Title: Reed Elsevier
1Reed Elsevier
- Science Technical Medical (STM) Publishing in
Europe - Piotr Golkiewicz
- Account Manager
- Elsevier B.V
2STM publishing a highly efficient and
innovative sector
- STM industry employs 90,000 globally
- 36,000 in the EU
- 2,000 publishers publish 1.4 million articles
p.a. - Researcher numbers increase 3 p.a. globally
- Major investment in digitalization 90 of
articles now online - Average cost of publishing 3,750 per article
- Cost of access per article falling to less than
1 Euro
3Company Structure
All four of Reed Elsevier's divisions are global,
and each of one of them focuses on a specific
market for professional information
- Elsevier, Reed Elseviers global Science
Medical division, is the leading provider of high
quality scientific, technical and medical
information to the academic, research and
healthcare communities. - Reed Elseviers Legal division, LexisNexis, is a
global provider of authoritative legal, news,
public records and business information,
including tax and regulatory publications in
print or online. - Harcourt, Reed Elsevier's global Education
division, is a leading publisher serving the
Kindergarten to Grade 12 and assessment markets
in the US and primary and secondary markets
internationally. - Reed Business, Reed Elsevier's global Business
division, is a provider of magazines,
exhibitions, directories, online media and
marketing services across five continents. Its
prestige brands serve professionals across a
diverse range of industries.
4About Elsevier
- Elsevier publishes 2000 journals and over 3000
new books each year - Through ScienceDirect 10 million scientists and
researchers have desktop access to a service
offering 8 million articles and 55 major
reference works - In 2004, Elsevier launched its new abstract
indexing database, Scopus, which links users to
over 265 million scientific web pages - To do this we
- Maintain sales in 180 countries
- Employ over 7,000 people in 70 offices in 26
countries of whom 1,142 are based in The
5Elsevier customer groups and products
- Key Customer Groups
- Research scientists
- Medical professionals
- Information professionals
- Library researchers
- Industrial and academic
- users
6ScienceDirect content 2006
7ScienceDirect More effective scientific
Read articles before they appear in print
Alert me when a new issue is published
Submit a paper online
Send the article to a colleague
Save the article to my desktop
eMail the author
Crossref linking to other scientific publishers
8Overall ScienceDirect Usage of Articles/Year
Estimation for 2007 365 million
9E-investments since 1999 Elsevier example
In total, 300 million invested in E-publishing
technology and distribution since 1999
- Author and Editorial Systems, 10M
- 500,000 submissions
- 200,000 referees
- 1M referee reports
- 40-90 articles rejected
- ScienceDirect, Scopus, Scirus, 250M
- 7M articles
- 10M researchers
- 4,500 institutions
- 180 countries
- 310 million downloads/year
- 2.5M print pages
- eBack-files, eReference Works, 30M
- 7,000 editors
- 70,000 ed board members
- 6.5M author-publisher comms
- E-Warehouse and Production, 20M
- 250,000 new articles/year
- 180 years of back issues scanned
These investments and functions make the
difference between raw outputs of research, and
published research
10Meeting Researcher Needs
What matters to researchers?
Where are we in 2007?
- Dramatic increases in access levels since 1999
- EU libraries 3x-10x more journals via
ScienceDirect - 40 annual growth in ScienceDirect downloads
(01-06 from 14M to 81M) - Researchers list access to journals as 12th among
their concerns
- Extremely high standards of quality control and
integrity - 96 of researchers regard Peer Review as
important - Elsevier 500k submissions, 200k reviewers, 70k
editorial board members
- Definitively published research is preserved in
perpetuity - KB, Portico
- 7 million articles on SD, The Lancet to 1826
- Significant increases in researcher productivity
since 1999 - Science only info sector less time spent
researching vs. gathering 01-05 - Researchers read 25 articles from 2x more
journals than in print era
- Continuing improvements in value for money
- Moderating price increases Elsevier 5.5 for
last few years (lowest quartile) absorbing
inflation (3), growth in articles published
(3-4), usage (20/yr) - E-licensing terms many journals at substantially
less than print list price - UK example (LISU) 20 decrease in average price
paid per journal, 99-03 - Effective price paid per Elsevier article
downloaded from 12 to 2 and still falling (45
annual decrease)
- STM on a very positive trajectory since
E-revolution began in 1999 - Question how to progress even further without
undermining current high standards for researchers
11Innovative experimental dissemination models
- author pays Public Library of Science,
Biomednet, financial sustainability not proven - sponsored distribution eg Elsevier/Wellcome
Trust - delayed access hybrid journals content made
freely available after embargo period, dependent
on readership pattern - open archiving
12What are we learning access
of STM articles, 2007
Very low levels of interest and uptake by
researchers after several years
13What are we learning cost-effectiveness
Current trajectory value for money
Likely cost impact of recent approaches
Author pays journals
Effective price paid per journal accessed
- Author-pays journal publishers raising fees
- Model has no net costs savings, transfer only
- Prolific institutions pay more
- Those contributing fewer articles pay less
Sponsored articles
Delayed access
Source LISU, 2004
Index 1999 1
- Repositories duplicate system costs
- UK estimates
- Costs to build IR system 17 million
- Costs to preserve IR system unknown
- UK articles per year 60,000
- Cost per UK article deposited in UK IR 283
- Cost per article downloaded via SD 2
- Key question what is the incremental cost per
article for how much - if any - incremental
Open archiving
New approaches will either not affect or will
increase total system costs
14Preserving the electronic record
- Elsevier has been a leader in establishing an
official trusted third party archive at the
National Library of the Netherlands for the
electronic version of our journals.
15Backfiles Project 2001- Initiative to digitize
all Elsevier owned journals from 1994 to volume 1
number 1
Millions of pages 40 million for scanning Four
Sea Containers and Two Air Cargo Containers
16Lancet volume 1, number 1, 1823
17Special techniques to improve old page images
1813 Mainframe computers
Storage in Petabytes!
19The Martini Principle any time, any place,
Authorised Users Current members of the staff of
the Licensee (whether on a permanent, temporary,
contract or visiting basis) and individuals who
are currently studying at the Licensees
institution, who are permitted to access the
Secure Network from within the premises of the
Licensee and from such other places where
Authorised Users work or study, including without
limitation halls of residence and lodgings and
homes of Authorised Users, and who have been
issued by the Licensee with a password or other
authentication. Walk-in Users Persons who are
not Authorised Users but who are registered as
permitted users of the Licensees library or
information service and who are permitted to
access the Secure Network from computer terminals
within the Library Premises. The payment of a
fee in order to be registered as a Walk-in User
is deemed not to constitute Commercial Use.
20Threat of unwarranted regulatory intervention
- Concern that out of date perceptions may lead to
inappropriate and damaging interventions, such
as - mandating content deposit in open repositories,
or - mandating author pays business model
- STM publishing is a highly innovative efficient
sector - Many ongoing experiments taking place with
differing dissemination models - Multiple market driven reforms under way
- Regulatory intervention unwarranted and unhelpful
to the competitiveness agenda
- The current system is delivering significant
benefits in areas that researchers value most - Access
- Quality
- Preservation
- Efficiency
- Cost-effectiveness
- These benefits are resulting from significant
investment in E-technologies that publishers have
made since 1999 - Any proposed policy should rigorously quantify
its impact on all of these dimensions before
being implemented - Publishers are continually working with the
research community (policy-makers, researchers,
librarians, funding bodies) to test new
approaches that can deliver sustainable
measurable benefits without compromising current
high standards - We strongly advocate a fact-based, test-and-learn
approach to ensure that net benefits for
researchers are positive - One-size-fits all approaches will not work
journals dynamics vary dramatically, e.g. subject
area, business model - We must have up-to-date facts to measure the
impact of new approaches, e.g. on access, quality
and cost - We must implement based on fact-based results,
not theory, to ensure no unintended negative
22Piotr Golkiewiczp.golkiewicz_at_elsevier.com