Task-based Language Learning and Teaching (???????) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Task-based Language Learning and Teaching (???????)


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Task-based Language Learning and Teaching (???????)

Task-based Language Learning and
  • By Lan Weihong

  • After learning this topic, you should be able to
  • tell how you feel and what you have learned
    during the process
  • describe the characteristics of the learning
  • have a clear concept of task-based language
    learning and teaching

  • analyze teaching cases and design a learning
    activity for pupils with what you have learned as
    a guide
  • transfer task-based language teaching to your
    own classroom instruction

Stage 1 Experience
  • At this stage, you are language learners.
  • Activity 1 What do you have for
  • breakfast?
  • Step 1 Please name some food and fruit you have
    every day.

For reference
  • rice, noodles, rice noodles, porridge, dumpling,
    vegetables, fish, meat, chicken, beef, eggs,
  • taro, potato, sweet potato, tomato,
  • apples, pears, bananas, watermelons, grapes,
    strawberry, mango, longan, litchi, pineapple,
    orange, pomelos,

  • A What do usually you have for breakfast?
  • B I usually have ________ for breakfast.
  • A How about lunch?
  • B I have _____for lunch.
  • A And supper?
  • B I have ____ for supper.
  • A Do you like fruit?
  • B Yes. I do.
  • A What fruit do you like best?
  • B I like _____.

  • Step 3 Interview one of your friends for his/
    her everyday diet and fill in a chart as the
    following example. Use the dialogue given.

Fill in the following chart while interview your
friend. The example is given.
Name breakfast lunch supper Favorite fruit
Ms Lan noodles, meat, eggs rice, vegetables, meat rice, vegetables, fish, fruit grapes, longan, mango

  • Step 4 Report the result of your interview to a
    third person like this
  • Ms lan usually has noodles, milk and eggs for
    breakfast. For lunch, she usually has rice,
    vegetables and meat . For supper, she has rice,
    fruit , vegetables and fish. Her favorite fruit
    are grapes, longan and mangos.

  • Activity 2 What can we do on a sunny day?
  • Step 1 Brainstorm the vocabularies describing

  • Step 2 A contest
  • Work in groups and think of as many activities as
    you can do in different weather within the given
    time. Write down the items and number them.
  • -What can we do on a sunny day?
  • -What can we do on a rainy day?
  • -What can we do on a snowing day?

  • Step 3 Evaluation
  • 1. Each group reports the total of the items they
    have written down.

  • 2. Report the results. First, reporters from
    the groups with smaller number read aloud the
    items. Second, the reporter from the group with
    the largest number reports the results. While
    listening to the report, others note down those
    that did not come to your minds just now. Third,
    reporters from different group add new items that
    have not been reported.

  • 4. Compare the notes and check the spellings.
  • 5. Please volunteer to report the newly added

  • Activity 3 Making a shopping list
  • Step 1 Suppose you are going to have a room
    decoration contests. You need to buy something to
    decorate their rooms. Now please work in groups
    of four and discuss about how to decorate their

Step 2 Next, please make a list of the things
you need to buy as follow
  • Things to buy Purpose
  • 1. A pot of flowers put it on the
  • windowsill
  • 2.

  • Step 3 One reporter from a group reports to the
    class what they are going to buy and how they
    will decorate their rooms.

  • Step 4 Each group sends a reporter to report to
    another different group to tell them what their
    group is going to buy and how they will decorate
    their rooms.
  • Step 5 Please volunteer to tell the class how
    other groups will decorate their rooms.

Stage 2 Exploration
  • At this stage, you are both language learners and
    language teachers exploring the process of
    effective learning and effective teaching.

  • 1. As a language learner, how do you feel during
    the above learning activities?
  • 2. What are the advantages when people learn a
    new language like this?
  • 3. Based on the above activities, what definition
    would you like to give totask or task-based
    language teaching and learning?

  • 4. For the procedure of Topic 1, what language
    learning would be like if we do not have the last
    two steps?
  • 5. For the procedure of Topic 2, what problems
    may arise in primary school English classroom if
    we start the new topic from Step 2?

  • 6. Based on your experience, what principles
    could you draw?/ Or what are the characteristics
    of the approach?

Stage 3 Exchange
  • Step 1 Work in groups and exchange your answers
    to the questions given. Enhance your own answers
    by taking notes of the points given by others.
  • Step 2 Why does new English Curriculum Standard
    advocate The Task-based Approach?

  • For reference
  • Motivational
  • Authentic
  • Interactive
  • Cooperative
  • Meaningful
  • Challenging
  • Interesting

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  • 2. ???????????????
  • ????????????????????
  • ??????????????(interaction, meaning negotiation
    and output)????????, ????????(perform
  • ?????????????????? 1990s???The Age of the
  • (???????,2003,???????)

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  • ???????????????,??????????????????????????????????
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  • Step 3 What is a task or what is task-based
    language learning and teaching?

Definitions given by other researchers
  • A task is a piece of work undertaken for oneself
    or for others, freely or for some reward. Thus,
    examples of tasks include painting a fence,
    dressing a child, filling out a form, buying a
    pair of shoes, making an airline reservation,
    borrowing a library book,taking a driving testIn
    other words, by task is meant the hundred and
    one things people do in everyday life, at work,
    at play, and in between. (Long, 1985.)

  • A task is an activity or action which is carried
    out as the result of processing or understanding
    language ( i. e. as a response). For example,
    drawing a map while listening to a tape,
    listening to an instruction and performing a
    command, may be referred to as tasks. Tasks may
    or may not involve the production of language.

  • A task usually requires the teacher to specify
    what will be regarded as successful completion of
    the task. The use of a variety of different kinds
    of tasks in language teaching is said to make
    language teaching more communicative since it
    provides a purpose for a classroom activity which
    goes beyond the practice of language for its own
    sake. (Richards, Platt and Weber, 1986.)

  • A communicative task is a piece of classroom work
    which involves learners in comprehending,
    manipulating, producing or interacting in the
    target language while their attention is
    principally focused on meaning rather than form.
    The task should have a sense of completeness,
    being able to stand alone as a communicative act
    in its own right. ( Nunan 198910)

  • A task is an activity which requires learners to
    use language, with emphasis on meaning, to attain
    an objective. (Researching Pedagogic Tasks
    Second language learning, teaching and testing.
    Longman 2001. Bygate, Skehan Swain ,2001)

  • ?????????(Task-based Language Teaching)???????????

  • ??????????,????,???,?????????????,??????????,????

  • Step 4 If activities of each learning stage
    (e.g. warning up ? presentation ? practice ?
    production) can be called tasks, do they have
    the same function? If not, what do tasks in
    different stage function?

  • For example, what language learning would be like
    if we do not have the last two steps for the
    procedure of Topic 1? For the procedure of Topic
    2, what problems may arise in primary school
    English classroom if we start the new topic from
    Step 2?

Different tasks
  • (1) Enabling tasks
  • (2) Communication Tasks
  • (3) Final tasks
  • ( Nunan 198910)

(1) Enabling tasks
  • They act as support for communication tasks.
    Their purpose is to provide students with the
    necessary linguistic tools to carry out a
    communication task. They can be as meaningful as
    possible their main focus is on linguistic
    aspects (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation,
    functions, discourse) rather than on meaning.

  • They are overt language learning experiences,
    whose aim is to enable students to communicate as
    smoothly and effectively as possible.
  • (e.g Repeat a dialogue after the tape, read a
    dialogue in roles, comprehensive listening or

  • (2) Communication Tasks
  • A communication task is a piece of classroom
    work during which learners attention is
    principally focused on meaning rather than form,
    that is on what is being expressed rather than on
    the linguistic forms used for expressing it.

  • The communicative task should have a sense of
    completeness, being able to stand alone as a
    communicative act in its own right with a
    beginning, a middle and an end.
  • (e.g. Ask and answer, guessing game, role play)

  • (3) Final tasks
  • Final tasks are communication tasks at their
    highest point of communicativeness, at a level
    that is realistic and achievable by the students
    in a given class. They will serve as indicators
    of the development of communicative competence in
    a given class. Final tasks in which the students
    in the classroom interact, there is a tangible
    end product.

  • e.g.
  • Interview and report the result of interview
  • work out a shopping list
  • make up a telephone number book
  • plan for a spring outing

  • Step 5 How should the above different tasks and
    other teaching methods or approaches be
    integrated in the following instructional model
    for teaching primary English?

An instructional model for teaching English in
primary school
  • ????
  • ????????????????????????
  • ????
  • ?????????????????
  • ????
  • ??????????
  • ????
  • ??????????
  • ????
  • (??, ???.2003)

  • Preparation ? Enabling task
  • Presentation ? Enabling task
  • Consolidation ? Enabling task and communication
  • Development ? Final tasks
  • Feedback

  • For reference
  • Preparation ?
  • Enabling task
  • Methods and approach
  • TPR,
  • Games and songs,
  • The Communicative Approach

  • Presentation ?
  • Enabling task
  • Methods and approaches
  • Direct methods,
  • Audio-lingual Method,
  • The Situational Approach,
  • The Communicative Approach

  • Consolidation ?
  • Enabling task and communication Tasks
  • Methods and approaches
  • The Communicative Approach,
  • The task-based Approach

  • Development Feedback
  • ? Final tasks
  • Methods and approaches
  • The Task-based Approach
  • (Guangxi, Lan Weihong)

  • Step 6 What principles does the task-based
    approach follow? /
  • Or
  • what are the characteristics of the approach?

  • An emphasis on learning to communicate through
    interaction in the target language.
  • The introduction of authentic texts into the
    learning situation.
  • The provision of opportunities for learners to
    focus, not only on language, but also on the
    learning process itself.
  • An enhancement of the learners own personal
    experiences as important contribution elements to
    classroom learning.

  • An attempt to link the classroom language
    learning with language with activation outside
    the classroom.
  • (Nunan 1991)
  • ??????
  • ??????????
  • ????????????????
  • ??????????
  • ?????????????????
  • (Skehan 199895)

Stage 4 Extension
  • Extension 1 How are different tasks designed?
  • Step 1 Watch a teaching case based on
    task-based language teaching.
  • Step 2 Think of the following questions while
    watching (1) How does the teacher design the
    enabling task, communicative task and final task?
    (2) What stage does the teacher follow?

  • Step 3 Exchanging your understanding.

For reference
  • Pre-task
  • Complete Task in groups
  • Planning to report to the class
  • Report to the class
  • Analysis
  • Further Practice

Extension 2 What does a task consist of?
  • Watch or read another teaching case like
    the following and tell what a task should consist

  • ??????
  • ??????????,?????????
  • ?????,?????. ?????
  • ???????????,?????
  • ????,????????
  • ????1?
  • ???????????
  • ????Listening and speaking
  • ????????????????

  • ???????
  • 1??????????
  • _ rice, hot dog,hamburger,fish, beef, soup,
  • noodles,Coke, coffe, ear,aple,watermelon
  • _ What would you like?
  • _ Ilike some milk
  • 2????????
  • _ sandiwiches, toufu,pork,mutton,cabbage,cucumber,
    chili, white ground (??),carrot(???),onion(??),spi

  • Can I help you?
  • _How much is it?
  • _Its
  • _How much are they?
  • _Theyre
  • _Wait a minute.

  • ????????
  • ????
  • 1.???????????????????????????
  • 2. ???????rice, hot dog, hamburger, fish, beef,
    soup, noodles, Coke, coffe, pear, aple,
    watermelon,sandiwiches, toufu, pork,mutton,
    tomato,potato, cabbage, cucumber, chili, white
    ground (??),carrot, onion, spinach(??),

  • 3.???????????????
  • (1)??????(???)
  • (2)???????????(???)
  • 4.????????????????????,??????
  • 5.?????????????????????
  • 6.?????????,????????????????????

The components of a task
  • Goals Teacher role
  • Input TASKS Learner role

  • Activities settings
  • (David Nunan, 1989)

  • goals - the kind of goals teachers and learners
    identify for a task
  • order - the location of a task within a sequence
    of other tasks
  • pacing - the amount of time that is spent on the
  • product - the outcome or outcomes students
    produce, such as a summary as the outcomes of a
    reading task

  • learning strategy - that kind of strategy
    students use when completing a task
  • participation - whether the task is completed
    individually, with a partner, or with a group of
    other learners
  • resources - the materials and other resources
    used with a task.
  • language - the language learners use in
    completing a task.
  • (Richards et. Al, 2000)

  • Extension 3 How is the task-based approach taken
    into the text-books for primary English?
  • Step 1 Skim the arrangement of each module in
    New Standard English for Primary School. Book 5
    and Book 6). How is each module designed?

  • Step 2 What underlie the arrangement of the
    materials of a module as below
  • Unit 1
  • Look, listen and learn.
  • Act it out.
  • Look and say.

  • Unit 2
  • 1. Listen and repeat / Listen and point. Then
    listen and write. / Listen, point and repeat.
  • 2. Now, point, ask and answer. / Now point and
    say. / Ask and answer.

  • Step 3 Exchanging your understanding.

Extension 4 Designing your own learning
activities based on tasks.
  • Step 1 Choose one of the following topics and
    design a task for your students.
  • food, fruits, sports, entertainment, colors,
    weather, movies, numbers, animals, shopping

  • Step 2 Work in groups. Groups are made up of
    members who chose the same topic. Exchange your
    instructional designs by discussing or by
    micro-teaching. Evaluate the design with the
    guide of what you have learned about task-based
    language teaching.

Extension 5 What makes a good learning task?
  • Step 1 Micro-teaching
  • Step 2 Analyze and think are the learning tasks
    you have designed good or not? Why?
  • Step 3 Exchanging different opinions.

For reference Good learning tasks should
  • enable learners to manipulate and practice
    specific features of language(??????,???????)
  • allow learners to rehearse, in class,
    communicative skills they will need in the real
  • activate psychological/psycholinguistic processes
    of learning(????)

  • be suitable for mixed ability groups (????)
  • involve learners in solving a problem, coming to
    a conclusion (?????????,??????)
  • be based on authentic or naturalistic source
    material (???????????????)
  • involve learners in sharing information (???,????)

  • require the use of more than one macro
  • allow learners to think and talk about language
    and learning(????,????)
  • promote skills in learning how to learn(??????)
  • have clear objectives stating what learners will
    be able to do as a result of taking part in the

  • utilize the community as a resource (??????????)
  • give learners a choice in what way they do and
    the order in which they do it(???)
  • involve learners in risk-taking(??????)
  • require learners to rehearse, rewrite and polish
    initial efforts(??????)

  • enable learners to share in the planning and
    development of the task(???????)
  • have built into them a means of evaluating the
    success or otherwise of the task

Stage 5. Evaluation
  • 1. Each of you will be allowed to use only one
    sentence to review what you have learned about
    task-based language teaching and learning. Do
    not repeat what others say.
  • 2. What do you think you need to learn more about
    the approach?
  • 3. What help do you need to get for further

Suggested further reading and study
  • ???.???????????.??????????,2001
  • ?????????????? ?????????,2003
  • ???ltlt????????? -???????gtgt??????????2004
  • David Nunan.Designing Tasks for the Communicative

  • ???????(???),?????????
  • ??????????,?????????
  • ??????????,?????????????????????
  • ????????? task-based language learning
    ,task-based language teaching,???????,???????????

  • Observe more videos of teaching cases or collect
    more teaching cases shaped by the new National
    English Curriculum Standards.
  • Do your own action research on the application
    of task-based language teaching and learning in
    primary schools.
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