Title: Free Application for Federal Student Aid
1Session 32
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid
- Thomas Threlkeld
- Anita O. Wojick
- FAFSA Overview
- What is the FAFSA?
- Why we must complete it?
- How to Apply
- Paper FAFSA
- FAFSA on the Web
- FAA Access to CPS Online
- Seven Step Process
- HERA Changes
- Drug Conviction Eligibility
- Qualified Tuition Benefits
- Family Owned Business
- Active Military Duty
- FAFSA Exercise
- Other Interest Sessions and Training
- Questions
3FAFSA Overview
- FAFSA collects applicant information required by
statute and is sent to the Central Processing
System (CPS) which - Calculates a familys Expected Family
Contribution (EFC), or its ability to pay for the
cost of attendance (COA) at an eligible
postsecondary institution and - Performs data matches against other federal
databases to determine the applicants
eligibility - Social Security Administration Dept. of
Homeland Security - Selective Service NSLDS
- Veterans Administration
4FAFSA on the Web
5Federal Student Aid PIN Web site
6FAA Access to CPS Online
7FAFSA on the Web and FAA Access to CPS Online
Demo Site
- The 2006-2007 CPS Web Applications Demo System
offers demonstration versions of FAFSA on the Web
(FOTW) and FAA Access to CPS Online. - Staff can learn about FOTW and FAA Access to CPS
Online, including the new Return of Title IV
Funds on the Web. - Test student IDs and PINs are available for
preloaded renewal application and correction
records for both the FOTW and FAA Access demos.
Username eddemoPassword fafsatest
8Seven Step Process
- General Student Information
- Student/Spouse Income and Assets
- Student Dependency Status
- Parent Information (dependent students only)
- Household Size and Number in College (independent
students only) - School Information
- Signature Requirements
9Drug Conviction Eligibility
- Question 31
- An applicant loses eligibility for Title IV aid
only if the drug related offense for which he or
she was convicted occurred while the student was
receiving Title IV aid. - Date of ineligibility still begins on date of
Effective July 1, 2006 for the 2006-2007 Award
10Qualified Education Benefits
- Questions 44 and 88
- Qualified Education Benefits now include
- Coverdell education savings accounts and 529
prepaid tuition and 529 savings plans - Value is equal to refund value of any credits or
certificates purchased - Prepaid tuition plans from a state
- Value is equal to current balance of the account
11Qualified Education Benefits
- Benefit is reported as an asset of the parent of
a dependent student - Only if the parent is the owner of the account or
plan - Not considered an asset of a dependent student
- Considered asset of an independent student if
that student owns the plan
12Family Ownership of Small Business
- Questions 45 and 89
- Exclude from assets in need analysis any part of
a family owned and controlled business with no
more than 100 FT employees or FTEs
13Active Duty Military Now Independent Students
- Question 54
- HERA adds the following individuals to those that
are considered independent - Serving on Active Duty in the Armed Forces for
other than Training Purposes - National Guard or Reserves called to Active Duty
- For other than training purposes, and
- Activated by Presidential Order Authority
Effective July 1, 2006 for the 2006-2007 Award
15Other Resources
- 2006-07 FSA Handbook, Application and
Verification Guide (AVG) - Dear Colleague Letters and Electronic
Announcements on IFAP (Information for Financial
Aid Professionals) - For more information related to the changes
created by Higher Education Reconciliation Act
(HERA) - Interim Final Regulations resulting from the HERA
published August 10, 2006 and Final Regulations
published November 1, 2006
16Additional Interest Sessions
- Session 10 General Provisions Update Changes
made by the HERA - Session 12 Use Self-Assessments and Evaluation
- Session 14 Working with Veterans Affairs to help
Students - Session 24 FAFSA Simplification - What does
that mean and how do we get there? - Session 28 FAA Access to CPS Online (hands on)
17Additional Beginner Sessions
- Session 33 - Expected Family Contributions (EFC)
- Session 34 - The Institutional Student
Information Record (ISIR) - Session 35 - Awarding Aid
- Session 36 - Disbursing Aid
18Additional Beginner Sessions
- Session 37 - IFAP, NSLDS, COD, FAA Accessto CPS
Online - Session 38 - Financial Aid Professionals (FAP)
Portal and Beyond - How We Communicate With You? - Session 39 - Uncover the Mysteries of How a Law
Becomes Operational
19Additional Training
- There are changes to how institutions determine
the cost of attendance, changes to elements of
the need analysis formula, to student
eligibility, program eligibility, institutional
eligibility, and the return of Title IV funds
calculation. Many of these changes take effect
with the 2006-07 award year. - Check FSA Training Website for dates and
locations of training
- We appreciate your feedback and comments.
- We can be reached at
Anita.Wojick_at_ed.gov Phone (617) 289-0130
Thomas.Threlkeld_at_ed.gov Phone (617) 289-0144