Title: Woody Biomass: From Initiative to Institution
1Woody BiomassFrom Initiative to Institution
- Policy Perspectives on Biomass
- Jay Jensen
- Western Forestry Leadership Coalition / Council
of Western State Foresters - June 6, 2006
- Fairbanks, AK
- 30th Annual National Indian Timber Symposium
2Presentation Outline
- Policy Tools and Issues
- National Regional Strategies
- Local Involvement
- Who we are
- 17 states, 6 territories
- 7 RFs, 3 RSDs, 1 FPL
- What we do
- Policy
- Communications
- Programs
- More than a forest health issue
- Selling points
- Homeland security (foreign oil dependence)
- Energy (diversification)
- Forest Health (water / wildfire / cost savings /
utilization) - State Level policy action
- Local Level implementation
5Policy Tools - Energy
- Renewable Portfolio Standards (20 states) - map
- Renewable Energy Credits
- Public Benefit Funds (23 states) - map
- Green House Gas Registry (21 states)
- Climate Action Plans (28 states) - map
- EPACT of 2005
- Incentives (26 states) - map
6DSIRE www.dsireusa.org - April 2006
Renewables Portfolio Standards
MN 10 by 2015 Goal Xcel mandate of 1,125 MW
wind by 2010
VT RE meets load growth by 2012
ME 30 by 2000
WI requirement varies by utility 10 by 2015
MT 15 by 2015
MA 4 by 2009 1 annual increase
RI 15 by 2020
CT 10 by 2010
IA 105 MW
CA 20 by 2010
IL 8 by 2013
MD 7.5 by 2019
DE 10 by 2019
NM 10 by 2011
TX 5,880 MW by 2015
HI 20 by 2020
State RPS
- Minimum solar or customer-sited requirement
- Increased credit for solar
- ¹PA 8 Tier I, 10 Tier II (includes
non-renewable sources)
State Goal
7Policy Tools - Energy
- Renewable Portfolio Standards (20 states) - map
- Renewable Energy Credits
- Public Benefit Funds (23 states) - map
- Green House Gas Registry (21 states)
- Climate Action Plans (28 states) - map
- EPACT of 2005
- Incentives (26 states) - map
8Public Benefit Funds for Renewables
www.dsireusa.org - March 2006
Cumulative 1998 2017 (Million )
MA 383
RI 10
CT 338
NJ 279
DE 11
DC 10.5
15 State Funds DC 4 B by 2017
Funded by Voluntary Contributions
9Policy Tools - Energy
- Renewable Portfolio Standards (20 states) - map
- Renewable Energy Credits
- Public Benefit Funds (23 states) - map
- Green House Gas Registry (21 states)
- Climate Action Plans (28 states)
- EPACT of 2005
- Incentives (26 states) - map
10Pew Center on Global Climate Change 2006
11Policy Tools - Energy
- Renewable Portfolio Standards (20 states) - map
- Renewable Energy Credits
- Public Benefit Funds (23 states) - map
- Green House Gas Registry (21 states)
- Climate Action Plans (28 states) - map
- EPACT of 2005
- Incentives (26 states) - map
12 State Tax Credits Deductions for Renewables
DSIRE www.dsireusa.org - March 2006
State offers only Personal Tax Incentives
State offers only Corporate Tax Incentives
State/Territory offers Personal Corporate Tax
13Policy Tools Forests
- National Fire Plan
- Healthy Forests Initiative (HFRA)
- Stewardship Contracting
- Fuels for Schools
- Timber Sales
- Energy Policy Act of 2005
- Sec. 210
- USFS Biomass Grants - map
14Forest Service Biomass Grants Issued in 2005 and
WA 06-1
MT 05-1 06-1
MN 05-1
OR 05-5 06-3
ID 05-2
WY 05-1
NV 05-1
CO 05-1 06-2
UT 06-1
CA 05-2 06-2
SC 05-1
AZ 05-3 06-3
NM 05-1 06-4
AL 06-1
LA 05-1
4.2 million annually
15Policy Issues
- Consistent Supply
- Transport costs
- Air emissions
- Combined Heat Power vs. Biofuels
- Energy bill
- WGA biomass report
- (www.westgov.org/wga/initiatives/cdeac/Biomass-su
mmary.pdf) - WGA Regional Biomass Program
- Fuels for Schools
- MT
- 25x25 Initiative (www.agenergy.info)
- RECs (Renewable Energy Credits)
- RII Aquila Powerplant
- RIII restoration principles
- WFLC biomass report (www.wflccenter.org/news_pdf/2
17Local Involvement
- Biomass energy, by its nature (costly - supply
hauling costs), lends itself to dispersed
solutions - The key to success for biomass will be local
input, collaboration, implementation, and
18Parting Thoughts
- How can we move biomass from an
initiative to an institution? (champions) - Diversity is a strength and weakness of
biomassbut the answer is certainly
not one-size fits-all - We have a landscape-scale problem needing
multi-scaled solutions
Jay Jensen Western Forestry Leadership Coalition
/ Council of Western State Foresters www.wflcweb.o
rg 303-445-4366 / jay.jensen_at_colostate.edu