Title: Chapter 7 Alkenes: Structure and Reactivity
1Chapter 7Alkenes Structure and Reactivity
- Chapter 7Alkenes Structure and Reactivity
27.2 Calculating Degree of Unsaturation
- Relates molecular formula to possible structures
- Degree of unsaturation number of multiple bonds
or rings - Formula for a saturated acyclic compound is
CnH2n2 - Alkene has fewer hydrogens than an alkane with
the same number of carbons CnH2n because of
double bond - Each ring or multiple bond replaces 2 H's
3Example C6H10
- Saturated is C6H14
- therefore 4 H's are not present
- This has two degrees of unsaturation
- Two double bonds?
- or triple bond?
- or two rings?
- or ring and double bond?
4Degree of Unsaturation With Other Elements
- Organohalogens (X F, Cl, Br, I)
- Halogen replaces hydrogen
- C4H6Br2 and C4H8 have one degree of unsaturation
5Degree of Unsaturation (Continued)
- Organoxygen compounds (C,H,O) Oxygen forms 2
bonds - these don't affect the formula of equivalent
hydrocarbons - May be ignored in calculating degrees of
6Organonitrogen Compounds
- Nitrogen has three bonds
- So if it connects where H was, it adds a
connection point - Subtract one H for equivalent degree of
unsaturation in hydrocarbon
7Summary - Degree of Unsaturation
- Count pairs of H's below CnH2n2
- Add number of halogens to number of H's (X
equivalent to H) - Ignore oxygens (oxygen links H)
- Subtract N's - they have two connections
8Cis-Trans Isomerism in Alkenes
- Rotation of ? bond is prohibitive
- This prevents rotation about a carbon-carbon
double bond (unlike a carbon-carbon single bond).
97.6 Stability of Alkenes
- Cis alkenes are less stable than trans alkenes
- Less stable isomer is higher in energy
10Stability of Alkenes (Continued) Comparing
Stabilities of Alkenes
- Evaluate heat given off when CC is converted to
C-C - More stable alkene gives off less heat
- trans-Butene generates 5 kJ less heat than
117.6 Stability of Alkenes
- Less stable isomer is higher in energy
- tetrasubstituted gt trisubstituted gt disubstituted
gt monosusbtituted
12Hydrogenation Data Helps to Determine Stability
137.7 Electrophilic Addition of Alkenes
- General reaction mechanism of electrophilic
addition - Attack on electrophile (such as HBr) by ? bond of
alkene - Produces carbocation and bromide ion
- Carbocation is an electrophile, reacting with
nucleophilic bromide ion
14Electrophilic Addition of Alkenes (Continued)
Electrophilic Addition Energy Path
- Two step process
- First transition state is high energy point
- First step is slower than second
15Electrophilic Addition of Alkenes (Continued)
- The reaction is successful with HCl and with HI
as well as HBr - HI is generated from KI and phosphoric acid
167.8 Orientation of Electrophilic Additions
Markovnikovs Rule
- In an unsymmetrical alkene, HX reagents can add
in two different ways, but one way may be
preferred over the other - If one orientation predominates, the reaction is
regioselective - Markovnikov observed in the 19th century that in
the addition of HX to alkene, the H attaches to
the carbon with more Hs and X attaches to the
other end (to the one with more alkyl
substituents) - This is Markovnikovs rule
17Example of Markovnikovs Rule
- Addition of HCl to 2-methylpropene
- Regiospecific one product forms where two are
possible - If both ends have similar substitution, then not
18Markovnikovs Rule (restated)
- More highly substituted carbocation forms as
intermediate rather than less highly substituted
one - Tertiary cations and associated transition states
are more stable than primary cations
19Markovnikovs Rule (restated)
- Regioisomers two constitutional isomers that
could result from an addition reaction. - Regioselective both regioisomers are formed,
but one is formed in preference. - Regiospecific only one regiosisomer forms at
the expense of the other.
217.9 Carbocation Structure and Stability
- Carbocations are planar and the tricoordinate
carbon is surrounded by only 6 electrons in sp2
orbitals - the fourth orbital on carbon is a vacant
p-orbital - the stability of the carbocation (measured by
energy needed to form it from R-X) is increased
by the presence of alkyl substituents
22Carbocation Structure and Stability (Continued)
- A plot of DH dissociation shows that more highly
substitued alkyl halides dissociate more easily
than less highly substituted ones
23Carbocation Structure and Stability (Continued)
- A inductive stabilized cation species
24Competing Reactions and the Hammond Postulate
- Normal Expectation Faster reaction gives more
stable intermediate - Intermediate resembles transition state
257.11 Evidence for the Mechanism of Electrophilic
Addition Carbocation Rearrangments
- Carbocations undergo structural rearrangements
following set patterns - 1,2-H and 1,2-alkyl shifts occur
- Goes to give most stable carbocation
262.4 Resonance
- Some molecules are have structures that cannot be
shown with a single representation - In these cases we draw structures that contribute
to the final structure but which differ in the
position of the ? bond(s) or - lone pair(s)
- Such a structure is delocalized and is
represented by resonance forms - The resonance forms are connected by a
double-headed arrow
27Resonance Hybrids
- A structure with resonance forms does not
alternate between the forms - Instead, it is a hybrid of the resonance forms,
so the structure is called a resonance hybrid - For example, benzene (C6H6) has two resonance
forms with alternating double and single bonds - In the resonance hybrid, the actual structure,
all its C-C bonds - are equivalent, midway between double and single
282.5 Rules for Resonance Forms
- Individual resonance forms are imaginary - the
real structure is a hybrid (only by knowing the
contributors can you visualize the actual
structure) - Resonance forms differ only in the placement of
their ? or nonbonding electrons - Different resonance forms of a substance do not
have to be equivalent - Resonance forms must be valid Lewis structures
the octet rule generally applies - The resonance hybrid is more stable than any
individual resonance form would be
29Curved Arrows and Resonance Forms
- We can imagine that electrons move in pairs to
convert from one resonance form to another - A curved arrow shows that a pair of electrons
moves from the atom or bond at the tail of the
arrow to the atom or bond at the head of the arrow
302.6 Drawing Resonance Forms
- Any three-atom grouping with a p orbital on each
atom has two resonance forms
31Different Atoms in Resonance Forms
- Sometimes resonance forms involve different atom
types as well as locations - The resulting resonance hybrid has properties
associated with both types of contributors - The types may contribute unequally
- The enolate derived from acetone is a good
illustration, with delocalization between carbon
and oxygen
- The anion derived from 2,4-pentanedione
- Lone pair of electrons and a formal negative
charge on the central carbon atom, next to a CO
bond on the left and on the right - Three resonance structures result