Title: Managing poor performance
1Managing poor performance
- Manage People Performance
2Signs of poor performance
- Absenteeism
- On the job absenteeism
- Reporting to work problems
- Difficulty in concentration
- Lowered job efficiency
- Poor relationships with people at work
- Failure to observe orgn regs, policies,
3Possible causes 85
- Poor training or experience
- Tools, equipment or materials
- Cumbersome procedures/ systems
- Unclear or unspecified standards
- Poor performance is as rewarding as good
- Lack of information
- Lack of time
- Poor job placement
- Performance standards not understood
- Poor team work or disharmony in the team
4Possible causes 15
- Personal problems
- Acts of God
- Poor motivation or morale
5Possible solutions
- Employee doesnt know what is expected
- Employee doesnt know to do what is expected
- Employee is out of practice
- Employee doesnt get feedback about level and
actual quality
- Expected performance is difficult or punishing
and in some way less desirable - Something in the work environment interferes with
performance - Performing below expectations is more rewarding
or easier
7Pathway to good performance
- What to - having clear , worthwhile targets
- How to- being competent
- Want to -being motivated
- Chance to-Being able to achieve
8Giving feedback
- Give examples of the following types of feedback
- Positive
- Negative
- Constructive
- None at all
9Giving feedback
- Keep it factual and non personal
- Describe the behaviour and its effects
objectively - Be considerate
- Make it actionable
- Keep away from hearsay
- Make it timely
- Offer it frequently
10Whats good for the gooseis good for the gander
- When receiving feedback
- Dont argue listen
- Check you have understood
- Dont explain , defend, justify
- Thank the speaker for bringing it to your
attention - Take it on board
- Make any necessary changes
11When dealing with unsatisfactory performance
- awards
- regulations
- specific industrial relations legislation
- EEO and Anti discrimination
- Workers comp
- Workplace agreements/ employment contracts
- Requirement of systematic management of poor
performance - Failure to act makes things more complex and
12Manage unsatisfactory performance
- to improve it
- terminate it (or regress, demote, formally
reprimand, closer monitoring, reduce benefits) -
13Failure to act
- Reduced productivity
- Reduced morale of staff and less respect for
supervisor - Safety issues
- Increased stress
- Waste of funds
- Staff soon learn that nothing happens and poor
performance is the norm - Still have to go through the motions when the
issue becomes urgent - Evidence of continual incidents of poor
performance is undocumented -
14- Look at fig 9.1 Tovey unsatisfactory performance
management flow chart
1510 steps to..
- developing a performance improvement plan.
- Note not all performance problems are the
employees fault
16Step1- identify the gaps and needs
- Performance gaps identified
- Areas for performance identified
- Expected benefits of imp performance
- Specific out come of improved performance
- Improvements required
- New challenges for the work unit
17Step 2-specific causes and skills needed
- All evidence reviewed
- Specific causes idnetified
- New skills and knowledge identified
- New resources required
18Step 3 Categorise the needs
- Development needs
- Non-development needs
19Step 4 Linking specific needs to outputs
- Outputs linked to development needs
- Outputs linked to non-development needs
20Step 5 prioritise needs
- Cost solution
- Development needs- greatest opportunity for
improvement - Non-Development needs- greatest opportunity for
21Step 6 select strategies
- Strategies for development needs (on and off the
job) - Strategies for non- development needs (
discussion with other managers. Feedback
required. Other actions)
22Step 7 Identify resources required to meet needs
- Money
- Time
- People
- Materials and physical resources
23Step 8- develop performance improvement plan
- Aim
- Development objectives
- Strategies
- Resources
- Responsibilities
- Action plans
- Monitoring progress
24Step 9- implement the plan
- specific milestones
- expected completion dates diarised
- copies for staff member and manager
- immediate commencement
25Step 10- monitoring
- Monitor in conjunction with performance
objectives - Design evidence collection process