Title: Budgeting and Debt Reduction
1Budgeting and Debt Reduction
- Responsible Stewardship of
- Gods Great Gifts
2Personal Finance Workshops
- Budgeting and Debt Reduction
- Saving and Investing
- Personal Financial Management
- Stewardship
- Charitable Giving
3Our time today
- Consumer Trends
- The debt crisis
- Causes of debt
- Budgeting
- Budgeting and debt reduction tips
4Consumer Trends Today
- 10 years general prosperity up to Sept. 2008
- 70,000 full time jobs disappeared in Dec. alone
- Canadians are awash in debt
- Canadian household debt at all-time high at 1
trillion in 2006 - Interest on debt 1984 6 billion
- 2003 22 billion
- Average total household debt 127 of household
income - Savings 1980s 20.2 at highest point
2005 1.2
5How has Debt gotten so out of control?
- Confusion between our needs and wants
- Driven by fear
- Generosity
- Circumstances beyond our control
Toronto Star Canadians starting to save cash,
shun debt Jan. 9/09
6Reversing the trend
- Recognize it is not how much you make
- Philosophy of all is a gift from God
- Trust in God that HE provides
- We cant take it with us
- Good stewardship
7Reversing the trend
- Live within our means use debt wisely
- Prioritize our life decisions
- Limit borrowing to appreciating assets
- Understand risks
- Develop a financial plan and use a budget
8What is a Budget?
- Budget Spending plan
- It helps you
- see where money comes from and where it goes
- communicate with loved ones
- set and achieve your goals
- take advantage of opportunities
- be a good steward of Gods great gifts
9Budgeting Myths
- Budgeting is painful
- You only need to budget if you are in financial
crisis - Budgeting requires long hours and lots of
paperwork - Source http//www.tuliptreepress.com/myths.htm
10The Three Steps of Budgeting
- List available monthly income
- List monthly expenses
- Compare income vs expenses
11Tracking is key
12Budget Example
13Some budgeting tips
- Jar principle
- Use credit cards with caution - freezer
- Pay mortgage bi-weekly and pay more towards the
principal - Car pool/eliminate 1 car
- Pack a lunch
- Start cooking/plan meals
- Buy bulk
14Efficient steps for Debt Reduction
15Debt Elimination Worksheet Conventional
Item Amount Owed Interest Rate Months to Pay Off
Car Loan 6,000 9.2 22
Credit Card 3 1,000 28.8 25
Credit Card 1 2,000 11.5 26
Credit Card 2 1,600 18.5 27
Family 900 0.0 27
Line of Credit 9,550 8.9 95
16Debt Elimination Worksheet Snowball Effect
Item Amount Owed Interest Rate Months to Pay Off Months to Pay Off Months to Pay Off Months to Pay Off Months to Pay Off Months to Pay Off
Family 900 0.0 5
Credit Card 3 1,000 28.8 9
Credit Card 2 1,600 18.5 13
Credit Card 1 2,000 11.5 17
Car Loan 6,000 9.2 20
Line of Credit 9,550 8.9 33
17Make the Commitment
- To yourself, in Gods presence
- As a family state your goals
- Consult a trusted advisor
- Create a plan a commitment to action
18What the Bible says about debt
- The rich rule over the poor, the borrower is
servant to the lender - Proverbs 227
You are bought at a price, do not become slaves
of men 1 Corinthians 723
19Want to go deeper?
- To review or start your plan
- consider FaithLife Financial
- Go Green - www.faithlifefinancial.ca
- download financial tools
- view seminars
- calculators
- great financial articles