Title: This is what happens when you sing
1This is what happens when you sing Balamory too
- By Matilda Handscombe-Sargeant
- Contains strong, and gratuitous, violence..
3Yeah so, yeah, Im in the park.
4Its fantastic, it really is. You should come
down to England sometime, Kirsty.
5Its great. Its green. Its full of sheep.
6Whats that? No, Im not addicted to their
coffee, ha.
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10Oh well, Sids gonna pick me up from the airport
11Ill talk to you later. Love you, bye.
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15Aye up.
16Hmmm. Hi.
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24Whats the story in Balamory, Wouldn't you like
to know?
25What's the story in Balamory, Where would you
like to go?
26Will there be treats with Pocket and Sweet? Is
that where we should go?
27Or up to the castle, inventing with Archie? He's
ever so clever, and ever so arty!
29Choosing our colours and dabbing with paint with
Spencer we should go!
30Or moving and jumping with Josie Jump? Would
that be the story in Balamory?
31Shall we have fun as we cycle with Plum? Is that
where we should go?
32Shall we have fun as we cycle with Plum? Is that
where we should go?
33 Enough!
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57Kirsty? Uh, I think I just killed someone.
58The (ridiculous) End.