Chapter 6 USE CASES - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 6 USE CASES


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 6 USE CASES

Chapter 6USE CASES
The indispensable first step to getting the
things you want out of life decide what you
want. - Ben Stein
  • Objectives
  • Identify and write use cases
  • Use the brief, casual and fully dressed formats
  • Apply tests to identify suitable use cases
  • Relate use case analysis to iterative development

Feature Lists vs. Use Cases
  • Older methods of detailing requirements tended to
    have many pages of detailed feature lists.
    Usually the details could not be seen in context.
  • Current philosophy is to use a higher level of
    detail with use cases instead of a list.
  • Use cases focus on who the key actors are, their
    goals, and common tasks.
  • (High level System Feature Lists are still
    acceptable when they can give a
  • succict summary of the system and n some
    feature-driven applications, such as
  • application servers, database products,
    middleware or back-end systems.)

ID Feature
FEAT1.9 The system shall accept entry of item identifiers.
. . . . . .
FEAT2.4 The system shall log credit payments to the accounts receivable system.
Use Cases
  • Writing Use Cases is not a specifically OO
    artifact they are simply written stories they
    are stories of using a system
  • However, they are a best practice for
    elaborating and understanding requirements.
  • Simple and familiar storytelling makes it easier,
    especially for customers, to contribute and
    review goals.
  • Use cases keep it simple (KISS)
  • They emphasize goals and the user perspective.

  • Process Sale A customer arrives at a checkout
    with items to purchase. The cashier uses the POS
    system to record each purchased item. The system
    presents a running total and line-item details.
    The customer enters payment info, which the
    system validates and records. The system updates
    inventory. The customer receives a receipt from
    the system and then leaves with the items.

Use Case Relationships
  • Use cases, in turn, influence many other
    analysis, design, implementation, project
    management and test artifacts.

Domain Model
Business Model
Use Case Model
Interaction Diagrams
Fig. 6.1 Sample UP artifact influence
  • An actor is something with behavior, such as a
    person (identified by role), computer system, or
  • Ex. Cashier
  • A scenario (use case instance) is a specific
    sequence of actions and interactions bw actors
    and the system.
  • It is one particular story of using a system or
    one path through the use case.
  • A use case is a collection of related success and
    failure scenarios that describe an actor using a
    system to support a goal.
  • A Use Case Model is the set of all written use
  • It is a model of the system functionality and

Three Types of Actors
  • Primary Actor
  • Has goals to be fulfilled by system
  • Emphasis is on the primary actor for the use
  • Ex. Cashier
  • Supporting Actor
  • Provides service to the system.
  • Other actors are listed as stakeholders.
  • Ex. Automated Payment Authorization Service.
  • Offstage Actor
  • Interested in the behavior, but no contribution
  • Ex. Government Tax Agency.
  • In diagrams, Primary actors go on the left and
    others on the right.

Use Cases are not diagrams !
  • Use Cases may have a diagram associated with
    them, and a use case diagram is an easy way for
    an analyst to discuss a process with a subject
    matter expert (SME).
  • But use cases are primarily text. The text is
    important. The diagram is optional.
  • Use case modeling is primarily an act of writing
    text, not drawing diagrams.
  • Capture the specific ways of using the system as
    dialogues between an actor and the system.

Use-Case Driven Development
  • Requirements are primarily recorded in the Use
    Case model.
  • Iterations are planned around implementing
    particular Use Cases.
  • Use Case Realizations drive design.
  • The team designs collaborating objects and
    subsystems in order to perform or realize the use
  • Use Case often influence the way user manuals are
  • Functional or system testing corresponds to the
    scenarios of use cases.

Working with Use Cases
  • Determine the actors that will interact with the
  • We cannot understand a system until we know who
    will use it
  • Direct users
  • Users responsible to operate and maintain it
  • External systems used by the system
  • External systems that interact with the system
  • Examine the actors and document their needs.
  • For each separate need, create a use case.
  • During Analysis, extend use cases with
    interaction diagrams.

Actors or Use Cases First?
  • Because you have to understand each part of Use
    Cases, the parts are presented separately. But
    those who create use cases switch back and forth.
  • The text describes use cases substantially before
    paying attention to actors.
  • Each specification must be testable
  • Write from actors perspective, in actors
  • Typically, both actors and use cases are
    identified early and then examined to see if more
    use cases can be found from the actors, or more
    actors found by examining the use cases.

Guideline Emphasize Goals
  • Seeing requirements as identifying tasks to be
    done has a strong bias toward reproducing the
    existing system, even when it is being replaced
    because it is seriously defective.
  • Investigating goals rather than tasks and
    procedures improves information gathering by
    focusing on the essence of requirementsthe
    intent behind them.

Fig. 6.2 Primary actors and goals at different
system boundaries.
Naming Use Cases
  • Appropriate use case names are very important.
    Because they are selected early, they tend to set
    the direction for the entire project.
  • Must be a complete process from the viewpoint of
    the end user.
  • Usually in verb-object form, like Buy Pizza
  • Use enough detail to make it specific
  • Use active voice, not passive
  • From viewpoint of the actor, not the system
  • Golden Rule Each use case should have a name
    that indicates what value (or goal) is achieved
    by the actor's interaction with the system.

Naming Use-Cases
Quick Test Use Case Name Examples
  • Purchase Concert Ticket
  • Purchase Concert Tickets
  • Purchase Ticket
  • Ticket Purchase
  • Ticket Order
  • Pay for Ticket

Use Case Name Examples
Naming Use-Cases
  • Excellent - Purchase Concert Ticket
  • Very Good - Purchase Concert Tickets
  • Good - Purchase Ticket (insufficient detail)
  • Fair - Ticket Purchase (passive)
  • Poor - Ticket Order (system view, not user)
  • Unacceptable - Pay for Ticket (procedure, not

Naming Use-Cases
  • Examples of bad use case names with the acronym
    CRUD. (All are procedural and reveal nothing
    about the actors intentions.)
  • C - actor Creates data
  • R - actor Retrieves data
  • U - actor Updates data
  • D - actor Deletes data
  • Collapse CRUD into one CRUD use case,
    idiomatically called Manage ltXgt.
  • Ex. Manage Users use case.

Singular or Plural
Naming Use-Cases
  • This is usually determined by context.
  • There is a preference for the simplest form, but
    most common form can be better.
  • In the example of concert tickets, most people
    buy more than one, but a significant number buy
    only one.
  • At a supermarket, Buy Items would be best.
  • At a vending machine, it would be Buy Item.

Use Case Template
  • Name
  • Primary Actor
  • Scope
  • Level user-goal or subfunction
  • Stakeholders and Interests
  • Preconditions
  • Success Guarantee
  • Main Success Scenario
  • Extensions
  • Special Requirements
  • Technology and Data Variations List
  • Frequency of Occurrence
  • Miscellaneous (such as open items)
  • This is the basic format used in the text and in
    Alistair Cockburns Writing Effective Use Cases
    (Addison Wesley, 2000, ISBN 0201702258).
  • See also

Optional items
User-goal level A complete process from the
view point of a user to meet a goal of the
user, roughly corresponding to an elementary
business process. Subfunction level Details
steps to support a user goal.
Define Actors
  • Actors should not be analyzed or described in
    detail unless the application domain demands it.
  • Template for definition
  • Name
  • Definition
  • Example for an ATM application
  • Customer Owner of an account who manages
    account by depositing and withdrawing funds

Preconditions and Postconditions
  • Preconditions are anything that must always be
    true before beginning a scenario is a
  • Preconditions are assumed to be true, not tested
    within the Use Case itself.
  • Ignore obvious preconditions such as the power
    being turned on. Only document items necessary to
    understand the Use Case.
  • Success Guarantees (or Postconditions) state what
    must be true if the Use Case is completed
    successfully. This may include the main success
    scenario and some alternative paths.
  • For example, if the happy path is a cash sale, a
    credit sale might also be regarded a success.
  • Stakeholders should agree on the guarantee.

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  • The Main Success Scenario, or happy path is the
    expected primary use of the system, without
    problems or exceptions.
  • Alternative Scenarios or Extensions are used to
    document other common paths through the system
    and error handling or exceptions.

Documenting the Happy Path
  • The Success Scenario (or basic course) gives the
    best understanding of the use case
  • Each step contains the activities and inputs of
    the actor and the system response
  • If there are three or more items, create a list
  • Label steps for configuration management and
    requirements traceability
  • Use present tense and active voice
  • Remember that User Interface designers will use
    this specification
  • Note Do not use the term happy path in formal

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Extensions (Alternative Flows)
  • Extensions or Alternative Flow Use Cases allow
    the specification of
  • Different ways of handling transactions
  • Error processes
  • Sections are convenient way to handle alternative
    courses of action
  • Sections are a segment of a use case executed out
    of sequence

Two Parts for Extensions
  • Condition
  • Describe the reason for the alternative flow as a
    condition that the user can detect
  • Handling
  • Describe the flow of processing in the same
    manner as the happy path, using a numbering
    system consistent with the original section.
  • 3A. Condition If actor performs action the

Documenting Extensions
  • Use same format as Happy Path
  • Document actions that vary from ideal path
  • Include error conditions
  • Number each alternate, and start with the
  • 3A. Condition If actor performs action the
  • If subsequent steps are the same as the happy
    path, identify and label as (same)
  • Steps not included in alternate course are
    assumed not to be performed.

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Special Requirements
  • If a non-functional requirement , quality
    attribute, or constraint affects a use case
    directly, describe it as a special requirement.

Technology and Data Variations List
  • Often there are technical differences in how
    things are done even though what is done is the
    same. These things can be described in the
    Technology and Data Variations List.
  • For example, if a card reader cannot read the
    magnetic stripe on a credit card, the cashier
    might be able to enter it on the keyboard.

Types of Use Cases
  • High Level Use Case (Brief)
  • Name, Actors, Purpose, Overview
  • Expanded Use Case (Fully Dressed)
  • Add System Events and System Responses
  • Essential Use Case (Black Box)
  • Leave out technological implications
  • Ex. The system records the sale. (no mention of
    database etc.)
  • Concrete Use Case (White Box)
  • Specify technology

Guideline Defer Decisions
  • By using essential use cases as long as possible,
    and only using real use cases during module
    design, you allow time to understand the problem
    before you create a solution. Premature use of
    real use cases often confirms existing technology
    when a better technology might be available.
  • Define the problem fully before you start to
    define a solution. Any work that you do on the
    problem domain tends to increase the range of
    possible solutions, while work in the solution
    domain limits your choices.
  • You want to be certain that the problem domain is
    large enough to hold some good solutions and
    hopefully an ideal solution before you start to
    narrow your choices.

Contrasting Examples
  • Essential Style
  • ...
  • Administrator identifies self.
  • Systems authenticates identity.
  • Concrete Style
  • ...
  • Administrator enters ID and passsword in dialog
    box (See Picture 3).
  • System authenticates Administrator.
  • System displays the edit users window. (See
    Picture 4)
  • ...

Types of Use Cases
  • The distinction between an essential (black box)
    use case that leaves out technology and a real
    (white box) use case that includes technology is
  • For example, in an Automated Teller Machine, an
    essential use case can mention identification or
    validation, but only a real use case can mention
    a key pad or card reader.

Expanded Essential Use Cases(Fully Dressed Use
Types of Use Cases
  • Purpose
  • to allow the system designer and client to
    visualize the flow of actor actions and system
    responses. From this the client will understand
    how users will use the system, and the designer
    will be able to write pseudocode for each
    function. In addition, it is possible to use
    this document to anticipate opportunities for
    user error, which must be accounted for in the
    final system.
  • Definitions
  • What it is an analysis document which describes
    in detail the elements of functions identified in
    a High Level Use Case.
  • What is is not Expanded Essential Use Cases are
    not graphical drawings. They do not include
    stick figures, boxes representing the system, or
    any other icons found in a High Level Use Case
    although they may be associated with one.

Expanded EssentialUse Cases
Types of Use Cases
  • How to make one
  • Step 1 Name the Use Case (system function, e.g.
    enter timesheet information).
  • Step 2 Identify the Actor(s) involved.
  • Step 3 Describe the Intent of the Use Case in
    language the client will understand.
  • Step 4 Identify the Assumptions and Limitations
    relevant to this Use Case and other Use Cases
    which the current one might extend or build upon.
  • Step 5 Specify the ideal flow of actions (using
    two columns, if you like) labeled Actor Actions
    and System Responses. Number each step. This
    constitutes the Happy Path for this Use Case.
  • Step 6 Identify opportunities for user error and
    create an Alternative Path to handle each.

Note (from page 68 of text)
Types of Use Cases
  • The example on pages 68-72 of the text of a fully
    dressed use case is very detailed and contains
    just about everything you could put into a use
    case. It is that detailed mainly for
    instructional purposes.
  • Almost all use cases are much smaller, usually a
    page or two.

  • When a use case is repeated, you dont want to
    repeat the contents.
  • For example, an alarm clock might show the same
    display when you are setting the current time and
    when you are setting the wake-up time
  • Separate out the Display Time use case and
    refer to it in both use cases

Extension Use Cases
  • Users appreciate simplicity, so most use cases
    leave out alternate courses
  • You can do this by extending the use case while
    leaving the original use case alone

  • Use cases should not be misused to imitate
    function specification by successive iteration
  • Dont refine them until the program is fully
  • The uses relation should only be used when the
    same scenario is encountered more than once

Use Cases are always wrong!
  • Written documentation gives the illusion of
    authority and correctness, but it is an illusion.
  • Use cases give a preliminary understanding that
    users and developers can discuss and agree on.
  • But there should be constant feedback from
    customers in the development process to correct
    missing information and misinformation before it
    jeopardizes the functionality of the program.

Fig. 6.3 Partial use case context diagram
Fig. 6.4 Notation suggestions AND Alternate actor
Payment Authorization Service
Fig. 6.6 Use case diagram (context diagram) for
Monopoly system.
Use Case UC1 Play Monopoly Game
  • Scope Monopoly application
  • Level user goal
  • Primary actor Observer
  • Stakeholder and Interests
  • Observer wants to easily observe the output of
    the game simulation.
  • Main Success Scenario
  • 1. Observer requests new game initialization,
    enters number of players.
  • 2. Observer starts play.
  • 3. System displays game trace for next player
  • Repeat Step 3 until a winner or Observer cancels.
  • Extensions
  • a. At any time, System fails
  • 1. Observer restarts System.
  • 2. System detects prior failure, reconstructs
    state, and prompts to continue.
  • 3. Observer chooses to continue.

Fig. 6.7 Process and setting context for writing
use cases.
Association Relationship
  • An association is the communication path between
    an actor and the use case that it participates in
  • It is shown as a solid line
  • It does not have an arrow, and is normally read
    from left to right
  • Here, the association is between a Modeler and
    the Create Model use case

Relationships in Use Cases
  • There are several Use Case relationships
  • Association
  • Extend
  • Generalization
  • Uses
  • Include
  • Most Use Cases have only associations. Use other
    relationships sparingly.

Extend Relationship
  • Extend puts additional behavior in a use case
    that does not know about it.
  • It is shown as a dotted line with an arrow point
    and labeled ltltextendgtgt
  • In this case, a customer can request a catalog
    when placing an order.

Uses Relationship
  • When a use case uses another process, the
    relationship can be shown with the uses
  • This is shown as a solid line with a closed arrow
    point and the ltltusesgtgt keyword
  • Here different system processes can use the logon
    use case

Include Relationship
  • Include relationships insert additional behavior
    into a base use case.
  • They are shown as a dotted line with an open
    arrow and the key word ltltincludegtgt
  • Shown is a process that I observed in an earlier

Use Case Example Alarm Clock
This is a contrived example, to show many
relations. Your diagrams should be simpler.
Fast, Cheap, Good Choose any two. -
  • Objectives
  • Show Supplementary Specification, Glossary,
    Vision Business Rules
  • Compare and contrast system features with use
  • Define quality attributes

  • While the primary requirements of a computer
    system tend to be the functional requirements,
  • i.e.,the list of activities that the system must
  • it is also necessary to capture an number of
    other requirements to build a system, called
    non-functional requirements.
  • in a Vision Statement, Glossary, Business
    (Domain) Rules and Supplementary Specification.
  • Produce only the required (or enough)
    documentation to produce the desired results
    efficiently and effectively.
  • Documentation costs money and takes time.

Other Requirement Artifacts
  • Supplementary Specification
  • Captures and identifies other kinds of
    attributes, such as reports, documentation,
    packaging, supportability, licensing, and so
  • Glossary
  • Captures terms and definitions it can also play
    the role of a data dictionary.
  • Vision
  • Summarizes the vision of the project an
    executive summary.
  • Business Rules (or Domain Rules)
  • Capture long-living and spanning rules or
    policies, such as tax laws, that transcend one
    particular application.

  • When someone joins the project, it is useful to
    be able to say
  • Welcome! Please go read the 7-page Vision at the
    project web site.
  • It is also useful to have an executive summary
    that briefly describes the project, as a context
    for the major players to establish a common
    vision of the project.

The Vision
  • The Vision serves to communicate to project
    sponsors and key stakeholders
  • the reasons for the project,
  • the problems to be solved,
  • a description of the stakeholders and their
  • Root problems and goals,
  • along with a description of the proposed
  • It includes the core requirements and becomes the
    contractual basis to develop further requirements.

Topics for a Vision
  • Introduction
  • Positioning
  • Business Opportunity
  • Problem Statement
  • Product Position
  • Alternatives and Competition
  • Stakeholder Descriptions
  • Market Demographics
  • Non-user Interests
  • User Interests
  • Key high-level goals and problems for
  • User-Level Goals
  • User Environment
  • Product Overview
  • Product Perspective
  • Summary of Benefits
  • Assumptions and Dependencies
  • Cost and Pricing
  • Licensing and Installation
  • System Features
  • Other requirements and constraints

See Section 7.6 NexGen Example
Why system features in Vision?
  • Use cases are not the only way to describe
    functional requirements.
  • Sometimes a succinct list of key functional
    requirements, called system features, will give
    a better immediate grasp of the problem and
    proposed solution.
  • A system feature is an externally observable
    service provided by the system which directly
    fulfills a stakeholder need.
  • Features are behavioral functions a system can
    do. They should pass the linguistic test
  • The system does ltfeature Xgt.

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  • The Glossary captures terms and their definitions
    in the business domain supported by the system.
  • Be careful. Even simple terms may mean different
    things to different stakeholders and need to be
  • The Glossary can also perform the role of a Data
    Dictionary, or be supplemented by one.
  • Data Dictionary records data about the data, that
    is metadata.
  • Aliases - relationships to other
  • Description - range of values
  • Format (type, length, unit) - validation rules

See Section 7.8 NexGen Example
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Supplementary Specification
  • The Supplementary Specification captures such
    requirements as documentation, supportability,
    packaging, licensing and many of the -ilities
    of systems.

Supplementary Specifications
  • Common Functionality
  • Logging
  • Error Handling
  • Pluggable Business Rules
  • Security
  • Usability
  • Human factors
  • Reliability
  • Recoverability
  • Performance
  • Supportability
  • Adaptability
  • Configurability
  • Implementation Constraints
  • Purchased Components
  • Free Open Source Components
  • Interfaces
  • Noteworthy hw and interfaces
  • Software interfaces
  • Application-specific Domain Rules
  • Legal Issues
  • Info in Domains of Interest
  • Pricing
  • Credit and Debit Payment Handling
  • Sales Tax
  • Item Identifiers

See Section 7.4 NexGen Example
More Specifications
  • Reports
  • Operating Systems
  • Networking Systems
  • Process Tools
  • Development Tools
  • Design Constraints
  • Internationalization
  • Standards
  • Physical Environment
  • Operation Rules

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Domain Rules
  • Domain or Business Rules are not functional
  • Domain Rules tell how the business works, while
    functional requirements tell how the system
  • Company policies, the laws of physics, and
    government regulations are examples of Domain

Industry Domains
  • Most computer consulting firms organize their
    staff by industry, so that they can develop
    application specific knowledge that will be
    useful to the companies hiring them.
  • In New Jersey, most consulting companies have at
    least a Telecommunications Practice and a
    Pharmaceutical Practice.
  • Other areas might include Retail, Insurance,
    Wholesaling, Light Manufacturing, and Electric

Knowledge Domains
  • In addition to Industry specific knowledge, there
    are many areas of knowledge that apply across a
    number of industries.
  • The most thoroughly specified of these knowledge
    domains is accounting.
  • Others might include inventory, scheduling, and
  • Each has a body of specific knowledge that
    specialists know well.

  • Should we analyze these thoroughly during
  • Reliable Specifications An Oxymoron?
  • Should these artifacts be at the project web site?

Requirements Reliability
  • Never assume that requirements are completely
    understood, adequately captured, effectively
    described, or reasonably complete.
  • Requirements discovery and scope creep tend to
    occur throughout the software development process
    and even after the system is put into production.

UML Diagrams in Inception
  • Aside from the possible inclusion of a few high
    level use case diagrams, the inception phase is
    almost all text.
  • Most diagramming occurs in the Elaboration Phase.

Process Evolutionary Requirements in Iterative
Discipline Artifact Inception Elaboration Construction Transition
Iteration-gt I1 E1En C1Cn T1..T2
Business Modeling Domain Model s r
Requirements Use-Case Model s r
Requirements Vision s r
Requirements Supplementaty Specification s r
Requirements Glossary s r
Requirements Business Rules s r
Design Design Model s r
Design Sw Arch Model s
Design Data Model s r
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