Ch 4, Section 1-Jesus of Nazareth - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ch 4, Section 1-Jesus of Nazareth


Title: 1984 Pre-reading guide Author: webmaster Last modified by: ccurley Created Date: 3/4/2004 4:10:59 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ch 4, Section 1-Jesus of Nazareth

  • Ch 4, Section 1-Jesus of Nazareth
  • Jesus was born in Bethlehem but was raised in
  • The Gospels do not provide us with a
    comprehensive biography about the life of Jesus ,
    but they do provide us with the best account

  • Knowing Jesus Jesus of Nazareth
  • 3/5. There is almost no information about Jesus
    childhood or upbringing. We hear almost nothing
    about what sort of teenager He was. Only in
    Luke, do we get a little glimpse into something
    significant he did as a 12-year-old boy he
    separated from Mary and Joseph for 3 days,
    spending time in the temple to worship. (What
    does this show about Jesus?)

  • Knowing Jesus Jesus of Nazareth
  • The Gospel writers were most interested in
    helping us see Jesus as God, or Christ.
  • Jesus, though he is/was God, should been seen
    also as a historical human being. He is a direct
    descendant of King David.

  • Knowing Jesus Jesus of Nazareth
  • At the age of thirty, Jesus began his public
    ministry- preaching the Good News, performing
    miracles, and reaching out to outcasts to promote
    the Kingdom of God.
  • Some of Jesus more human qualities emotions
    concern for others, anger, sorrow, compassion,
    joy, friendship, generosity, obedience, little
    tolerance for hypocrisy..

  • Knowing Jesus Jesus of Nazareth
  • During Jesus time, people were not encouraged to
    rebel. They were encouraged to follow the
    established order. The Zealots, though, were
    known for their interest in rebelling against
  • (Bear in mind that Jesus had enemies. Many felt
    uncomfortable and threatened by his rising

  • How is the date of Easter calculated?
  • The Council of Nicaea (A.D. 325) set the date of
    Easter as the Sunday following the paschal full
    moon, which is the full moon that falls on or
    after the vernal (spring) equinox.
  • We know that Easter must always occur on a
    Sunday, because Sunday was the day of Christ's
    Resurrection. But why the paschal full moon?
    Because that was the date of Passover in the
    Jewish calendar, and the Last Supper (Holy
    Thursday) occurred on the Passover. Therefore,
    Easter was the Sunday after Passover.

  • Section 2 A Lifetime of Revelation
  • 1. Jesus is often referred to as the Suffering
    Servant since he would not publicly defend
    himself at time when we might expect Him to. By
    staying silent, he is showing that he will not
    engage with any sort of injustice. In his
    silence, he is actually making a powerful

  • Section 2 A Lifetime of Revelation
  • 2. The miracles of Jesus are often referred to as
  • 3. Jesus would perform miracles to help others
    and to reveal the glory of God.

  • Section 3 True God and True Man
  • Hypostatic union refers to the fact that Jesus
    was both God and human simultaneously. Jesus is
    true God AND true Man. He should not be thought
    of as being divided into parts. He became human
    so that we could share in his divinity.
  • Jesus was sent into a world that did not and
    would not accept him to show the great lengths he
    would go for us to show us he loved us. He
    voluntarily chose death.

  • Section 3 True God and True Man
  • 3. Jesus asked his father 3 times (note the use
    of this highly symbolic ) to let this cup pass
    from me, but each time he added that he wanted
    to do Gods will.
  • In this prayer, he shows how the thought of his
    death was indeed scary for him. (Keep in mind
    that Jesus was human, too).

  • Section 3 True God and True Man
  • Jesus assumed a human nature so that we could
    share in his divinity. His humanity does not end
    with his death or His Ascension.
  • By choosing to become human, he always
    will be a
    part of us.

  • Section 4 Called to Follow
  • In choosing to follow Gods call, the disciples
    had to make sacrifices they were called to leave
    their occupations and their homes. They were
    making significant and symbolic breaks with their
    pasts, especially a change in their beliefs and
  • Their occupations and livelihoods show that Jesus
    embraced people from all walks of life. Also,
    remember we had discussed that sometimes those
    who are chosen are not who we might expect..

  • Section 4 Called to Follow
  • 3. We do use the title Apostle with Paul even
    though he was not one of the Twelve. We honor
    him with this title due to his role in spreading
    the Gospel in the early Church.
  • (He is sometimes called the Apostle to the

  • Reminders
  • Do not neglect your key terms and the questions
    regarding The Life of Jesus reading..
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