Personalisation and Individual Budgets Workshop - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Personalisation and Individual Budgets Workshop


Personalisation and Individual Budgets Workshop deployment options, safeguarding, and liability Belinda Schwehr Legal and Training Consultant – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Personalisation and Individual Budgets Workshop

Personalisation and Individual BudgetsWorkshop
deployment options, safeguarding, and liability
Belinda Schwehr Legal and Training
Consultant www.carean Tel 01252 725890
Lawful deployment options
  • Traditional (and non-traditional) contracting by
    LA staff, with LA money, for LA functions under
    statute but stretching them to their fullest
    possible interpretation.
  • Common law and s2 LGA well-being agency
    arrangements with LA staff, for use of the Direct
    Payment for community care type things and for
    non-community care type things (but subject to
    well-being policy).
  • Formal direct payments for capacitated people
    using helpers as managers, and for incapacitated
    peoples surrogates. Both these have legal
    authority to manage.
  • Formal direct payments for incapacitated people
    using representatives, with arrangements for them
    to pledge the credit of the service user.
  • Indirect payments, through contract, to circles
    of support, voluntary organisations, user
    independent trusts, user controlled trusts and
    self-employed individuals, etc.
  • Direct payments to carers for unfettered Carers
    Services and also for some community care
    services for the end user, within the rules about
    intimate services.
  • S2 well-being financial assistance and service
    provision to individuals, subject to policy.
  • Simply processing payments where a best interests
    decision maker has pledged the incapacitated
    persons credit, in their virtual IB.
  • Grants for voluntary organisations to do things,
    below the eligibility threshold, or outside of
    community care functions.

What are Indirect Paymentsfor social care
  • Proper LA Indirect Payments do not require
    capacitated consent on the part of the service
    user, and are legal under the terms of s30 NAA
    payment to an individual, so long as they are
    carrying on a trade or business, or to a
    voluntary organisation, such as a UIT that is a
    company, limited by guarantee as agent for the
    local authority for welfare decision making and
  • An indirect payment tends to be a payment to an
    organisation not merely to provide the care, but
    to decide what to provide, and to organise it,
    either by buying it or employing it.
  • A real life example is found in the East Sussex
    case involving a company limited by guarantee,
    directed by 5 people, the mother, stepfather,
    disability rights worker, advocate and LA care

The drawback of a s30 vehicle
  • Unfortunately it is highly probable that the fact
    that the provider acts as agent for the
    authority, even if an individual, triggers the
    duty to register the provider as a domiciliary
    care agency see the Care Standards Act for the
    trigger scenario, which is arranging (not merely
    providing) personal care, for people who cannot
    do it for themselves. 
  • This would mean that the indirect payment
    recipient had to CRB anyone it was thinking of
    employing to do the care work which would
    actually be good from the perspective of
    protection, but off-putting to relatives who
    would otherwise wish to employ unregistered
    personal assistants, perhaps.
  • And off-putting to government and the Care
    Quality Commission because of the economics of
    staffing up to do this much regulation?

The National Assistance Act and the relationship
of agency it creates when money is given away by
an LA to a voluntary organisation in an indirect
  • s30. Voluntary organisations for disabled
    persons welfare.
  • (1) A local authority may, in accordance with
    arrangements made under section 29 of this Act,
    employ, as their agent, for the purposes of that
  • any voluntary organisation or
  • any person carrying on, (professionally or by way
    of trade or business), activities which consist
    of or include the provision of services for any
    of the persons to whom section 29 above applies,
  • being an organisation or person appearing to the
    authority to be capable of providing the service
    to which the arrangements apply.

The arrangements can be summarised as follows
  • Thus
  • i) No payments are made by ESCC either to A and B
    or to X and Y. All payments under the Contract
    are made to the Company the user independent
  • ii) The Company is a legal entity quite distinct
    from both A and B and from X and Y Salomon v
    Salomon Co 1897 AC 22.
  • iii) X and Y do not control the Company. They do
    not have a majority of the votes on the Board
    and, since the Trustees act by majority, nor do
    they have a veto.
  • iv) The Company is a non profit-making
    organisation. It can make no distribution to its
    members and any surplus on winding-up has to be
    repaid to ESCC. Thus this is not a trust that can
    be 'broken' by the family under the rule in
    Saunders v Vautier (1841) 4 Beav 115.

The judge said that that contracts with user
independent trusts were a legal way to provide
social care
  • See for yourselves http//
  • LA payment to a user independent trust is on the
    face of it, within the scope of the statutory
    power in section 29(1) of the 1948 Act to "make
    arrangements" for the provision of the relevant
    services. The use of a user independent trust in
    this context is intra vires a local authority. It
    is within the powers expressly conferred on a
    local authority by section 30(1).
  • Whats one of these, then?
  • A 'User independent trust' is not, as I
    understand it, a term of art but merely a label
    conventionally used to describe the key component
    in a certain type of arrangement. The particular
    arrangement under consideration in the present
    case can be briefly described. It consists of two

What the User Independent Trust really boiled
down to a contract with a company.
  • The draft Memorandum of Association of the
    Company provides
  • - by clause 3 that "The object for which the
    Company is established is for the sole purpose of
    providing, or arranging to be provided support,
    rehabilitation, recreational activities and care
    to A and B."
  • - by clause 5 that no Trustee shall be
    appointed to any office of the Company paid by
    salary or fees or receive any remuneration or
    other benefit in money or money's worth from the
  • - by clause 8 that "If the Company is wound up
    or dissolved and there remains any money or
    property it shall not be paid to or distributed
    among the Members of the Company, but shall be
    given or transferred to the Statutory Authority
    responsible under Community Care Legislation to
    provide support, rehabilitation and care to A
    and B."

The other important bit of a s30 arrangement
which is legal, now
  • The other component is a 'Contract for the
    provision of support to A and B' ("the
    Contract") to be entered into by the Company and
  • What is described as the basis of contract is set
    out in clause 2. Clause 2.1 provides that "This
    Agreement aims to enable as far as is possible
    flexible provision of care services to A and
    B to be arranged by the Company. These
    arrangements will in turn support X and Y in
    their role as carers."
  • Clause 2.3 provides that "This Agreement
    establishes responsibilities on the part of
    ESCC and the Company, as set out in the
    attached Service Specification as it relates to
    the individual care plans for A and B".
  • The draft Service Specification provides, that
    ESCC will pay to the Company the funding
    identified by ESCC's social services department
    to meet the agreed needs of A and B, as detailed
    in their individual care plans, and that the
    Company will ensure that all services purchased
    and arranged comply with the agreed care plans.

The judge said there are effectively 6 legal ways
to give social services to someone
  • The 1948 Act, read in conjunction with the 1996
    Act, contemplates that section 29 services can be
    provided or paid for by a local authority in four
    different ways
  • i) by the local authority itself providing the
    services section 29(1)
  • ii) by the local authority arranging for another
    local authority to provide the services
    paragraph 3
  • iii) by the local authority employing a suitably
    qualified voluntary organisation or individual to
    act as their agent section 30(1) or
  • iv) by the local authority making a direct
    payment to the (capacitatedly consenting)
    end-user under the 1996 Act.
  • AND
  • iv) It would, by virtue of section 111 of the
    1972 Act, be intra vires ESCC to make use of a
    user independent trust it would, in my judgment,
    be intra vires ESCC to make payment of monies to
    the Company in accordance with the Contract.
  • vi) It would, by virtue of section 2 of the 2000
    Act, also be intra vires ESCC to make use of a
    user independent trust it would, in my judgment,
    be intra vires ESCC to make payment of monies to
    the Company in accordance with the Contract.
  • He missed out grants to community organisations
    to provide services which avoid eligibility, but
    never mind.

But is that the end of all our problems then?
  • The crucial question is to what extent does s2
    allow us to do things that we are forbidden to
    do, under the community care framework?
  • And what about the Dom Care registration point?
    Arranging personal care for incapacitated people
    cannot merely be regarded as helping them to help
    themselves (see following slides).

Capacitated vs incapacitated people why it
matters for personalisation
  • Whatever we call it, a helping person, who is
    positively chosen or accepted by the client, with
    mental capacity, in the context of a direct
    payment, is a manager, a real representative,
    acting for that person as his or her agent.
  • That means that the services are bought BY THE
    principal, ie the user, albeit with help, NOT
    arranged FOR that person, which is critically
    important, if we all want to avoid registration
    law, in my view.

But informal agency doesnt last forever
  • A the service user recognises that he or she
    needs help sorting out their finances and staying
    on top of them, and getting services
  • A recognises that B is better at it than A
    is and lets B get on with it or takes Bs
  • A gives B certain rights, and a remit, and
    limits and constrains B in certain other
  • If B misbehaves, and A has paid B for the
    help, or B has held themselves out for A to
    rely on for advice, A has a civil remedy
    against B, for breach of contract or negligent
  • Bs right to act for A falls in once A can
    no longer manage giving instructions or revoke
    Bs authority
  • How would anyone know A has lost capacity?

Capacitated vs incapacitated people why it
  • An incapacitated person cannot appoint or choose
    an agent he can only have a statutory agent
    appointed by the Court of Protection.
  • Anyone else ( apart from a deputy or attorney
    who are lawful surrogates who count AS the person
    - ) ie a carer, relative, spouse or agency, or
    trustees, contracting supposedly for that
    person, do so, in law, as either someone elses
    agent (ie the LAs, under an indirect payment) or
    in their own name.which is kind of important, I
    feel, for identifying things like who should be
    taking out insurance, who is liable for injury to
    client or car worker, who is liable for debts to
    providers, etc...!

The Care Standards REGISTRATION consequences of
small entities arranging or providing personal
  • In England, the arranging of, or the providing of
    personal care, by 'an undertaking', triggers
    registration as a domiciliary care agency under
    the Care Standards Act.
  • There are similar rules covering the provision of
    nursing services (not for merely arranging of
    them, mind you).
  • These registration steps involve expense, a level
    of bureaucracy and the recruitment of only
    registered care workers for hands-on personal
    care tasks.
  • The staff, in turn, have to do NVQs etc - so it
    is not a popular route to go down, even if a
    'third party' or 'indirect' payment, as it is
    known in social care circles, under s29 and s30
    of the NAA, has been embraced by the Local
    Authority, to enable the close family (either
    informally as individuals, or from within a
    voluntary organisation), to be in charge of the
    care of someone too incapacitated to say yes to
    a Direct Payment for themselves, and accept help
    from a relative to manage the money.

Could it be legal for third parties to be paid to
arrange care for incapacitated people, without
being registered as a DCA?
  • The definition of an undertaking in s121 CSA is
    as follows
  • An undertaking includes any business or
    profession and
  • - in relation to a public or local authority -
    includes the exercise of any functions of that
    authority, and -
  • in relation to any other body of persons,
    whether corporate or unincorporated, includes any
    of the activities of that body.
  • So informal groups such as circles of support or
    Trusts, whose support activities amount to
    arranging personal care for incapacitated people,
    could clearly count.
  • Whether it is being done for profit is not an
    essential part of the concept see next slide,
    s121(5). Neither is whether the activity being
    done is in the nature of a trade or profession,
    unlike in s29 NAA, by an ordinary contractor.
  • The notion of an undertaking must also be able to
    include private individuals, because individuals
    come within the definition of excepted
    undertakings, and that would make no sense, if
    individuals could not ever count as undertakings
    in the first place

Care Standards Act definitions of relevance
  • s4(3) Domiciliary care agency means, subject to
    subsection (6), an undertaking which consists of
    or includes arranging the provision of personal
    care in their own homes for persons who by reason
    of illness, infirmity or disability are unable to
    provide it for themselves without assistance.
  • s121(5) References in this Act to a person who
    carries on an establishment or agency include
    references to a person who carries it on
    otherwise than for profit.
  • s(6) The definitions in subsections (2) to (5) do
    not include any description of establishment,
    undertaking or organisation excepted from those
    definitions by regulations.
  • s4(5) Nurses agency means, subject to
    subsection (6), an employment agency or
    employment business, being (in either case) a
    business which consists of or includes supplying,
    or providing services for the purpose of
    supplying, registered nurses, registered midwives
    or registered health visitors.

Excepted undertakings (taken from the Dom Care
Regulations 2002)
  • Reg 3.
  • For the purposes of the Act, an undertaking is
    excepted from the definition of domiciliary care
    agency in section 4(3) of the Act if the
    undertaking is carried on by an individual who
  • (a) carries it on otherwise than in partnership
    with others
  • (b) is not employed by an organisation to carry
    it on and
  • (c) does not employ any other person for the
    purpose of the undertaking.
  • Reg 2
  • (3) In these Regulations, the terms employed
    and employment include employment under a
    contract of service or a contract for services,
    or otherwise than under a contract and whether or
    not for payment.
  • (ie, being engaged by an organisation, or even
    being grant funded, or doing it as a
    Representative under the new legislation for
    incapacitated peoples direct payments, may make
    no difference).

Legality of third parties being paid to arrange
care for incapacitated people, without being
  • An excepted undertaking includes an individual
    who even though he or she arranges or provides
    personal care, does not do so on
  • a partnership basis, (this does bring in a notion
    of doing it for profit, so might let relatives or
    parents out, if spending their own money, I would
  • and is not employed by an organisation
  • nor engaged by an organisation to do so, (again
    this lets parents and relatives out, if they are
    spending their own money, but not if they are
    spending the Local Authoritys money)
  • and does not employ anyone else (enables parents
    to buy (registered) services from agencies, but
    not employ people with an incapacitated persons
    direct payment or an IB.)
  • So an individual care worker can physically
    provide care to someone else, and not register,
    if they are a one person set-up, just providing
    care to people on direct payments, for instance.
  • An individual parent, however, providing by way
    of arranging or employing personal care for an
    incapacitated person, as agent of the authority,
    would seem to me to be plainly outside this
    exception to registration.

Who doesnt have to register?
  • Here are some examples, reasoned through
  • A) a brokerage agency merely supporting a person
    with capacity to spend a direct payment those
    people are just being helped to make
    arrangements, for their own careThe CSCI page on
    whether registration is necessary illustrates
    this distinction perfectly none of the people
    helping without any need to be registered, are
    helping incapacitated people
  • B) parents, informally appointed by their own
    capacitated son or daughter, spending the
    persons own benefits money this is merely
    helping the person make their own arrangements,
    once again
  • C) parents simply spending their own money on
    agency services for their own adult incapacitated
    son or daughter, because they are an excepted
    undertaking - they are not doing it in
    partnership, and are clearly not acting as any
    LAs or PCTs employee or agent.

Examples of very inconveniently registrable
entities, in my view
  • A tenants association eg self-funding elderly
    people, contributing a monthly sum towards their
    combined care costs, clubbing together to arrange
    services, including some personal care services,
    for some of the owner-occupiers who are now
    incapacitated, without lawful surrogates.
  • Possibly not - if all the occupants of the flats
    are capacitated, or if they are incapacitated
    with surrogates, because the association can then
    be seen as helping people to make their own
    individual arrangements.
  • But bound to be registrable if the Association
    employs anyone to provide anything that could
    possibly be seen as personal care.

Examples of other very inconveniently registrable
  • Parents spending their own money to employ other
    people to care for their relative they score on
    two out of 3 of the requirements for exception
    from registration, but miss out on the third
    employing a person. How useless is that?
  • A care broker acting for an incapacitated person,
    accessing social care monies for them and then
    formally contracting for the person the
    broker cant be their agent, in law, so would
    probably be seen as arranging on account of the
    LA.even if no SLA existed between it and
  • A credit union, whether incorporated or
    unincorporated, actually contracting for personal
    care services, if any of the investors are

Why is Welsh regulation better?
  • Under the 2004 Domiciliary Care Agencies Regs, in
    Wales, NOT in England please note, the
    regulations provide for a wider definition of
    excepted undertakings than exists in England
  • Excepted undertakings
  •  3.  - (1) For the purposes of the Act, an
    undertaking is excepted from the definition of
    "domiciliary care agency" in section 4(3) of the
    Act  - 
  • (c) to the extent that it arranges the provision
    of personal care by an agreement with an
    undertaking which is registered under the Act and
    these Regulations.
  • This flexibility allows for anyone to arrange
    personal care without being registered, even for
    incapacitated people, so long as it is doing it
    by way of an agreement with a registered entity,
    ie, under s30 of the National Assistance Act, via
    a contract with a registered local authority.
  • Therefore, unregistered indirect payment
    arrangements to incapacitated people under s2
    Local Government Act 2000 or s30 National
    Assistance Act are already perfectly lawful, in
    Wales, because every LA can be registered and
    should be registered itself, as an arranger of
    personal care.

Points to remember when dealing with
so-called Trusts for using IBs  
  • User Independent Trusts are Trusts that are
    independent of an incapacitated user they are a
    model form of voluntary organisation for use in
    s30 arrangements. Their existence and origins
    connote incapacity on the part of the client.
    Therefore when the members arrange something,
    they are doing it FOR the other person, not in
    the name OF the other person, as would a Deputy
    or an Attorney.
  • Independent User Trusts are wholly different
    they are circles of support for service users who
    need help to run a direct payment, but who can,
    fundamentally, consent and understand that they
    are in charge. Calling this form of vehicle a
    User Controlled trust is much clearer and as
    such it can be seen simply as a management
    agreement as between the client and the circle,
    granting them dominion over the persons
    entitlement to direct payments.

The pros and cons of direct payments, right now
  • With regard to Conditions on Direct Payments,
    clients need to know that LAs have these powers,
  • (4) A responsible authority may make a direct
    payment subject to such other conditions (if any)
    as they think fit.
  • (5) The conditions referred to in paragraph (4)
    may, in particular, require that the
    payee - (a) shall not secure the relevant
    service from a particular person (this means
    company as well as an individual) and(b)
    shall provide such information to the responsible
    authority as they consider necessary in
    connection with the direct payment.

The law on what happens to the duty to provide,
when a person takes a direct payment
  • Reg 8. (1) Except as provided by paragraph (2),
    the fact that an authority make a direct payment
    shall not affect their functions with respect to
    the provision under the relevant enactment of the
    service to which the payment relates.
  • (2) Where a responsible authority make a direct
    payment, they shall not be under any obligation
    with respect to the provision under the relevant
    enactment of the service to which the payment
    relates as long as they are satisfied that the
    need which calls for the provision of the service
    will be secured by the payees own arrangements.

Why direct payments are no good for those needing
residential care
  • Maximum periods of residential accommodation
    which may be secured by means of a direct
  • Reg 7.  (1) Subject to paragraph (2), a direct
    payment may not be made in respect of a person
    who falls within regulation 2(1) for the
    provision to him of residential accommodation of
    a period in excess of 4 weeks in any period of 12

The new extension of the DP system to
incapacitated people
  • Draft Regulation 8 sets out the circumstances
    where an authority shall make direct payments to
    persons lacking mental capacity. It is a duty in
    just the same circumstances as it would be for a
    capacitated person, ie only if the authority is
    satisfied that it can meet the needs of the
    person concerned satisfactorily.
  • This regulation contains steps which the
    authority must take before being satisfied as to
    the fitness of the managing recipient, one of
    which is getting a CRB, unless the person is a
    close relative of the service user. Another is
    consultation of people living with the service
    user, close relatives and any friend of theirs,
    involved in the care.

Criteria for choosing S, the recipient
  • The authority must be satisfied that the other
  • will act in the best interests, within the
    meaning of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, of P
    when securing the provision of services in
    respect of which the direct payment is made and
  • appears to the responsible authority to be
    capable of managing a direct payment and
  • in all the circumstances it is appropriate for a
    direct payment to be made to S.
  • Draft Regulation 10 sets out the amount and
    payment of direct payments to persons lacking
    mental capacity. There is a choice about paying
    gross or net.
  • I think it would be better to pay gross, where
    there is any concern that the managing person may
    have an interest in the assets of the service
    user remaining as healthy as possible. The
    authority can still levy invoices for the charges
    against the person and recover them from the
    persons estate or through debt recovery, later.

Applying Conditions to Direct Payments . . . in
the future
  • Draft Regulation 12 specifies conditions which
    shall be made in respect of direct payments to
    persons lacking the capacity to consent
    respectively. In all such cases, S shall
  • (i) act in the best interests, within the meaning
    of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, of P, when
    securing the provision of services in respect of
    which the direct payment is made
  • (ii) provide such information to the responsible
    authority as they consider necessary in
    connection with the direct payment
  • (iii) if S is not a person mentioned in
    regulation 8(2)(a) (ie not a close relative or
    friend), obtain a criminal record certificate
    issued under section 113B of the Police Act 1997,
    or obtain verification that a satisfactory
    certificate under that Act has been obtained, in
    respect of any person from whom a service in
    respect of which a direct payment is made is
  • (iv) notify the responsible authority if S
    reasonably believes that P no longer falls within
    section 57(5A) of the 2001 Act and
  • (v) use the direct payment for securing
    the provision for P of the services for
    which the payment was made
  • and the payment may be made subject to such
    other conditions (if any) as the authority think

What does this mean for safeguarding and CRB
  • This seems to me to mean that if the recipient
    manager is not a close relative, the LA shall
    insist that they get a CRB for anyone that is
    going to do the work.
  • Ie the fact of a close relationship means that
    the recipient will somehow make a better choice
    from the small ads, without the benefit of a
    police check.
  • Non-sensical, to my mind.
  • A professional broker or an organisation (rather
    than a close relative or friend) chosen to be a
    persons representative will have to get a worker
    checked, even though that worker is going to be
    working for a beneficiary of a direct payment.

Relationship to ISA provisions
  • This fits with the ISA rules coming into force
  • Those who are closely working, or applying to
    work, with vulnerable adults will be required to
    make an application to the Secretary of State to
    be "subject to monitoring" .
  • This will cover everyone engaging in what the Act
    refers to as "regulated activity" with the
    permission of a "regulated activity provider".
  • There are a series of criminal offences to
  • a.  prevent barred individuals from engaging in
    regulated activity in relation to children or
    vulnerable adults
  • b.  ensure that people permitted to engage in
    regulated activity in relation to children or
    vulnerable adults with the permission of a
    "regulated activity provider" are subject to
  • c.  ensure that relevant employers check an
    individual's status in the scheme before
    permitting an individual to engage in regulated
    activity in relation to children or vulnerable

Regulated activities and regulated activity
  • For an activity to be considered as regulated
    activity, alongside the satisfaction of criteria
    relating to the activity and/or establishment
    where it takes place, it must be carried out by
    the same person, frequently or satisfy the
    period condition ie intensively.
  • All care and supervision and training and
    instruction Is regulated activity.
  • But the definition of a regulated activity
    provider excludes those on direct payments and
    those spending direct payments on close relatives
    or friends
  • (5) P is not a regulated activity provider if he
    is an individual and the arrangements he makes
    are private arrangements.
  • (6) Arrangements are private arrangements if the
    regulated activity is for, or for the benefit of,
    P himself. ie buying your own care
  • (7) Arrangements are private arrangements if the
    regulated activity is for, or for the benefit of,
    a child or vulnerable adult who is
  • (a) a member of P's family
  • (b) a friend of P.
  • ie individuals buying care for their family or
    friends do not have to check the list, but can do
    so if they want to
  • AND if the worker works for this sort of an
    individual, the worker does not have to register
    to be subject to monitoring.

Other let-outs
  • 58 Family and personal relationships
  • (1) This Act does not apply to any activity which
    is carried out in the course of a family
  • (2) This Act does not apply to any activity which
    is carried out
  • (a) in the course of a personal relationship, and
  • (b) for no commercial consideration.
  • So if the recipient manager is not a close
    relative of the client, but chooses to employ
    someone who IS a close relative of the recipient
    of the service, the worker doesnt have to
    register for monitoring but they do need to be
    CRBd under the draft regulations for
    incapacitated peoples direct payments.
  • Got that, now?

So where does this get us to, for the purposes of
  • Anyone receiving care in their own home would be
  • Anyone providing frequent care, supervision or
    advice, with the permission of a RAP, would have
    to become registered to be subject to monitoring.
  • A Local Authority could report anyone, even a
    direct payments worker, to the Independent
    Barring Board.
  • BUT RAP status does not attach to anyone
    getting care or advice for themselves so a new
    DP worker who has never been subject to
    monitoring wont be obliged to become registered
    with the ISA to do their job, because they are
    not going to be doing the job with the
    permission of a regulated activity provider!
  • A DP client could look to see if the person they
    want to employ was barred at some earlier point.
  • A person buying care for a family or friend is
    not a RAP, so is not obliged to check that the
    person is subject to monitoring or barred and
    nor are they obliged to buy care from a person
    who is registered to be subject to monitoring
  • A non-individual (ie a corporate structure)
    buying or organising care for a family member or
    friend is a RAP, so would have to check that a
    potential worker was not barred, and could not
    employ a person to offer to a client, unless the
    worker was subject to monitoring.
  • A representative who is NOT a close relative must
    get a person CRBd but if the employee is a close
    relative of the service user then that person
    need not register to be subject to monitoring.

Carers Direct Payments.
  • LAs can give a direct payment to a carer, for the
    carer to spend on themselves (and there are
    really no limits to what it can be spent on) or
    directly, on services directly for the persons
  • But for the latter, there are rules about it
    needing to be for community care types of things,
    and about it not being intimate personal care
    services for the service user, unless they are
    asking for them or they are absolutely
    essential to avoid harm, which doesnt work very
    well for regular and ongoing personal care
  • We get round this in Richmond, by treating a
    person who can at least show displeasure, as
    asking for the service so long as they are NOT
    showing displeasure.
  • As a matter of policy, we dont let the carer pay
    themselves for caring, down either of these
  • The idea that the carer is the employer, the
    employee and the decision-maker is just too
    boggling for the Revenue and for liability
    purposes, we think.

The exception from the prohibition in relation to
intimate personal care
  • (2) Where a service is being delivered to the
    person cared for and
  • (a) during the delivery of that service the
    person cared for asks the person delivering the
    service to provide a service of an intimate
    nature or
  • (b) the person cared for is in a situation in
    which he is likely to suffer serious personal
    harm unless a service of an intimate nature is
    provided to him and
  • the person cared for is unable to consent to the
    provision of that service, or
  • the person providing the service reasonably
    believes it is necessary to provide that service
    because the likelihood of serious personal harm
    to the person cared for is imminent
  • a service of an intimate nature may be provided.

Can a payment or a favour ever be made/done by
the authority, under other legislation? S2 LGA
  • The Local Government Act 2000 section 2 enables a
    local authority to do anything they consider
    likely to promote the wellbeing for social,
    economical or environmental reasons, subject to
    section 3 which prohibits the use of section 2 to
    raise money.
  • In 2001 Paragraph 6 government guidance stressed
  • the purpose of introducing the well-being
    power is to reverse that traditional cultural
    approach, (ie that LAs need specific statutory
    authority to do anything) and to encourage
    innovation and closer joint working between local
    authorities and their partners to improve

What does it cover, in theory?
  • 2 (4) The power under subsection (1) includes
    power for a local authority to
  • (a) incur expenditure,
  • (b) give financial assistance to any person,
  • (c) enter into arrangements or agreements with
    any person, ie it could be an ordinary spouse or
    parent, because the person does not have to be
    carrying on a trade or a business or be a
    voluntary organisation
  • (d) co-operate with, or facilitate or co-ordinate
    the activities of, any person,
  • (e) exercise on behalf of any person any
    functions of that person, ie be the persons
    agent, with the persons capacitated consent and
  • (f) provide staff, goods, services or
    accommodation to any person.

What are the limits to section 2 LGA 2000?
  • Section 3 of the LGA 2000 limits the use of
    section 2.
  • Section 3 prevents the use of the powers in
    section 2 if there is a prohibition or
    restriction or limitation in or under other
    statutory provisions, and prevents the use of
    section 2 to raise money (ie make profit).
  • It does not prevent a local authority from
    charging for services provided under section 2
    LGA. Fairer Charging would not apply to anything
    that was not social care services provided to
    meet eligible assessed needs.

What can s2 be used for, then?
  • The provisions of section 2 LGA, known as the
    well-being provisions, can be used to make
    payments to enable authorities to provide
    services or enable service users to access
    services that do not conform to the traditional
    model for the provision of social care services.
  • It can I think be used to provide social care
    type services to people who would not be
    eligible for them, in the sense of Fair Access
    to Care Services thresholds.
  • And it can be used for funding things that are
    nothing to do with social care, so long as they
    are to do with well-being.
  • Crucially, if an LA is going to use this power,
    it needs to have a well-being policy and stick to
    it. It cannot simply be used in an ad hoc way,
    whenever anyone needs some money.
  • So it is, an additional funding stream for other
    things. (ie If you happen to have any spare

The limits to the use of s2
  • If it is used to provide community care services
    or funding to meet eligible assessed needs, after
    a statutory assessment of a persons situation, I
    think its clear that it cannot be used to get
    around any of the restrictions, limitations or
    prohibitions in the existing legal framework,
    precisely because of what s3 says.
  • Examples would be the requirement for ordinary
    residence, under s2 of the CSDPA, for instance,
    to justify the purchase of personal care
  • Or the rule against LAs placing someone who needs
    a package of care together with accommodation, in
    unregistered accommodation.
  • Or the rule that we do not give money to the
    client directly for community care services,
    outside of the Direct Payments Act (and hence s2
    could not be used to give someone the money to
    spend on long-term residential care and we could
    not give less than we think they are going to
    need to secure the service.)
  • Or the rule that when we contract with an
    individual for care under s30 NAA, they must be
    someone doing it as trade or profession.
  • Or the rule that when we in the LA, contract with
    a provider, then they must be seen to act, in
    legal terms, on our account, as our agent.
  • Or the rule that when we charge for social
    services, we do it according to Fairer Charging,
    and not without regard to that guidance.

Unanswered questions, as yet
  • If it is used to give people access to things
    that they would be eligible for, but we give them
    the money before we even get round to assessing
    them, so that community care duties are not
    triggered at all (and so we cant give a person a
    formal Direct Payment, because thats derived
    from a care plan after assessment), can it then
    be used to get round restrictions in that
    community care framework, or the wider local
    authority framework?
  • I think not, personally, even if we could figure
    out why wed even want to. Examples
  • giving a person the money to buy registered nurse
    nursing tasks
  • topping up housing benefit so that the person has
    enough to pay the rent, despite having been
    landed by us with a tenancy of non-excepted
    accommodation (Commissioner Turnbulls decision)
  • giving a person less money than we know they
    need, instead of insisting that our only offer
    needs to be a residential care setting. (ie cost
    capping the funding for home care to the
    equivalent residential care price, even when we
    know the person needs much more care).

Does use of s2 even help us get round the
registration problem?
  • If it is used to provide money for traditional
    personal care services, (whether done prior to an
    assessment of need, or after one), the
    registration problem still arises where the money
    is given to someone to arrange care for an
    incapacitated person.
  • Why? because even if youre an individual who
    is being given this financial assistance, for
    someone elses care, the excepted undertaking
    rules dont let you out, even if youre doing
    this via any kind of arrangement with an
    organisation (the LA) (other than in Wales). And
    this would be the LAs money youd be doing it
    with, after all.
  • Even if you say its the new kind of direct
    payment, for the person, despite their lack of
    capacity, a non-surrogate third party hasnt got
    any legal rights over the money, and can only
    pledge the persons credit.
  • Existing TUPE and employment cases tend to
    suggest that in this situation the real client or
    employer can turn out to be the local authority,
    not the service user.
  • In my view, the only way we avoid the
    registration problem is to use proper surrogates
    (deputies and attorneys) for incapacitated
    peoples Direct Payments. And even thats a bit

Other uses of s2 - Local Authority contracts and
finance staff acting as purchasing and paying
AGENTS for the citizen
  • The client takes the direct payment in a formal
    sense, but makes the LA their agent for buying
    services, in which case the services are
    privately purchased services, and not community
    care services, albeit that the contractor and
    negotiator would be the LAs staff.
  • The possibilities of this route are not mentioned
    in the CSIP toolkit (or are merely hinted at).
  • Capacitated people can make the decision to have
    an agent, and LAs have legal power to be
    anyones agent, but that doesnt help for whats
    going to happen to incapacitated people

Pledging the persons credit?
  • For difficult situations where none of the above
    apply pledging the credit of the user, may
    well work (and I want the other kind of credit
    for this idea!)
  • What does this involve? An incapacitated persons
    relative or carer makes a best interests
    decision about what they think the person needs
    in the way of care, and promises a provider that
    they will get paid.
  • Then the provider could get the money back from
    the authority, on the say-so of the promising
    relative or carer.
  • This would work if the authority was corporate
    appointee for the person, or simply the holder of
    their IB.

Pledging the credit.
  • This utilises the flexibilities in terms of the
    relative doing the organising, and avoids a
    formal contract for anything between anyone -
    which probably avoids a finding that registrable
    arrangements have been made, but leaves all the
    parties without any contract at all.
  • It is not necessarily a direct payment and
    neither is it the council doing what it
    traditionally does, which is to contract for
  • The liability issues would be interesting to
    explore thoughand it is a bit surreal that it
    would not have any contractual underpinning at
    all. How very modern not!!

Liability implications for organisations
considering becoming agents or brokers
  • All true agents, acting for other people, owe
    duties they are called fiduciary duties, which
    is a word connoting the utmost good faith,
    loyalty, absence of a conflict of interest, the
    agent not benefitting himself, secretly, etc.
  • Bad agents can be sued by disgruntled clients,
    just as any other professional service provider
    can be sued for inadequate work if it has
    caused physical harm or financial loss, or is a
    breach of the contract between the two.

Liability to the client for those acting as
  • Breach of Contract (doing something not
    authorised at all, or doing something authorised
    but badly, so that a loss is suffered)
  • Negligence liability for recommending a provider
    who was objectively able to be seen at the time
    as not right for the needs, or the clients
    situation, but is now itself not worth suing, or
    not insured..
  • Negligence liability for inadequate advice on
    rights, insurance cover and/or health and safety
    or on the liability implications of the clients
    owing a health and safety liability to their own
  • Concerns about independence and corruption, if
    one or two providers are consistently favoured.

Shop for Support an example of agency and
pledging the credit
  • A website offers adverts for all sorts of
    community based local services.
  • The client or carer goes online and chooses a
  • The provider provides the service ,or the
    opportunity or the seat, or the subscription etc.
  • The client or carer tells the LA that theyve had
    the service.
  • The LA pays the provider, and deducts the amount
    from the persons individual budget.
  • Who is the contract between?
  • IF the client is a direct payment recipient,
    him/her and the provider, with the authority
    simply acting as payment agent, with duties to
    the client in contract, notionally.
  • If the client is not a direct payment recipient
    however, the authority is the contractor and is
    liable to the provider for payment, even if the
    client doesnt use the service.
  • Would this be good enough for your peace of mind,
    if you were the provider?

What do the Powers That Besay about monitoring?
  • CIPFAs update for IBs, links monitoring of the
    spend, with monitoring of the outcomes which is
    sensible, and open to sensible contraction and
    expansion, according to perceived risks.
  • The Audit Commission says that once the money has
    been lawfully spent and proper processes have
    been put in, the external auditor will have no
    role to play, regarding the way the client spends
    the money!
  • Can these two positions be reconciled?

Reconciling the positions
  • I think it all depends on what LAs and the Audit
    Commission regard as the law on what a Direct
    Payment can be spent on, in the first place. That
    is, if LAs set up DPs lawfully, all the AC is
    saying is that the external auditors dont have
    to look any further.
  • These statements very conveniently beg the
    question of what can a DP be spent on - lawfully.
    So there IS an issue that needs to be resolved
    urgently, in public.
  • The current and future DP regulations implicitly
    require the DP to be spent on the type and extent
    of services which were in the care plan as a
    result of the assessment and which gave rise to
    the calculation of the level of the payment in
    the first place.

Monitoring 3 reasons why the LA needs to have
this set up, as part of the new structure
  • Monitoring how the money is being spent is
    relevant to success of the care plan,
    safeguarding and financial audit
  • Monitoring outcomes is essential for decisions
    to pull direct payments in safeguarding cases.
  • Monitoring changes in needs is essential if the
    LA is ever going to be able to cut an
    individuals RAS on the basis of a change of need
    in the future (and its required under guidance)
  • Monitoring brokerage (if the LA contracts it out,
    ever) is essential to ensure value for money
  • Monitoring providers with whom the LA still
    contracts is essential because of the LAs
    non-delegable duty to meet need, and not be

Monitoring of Providers, including Brokers
  • A few years ago the Local Government ombudsman
    found Blackpool City Council guilty of
    maladministration when an amputee died when the
    care worker, failed to turn up. Why? Because it
    knew that the contractor was generating a higher
    proportion of complaints than any other, but did
  • The LGO said the least an authority should do is
    to risk-assess who were the most vulnerable
    clients, in light of the contractual defaults,
    and get them off that providers books.
  • Failure to monitor could lead to legal liability
    in negligence for failing to take reasonable
    steps to prevent reasonably foreseeable harm.

Monitoring of Direct Payments
  • There are no statutory rules or regulations about
    the monitoring of direct payments.
  • CIPFA creates guidance which tends to be what is
    used by LAs.
  • This guidance has previously recommended Direct
    Payment Agreements for capacitated people, of
  • This is all being reviewed, in light of the
    agenda and the extension of DPs to incapacitated
  • Much is said about the Light Touch approach
    which will now be the system for Personal

Liability issues for the local authority
  • Public law breach of human rights, eg allowing
    a persons helper to deprive the person of their
    liberty in the community
  • Public law breach of statutory duty acting
    ultra vires, procedural unfairness, fettering etc
  • Criminal law wilful neglect, corporate
    manslaughter, registration offences
  • Coroners law system failure accusations
  • Civil law vicarious, and/or direct negligence
  • Deemed employers liability
  • Complaints to the Ombudsman the LGO for

Prevention or cures avoiding and minimising
liability risks
  • You can avoid breaching human rights by
    positively documenting consideration of the
    Mental Capacity Act principles and Human Rights
    issues at your Risk Evaluation/Enablement panel
    the people doing the decision making at that
    stage, need to know about Best Interests, the
    Code of Practice, the meaning of incapacity, and
    for Human Rights, article 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 14
    a days training on that would be a good idea.
  • You can avoid acting ultra vires by ensuring that
    your scheme fits within the legal framework and
    decided case law legal advice is needed
  • You can avoid criminal law charges by acting
    reasonably and keeping your actions under
    scrutiny, because you have to be VERY bad to
    justify prosecution.
  • Registration offences can be avoided by asking
    CSCI whether they have any objections first to
    structures or deployment options not registering.
    Your director or lawyer can write those letters.

Avoiding or minimising risks
  • You can avoid embarrassment in a Coroners Court
    by explaining why capacitated people cant be
    forced to do things by councils so death by a
    persons own capacitated hand is not system
    failure. You can minimise risk of negligent
    death of a client by taking care to consider
    exercising intervention powers and only not
    exercising them, with good evidenced based
  • You cannot avoid vicarious liability for
    employees negligence, unless they act completely
    outside their sphere, or criminally. But
    supervision should stop this.
  • You can minimise the risk of being found directly
    negligently liable for injury to clients by
    rigorous and frequent monitoring and documenting
    the outcomes, and by understanding how
    safeguarding adults fits around and underneath
    the whole of Personalisation

Avoiding or minimising liability risks
  • You can minimise the possibility of deemed
    employers liability for peoples PAs by
    explaining in clear terms to anyone with a DP
    that they or their Representative will be the
    employer in law, and what that involves. If you
    offer training, make it clear that it is free
    (you cannot sell it to members of the public). It
    might be marginally safer to ensure that
    organisations you direct people to for payroll or
    other employment related help are only grant
    funded by the council, not acting under contract
    to you.
  • You ought to be able to minimise risk regarding
    the ombudsman by having a good reason for doing
    things and having a process which is robust
    maladministration complaints are basically about
    cock-ups, not illegality.

Safeguarding Issues here are some risky uses of
IBs we have to think of how to avoid these
things or minimise the risk
  • The person whose direct payments money has been
    spent improperly by their helper
  • The person whose direct payments suddenly make
    them the most popular person on a Friday night
    down at the pub
  • The person whose accommodation provider eg,
    parent, etc, wont let the care workers in
  • The person who wont take advice about liability
    for his or her staff and who therefore skimps on
    training, putting them and him/herself at risk
  • The person whose chosen care workers are not good
    enough to manage risks safely and who dont
    understand that a request or an instruction, from
    a person who is not fully compos mentis, ought
    not always to be followed
  • The person whose own family carers are themselves
  • The person whose carers behave objectionably,
    making it impossible for the person to get care
    workers to take the job on.

The structure for dealing with these risks,
within the context of personalisation
  • At the assessment of need stage, a professional
    may disagree with a client or carers view of
  • At the care planning stage, a professional may
    disagree with the client or carers view of what
    will meet need
  • At the stage of allocating the RAS, a
    professional may disagree with the indicative
    guidelines in an individual situation based on
    what they know from experience of this or other
    clients cases
  • Vetting a potential representative will have to
    be done in a similar way to safeguarding the
    client will be incapacitated, no IMCA may be
    triggered because we are talking about home care
    and direct payments, not a care home placement,
    but you still need to allow a person to disabuse
    you of a bad first impression, and that requires
    a process of some sort, and documenting of reasons

The structure for dealing with these risks,
within the context of personalisation
  • At the stage of signing off the care plan, and
    deciding on the deployment model direct payment
    or indirect payment or traditional commissioning
    the LA may impose conditions on the client, the
    representative, the surrogate, the provider or
    the organisation brokering the care, because the
    default model is always there in the legal
    framework the LA must decide what it is
    prepared to do, and the direct payments
    framework, the framework of an organisation
    acting as the authoritys agent, and the
    traditional contract basis of ordinary
    commissioning, all provide for conditionality at
    the behest of the LA. The documentation is
    critically important for safeguarding purposes.
  • Imposing sensible conditions on direct payment
    holders will be uncomfortable but essential.
  • At the stage of reviewing the care plan, the
    model can be changed if outcomes are not being
    met, or the way in which they are being met is
    regarded as unlawful or likely to lead to harm to
    someone client or worker.
  • Safeguarding Adults processes run alongside and
    underneath this system, regardless of whether
    someone is getting a care plan or not
    Safeguarding Adults is merely assertive care
    planning, once an allegation of unmanaged risk of
    abuse is made, with the Mental Capacity Act
    remedies via the Public Guardian and Court of
    Protection there, as a fall back.

What lawful interventions are open to local
  • Making a police referral
  • Advising and assisting people, who are not yet
    incapacitated, with regard to accessing legal
    advice helping people to help themselves,
  • Acting as corporate appointee for the management
    of incapacitated peoples benefits (when no-one
    else is suitable)
  • Introducing people to Private Client departments
    in solicitors firms so that those with assets
    can get proper surrogate management (albeit at a
  • Contracting with Supporting People Providers for
    supporting clients to manage their own money, as
    a service that helps to maintain a tenancy.

What lawful interventions are open to local
  • Actually volunteering as someones litigation
    friend to initiate legal proceedings to undo
    dodgy transactions, or get injunctions against
    those who are bothering someone, or evicting
    those who have moved in on someone with a view to
    financial gain.
  • Is this anyone elses job? Yes, sometimes its
    the Official Solicitors.
  • Why might an LA do it instead? Where the person
    or transaction or problem is affecting or
    obstructing the delivery of social services and
    not otherwise, in my view.
  • Using the Mental Capacity Act 2005 holding
    people to account
  • Applications to search the register, to object to
    registration and to cancel LPAs etc
  • Applying to become a Deputy

  • Thanks very much for listening and contributing
  • Consultancy about the legal framework from my
    business costs 150 an hour VAT!
  • Thats cheaper than a judicial review or a
    negligence action.
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