BULLYING - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BULLYING INFORMATION AND INTERVENTION Training Objectives Recognize the different forms of Bullying Recognize the Warning Signs that a Child is Being Bullied Identify ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: bullying | kids | stories


Transcript and Presenter's Notes



Training Objectives
  • Recognize the different forms of Bullying
  • Recognize the Warning Signs that a Child is Being
  • Identify ways parents or other adults can help a
    child who is being bullied
  • Identify things children can do if they are being
  • Identify things children can do if they witness

Training Objectives
  • Recognize how technology can be used to bully
  • Identify internet terms such as blogs and chat
  • Identify reasons why kids cyber bully
  • Identify what parents can do if their child is
    being bullied on-line
  • Recognize ways teens and children can protect
    themselves on-line

What is Bullying?
  • Bullying is intentional harm inflicted on another
    person over a period of time. A child who is
    bullied finds it difficult to defend themselves.
  • Bullying can be physical, verbal and emotional.
  • Cyber Bullying involves using computers and
    Mobile Bullying or Text Bullying involves using
    cell phones to bully other students.

Physical Bullying
  • Examples of Physical Bullying
  • ? Hitting
  • ? Kicking
  • ? Punching
  • ? Shoving
  • ? Pushing

Verbal and Emotional Bullying
  • ? Examples of Verbal Bullying
  • ? Teasing
  • ? Name Calling
  • ? Examples of Emotional Bullying
  • ? Rumor Spreading
  • ? Social Exclusion Leaving someone
  • out of a group

Warning Signs a Child is Being Bullied
  • Comes home with torn or damaged clothing
  • Comes home with missing books or other belongings
  • Unexplained bruises, cuts or scratches
  • A child may appear sad, anxious or depressed,
    when he or she goes to school in the morning or
    comes home from school.

Warning Signs a Child is Being Bullied
  • Frequently has stomachaches or headaches when it
    is time to go to school
  • Children who are bullied may be students who
    used to have a great interest in school but now
    does not.

Effects of Bullying
  • A child who is bullied may feel they have nowhere
    to turn. They're depressed children whose
    self-esteem will be lowered due to the bullying.
    These are children who often feel like no one
    cares for them. They may attempt suicide, or seek
    revenge against those who have hurt them, due to
    the repeated abuse and torment they receive.

What Can Parents Do if Their Child is Bullied?
  • Parents must be supportive and ask their child
    about bullying incidents. It is important for
    parents to let their child know they are
    concerned and care about them.
  • Parents need to contact the school their child
    attends. Teachers and the school principal should
    be alerted about the bullying incidents. Parents
    can also ask teachers and/or principal if they
    have ever observed students bullying their child.

What Can Parents Do if Your Child is Bullied?
  • Parents should keep a journal of the bullying
    events their children reports to them.
  • If a child is being bullied, parents should not
    wait for the children involved to "work it out
    themselves." This is rarely effective. Allowing
    bullying to repeatedly occur, with no
    intervention, can greatly impact a child's health
    and mental well-being.

What Can A Child Do if They Are Bullied?
  • It is important for children to tell their
    parents, teachers, school resource officer, or
    other adults they trust about the bullying.
  • Children who are bullied need to know that being
    bullied is not their fault.
  • Children should not fight back. Fighting back
    will get them in trouble.

What Can A Child Do if They Are Bullied?
  • Children should avoid situations where they may
    be bullied and use a "buddy system." Common
    places where children are bullied at school
    include hallways, the bathroom, or cafeteria.
  • Children who are bullied should sit up front on
    the school bus where they can be seen.
  • If a child is bullied, they can tell the bully to
    stop and then walk away. They must then
    immediately tell an adult what has happened. This
    is telling, not tattling.

What Can A Child Do if They Witness Bullying?
  • Bully By-Standers are children who witness
    bullying. Many kids witness bullying, but they do
    nothing to stop it.
  • They may even participate in the bullying by
    laughing or joining in. Children should not laugh
    at the bully. This only reinforces their
  • Witnesses to bullying incidents should tell an
    adult what they have seen.

What Can A Child Do if They Witness Bullying?
  • Bully By-Standers can tell the bully to stop, but
    only if they feel comfortable doing this.
  • Children who have witnessed bullying can give
    support and encouragement to the person who is
    being bullied.

Using Technology to Bully
  • Not all bullying behaviors happen at school
  • Many children (and in some cases adults) use
    technology such as computers and cell phones to
    torment and bully other children
  • Text messages and e-mails can be used to
    humiliate another person

Cyber Bullying
  • Examples of Cyber Bullying
  • ?Threatening and intimidating E-Mails
  • ?Harassing and Threatening Instant
  • Messages (IM)
  • ?Sending or posting cruel rumors about
  • someone to damage their reputation
  • ?Posting inappropriate pictures of someone
  • on-line (locker room pictures for example)

Cyber Bullying
  • Cyber Bullying also can include
  • ? Breaking into someones account, posing
  • as that person, and sending messages
  • that make the person look bad. This is
  • why its very important for children not
  • give out their passwords to their friends.

Mobile Bullying
  • Examples of Mobile Bullying or Text Bullying
  • ?Mean or Offensive Text Messages?Receiving a
    Large Number Messages a
  • Day (e.g. over 25 a day)?Offensive or
    Upsetting Photos or Videos?Threatening Text

Internet Definitions
  • Many adults in the United States do not
    understand cyber bullying because they are not
    familiar with computer terms or the applications
    their children are participating in on-line. The
    following slides describe some internet

Internet Definitions
  • Blog A blog, or web log, is an on-line web site
    that contains journal and diary entries, photos,
    and other images. Blogs are very popular with
    teens. Parents should ask their child if they
    have created a blog. Some popular blog web sites
    include Xanga, MySpace, Friendster, Facebook and
    others. Parents can always ask their child to
    show them their blog.

Internet Definitions
  • Chat Real time communication between two users
    via computer. Once a chat has been initiated,
    either user can enter text by typing on the
    keyboard and the entered text will appear on the
    other user's monitor. Most networks and online
    services offer a chat feature.
  • Chat Room A virtual room where a chat session
    takes place.
  • (Webopedia)

Internet Definitions
  • Instant Messaging, or IM Real time communication
    exchanged between two people (or more) on-line
    using typed words as the form of communicating.
    Ask your child if they are instant messaging and
    who they IM or chat with on-line. Learn what your
    children are saying on-line. Chat lingo has
    become the new way to communicate. For example,
    P911 means parents are coming. LMIRL means
    lets meet in real life. PA means parent alert.

How Prevalent is Cyber Bullying?
  • 22 of students know someone who has been bullied
  • 19 of students admit to saying something hurtful
    to others on-line.
  • 12 of students have personally became upset by
    strangers on-line.
  • (2005-06 i-SAFE pre-assessment survey of 13,000
    students in grades 5-12)

Why Do Kids Cyber Bully?
  • Many times cyber bullying or mobile bullying is
    an extension of bullying that is occurring at
  • Sometimes cyber bullying is based on hate or
  • Some children see cyber bullying as being

Why Do Kids Cyber Bully?
  • When friendships crumble or relationships
    dissolve, one person may use the internet or cell
    phones to bully the other person.
  • Sometimes the cyber bully may be a stranger to
    the victim. Many times when people use the
    internet, they feel as if theyre invisible. They
    will type things on-line they would not say in

Effects Of Cyber Bullying
  • Many children who are cyber bullied are also
    children who are bullied every day in school.
    While school lets out for the day, cyber bullying
    does not have a time frame. These children are
    bullied 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There
    is no escape for them.
  • They may not tell they are being bullied because
    children may fear losing their computer if they
    tell what is happening to them on-line.

Warning Signs a Child is Being Bullied On-Line
  • Children who are cyber bullied may be children
    who were always chatting with their friends
    on-line. Now they have no interest in using the
  • They may show fear or distress after using the
  • Children who are bullied on-line may be hiding
    information by quickly switching computer screens
    when their parents come into the room.

What Can Parents Do if Their Child is Bullied
  • Parents and guardians must save the evidence from
    cyber bullying. Save e-mails and chat sessions.
    Download all web pages.
  • If you do not know who the cyber bully is,
    contact your Internet Service Provider or another
    company that will trace the identity of the
    person on-line.

What Can Parents Do if Their Child is Bullied
  • Change your childs e-mail address or usernames,
    or block or filter further communications from
    the cyber bully.
  • Let the Internet Service Provider know the cyber
    bullying incidents are occurring.
  • If the cyber bullying is occurring through the
    use of a blog (MySpace, Friendster, etc), contact
    the provider.

What Can Parents Do if Their Child is Bullied
  • If the cyber bullying is about threats,
    harassment, obscene messages and images, sexually
    explicit images, or hate, contact your local
    police department or the Cybertipline. This
    national hotline is operated 24-hours a day, 7
    days per week online at www.cybertipline.com or
    by calling 1-800-843-5678.

Cyber Bullying Prevention Tips for Children and
  • Children should never post their full name, age,
    address, name of their school, or any other
    identifying information on-line. They should not
    give out personal information to people they are
    chatting with on-line if they do not know them
    in real life. Friends names, ages, addresses, or
    other identifying information should not be
    posted on-line. Posting their information puts
    them at risk.

Cyber Bullying Prevention Tips for Children and
  • Children and teens should not give out passwords
    to anyone but their parents or guardian.
  • The privacy settings of social networking sites
    (MySpace, Friendster, etc.) should be set so that
    other users can only be added if the child
    approves them.

Cyber Bullying Prevention Tips for Children and
  • Teens should not allow other internet users to
    read their blog or site if they do not know them.
  • Users should not be added to Instant Messaging
    lists unless the child knows them in real life.

Cyber Bullying Prevention Tips for Children and
  • Teens should not respond to inappropriate and
    lewd comments. They should report anything they
    see or receive on-line that makes them feel
    uncomfortable to their parents, guardian, or
    other trusted adult. Parents can then contact
    local internet service providers, local law
    enforcement, or the CyberTipline.

Cyber Bullying Laws
  • According to a February 2008 USA Today report,
    Missouri is one of five states (Maryland, New
    York, Rhode Island and Vermont are the other
    four) that are considering cyber bullying laws.
  • There were seven states, including Iowa,
    Minnesota, New Jersey and Oregon, that passed
    cyber bullying laws in 2007.

For More Information, Visit these Web Sites
  • Stop Bullying Now, www.stopbullyingnow.hrsa.gov/in
  • SAMHSA's National Mental Health Information
    Center (Bullying Is Not a Fact of Life),
  • National Education Association,

For More Information, Visit these Web Sites
  • Missouri School Violence Hotline,
  • Missouri Center for Safe Schools,
  • Netsmartz (from the National Center for Missing
    Exploited Children and Boys Girls Clubs of
    America), www.netsmartz.org
  • i-SAFE, www.i-safe.org

For More Information, Visit these Web Sites
  • Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use,
  • Play it Cyber Safe, www.playitcybersafe.com
  • Cyberbullying.us (Features News Stories about
    Cyber Bullying), http//www.cyberbullying.us/index
  • Stop Cyberbullying, http//www.stopcyberbullying.o

Missouri Department of Social Services State
Technical Assistance Team
  • Address
  • PO Box 208Jefferson City, MO 65102-0208
  • Telephone (573) 751-5980(800) 487-1626(8 a.m.
    to 5 p.m. CST, Monday Friday)
  • Email
  •  dls.stat_at_dss.mo.gov
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