MECHATRONICS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... or the aggregate dynamics as ... frequency components etc. The dynamic errors in drives ... Frequency transfer function - the ratio of Fourier output ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Slovak University of Technology Faculty of
Material Science and Technology in Trnava
  • Lecture 11

  • The machine aggregate as a model of technology
    equipment The machine aggregate
    representit dynamic system to drive a plant
    (mechanical load, mechanical working equipment)
    and to control the technological process..
  • There are 3 subsystems there
  • (electric) drive, i.e. the (electro)motor and
    the gear
  • driven mechanical equipment that represents not
    only some kind of equipment (HW) for
    electromechanical energy conversion, but also
    both by it realized technological process and the
    product of the process (production, manipulation,
    shaping, traffic etc.) - from physical pouint of
    view represents all the torques and/or forces
    generated by the technological process),
  • the control system performing an optimal control
    of the machine aggregate from both the technology
    process/product and the statics/dynamics of the
    aggregate (as a whole) point of wiew. There are
    an older and simpler analogous control type and
    a modern digital type with a (hierarchical set
    of) control processors .

Block diagram of the machine aggregate
A machine aggregate and its purposive control
respecting the mutual energetic interaction of
its subsystems is a mechatronic system consisting
  • the supply - electric AC or DC network as
    a primary electric energy source  power
    semiconductor converter of some kind as
    a econdary electric enery supply,
  • electric AC or DC drive with proper kind of
  • a plant subsystem
  • control electronics (analog or digital,digital -
    programmable microcontroller system).

The machine aggregate as a mechatronical system
The control subsystem is an information
subsystem. Hence, from another point of view,
a mechatronic system is an integration of
a power electromechanic system of machine
aggregate and plant generating the torques and
forces needed by the process, under prescribed
speed, position etc. b energy supplying power
electronic system modifying the electrical energy
constant parameters of the primary source
(supplying network) to by process postulated
elecrical energy variable parameters of the
secondary energy source (the converter).
c information control electronics.
  • The power electromechanic system with the energy
    supplying power electronic system perform an
    electromechanical energy conversion under the
    purposive management of the programmable control
    electronics. The goal is an optimal control with
    respect to technological process or the aggregate
    dynamics as a whole.

  • Machine aggregates with controlled drives often
    need a more-level, hierarchic control. In the
    basic level of, say a speed system, the (angular)
    speed ? of the motor/drive is controlled by a
    speed controller, perhaps with the aid of
    a subsidiary current system (current loop), by
    a current controller.
  • The control of both curent and speed loop
    controllers can be designed starting with the
    curent controller in a number of ways. The
    classical control design procedures are based on
    standard forms of the time response of the
    (curent, speed) controlled system on the input
    step of their input control signal or input
    disturbance signal.
  • To design the position control systems, the above
    designed speed control system (speed feedback
    loop) becames subsidiary to a position control
    loop. Cascade, parallel and feedback groupings
    of controllers are available, just to refer some
    of the design procedures.In the higher control
    levels of technology control, operational
    quantities/parameters are managed, with thw goal
    to keeo the conditions of the process optimal.
    Conditions are variable, depending on the
    orientation and type of the controlled process
    and the machine aggregate.
  • The system approach finds our mechatronic
    aggregat to be merely a subsystem, but an
    internally controlled part of the system, control
    algorithms for the current acceleration, speed,
    position or any technological parameter control
    are known for analog and digital control branche.
    Very up-to-date algorithms and principles are
    worth to be mentioned.

  • Organizing the information links
  • Important item of the technology is the
    organization of information links within the
    controlled drive system

From the links among individual drive subsystems
and control subsystems point of view the
structures as follows are available for the
transfer of information
  • star structure (a) for centralized control,
  • multiplex channel (b) - common bus
  • loop structure (c,d) - allows for higher transfer
    reliability of sophiticated drive systems
  • hierarchy structure (e) applies authonomy
    muliplex channels, elastic control systems and
    central control to build up authonomy of
    individual control (sub)systems

Model of the logical-control couplings
Modelling the machine aggregates
  • The whole sequence to create a machine aggregate
    mathematical model has 3 parts
  • 1. Modelling of energetic interactions among the
  • Formulate and describe mathematically all the
    individual construction parts of the machine
    aggregate and interactions among them
  • .Create the main program based on the previous
    point and the help programs for the main program.
  • Perform identification measurements on the model,
    i.e. perform the simulation experiments and
    postprocesse them. Make statement, how truly the
    model substitutes the reality object/process.
  • Make an expert opinion on the model. The goal is
    to get the best possible working model of the
    reality - real object or process, anyway the
    simplest one. The quality of the model depends on
    the quality definition, as an example the quality
    be a compromise between the best possible
    stability of the model, its minimal computational
    time and accuracy of results. Another criteria
    may be 1. the model accepts input data in form
    how data are available (no need to transform
    them), 2. the model gives results in the needed
    form (say both graphical pictures and numerical
    tables), the model is maintainable (program
    documents allow modifications if possible or if
    needed) etc.

  • 2. Reducing the model to formulate the control
  • Create a linearized model of control, say, for
    the machine aggregate working point shifted
    within a small displacement zone.
  • Create a linearized model in the working part of
    the torque-speed characteristics.
  • Create a (simple structure) nonlinear model by
    the constants assigning method for the nonlinear
    model using the regres principle.
  • 3. Creating the control law. Its verification
    within the validity area of the reduced model,
    based on the simulation experiments.

Our solution method and the postprocessing of
results come out of the above text. First, the
structure of the machine aggregate (mechatronic
system is analyzed - its interdisciplinary
character, and - interactions between the state
of 1. mechanical and control parts of the
drive 2. parameters of the pant (technology
process). Second, time responses (dynamic
characteristics) are solved, using the numerical
or analytical simulation, on the models of
individual subsystems. The influence of the
control subsystem on the aggregate dynamics is
  • Numerical or analytical simulation is optional,
    depends on the CAMS program (program system,
    package) in use. Say the MATLAB can work
    analytically but perhaps its main domain is the
    discrete simulation. The MATHEMATICA works
    analytically. As for the dynamic modelling and
    simulation, the kernal view is whether the
    integration of the mechatronical system
    describing set of differential equations is
    solved by algebraical or numerical integration.
  • Third, criteria for the choice of e.g. dynamic
    errors of the drives, prescribe the coincidence
    of some number of characteristic frequency
    components etc. The dynamic errors in drives are
    caused mainly by final compliance of individual
    elements of transmission mechanism, backslash in
    kinemathical twins and excitings. Determination
    of these errors or at least determination of
    their assessment is one of the basic tasks of the
    dynamical analysis of the drives.
  • The final problem solving goal is the synthesis
    of control laws for the machine aggregate,
    ensuring the optimal cooperation of the drive and
    plant/load/technology from the process or the
    product point of view.

Mechatronic tasks in the machine aggregate
The basic equation to be solved is so-called
motion equation (or torque equation) saying
thet the sum of torques present in the system is
equal to zero
where Mdyn is the main,reference, reduced
torqueof the machine aggregate. It represents
the inercity of the system and its moving state.
It is the power of the reference inercity moment
I(f) and d?/dt. For rigid couplings and in
aggregate with constant gearing it is equal to
or for the variable gearing it is equal to
where MD is driving torque (from electric
drive/motor) reduced on the main element of the
machine aggregate.
  • In the case of electromotor can be axpressed
    within a small wicinity of working point ? by
    a linear dynamic equation, ML is the loading
    torque originated by the working process reduced
    to the main element. MLcan be expressed

ML? is the average value of the loading
torque, MLa is the amplitude of the variable
loading torque component, ? is angular
frequency of the variable loading omponent

Solving the above motion equation for the ? we
find that it is equal to
Equations are parametric equations of so called
dynamic characteristics of a machine aggregate.
The working point ?(?F, MdynF) defined as
a cross-section of torque characteristics and
load characteristic moves along a closed
trajectory with the same angular frequency as the
Steady-state of the motion - dynamical
characteristic of a machine aggregate
  • The mechatronical tasks in machine dynamics can
    be described by two basic physical equations in a
    matrix form

where in general M is matrix of torques u
 is the matrix of voltages
The above equations, a frapant organic linking of
torques (mechanics) and voltages
(electrotechnics) are a mathematical shorthand
writing the term mechatronic. They represent
two sets of equations linked mutually. For
decades the both matrix sets represented the
mathematical description of the task in Laplace
transform, because of easier and faster solving
the task. Lately the PC programs for analytical
way of solution (say Mathematics) pass the
transformation by. Anyway, Laplace transform is
a strong custom for a generations of engineers
and Laplace (LC,LW,LH...) are taken as a natural
way of thinking. The above equations are de facto
a system of ODEs with a set of algebraic
equations substituted into the ODEs. The
dynamical phenomen can of the equations be still
stressed by a time invariancy and by interlinks
of structures and parameters

  • In this case the mechatronical tasks in the
    dynamics of machines can be split to two distinct
  • 1/ investigation of dynamic quality of electric
    drive (controlconvertermotormecha-nical gear)
    - investigation of internal dynamics -has two
    possible subgroups
  • a - investigation of dynamic characteristics of
    gears for given external loads and given motor
    torque-speed characteristic.
  • The goal is to find a controlling procedure for
    the internal dynamic of the drive by changing the
    converter or drive characteristic but respecting
    the real attributes of the mechanical gear that
    allows for optimal cooperation between the drive
    and load
  • We can see a pair of mechatronical
  • - Let us suppose a real gear, let us change the
    attributes of torque-speed characteristic of the
    motor by the control subsystem, let us suppose
    the given parameters of the plant (working
  • - Let us control the parameters of technology
    process, while characteristic(s) of the drive are
  • b - investigating the drive parameters change
    due to internal dynamic of the drive. The
    mechatronical interpretation supposes a real
    motor, to find is a gear control (rigidity,
    damping, impedance) for programmed technological
  • The goal is to find a control algorithm using
    variable gear for controlling the drive internal
    dynamic that allows for optimal mutual
    interaction anf the plant/load/working mechanizm

  • 2/ investigation of drive influence onto machine
    aggregate dynamic -investigation of so called
    external dynamics tasks.
  • Mechatronical interpretation of this kind of
    tasks respecting the real plant (technology
    machine) to control torque-speed characteristics
    of both the motor and mechatronical gear
  • The goal of this type of tasks is by
    controlling the drive to find possible optimal
    cooperation (interaction) of the drive and plant
    (working machine) from the technological process
    point of view.


Mathematical models of Rotary Electro-Mechanical
Drives /REMD/ with absolutely stiff mechanical
components, frequently under use in design and
construction, not always allow to determine
exactly enough the real character of dynamic
activities in electric drives under various
operational regimes. It can be documented by
a number of research works that motor
characteristics for some operational regimes have
a significant influence on elastic vibration of
the mechanic subsystem. On the other side,
elastic vibration of the mechanic subsystem has
an influence on electric subsystems of both
controlled and open-loop drives. It means that
the mathematical model of the REMD and its
equivalent, simulation model should consist of
  • mathematical model of the mechanic subsystem,
    i.e. a system of motion equations, describing the
    behaviour of mechanic subsystem of the drive,
  • mathematical model of the electric subsystem.
    i.e. a system of equations describing the
    behaviour of electric supply (battery or network,
    converter, auxiliary power circuitry) and control
    circuitry (controllers, sensors),
  • system of equations describing external and
    internal load and parasitic influences on the

As the REMD models are created as
objective-oriented and structured dynamic systems
(DS), the model description may differ in
nonessential aspects. The linear description of
the REMD in a matrix form has the next basic form
x(t) is the vector of space variables u(t) is the
input vector, vector of inputs y(t) is the output
vector, vector of outputs A is the system
matrix B is the input matrix C is the
output matrix
The linear REMD are described by an
algebro-differential system of equations,
consisting of a system of the ordinary
differential equations (ODEs) with constant
coefficients and a system of algebraic equations.
From the users point of view the resultant
mathematical model may have be simply a package
of programs, where the main program describes the
above equations in a proper programming language.
Visually it is a text form. Very useful form of
resultant mathematical model, however, is a
graphical one, visually a block schematics - let
us refer to Matlab and Simulink respectively.
Models of the mechanic subsystem
The kinematic scheme of REMD mechanic subsystem
may be very sophisticated. There is a number of
rotating/translating inertial masses,
interconnected by shafts/rods, gearboxes and
clutches. Let us discuss here but the rotating
subsystems. Elasticity and inertia are specific
for all the mechanic parts in the drive. They
should be treated as objects with distributed
parameters and described by a system of PDEs. To
simplify the solving process, allowing so to use
a system of ODEs with constant coefficients we
supose that
  • deformation of the mechanic parts are elastic and
    obey the Hooks law,
  • inertial masses of drive parts are
    gathered/lumped into fly-wheels, that are
    interconnected by elastic and mass-less shafts,
  • external torques are allowed to drive the
    fly-wheels, but not the shafts.

So, the real systems are reduced onto systems
with lumped parameters.and an error is so
introduced into the calculation. Anyway, the
modeling and analysis become simpler and the
results are still well interpretable. The
mathematical error may be minimized by the use of
convenient methode, say FEM. As a rule, inertity
values Ji are moved,reduced from its position
and gathered on the motor shaft, so called main
part. The interconnections of Ji are mass-less,
elastic, characterized by stiffness kij , by
internal damping bij and by back-slashes ?ij. If
needed, external damping due to the dry friction,
air-resistance etc. is recognized too
Transient Properties of the Rotational
ElectroMechanical Drive
Transfer Function
The overall REMD atributes are described by
a system of partial nonlinear differential
equations. As a rule, corect and admittable
simplifications and abandonings allow to
describe many REMD by a system of ordinary
differential equations with constant coefficients
(nonlinearities, time variancy of parameters,
ambient influence etc. can be abandoned).
A convenient method allows to implement
nonlinearities later, i.e. after creating
a running linear model the nonlinearities and
additional modifications can be realised. The
linearisation allows for principle of
superposition saying that the total reaction
(behaviour) of the system on the individual
excitations (external stimuli) is equal to the
sum of reactions on the individual excitations.
This aspect is very valuable to analyze systems.
Dynamic properties of the REMD can be expressed
  • transfer functions answer the type of dynamics,
    displacement of poles and zeros,
  • transients, time response characteristic answer
    the systems response on the input stimulus step,
  • impulse characteristic answers the system
    response on the input impulse
  • etc.

All these options for expressing or visualizing
the dynamic properties are described by
a differential equation, describing the relation
between output and input quantity
y is the output quantity u  is the input
quantity ai , bi are constants n is the order of
the differential equation, for real systems m
Transforming it into tle Laplace transformation
we are given a transfer function, i.e. the ratio
of the output signal Laplace transform and input
signal Laplace transform (ratio of output and
input signal pictures) under zero initial
conditions. The system defined by has the
transfer function as follows
where s is the Laplace operator.
The denominator of is the characteristic polynom.
It can be written in the form
pi are poles of the transfer function.
The left side coefficients ai are real, hence
the system poles on the right side can be real or
complex conjugate twins. Another writing is
possible, too
nj are roots of polynom or zeros of the transfer
function. They also can be real or complex
conjugate. The transfer function can be written
evidently also as
where G is the gain (amplification) of the
transfer function. Negative inverse values of
poles and zeros are called time constants Ti.
Zeros, poles, gain, time constants tell very
much about the system atributes.
Transient characteristic - graphical image,
output quantity vs time of the solved DE
describing the time response of the system on the
input quantity unit jump under zero initial
conditions. Analytically it is the result of
back-Laplace-transformed of output quantity
Pulse characteristic - graphical image, output
quantity vs. time, of the solved differential
equation describing the time response of the
system on the input quantity unit pulse under
zero initial conditions. Analytically it is the
result of back-Laplace-transformed transfer
The relation between the transfer and pulse
characteristics is defined by the the pulse
characteristic is the first derivation of the
transfer characteristic by time.
Also the pulse is the first derivation of the
step function, and the input characteristic is
the first derivation of the transfer
Convolution Given a signal described by a pulse
characteristic. The time response on arbitrary
signal u can be found by the convolution. The
picture of the output signal is
Then the original of the output signal is
Frequency transfer function - the ratio of
Fourier output picture and Fourier output picture
for imaginary variable j? , j v(-1), ? 2pf,
under zero initial conditions.
Comparing the frequency transfer function can be
found by simple changing in the transfer function
the operator s for the j?. Frequency
characteristic - graphical interpretation of the
frequency transfer function modified by
logarithming the expression
The complex lin/lin plane is used with ? as
independent variable. Often log/lin or log/log
planes are more convenient for displaying the
next expressions
  • resulting into two curves
  • amplitude-frequency characteristic Fdb
  • phase-frequency characteristic f arg
    F(j?) .

The frequency axis is as a rule logarithmic,
therefore the above two characteristics are
called logarithmic-frequency characteristics. The
dynamic character of the system is described by
the both ones together. However, the phase
characteristics of standard transfer functions
can be memorized, then the amplitude
characteristic only shall be found. Even if in
the computers era the time space computation is
easy, computation in Laplace (LWLCLH) operator
space is still in thanks to evident advantage.
This is why the next text keeps working with
transfer functions. Simple REMD examples may help
to understand the praxis of Laplace transform.
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