Title: What is this?
1The Compost Bucket
Decomposition Photo Essay
2What is this?
What could be inside?
4A compost close-up!
What do you think? Yuck? or COOL!
5What is composting?
Why do we compost?
Does nature know how to compost? You bet! All
the time!!
6The natural process of decomposition
Leaves contain vitamins called nutrients.
As summer turns into fall
7Summer in New England dark green leaves
Fall in New England brown leaves
8The leaves drop to the ground! Once on the
ground, the leaves begin to decompose.
And with the help of small insects and bacteria,
the nutrients are returned to the soil. Instead
of throwing away trash, we can help return
nutrients to soil by composting just like nature
does on her own!
- The photos of the colorful leaves and trees in
fall were provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service. - Other photos were provided by the Aggie
Horticulture Network, part of the Texas AM
University System. - The satellite images used in this lesson were
captured by a combination of NASA satellites
(courtesy of NASAs Earth Observatory).