Title: XMRV Xenotropic Murine leukemia virus
1XMRV Xenotropic Murine leukemia virusRelated
Virus linked with CFS true or not true
- Anders Widell, MD, PhD, Lund University, Malmö
University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden
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3Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus Related Virus
- Xenos Greek Stranger (e.g. compare with
Xenofobia) - Xenotropic Murine. Infect others than mice,
whereas ecotropic infects, polytropic broader
mice and men - MLV and XMRV are related gammaretroviruses, known
for for long times. - Belong to Gammaretroviruses
4The Retrovirus Family
5XMRV and suggested link to prostate cancer
- RNaseL linked cancer
- Confirmed by one other group
- Not confirmed by several other groups
6XMRV surfaces
- Lombardi et al in in Science 2009 describe a
strong association 68 pos /101 tested between
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and presence of XMRV in
CFS patients PBMCs - Low prevalence in (3,7 ) healthy persons
- Dataset provided in Science paper
- XMRV nucleic acid by RT-PCR in PBMC
- XMRV antigens by Western in PBMCs
- XMRV T and B cells,
- 50 pts produce NT antibody
- Transferrable virus to Prostate Cancer cell line.
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8Subsequent attempts to confirm Lombardis findings
- Several groups assess CFS patients using same
techniques - Hong et al 0/85 Chinese CFS patients positive
- Van Kuppeveld et al Dutch CFS patients
- Groom et al 0/299 patients, half of them with
CFS, - Heinrich et al 0/32 with CFS, nor in several
other immune suppressed patient groups incl. HIV - Tang et al 0/199 African patients with HIV
- Barnes et al 0/230 patients with HIV or HCV
- No confirmation
9Then a possible confirmation by Lo et al in PNAS
- MLV-like virus gag gene sequences LV in 41
PBMC-derived DNA samples from 37 patients meeting
accepted diagnostic criteria for CFS, in 32 of 37
(86.5) compared with only 3 of 44 (6.8) healthy
volunteer blood donors. - Sequences retained over 15 years
10Criticism Sato et al
- When CFS patients were assessed, also water gave
MLV like sequences - Was found to be associated with RNA in Invitrogen
Platinum hot start mouse monoclonal against the
polymerase - Very closely related to Los MLV like sequences
Lo used Platinum
11Criticism - Hué et al
- XMRV sequences identical with retroviral
sequences found in prostate cancer cell line
22Rv1 - XMRV specific primers amplify several cell line
associated MLVs - Many tumour call lined have been established vi
grafts in mice who have plenty of MLVs
12Figure 2 Phylogeny of 22Rv1 and patient derived
XMRV sequences and other murine leukaemia
viruses. Bayesian maximum clade credibility
phylogeny of 22Rv1 cell line derived XMRV
clones, patient derived XMRV sequences and other
murine leukaemia viruses (A). The monophyletic
cluster formed by 22Rv1 cell line derived XMRV
clones and patient derived XMRVs is magnified in
(B). Xenotropic MLV (MLV-X), polytropic MLV
(PMLV), and modified polytropic MLV (MPMLV)
were added as controls. Sequence s derived from
prostate cancer patients (VP and WO) and chronic
fatigue syndrome patients (WPI) are indicated by
red and y ellow circles respectively. Gene
sequences derived from 22Rv1 clones are
indicated by blue squares. When full-length
genomes were not available, the loci of the
sequence used in the phylogenetic reconstruction
are shown in brackets. APOBEC-3G/F hypermutated
clones are labelled with a closed circle. The
tree is rooted against AKV and Moloney MLVs .
Bayesian posterior probabilities of 1.00 are
indicated on the corresponding branches by a
star. The scale bar represents the number of
nucleotide substitutions per site.
13Lessons to learn
- Virus discovery and senstive PCR certainly can
generate new viral sequences - No molecular enzyme is completely free from
production or stabilizing nucleic acid - No statistical significance beats easy
confirmation from independent investigators - Earlier lessons from hepatitis non-A, non-B/HCV
- several systems appeared, got applauses and
quietly disappeared - and then came Chiron whose data could
immediately be confirmed and generate BIG money - Industrys living dream since then, GBV, TTV,
14Further lessons
- Do not exclude an infectious mechanism for CFS
it may need other technology - Be suspicious if the Discoverer only keeps
presenting his/her original data over and over
again adding nothing new he/she has had a good
lead to generate more - You can fool some of the People all the time,
and all the People some of the Time, but never
All the People All the Time /Churchill