The Northridge Fact-Finding Committee - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Northridge Fact-Finding Committee


Title: The Northridge Fact-Finding Committee Author: Michelle Eubank Last modified by: Pat Wilkes Created Date: 12/28/2006 7:31:15 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Michelle496


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Northridge Fact-Finding Committee

The Northridge Fact-Finding Committee
  • Second Presentation to the property owners of
  • April 11, 2007

  • Assume positive intent.
  • Talk about issues, not people.
  • Allow for all voices to be heard.
  • Allow all points of view to be respectfully
  • Disagree respectfully.

  • Goals
  • Address questions from last meeting
  • Presentation voting mechanism
  • Perspectives from the community
  • Next Steps

Goals for this meeting
  • Address questions from last time
  • Explain voting mechanism
  • Allow members of the community to voice their
    opinions / concerns

Who We Are
  • Michelle Eubank, Teacher
  • Tim Perkins, Banker
  • Dave Hauger, Air Traffic Controller
  • Janie Perkins, Realtor
  • Don Blake, Engineering Manager

What we heard from you (in no particular order)
  • Many great questions.
  • Check out SB 89/SB100.
  • Please ensure a fair election.
  • How do people who are opposed to an HOA get some
    say in who is elected to the board?
  • Put a stamp on the ballot for usplease.
  • Thanks for running a good (and civil) meeting!

Questions from last time
Sources on the following pages are identified as
follows cov Northridge Covenants Bylaws Northr
idge By Laws SBxx Senate Bill 89 or
100 CCIOA CCIOA documentation FFC Fact
Finding Committee Opinion
If there were an HOA in place and people did not
pay their assessments, who picks up the slack?
  • The HOA would place a lien on the property of the
    non-paying property owner. The assessment would
    be collected at time of sale. CCIOA, Cov
  • Interest would accrue at a max rate of 8/year
    covenants an HOA could recover legal costs on
    collection of unpaid assessments CCIOA.
  • In the mean time, the HOA would have to live
    within its means or increase assessments the
    following year to cover costs. FFC

Is there a cap on HOA dues?
  • There is no lifetime cap on HOA dues.
  • The first year of the HOA the assessment cannot
    be more than 100 cov.
  • The assessment can increase up to 20 each year
    after that with a majority vote of the Board of
    Directors cov.
  • Assessment increases greater than 20 require a
    majority vote of the members cov.

Define maintenance of the common areas
  • Entrances watering mowing, weeding, trimming
  • Pocket park dependant on the final design, but
    to include watering, weeding, mowing, trimming.
  • Ditch and trails keeping down weeds on trails,
    keeping water-flowing in the ditch.

FFC opinion
An HOA cant prevent liability we would pay for
a lawsuit anyway. If the HOA is sued, where do
they collect funds?
  • The HOA can create a special assessment to pay
    for legal fees if it should be sued. The cost
    would be spread amongst each of the property
    owners in Northridge. CCIOA

Liability Clarification
  • Liability is a concern with or without an HOA.
  • Lawyers we spoke with told us that because the
    liability issue is so unclear, any lawsuit
    regarding the ditch would likely encompass every
    homeowner and the Town of Erie based on the Ditch
    Agreement. The outcome is not certain.
  • With an HOA, Northridge assumes we are liable and
    the HOA purchases insurance. A lawsuit would
    likely go the HOA instead of individual property
  • With or Without an HOA, individuals decide for
    themselves whether or not to have liability

FFC opinion with lawyer input
Define projects and repairs earmarked for
  • This group cannot define what those projects
    would be. It would be a negotiation between the
    HOA and the Town of Erie. Examples could
  • Installation of Pocket Park
  • Install / repair culverts
  • Paving trails
  • Installing new entry signs
  • Etc etc

FFC opinion
What are the requirements to be a Board member of
the HOA?
  1. Must be a property owner in Northridge bylaws.
  2. Must not have any conflict of interest SB100.

Questions regarding the land given to the Town of
  • Result of the Settlement Agreement dated 19 Mar
    02, detailed in section 4.
  • Size of parcel 52 Ac
  • Location of parcel
  • Worth need an appraisal
  • Would town be willing to transfer to Northridge
    HOA No

Questions the FFC cant answer
  • Why wont the Town of Erie put their promises in
  • What is the exact (size and) value of the land
    that was given to the town by MN as part of the
    settlement agreement
  • If nothing is done, what then?

Voting Mechanism
Voting clarifications
  • After your inputs and our review and discussion,
    the team identified a shortcoming in the proposal
    identified in the last meeting

Originally presented
  • According the Northridge Covenants it takes votes
    by 50 1 (96) property owners to elect a Board
    of Directors when the election is held by mail.
  • The Board can consist of 3-7 members - must be an
    odd number

needs clarification
Originally Presented
  • Any ballot returned with a vote for one to seven
    nominees will be counted towards the 96 required
    to be considered a valid election.
  • If 96 property owners do not return a ballot with
    a vote cast, the election is not valid and a
    Board of Directors is not elected.
  • Ballots postmarked after the cut-off date will
    not be considered valid.

needs clarification
Originally Presented
  • The Committee will prepare a ballot and mail one
    to each property owner.
  • Each property owner has the opportunity to cast
    one ballot by mail and can elect
  • To cast a vote for nominees for the Board of
  • To not return the ballot.

needs clarification
Bylaws Section 2
Bylaws Section 2
  • Each member gets one vote (one vote per property)
  • Voting at elections or on other matters shall be
    at the annual meeting or at special meetings
    unless the BOD determines that voting for
    election of the BOD may be conducted by mail
  • Any action voted on by the members is passed with
    a majority
  • When elections are conducted by mail, votes must
    be cast by at least a majority of all eligible

Voting mechanism
  • Break out the question into 2 separate votes
  • FIRST Vote for BOD for HOA (yes or no)
  • SECOND If above vote yes, vote for directors
    in a separate election
  • Allows for property owners who are not in favor
    of an HOA to have a say in who is on the board
    (should the first vote pass)
  • For election to be considered valid, a majority
    of eligible voters must return a vote ( 501
  • The majority of valid ballots received sets the
    direction for Northridge

The Ballot
  • Anonymity is the goal - Secret ballot election
  • Ballots will be serialized in a random fashion
  • Serials will be recorded for authenticity checks
  • Ballots and instructions then stuffed into blank
  • Envelopes will be labeled with addresses
  • Ballots will not be able to be traced to an
    address or name SB89

The Ballot
  • Ballots will be invalid if
  • Serial numbers are received that were not issued
  • Multiple ballots with the same serial number are
    received none of the ballots for that serial
    number will be counted
  • Both YES and NO are checked
  • Neither YES nor NO are checked
  • Ballots are postmarked after the cut-off date
    (May 14 postage goes up)

The Ballot
  • Record your ballot Serial number if you wish to
    confirm your votes accuracy when results are
    posted on the website

THE VOTE a recap
  • Hold an election for a BOD Yes or No
  • 1 vote per property owner
  • 96 valid ballots must be received for election to
    be valid
  • Majority rules (50 of valid ballots 1)
  • A neutral third party will tally the votes
  • Volunteer committee to double-check the vote

Date Event
April 12 Committee mails out ballots to property owners
May 14 Ballot submission deadline
May 21 Results e-mailed and posted on Northridge website
tbd Follow-up meeting should a majority of voters decide to elect a BOD for HOA
Community Perspectives
Community perspectives
  • Anyone who would like to will have two minutes to
  • One speaker per household.
  • Speakers sign up identifying themselves as in
    favor or against or neutral regarding
    reinstatement of the HOA.
  • The committee will call people up to speak in a
    manner as to allow for balance in expression of
  • No rebuttals or interruptions, please.
  • Will end at 820 so we have time to clean up

  • Assume positive intent.
  • Talk about issues, not people.
  • Allow for all voices to be heard.
  • Allow all points of view to be respectfully
  • Disagree respectfully.

More Info
  • Many documents pertinent to the Northridge
    community are available to view at the following
    web address

In conclusion
  • Look for ballot in the mail
  • VOTE
  • Expect posting by 21 May
  • Donations for mailings (ballots are pre-stamped)
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