Title: Amenorrhea
DI WEN M.D., Ph.D.,
Professor Chairman
Department Of
Obstetrics Gynecology
Renji Hospital Affiliated to SJTU
School of Medicine
- Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation.
- Primary
- Secondary
Absence of menses by age 16 with normal
secondary sexual characteristics Absence of
menses by age 14 without secondary sexual
Absence of menses for 6 months in a previously
menstruating female
3Events of Puberty
- Thelarche (breast development)
- Requires estrogen
- Pubarche/adrenarche (pubic hair development)
- Requires androgens
- Menarche
- Requires
- GnRH from the hypothalamus
- FSH and LH from the pituitary
- Estrogen and progesterone from the ovaries
- Normal outflow tract
4(No Transcript)
5Classification of amenorrhea
- hypothalamic amenorrhea
- pituitary amenorrhea
- ovarian amenorrhea
- uterine amenorrhea
- hypothalamic amenorrhea
- Psychological stress
- 5a-Reductase deficiency
- Anorexia nervosa, weight loss
- Increased exercise levels
- Kallmann syndrome
- drug-induced amenorrhea
- Space-occupying lesion of CNS
- pituitary amenorrhea
- tumor
- Empty sella syndrome
- Sheehan syndrome
- ovarian amenorrhea
- Gonadal dysgenesis
- Turner syndrome low hair line, web neck, shield
chest, and widely spaced nipples) - Swyer syndrome
- resistant ovary syndrome
- Premature ovarian failure
9Tunner staging
10Acanthosis nigrans
12Typical features of Turner Syndrome
- uterine amenorrhea
- Absence of uterus
- Asherman syndrome
- anatomic abnormalities of the reproductive tract
- Imperforate Hymen
14Imperforate Hymen
15Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome
(utero-vaginal agenesis)
- 15 of primary amenorrhea
- Normal secondary development external female
genitalia - Normal female range testosterone level
- Absent uterus and upper vagina normal ovaries
- Karyotype 46-XX
- 15-30 renal, skeletal and middle ear anomalies
16Androgen Insensitivity
- Normal breasts but no sexual hair
- Normal looking female external genitalia
- Absent uterus and upper vagina
- Karyotype 46, XY
- Male range testosterone level
- Treatment gonadectomy after puberty HRT
- History
- Physical examination
- Physical examination begins with vital signs,
including height and weight, and with sexual
maturity ratings - Laboratory evaluation
18 VE- preg test
TSH ,PROLACTIN, Prog.challenge test
without withdrawal bleeding
withdrawal bleeding
compromised outflow tract.
ve.est,progest.challenge test
-ve.est,progest .challenge test
Normal FSH
FSH norm.
Repeatserum ,est.level
HSG OR hysteroscopy asherman
hypothalamic-pituitary failure
- treatment varies depending upon the causes of
the amenorrhea. Treatment options include - Dietary changes, including an increase in fat and
calories in order to stimulate estrogen
production. - Counseling for eating disorders.
- Using stress reduction techniques to help
regulate the period. - Hormonal supplements, like the birth control pill
or patch, or hormone replacement therapy. - Surgery to remove cysts, fibroids or tumors
20 Thanks for Your Attention
DI WEN M.D., Ph.D.
Professor Chairman
Department of
Obstetrics Gynecology
Renji Hospital Affiliated to SJTU
School of Medicine