Title: Question 1 is a measure of
1- Question 1 is a measure of
- altitude computed by sensing the Static
- Pressure.
- A Geometric Altitude
- B Pressure Altitude
- C Geopotential Altitude
- D Density Altitude
2- Question 2 is the measure of the
temperature at the surface of the aircraft. - A Ambient Temperature
- B Standard Temperature
- C Static Temperature
- D AB
3- Question 3
- Geometric Altitude is the physical distance
- Of the aircraft from sea level. This
measurement - is dependent of the pressure effects.
- A True
- B False
4- Question 4 The pressure ratio() is 1 when
- A Pamb gt PSeaLevel
- B Pamb PSeaLevel
- C P2amb / PSeaLevel
- D PambPSeaLevel
5- Question 5 The Barometric Pressure
- at a hypothetical reference point known
- as 'mean sea level' that has an ambient
- temperature of 15 F and is an ambient
- pressure of 29.92 inHg.
- A True
- B False
6Direction (Question 6-10) In the base standards
(ISA) condition, calculate followings. -Temperatur
e RatioTambient / Tsea level ?
1-(6.875310-6)Altitude -Pressure RatioPambient
/ Psea level d (1-6.8810-6Altitude)5.26
The Base Standards(ISA)
Parameter Value Units
Pressure 2,116.22 lbs/ft2
Density 0.002377 Slugs/ft3
Temperature 59ºF15ºC288.16ºK518.688ºR Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin, Rankine
Gravity 32.1741 ft/sec2
Gas Constant 53.35 ft/ºR
7Question 6 Standard Ambient Temperature (ºC) on
the altitude 25,000ft. Tip Degrees CDegrees
B. -15.6 ºC D. -60.0 ºC
Question 7 Standard Ambient Pressure (lbs/ft2) on
the altitude 25,000ft.
B. 2,193.93 D. 784.15
8Question 8 Temperature ratio (?) on 18,000ft
B. 0.876 D. 0.674
Question 9 When the ambient temperature is -24
ºC, what is the altitude? Tip Degrees
R(Degrees C273.15) (9/5)
- A. 19,690 ft
- C. 23,500 ft
B. 17,470 ft D. 25,420 ft
9Question 10 When the ambient pressure is 1,500
lbs/ft2, what is the altitude?
B. 9,206 D. 13,900