrial production
  • Rise of capitalism.
  • Benefits for middle classes (heating, lighting
  • Exploitation of minors and women.
  • Transportation.
  • High-speed printing.
  • Communications (telegraph photpgraphy)

Problems and events of the early Victorian period
  • Age of extreme poverty and social unrest. The
    establishment of Poor Houses.
  • The Chartist movement began in 1839 with demands
    for electoral reform and universal male suffrage.
  • The movement was taken over by radical reformers
    and was dealt with very harshly by the
  • The Anti Corn Law League was another voice for
    social reform. They advocated total free trade,
    but it was not until 1846 that the Corn Laws were
    completely repealed
  • 1846 Irish Famine
  • Marx and Engles were inspired by the conditions
    of England. It seemed as if a revolution would
    break up, any moment.
  • Dickens, Gaskell, Kingsley portrayed the poverty
    and unrest of this era .

From Friedrich Engels The Condition of the
Working Class (1845). 1
  • Every great town has one or more slum areas into
    which the working classes are packed. Sometimes,
    of course, poverty is to be found hidden away in
    alleys close to the stately homes of the wealthy.
    Generally, however, the workers are segregated in
    separate districts where they struggle through
    life as best they can out of sight of the more
    fortunate classes of society. The slums of the
    English towns have much in commonthe worst
    houses in a town being found in the worst
    districts. They are generally unplanned
    wildernesses of one- or two-storied terrace
    houses built of brick. Wherever possible these
    have cellars which are also used as dwellings.

  • These little houses of three or four rooms and a
    kitchen are called cottages, and throughout
    England, except for some parts of London, are
    where the working classes normally live.These
    streets themselves are usually unpaved and full
    of holes. They are filthy and strewn with animal
    and vegetable refuse. Since they have neither
    gutters nor drains, the refuse accumulates in
    stagnant, stinking puddles. Ventilation in the
    slums is inadequate owing to the hopelessly
    unplanned nature of these areas. A great many
    people live huddled together in a very small
    area, and so it is easy to imagine the nature of
    the air in these workers' quarters

Events of the mid-Victorian period (1848-1870)
  • The Great Exhibition.
  • Improvements in working conditions (Factory
    Acts), education and health.
  • The Crimean War
  • The Indian Mutiny and transfer of India from the
    East India Company to the Crown.

The Great Exhibition
  • 1851 Great Exhibition marked the triumph of the
    middle classes, advances in technology and
    imperial expansion.
  • Victoria's consort, Prince Albert, was the main
    backer of the 1851 Great Exhibition. This was the
    first "world's fair", with exhibits from most of
    the world's nations.
  • The exhibition was held in Hyde Park, and the
    showpiece was the Crystal Palace, a prefabricated
    steel and glass structure like a gigantic
    greenhouse, which housed the exhibits.

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The Crimean War
  • Overseas, England became involved in the Crimean
    War (1854, a contest between the major European
    powers and Russia for influence over territories
    of the declining Ottoman empire.
  • Military incompetence. Riots against the war and
    parliamentary interrogations.
  • See poem"The Charge of the Light Brigade", by
    Alfred Tennyson.
  • First of the modern wars technical changes
  • tactical uses of railways, telegraph
  • Live war reporting public kept up-to-date.
    Documented by photographs
  • Establishment of more humaneand modern nursing
    practices under the influence of Florence
    Nightingale, the "Lady with the Lamp". Use of

The Indian Mutiny 1857
  • India until 1858 was governed by the Est India
    Company with government assistance.
  • The Mutiny in the Hindu army was sparked off by
    religion causes. The army rebelled and massacred
    many British officers, administrators, and
  • The rebellion led to the dissolution of the East
    India Company in 1858. It also led the British to
    reorganise the army, the financial system and the
    administration in India. It was the beginning of
    the Raj and of the Indian empire. Queen Victoria
    became Empress in 1876.
  • .

Unprecedented change in the condition of women.
  • At the beginning of the century, women had no
    legal existence, no right to property, no
    guardianship over children, no right to
  • Debate over a womans sphere, Angel in the
    house ideology.
  • Woman idealized Angel in the house
  • The New woman
  • Woman reified
  • Rise of prostitution
  • Erotic literature
  • Painting of nudes
  • Yet, social movements and legal reform secured
    many rights for women
  • Factory Act
  • Married womens property Act,
  • Education extended to women. 1848 Queens
  • The suffrage movement

Leisure and Tourism
  • Technology changed leisure in Victorian Britain
  • Influence of railways and of the invention of the
  • On working-classes
  • Outings in the country-side
  • Bank holidays made escapes to seaside resorts
    (Blackpool, Brighton) possible. Development of
    seaside resorts.
  • Holiday packages a day at the seaside (train and
  • On the middle-classes
  • mass tourism.
  • Thomas Cook, first travel agent (1841)
  • Organized trips to the Continent.
  • Travellers cheques.
  • The Music Hall. Theatres
  • The amusement-pier at the seaside resort.

  • Progress in science and technology (steam,
    electricity, medicine, sanitation).
  • Mostly scientific knowledge had the purpose of
    supporting a theological vision of nature.
    Science had to prove the existence of God.
  • Development of some specific scientific areas had
    a great impact on culture, religion and society
  • Geology
  • Biology
  • Anthropology

Lyell and Darwin
  • Lyells Principles of Geology prove that research
    on transformations of the globe contradict the
    creationism of the Scriptures.
  • Tennyson In Memoriam
  • George Eliot
  • Darwins natural observations on the Beagle and
    the publication of The Origin of Species (1859)
    introduce evolutionism, which goes against the
    Bible also in the field of biology.

  • Anthropology affirms itself as the modern science
    of man in the Nineteenth cent
  • John Lubbock Notions of primitive people
    (prehistoric man compared to populations living
    in colonized countries)
  • Idea of bringing civilisation to primitive people
    used in order to justify economic expansion,
  • Edward Burnett Tylors Primitive Culture
    introduced the ethnological concept of culture
    there is an essential uniformity among different
    people but there are various stages of
    development and evolution.
  • Frazer, The Golden Bough
  • The knowledge of primitive cultures helped prove
    that England had reached the highest point of

Victorian Ecocriticism
  • Ruthless expansion, exploitation of the soil,
    inconsiderate building, transformation of inner
  • Many Victorian writers show an awareness of the
    degradation the physical environment was
    undergoing. (Dickens, Hopkins.
  • Economic policies of laissez-faire, colonialism
    and capitalism increased rural poverty and
    hunger and exacerbated famine.

  • Because of great fire of London (1666), the
    image of London is mostly Victorian.
  • Economic and social development matched by great
    architectural development.
  • Various revivals, but especially gothic revival.
  • Monumental buildings
  • Covent Garden.
  • Victoria and Albert Museum
  • Royal Albert Hall
  • Albert Memorial

  • Much indoctrinating, anecdotical painting with a
    moral message. Showed how ordinary people lived.
    Pictured the condition of Victorian society.
  • Often too sentimental.
  • A visual record of an era before photography was
    used to document reality (photography, however,
    sed as a model for painting) . Celebration of the
    city and of a changing landscape.
  • Main focus the world of bourgeois Britain
    family portraits and paintings to decorate their
    houses. Great market for artists who opened their
    studios to the public and became rich.
  • Even the great Romantic painter William Turner
    Turner became interested in contemporary
    technology and painted bridges, trains, ships
    etc. documenting progress in an expressive way.
  • (Frith Ramsgate Sands and Turner Rain, Steam and

Revolutions in the Victorian Art Scene
  • The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Founded in 1848
    by William Holman Hunt. Rossetti, Millais.
  • Painters and poets. Refusal of academic painting.
    Go back to Italian Quattrocento.
  • Magazine The Germ
  • The first avantgarde movement.
  • Arts and Crafts Movement (1860-1910)
  • Inspired by Ruskin. A reaction to the ugliness of
    industrialized England.
  • Design. Decorative objects for homes, including
    wallpaper, textiles, furniture and stained glass.
  • William Morris.
  • Libertys Department Store
  • Kelmcott Press
  • Victoria and Albert Museum

  • Contested from the right Tractarianism Oxford
    Movement Newman
  • HG.M.Hopkins
  • Contested from the left. Dissent (Evangelical
    movement, Methodists. Anti-slavery movement.
    Child Labour).
  • Put into question by recent scientific theories
    and especially by Darwin (although he never
    excluded the possibility of a higher purpose
    behind the order of nature).

Relevant Topics in Literature
  • Residual Romanticism in the novel and in poetry
  • On the whole an engaged literature responding to
    relevant issues
  • Imaginative responses to industrialisation and
    urbanisation representation of social upheaval.
  • Literature reflects the crisis of faith and
    religious belief.
  • Takes the place religious teaching. Denounces
    sins offers moral lessons.
  • A destabilized age reflected in a literature
    weighed with doubts, angst and contradictions
  • A literature challenging ways to deal with
    morally and socially repressed topics
  • Complicit with Capitalism, Colonialism and the
    rise of the empire

The Great Victorian Novel
  • Major achievement of the age. Vital.
    Comprehensive. Portrays various aspects of
  • Expression of the middle-classes and of their
  • Realism. Self-referentiality.
  • But also desire to improve, to correct.
    Didactic. Engaged. Yet complicit with the ssytem.
  • Mixes sentimentalism with humour.
  • Henry James defined Victorian novels Loose
    baggy monsters
  • 3 vols. Instalments. Cliff-hangers. Cf. Soap
  • Circulating libraries. Family reading.

Major Novelists
  • Charles Dickens evolution from optimism to
  • William Thackeray.
  • The Brontes, a literary myth.
  • Elizabeth Gaskell
  • George Eliot
  • Anthony Trollope
  • Thomas Hardy
  • George Gissing
  • Rudyard Kipling

Unconventional genres
  • Even realistic novels contaminated by other
  • The irrational.
  • A literatre devoid of high seriosness,withot a
    prpose, intended for entertainment
  • The supernatural, the uncanny, the gothic. (Bram
    Stoker, Le Fanu, Stevenson, Wilde).
  • Psychological enqiry.
  • Sensationalism.
  • Erotic literature
  • Detective novels. (Dickens, Collins, Conan Doyle)
  • Science fiction. (Wells, Butler)
  • Fantasy, nonsense. (Lewis Carroll, Esdward Lear)
  • Childrens Literature

Questioning Victorianism
  • Samuel Butler. The Way of All Flesh
  • The Aesthetic Movement.
  • Walter Pater
  • Oscar Wilde

  • Residual lyricism ( Romanticism).
  • More innovative than other genres.
  • Contamination with other genres and epistemic
  • Tennyson / Science
  • Arnold philosophy
  • Hopkins / theology, linguistics
  • Robert Browning theatre (dramatic monologue)
    detective novel The Ring and the Book
  • E. Barrettt Browning Aurora Leigh a novel in
  • Pre-Raphaelites fantasy, fairy - tales.
  • Swinburne / erotica

The Victorian Sage
  • Age characterized by great prose works addressing
    varios problems and criticizing the age and its
  • Carlyle, on the effects of industrial
  • Ruskin against machines, industry and the evils
    of British society.
  • Newman on drying up of religiosity
  • Matthew Arnold on absence of ideals and hypocrisy
  • J. Stuart Mil, on absence of freedom and on the
    sbjection of women.l

  • The extension of British journalism in the
    Victorian age has been the result, largely, of
    technology resulting in cheapness and of ability
    to obtain news in increasing quantity and speed,
    and, in some respects, with greater accuracy.
  • Freedom of press little censorship.
  • Multiplication in the number of daily and weekly
  • Increased circulation (by 100 times, over the
  • Speed printing, cheap paper made from wood pulp
    led to low prices. Advertising brought prices
  • Speed
  • Distribution (railways)
  • Use of telegraph

Various constructions of Victorianism
  • Early constructions underline
  • Realism
  • Referentiality
  • Character
  • Moral intention
  • Earnestness,Work ethic
  • Prudishness, repression
  • Bourgeois values
  • Patriarchism, capitalism, Imperialism
  • Hypocrisy

Images of the Victorian Age
  • What Victorians told us
  • e.g. Ruskin agst. Evils of industrialisation and
  • Arnold Philistinism
  • J.S. Mill, The Subjection of Women
  • What Modernists told us
  • Strachey Eminent Victorians
  • Woolf (read from Orlando)

From Virginia Woolfs Orlandochap. V
  • The great cloud which hung, not only over London,
    but over the whole of the British Isles on the
    first day of the nineteenth century stayed, or
    rather, did not stay, for it was buffeted about
    constantly by blustering gales, long enough to
    have extraordinary consequences upon those who
    lived beneath its shadow. A change seemed to have
    come over the climate of England. Rain fell
    frequently, but only in fitful gusts, which were
    no sooner over than they began again. The sun
    shone, of course, but it was so girt about with
    clouds and the air was so saturated with water,
    that its beams were discoloured and purples,
    oranges, and reds of a dull sort took the place
    of the more positive landscapes of the eighteenth
    century. Under this bruised and sullen canopy the
    green of the cabbages was less intense, and the
    white of the snow was muddied. But what was
    worse, damp now began to make its way into every
    house damp, which is the most insidious of all
    enemies, for while the sun can be shut out by
    blinds, and the frost roasted by a hot fire, damp
    steals in while we sleep damp is silent,
    imperceptible, ubiquitous. Damp swells the wood,
    furs the kettle, rusts the iron, rots the stone.
    So gradual is the process, that it is not until
    we pick up some chest of drawers, or coal
    scuttle, and the whole thing drops to pieces in
    our hands, that we suspect even that the disease
    is at work.

  • Thus, stealthily and imperceptibly, none marking
    the exact day or hour of the change, the
    constitution of England was altered and nobody
    knew it. Everywhere the effects were felt. The
    hardy country gentleman, who had sat down gladly
    to a meal of ale and beef in a room designed,
    perhaps by the brothers Adam, with classic
    dignity, now felt chilly. Rugs appeared beards
    were grown trousers were fastened tight under
    the instep. The chill which he felt in his legs
    the country gentleman soon transferred to his
    house furniture was muffled walls and tables
    were covered nothing was left bare. Then a
    change of diet became essential. The muffin was
    invented and the crumpet. Coffee supplanted the
    after-dinner port, and, as coffee led to a
    drawing-room in which to drink it, and a
    drawing-room to glass cases, and glass cases to
    artificial flowers, and artificial flowers to
    mantelpieces, and mantelpieces to pianofortes,
    and pianofortes to drawing-room ballads, and
    drawing-room ballads (skipping a stage or two) to
    innumerable little dogs, mats, and china
    ornaments, the home which had become extremely
    important was completely altered.

  • Outside the house it was another effect of the
    damp ivy grew in unparalleled profusion. Houses
    that had been of bare stone were smothered in
    greenery. No garden, however formal its original
    design, lacked a shrubbery, a wilderness, a maze.
    What light penetrated to the bedrooms where
    children were born was naturally of an obfusc
    green, and what light penetrated to the
    drawing-rooms where grown men and women lived
    came through curtains of brown and purple plush.
    But the change did not stop at outward things.
    The damp struck within. Men felt the chill in
    their hearts the damp in their minds. In a
    desperate effort to snuggle their feelings into
    some sort of warmth one subterfuge was tried
    after another. Love, birth, and death were all
    swaddled in a variety of fine phrases. The sexes
    drew further and further apart. No open
    conversation was tolerated. Evasions and
    concealments were sedulously practised on both
    sides. And just as the ivy and the evergreen
    rioted in the damp earth outside, so did the same
    fertility show itself within. The life of the
    average woman was a succession of childbirths.
    She married at nineteen and had fifteen or
    eighteen children by the time she was thirty for
    twins abounded. Thus the British Empire came into
    existence and thus for there is no stopping
    damp it gets into the inkpot as it gets into the
    woodwork sentences swelled, adjectives
    multiplied, lyrics became epics, and little
    trifles that had been essays a column long were
    now encyclopaedias in ten or twenty volumes.

What have we inherited from the Victorians?
  • Modern cities.
  • Established industrialism (factory and
    manufacturing life had come to stay)
  • 'multiple national identities' (the separate
    traditions of England, Wales, Scotland and
    Ireland) opening the way for a multiracial
  • A divided public culture.
  • Middle-class taste drove the increasing
    commercialisation of publishing, painting and
  • Largely working-class readership depended on hack
    writers, producers of penny dreadfuls and gallows
    speeches who sold in their hundreds of thousands.
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