Reinforcement-Matrix Interface - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Reinforcement-Matrix Interface


Title: 2 Mode Kegagalan pada Antarafasa Author: Pusat Komputer Last modified by: Dr Mariatti Created Date: 12/8/2003 2:32:31 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Reinforcement-Matrix Interface

Reinforcement-Matrix Interface
  • The load acting on the matrix has to be
    transferred to the reinforcement via. Interface
  • The reinforcement must be strongly bonded to the
    matrix if high stiffness and strength are desired
    in the composite materials
  • A weak interface results in low stiffness and
    strength but high resistance to fracture
  • A strong interface produces high stiffness and
    strength but often low resistance to fracture,
    i.e. brittle behavior

  • Is defined the extent where a liquid will spread
    over a solid surface
  • During the manufacturing process, the matrix is
    often in the condition where it is capable of
    flowing or its behavior is like a liquid
  • Good wettability means that the liquid (matrix)
    will flow over the reinforcement, covering every
    bump and dip of the rough surface of
    reinforcement and displacing all air.

  • Wetting will only occur if the viscosity of the
    matrix is not too high.
  • Interfacial bonding exists due to the adhesion
    between the reinforcement and the matrix (wetting
    is good)

Drops of water on a hydrophobic surface
Good or poor wettability?
  • Let us consider a thin film of liquid (matrix)
    spreading over a solid (reinforcement) surface
  • Figure

  • All surfaces have an associated energy and the
    free energy per unit area of the solid-gas,
    liquid-gas and solid-liquid are ?SG, ?LG dan ?SL,
  • ?SG ?LG cos ? ?SL
  • ? is called the contact angle. May be used as a
    measure of the degree of the wettability

  • cos ? (?SG ?SL)/ ?LG
  • If ? 180º, the drop is spherical, no wetting
    takes place
  • ? 0, perfect wetting
  • 0ºlt?lt180º, the degree of wetting increases as ?
  • Often it is considered that the liquid does not
    wet the solid if ?gt90º

  • These three quantities determine whether the
    liquid spreads over the solid, or not whether it
    "wets" it.
  • This is judged by the contact angle, . 

Drops of water on a textile surfacebefore and
after addition of wetting agent

Soalan 2002/2003
  • Kenalpasti dengan menggunakan kaedah pengiraan
    untuk menentukan samada gentian alumina boleh
    digunakan sebagai bahan tetulang dalam resin
    epoksi dan polietilena. Di dapati tenaga antara
    muka bagi resin epoksi ialah 40 mJ/m2 dan
    polietilena ialah 30 mJ/m2, sementara bagi
    gentian alumina ialah 1100 mJ/m2. Andaikan tenaga
    permukaan bagi alumina dengan epoksi ialah 1071.7
    mJ/m2 manakala bagi alumina dengan polietilena
    ialah 1105.21 mJ/m2

2 types of failure at interface
  • Difficult to measure the strength of interface,
    this is because sometimes failure occur
    interface, and sometimes not
  • 2 types of failure at interface
  • 1) Adhesive failure - failure occur at interface
  • 2) Cohesive failure failure occur close to the
    interface (either at the fiber or matrix)

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Factors leading to good polymer-filler bonding
Interfacial bonding
  • Once the matrix has wet the reinforcement,
    bonding will occur
  • For a given system, more than one bonding
    mechanism may exist at the same time
  • The bondings may change during various production
    stages or during services

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Types of interfacial bonding at interface
  1. Mechanical bonding
  2. Electrostatic bonding
  3. Chemical bonding
  4. Reaction or interdiffusion bonding

Mechanical bonding
  • Mechanical interlocking or keying of two
  • can leads to reasonable bond
  • The rougher the interface, the interlocking is
  • Greater, hence the mechanical bonding is

  • Mechanical bonding is effective when the force is
    applied parallel to the interface
  • If the interface is being pulled apart by tensile
    forces, the strength is likely to be low unless
    there is a high density of features (designated A)

Electrostatic Bonding
  • -Occur when one surface is positively charged
  • and the other is negatively charge
  • (refer to the above figure)
  • Interactions are short range and only effective
  • over small distances of the order of atomic
  • Surface contamination and entrapped gases will
  • decrease the effectiveness of this bonding

Chemical bonding
  • The bond formed between chemical groups on the
    reinforcement surfaces (marked X) and compatible
    groups (marked R) in the matrix
  • Strength of chemical bonding depends on the
    number of bonds per unit area and the type of bond

  • Chemical bonding normally exist due to the
    application of coupling agents
  • For example, silanes are commonly employed for
    coupling the oxide group groups on a glass
    surfaces to the molecules of the polymer matrix

  • At one end (A) of the silane molecule, a hydrogen
    bond forms between the oxide (silanol) groups on
    the glass and the partially hydrolyzed silane,
    whereas at the other end (B) it reacts with a
    compatible group in polymer.

Effect of Silane Coupling Agents on the
properties of Silver (Ag)-epoxy composites
  • To improve interaction between filler and
    polymer, by modifying filler surfaces
  • Used in low concentration (e.g. 0.1), silane
    coupling agent- give rise to significant
    improvements in mechanical properties

Silver (Ag) filled epoxy composites with the
addition of silane coupling agent (3APTES)
Silver (Ag) filled epoxy composites with the
addition of silane coupling agent (3APTES)
  • Flexural Properties of Treated and Untreated
    Ag/Epoxy Composites

Silver (Ag) filled epoxy composites with the
addition of silane coupling agent (3APTES)
  • After surface treatment of Ag, the dispersivity
    of Ag nanoparticles in epoxy system is remarkably

(a). 5 vol. of untreated system
(b). 5 vol. of treated system
Light microscopy micrographs reveal the degree of
dispersivity Ag in epoxy matrix before and after
chemical treatment of Ag
Reaction or interdiffusion bonding
-The atoms or molecules of the two components
may interdiffuse at the interface - For
interfaces involving polymer, this type of
bonding can be considered as due to the
intertwining of molecules
  • For system involving metals ceramics, the
    interdiffusion of species from the two components
    can produce an interfacial layer of different
    composition and structure from either of the
  • The interfacial layers also will have different
    mechanical properties from either matrix or
  • In MMC, the interfacial layer is often a brittle
    intermetallic compound
  • One of the main reason why interfacial layers are
    formed is in ceramic and metal matrices is due to
    the processing at high temperature- diffusion is
    rapid at high temp according to the Arrhenius

Methods for measuring bond strength
  • Single fiber test
  • Fiber pull-out test (a)
  • Involves pulling a partially embedded single
    fiber out of a block of matrix material
  • Difficult to be carried out especially for thin
    brittle fiber

Fiber pull-out test (a)
Fiber pull-out test (a)
  • From the resulting tensile stress vs. strain
    plot, the shear strength of the interface and the
    energy of debonding and pull-out may be obtained

  • Compression test fot interfacial shear strength
  • The interfacial shear strength (?1) may be
    evaluated using a specimen consisting of a block
    of matrix materials with a single, embedded short
    fiber with accurately aligned longitudinal in a
    center of the specimen (b)
  • On testing in compression, shear stresses are set
    up at the ends of the fibers as a consequence of
    the difference in elastic properties of the fiber
    and matrix
  • The shear stress eventually leads to debonding at
    the fiber ends and ?1 may be evaluated based on
  • ?1 2.5 sc (sc is the compressive stress at
    which debonding occurs- difficult to be

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  • Compression test for interfacial tensile strength
  • Debonding induced by tensile stresses if a
    curves, neck specimen with a continuous fiber is
    tested in compression (c)
  • At a compressive stress of sc , the tensile
    strength s1of the interface is reached and
    tensile debonding occurs, s1 C sc , C is a
    constant which depends on Poissons ratio and
    Youngs Modulus of fiber matrix

Bulk specimen tests
The simplest method and most widely employed
The tensile strength and shear strength obtained
from the 3-point bending test are found to depend
on the volume of fibers- not a true values for
the bond strength
  • At a given load P, the max. stress s is given as
  • s 3PS/2D2B(1)
  • P Load, Sspan length, D thickness
  • Bwidth

Micro-indentation test
  • Employs a standard micro-indentation hardness
  • The indentor is loaded with a force, P on to a
    center of a fiber, whose axis is normal to the
    surface, and caused the fiber to slide along the
    matrix-fiber interface
  • Suitable for CMC

Composite Properties
  • Heat Capacity and density
  • Can be predicted using Rule of Mixture.
  • Density, ?c ?mVm ?fVf
  • Heat Capacity,Cc (Cm?mVm Cf ?fVf )/ ?c
  • V volume fraction, mmatrix, ccomposite, f
    fiber, C heat capacity

  • Modulus of Elasticity
  • 2 Models can be used to predict the elastic
    modulus of the composites
  • (1) Isostrain condition
  • - Load is applied parallel to the fiber
    alignment, assume equal deformation in the
  • (2) Isostress condition
  • - Load is applied perpendicular to the fiber

Tensile elastic modulus vs. volume fraction of
  • Strength
  • Difficult to predict the strength by using the
    rule of mixture, this is due to the sensitivity
    of strength toward the matrix and fiber structure
  • - For example, matrix and fiber structure will be
    changed during the fabrication process

  • Toughness
  • Depends on few factors
  • Composition and microstructure of the matrix
  • Type, size and orientaion of fiber
  • Processing of composite effect the
    microstructure, i.e. voids, distribution of
    fiber, etc.

Common structural defects in composites
  • Matrix-rich (fiber-poor) regions
  • Voids
  • Micro-cracks (may be due to thermal mismatch
    between the components, curing stresses, or
    absorption of moisture during processing)
  • Debonded regions
  • Delamination regions
  • Variation in fiber alignment
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