Title: Focus on Valence Electrons:
1Focus on Valence Electrons
- Draw valence for Na and Cl
What will happen when the two elements are
This is one molecule of NaCl
Now, both atoms have full valence!
Na will transfer 1 electron to Cl
To write compound 1 atom of Na needed for every
1 atom of Cl. So, compound formula NaCl
Opposite charges attract and ionic bond forms
between Na Cl
2What happens when Na and Ca combine together?
- Write the ions for Na and Ca
- Na1 and Ca2
- So, both ions are positive and so would repel
each other - Both atoms are trying to lose electrons.
3- What is the easiest way for potassium (K) to
follow the Octet Rule? - Lose 1 electron
- What is potassiums oxidation number?
- 1
- What is the easiest way for nitrogen (N) to
follow the Octet Rule? - Add 3 electrons
- What is nitrogens oxidation number?
- -3
4Draw the valence of 3 K and 3 N atoms
What will happen when you combine these two
How do you determine the compound formula?
K loses 1 electron to N
This K atom has a full valence
How many atoms are left with full valence ?
These are the atoms in one molecule
This K atom has a full valence
But, this N atom does NOT have a full valence
So, another K atom will lose an electron to N
Always write POSITIVE ion first!
Compound Formula K3N