Title: What have these two places got in common?
1What have these two places got in common?
2Water is a liquid
Both very dry (Antarctica has less rainfall than
the Sahara desert)
Too cold for significant life
Both are unexplored
Both very cold
3For this reason, ESA (European Space Agency) and
NASA test all of their equipment that will be
sent to Mars in Antarctica
4Antarctica Mars on Earth Science competition
- During the next 50mins, you will be imagining
that you work for the UK Space agency.
5Antarctica Mars on Earth Science competition
- During the next 50mins, you will be imagining
that you work for the UK Space agency. - They need to test equipment and astronauts for
their next mission to mars.
6Antarctica Mars on Earth Science competition
- During the next 50mins, you will be imagining
that you work for the UK Space agency. - They need to test equipment and astronauts for
their next mission to mars. - Our brief is to design a series of experiments
that can be performed in Antarctica Mars on Earth
7Antarctica Mars on Earth Science competition
- The best experiments will be taken to Antarctica
by the expedition! - Those of you whos experiments are taken will be
updated by blog e-mail whilst down there in
8Category 1 Engineering/materials Mars is
extremely cold and dry (just like Antarctica!).
Design an experiment that will test the behaviour
of equipment and materials in the terrestrial
environment of Antarctica, the closest conditions
to Mars.
9Category 2 Physiology Whilst on Mars, humans
will be subjected to extreeme temperatures.
Design an experiment to test how humans react to
such conditions.
10Category 3 Psychology Anyone going to mars will
be isolated in a small group for years. Just
like astronauts, Antarctic expeditions are also
isolated, with limited contact with the outside
world. Design an experiment to test how humans
react to such conditions.
11Category 3 Psychology Anyone going to mars will
be isolated in a small group for years. Just
like astronauts, Antarctic expeditions are also
isolated, with limited contact with the outside
world. Design an experiment to test how humans
react to such conditions.
12Category 4 Biology There is a chance there may
once have been life on Mars. Design an experiment
to test whether life can survive in the extreme
cold conditions of Antarctica, as an indicator of
the possibility of past Martian life forms.
13Category 4 Biology There is a chance there may
once have been life on Mars. Design an experiment
to test whether life can survive in the extreme
cold conditions of Antarctica, as an indicator of
the possibility of past Martian life forms.
14- The best projects will have the following
attributes - Must be achievable in a four-week time frame
- Any associated equipment must be readily
available and easy to transport to the continent - Must produce interesting and original outcomes
that can be looked at when the expedition is over - Must not remove anything from the environment of
Antarctica (due to the Antarctic treaty, 1961)
15 Keep up to date with progress, blogs etc by
visiting www.sir-in-antarctica.com Expedition
dates November/December 2010