Estate Planning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Estate Planning


Estate Planning & Taxation Diana Mau, C.A. 205-8833 Odlin Crescent, Richmond, B.C. V6X 3Z7 Tel: 604-279-9270 Fax: 604-279-8769 Estate Planning ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Estate Planning

Estate Planning Taxation
  • Diana Mau, C.A.
  • 205-8833 Odlin Crescent, Richmond, B.C. V6X 3Z7
  • Tel 604-279-9270
  • Fax 604-279-8769

Estate Planning- misconceptions
  • I have given away all my assets to my children
  • I have a will

Estate planning Non-Tax Considerations
  • To ensure loved ones are taken care of
  • Transfer of assets to intended beneficiaries
    according to the deceaseds wishes
  • To ensure liquidity cash to pay funeral
    expenses income taxes
  • To avoid family disputes
  • To expedite the settlement of estate

Estate Planning Tax Considerations
  • Prior to Death tax planning to minimize taxes
    such as income splitting, trusts estate freeze
    and will planning etc.
  • Year of Death to minimize income taxes payable,
    probate fees in the year of death

Tax Planning Ideas while Alive
  • Income Splitting
  • Estate Freeze
  • Insurance
  • Trust

Income Tax Rates 2012
Income range Tax rates
0 - 37,000 20.06
37,000 - 42,7000 22.70
42,000 - 74,000 29.70
74,000 - 85,000 32.50
85,000 - 85,400 36.50
85,400 - 103,200 38.29
103,200 - 132,400 40.70
Over 132,400 43.7
Purposes of Income Splitting
  • Taxes payable on a given amount of income will be
    greater if that amount accrues to one person,
    lower if that amount of income is split between
    two or more people
  • Example income of 490,000
  • Taxes payable one person- 196,000
  • Taxes payable four persons - 35,500 x4 or
  • Tax savings of 54,000

Income Splitting - Problems
  • Attribution Rule applicable to where an
    individual has transferred property to spouse or
    common-law partner or individuals under age 18
    and who do not deal at arms length, the income
    is attributed back to the transferor
  • For spouses common-law partners, attribution
    also applies to capital gains

Income Splitting
  • Cash gifts to children 18 or over, no attribution
    applies. Income earned is taxed in the childs
    hands. But parents would be completely losing
    control over the money

Income Splitting
  • Free or low interest loans made to children 18 or
    over for producing property income, there may be
    attribution if one of the main reasons for making
    the loan is to reduce or avoid tax
  • Free or low interest loans made to children 18 or
    over to purchase PR is OK

Income Splitting by gifting property
  • Parents gifting rental property to Children
  • Parents are deemed to have the property disposed
    at FMV, resulting in capital gains or recapture
    of CCA to parents
  • Parents would also lose control over the property
  • Property Transfer tax on transfer of title of
    property other than PR

Income Splitting of Real Property
  • If the property is occupied by the children as a
    PR, then parents can take back a mortgage on the
    property as security. No attribution would apply
    as there is no rental income deriving from the

Principal Residence (PR)
  • In general, capital gains arising on the
    disposition of a PR can be exempted from taxation
  • The exempted gain
  • Gain x (B 1) / Y
  • B is the no. of years since 1971 designed as PR
  • Y is the no. of years since 1971 the taxpayer has
    owned the property

Principal Residence (Cont 2)
  • Since 1982, a family unit can designate one PR
    for a particular year
  • A PR is an accommodation owned by the taxpayer
    that was ordinarily inhabited in the year by the
    taxpayer, his spouse, a former spouse or a child
    and is designated by the taxpayer as a PR.

Change in Use PR to Rental
  • Deemed disposition at FMV on change in use
  • Elect deemed not to have commenced rental
    provided no CCA is claimed
  • The property can continue to be designated as a
    PR for up to 4 years
  • The 4 year limit can be extended without limit if
    you are being relocated for employment reason to
    a location where your original residence is at
    least 40 km further away from your new place of

Change in use Rental to PR
  • In general, deemed disposition at FMV on change
    of use
  • You can elect out of the deemed disposition as
    long as no CCA is claimed
  • The election also allows to designate the
    property as a PR for up to 4 years

How to make the best use of PR gain exemption
  • Children age 19 or over
  • Loan to children to acquire a property
  • Register a mortgage to parent for security
  • Designate the property as PR for 4 years

Overcoming attribution
  • Income attribution on loans or transfer made to
    children 18 or over can be avoided if one can
    substantiate the main reason for making the loan
    is NOT to reduce or avoid tax
  • Example children use the property income for
    education and not returning the property income
    to parents

Other Tax Planning Ideas
  • Splitting pension income- Commencing 2007, it is
    possible to transfer up to 50 of qualified
    pension to a lower income spouse
  • RESP Registered Educational Savings Plans
  • TFSA 5,000 Tax Free Savings Accounts per year
  • Spousal RRSP

Estate Freeze
  • Objective To freeze the value the of estate for
    tax purposes at a particular time
  • Arrangements are made for all future appreciation
    to accrue to related parties such as a spouse,
    children or grandchildren

Estate Freeze Example
Mr. Chan
Chan Inc
Net Assets 10M Common shares 2 M R/E
8 M
Estate Freeze Example
Mr. Chan
Chan son 2
Chan son 1
Preferred ACB 2 M Redeem 10M
Chan Inc
Using Section 86 rollover , Mr. Chans old common
Shares are exchanged for preferred shares, while
Sons subscribed for new nominal common shares
Benefits of Estate Freeze
  • To transfer future growth of a corporation into
    the hands of intended beneficiaries with no
    immediate tax effects on the transferor
  • The beneficiaries will be taxed in income earned
    subsequent to the estate freeze
  • Multiple use of 750,000 of lifetime capital
    gains deduction for qualified small business

Insurance - Benefits
  • Will bypass probate if a beneficiary is
  • Creditor protection- exempt from seizure if the
    designation is in favour of a life insureds
    spouse, child grandchild or parent
  • Tax preferred treatment for Whole or Universal
    life policies
  • Privacy- insurance does not flow into the estate
    and the probate registry
  • Insurance declaration- testamentary trust

Insurance Declaration
  • To desire to establish an insurance trust outside
    the will, the concern was it would be an
    inter-vivos trust
  • CRAs position is trusts funded from the proceeds
    of life insurance on death of an individual will
    be viewed as a testamentary trust
  • A powerful inexpensive tool to set up a
    testamentary trust

Trust- what is a trust?
A trust is a relationship that arises when a
settlor transfer property to a trustee to hold
for the benefit of the beneficiaries.
  • Settlor is the person who sets up the trust and
    make the initial transfer of property to the
  • Trustee is the person who holds the formal legal
    title to the property
  • Beneficiaries are persons who will benefit from
    the property that is held by the Trustee

Income splitting of a trust
  • A high income individual transfer investments
    property to a family trust
  • The father is the settlors
  • The father 2 other investment advisors are
    trustees to avoid reversionary trust. The
    trustees hold title to the investment property
  • The adult children are the beneficiaries

Income splitting of a trust-Cont
  • Assuming the father is at the top tax bracket,
    the father can save 5,000 every year on 50,000
    eligible dividends if the dividends would be
    earned by an adult child if the child has no
    other income
  • The same tax savings can be achieved with or
    without the family trust, but a discretionary
    trust can provide the father more control over
    the capital the income allocation

End of family trust for minors
  • In 2000, the federal Govt ended the tax benefit
    of income spitting of private corporations by
    introducing the KIDDIE TAX, taxing the
    dividends from private corporations to children
    under age 18 received directly or through a trust
    at the top tax rate and restricting personal

Understanding taxation on death
  • What are the CPP OAS benefits on death?
  • What are the tax consequences on death?

Termination of CPP on death
  • If the deceased has commenced receiving CPP, CPP
    benefits to a contributor will cease upon death
  • There are CPP benefits for surviving spouse or
    common-law partners children

CPP benefits for survivors
  • CPP provide benefits for the surviving family
    members of a deceased contributor. Benefits based
    on contributions made by contributors.
  • Benefits provided in 3 categories
  • 1. Death benefit
  • 2. Survivors pension
  • 3. Childrens benefit

You have to apply for get CPP Benefits (not
  • Retroactive benefits are available for up to 12

CPP Death Benefit
  • Is a one-time lump sum payment upon the death of
    a qualifying contributor to the deceased estate.
  • The max amount is 2,500.
  • Amount included as income of the estate.

Survivors Pension
  • Survivors pension is a monthly benefit paid to
    the legal spouse or common-law partner of the
    deceased contributor
  • Survivors benefit depends upon the deceaseds
    contributions to CPP, age of the surviving
    spouse, whether the surviving spouse is
    supporting dependents and whether or not the
    surviving spouse is receiving any CPP benefits
  • Max CPP for surviving spouse age 65 over, 60
    of the contributors CPP

Childrens Benefit
  • A dependent child is a natural or adopted child
    of the contributor and who is
  • Under the age of 18 or
  • Is between 18 to 24 and is in school full-time
  • The childrens benefit is a flat amount, 225 per
    month in 2013

CPP Payment Rates - 2013
Type Avg Amount Max Amount
Survivors lt Age 65 378 557
Survivors gt Age 65 307 608
Combined survivors retirement 722 1,013
Children 225 229
Death benefit one-time payment 2,275 2,500
Old Age Security (OAS)
  • Federally funded from general revenue
  • A social security program designed for lower
    middle income Canadians who have resided in
    Canada for a minimum of 10 years after age 18

OAS Benefit Payment Rates
Type Average Monthly Amount Max Monthly benefit Max annual income
OAS for single 514 546 See note
GIS, age 65 over -single 500 740 16,560
Allowance for survivors 619 1,161 22,320
Note 15 clawback from 70,000, no OAS if income over 113,000 Note 15 clawback from 70,000, no OAS if income over 113,000 Note 15 clawback from 70,000, no OAS if income over 113,000 Note 15 clawback from 70,000, no OAS if income over 113,000
Taxation on Death
  • No Gift Tax
  • No Inheritance Tax
  • Probate - probate is a court process that proves
    the validity of a will
  • Income Tax on Deemed Disposition on Death

Probate Tax
  • Probate tax is proportional to the value of the
    estate, so that lower the value of the estate,
    the lower the probate tax.
  • Probate planning is aimed at reducing the value
    of the estate.

Probate Tax in B.C.
  • 0
  • 0.6
  • 1.4
  • Assets lt 25,000
  • 25,000 - 50,000
  • Over 50,000
  • Filing fees of 208

No Probate Tax
  • No probate tax on joint assets designated
    assets as they pass outside your will and they do
    not form part of your estate

Probate Planning
  • By having estate assets passing outside wills
    (wills substitutes)
  • Inter vivos gifts
  • Inter vivos trusts
  • Registering assets in joint tenancy with right of
  • Beneficiary designations such as RRSP, RRIF and
  • Multiple wills will discuss in the Will Section

When is probate necessary
  • Intestacy where the deceased died intestate
    there are assets in the estate
  • When an estate is involved in litigation
  • Real estate other than joint tenancy with right
    of survivorship
  • Bank account over 10,000

Income Tax on Death
  • Final or Terminal personal income tax return from
    January 1 to the date of death of that year
  • Death causes a deemed disposition at fair market
    value (FMV) relative to capital property owned by
    the deceased taxpayer (except for those
    properties qualifying for spousal rollover)

Income Tax on Death (Cont 2)
  • Deemed disposition at FMV may result in capital
    gains on capital property or recapture of capital
    cost allowance (CCA) on depreciable property
  • 50 of the capital gain is taxable

Spousal Rollover
  • Exception to deemed disposition on death at FMV
    Spousal Rollover
  • No deemed disposition at FMV when the property is
    left to a spouse or common-law partner or to a
    trust for the benefit of the spouse or common-law

Tax Consequences of a Spousal Rollover
  • The deceased taxpayers capital property is
    deemed disposed at adjusted cost base (ACB) or
    undepreciated capital cost (UCC) of depreciable
    property, resulting in no capital gain or
    recapture to the deceaseds terminal tax return
  • The receiving spouse assumes the deceaseds old
    ACB or UCC cost for the property, or simply
    inheriting the old cost base of the deceased

Electing out of the Spousal rollover
  • If it is beneficial to have deemed disposition at
    FMV, then make an election to opt out of the
  • Election is to be made in respect of each
  • A partial rollover is available by electing out
    of the rollover on some pieces of property and
    not others

General Treatment of capital gain or capital loss
  • 50 of capital gain is taxable
  • 50 of capital loss is allowable
  • Generally, allowable capital loss can only be
    applied against taxable capital gain, an cannot
    be claimed against any other type of income

Treatment of Allowable Capital loss in the year
of death
  • Where an allowable capital loss is realized in
    the year of death or a net capital loss is
    carried forward into the year of death, the
    allowable portion is deductible against any
    income in that year

Death of an RRSP Annuitant
  • Assets of unmatured RRSP pass to someone other
    than a spouse/common-law partner or a qualified
    child or grandchild, the FMV of the plan assets
    must be included in the annuitants income in the
    year of death

Death of an RRSP Annuitant Refund of Premiums
  • A refund of premiums is used to define assets
    from an unmatured RRSP on the death of a RRSP
    annuitant and which are paid to a qualified
  • There are 3 categories of qualified beneficiaries

3 Categories of Qualified Beneficiaries
  • 1. The deceased annuitants spouse or common-law
  • 2. The deceased annuitants financially dependent
    child or grandchild
  • 3. The deceased annuitants financially dependent
    child or grandchild who is mentally or physically

Taxation of Refund of Premiums
  • Generally refund of premiums are taxable in the
    hands of the recipients unless the funds are
    applied to into an RRSP, RRIP or a qualifying
    annuity by the spouse/ common-law partner or
    disabled child
  • Financially dependent child has an option to
    transfer the fund into a term certain to age 18

RRSP Contributions after Death
  • A taxpayers legal representative can make
    contributions to a spousal RRSP on behalf of a
    deceased taxpayer in the year of death
  • The contribution can be claimed as a deduction in
    the deceased tax return

Death of the RRIF Annuitant
  • Tax treatment similar to RRSP
  • A term Designated Benefit replaces that of
    refund of premiums in RRSP

No roll-over of RRSP/RRIF to spousal trust
  • Where the terms of a will specify the transfer to
    an RRSP/RRIF spousal trust, the FMV value will be
    added to the deceased income

Tax plan for RRSP/RRIF
  • Generally, designate spouse or disabled children
    as the beneficiary directly on the RRSP/RRIF
  • Doing so enjoy the spousal roll-over and avoid
    probate tax

Employee Death Benefit
  • 10,000 exemption on death benefit in recognition
    of service
  • Amount included in the income of the recipients
  • See if part of an employment income be called
    death benefit or retiring allowance

Charitable Giving
  • A deceased taxpayer can claim charitable
    donations up to 100 of the taxpayers net income
    in the year of death
  • Excess can be carried back one year up to 100 of
    net income

Elective Returns
  • Other than the final return, there is an
    opportunity to elect 3 additional returns
  • Benefits to opt for filing additional tax returns
    include lowering the marginal tax rate, full
    personal exemptions claimed in the elective

3 Elective tax Returns
  • Rights or Things most common
  • Proprietor or Partnership Income
  • A Testamentary Trust

Rights or Things
  • Include items of income which have been earned
    and are receivable at the time of death
  • Examples of Rights or Things are
  • Matured but unclipped coupons
  • Dividends declared but unpaid
  • Salaries, commission vacation pay owing but

Proprietor or partnership Income (Fiscal year
other than calendar year)
  • Business income for the stub period from the end
    of the fiscal year to the date of death
  • Example John dies on May 1, business has Jan 31
    Y/E. Income for the year ended Jan 31 must be
    included in the terminal return. Income fro the
    stub period from Feb 1 to May 1 can be included
    in a separate return

Testamentary Trust Income (fiscal year other than
calendar year)
  • Income for the stub period from the end of the
    fiscal year to the date of death can be included
    in a separate return
  • Example Sam was beneficiary of a Testamentary
    Trust of May 31. Trust allocated 15,000 interest
    income on May 31. Trust further allocated 10,000
    income on July 1. Sam died Sept 1.
  • 15,000 has to be included in the terminal return
    and 10,000 in a separate return

Beware of filing final returns
  • There are as many as 4 tax returns and full
    personal exemptions can be claimed in each return
  • There would be BIG tax savings!

Will Planning - Understanding your Assets
  • Wills are generally thought as means by which
    individuals dispose their property at death.
  • Now, more frequently, the bulk of ones estate
    passes outside his/ her will- Will Substitutes

Will Substitutes
  • Making inter vivos gifts
  • Transferring property into joint ownership with
    right of survivorship such as joint tenancy or
    joint bank account
  • Transferring assets to an inter vivos trust
  • Making RRSPs, RRIFs, and life insurance payable
    to a named beneficiary

Will Substitutes - benefits
  • A reduction of probate fees
  • Protection from wills variation claimants,
    transfers via will substitutes may be less open
    to being overturned due to transferor lack of
    mental capacity or undue influence
  • No delay in the distribution of assets
  • Privacy probate is a public process, allowing
    anyone to see who gets what

Income tax consequences of Inter Vivos Transfers
  • Although for Probate purposes, assets disposed
    prior to death will not be included in the estate
    and will not be subject to probate tax
  • Generally, except for roll-over to spouse or
    spousal trust, alter ego trust etc, transfers of
    properties are deemed to be disposed at FMV,
    will be subject to taxation.

Deemed Disposition will not be a problem where
  • The gifted property consists of cash or near-cash
  • The gifted property is a capital property but has
    not yet increased in value
  • The gifted property was the transferors
    principal residence
  • The transfer is to a spouse or common-law partner

Transfer of a Joint Interest
  • A simple way to avoid probate tax is to transfer
    property into joint tenancy with say a child. On
    death, the property passes automatically to the
    transferee without any need for probate
  • For tax purposes, CRAs position is that the
    parent has disposed 50 of the parents interest
    in the property at the time of transfer

Document your gifts
  • Inter vivos transfers may be intended gifts or
    for other reasons such as to avoid probate tax or
    to allow a child to more easily aid a parent
    manage the financial affairs as joint bank
  • Family disputes often arise whether the transfer
    was really intended as gifts or for other reasons
  • Costly litigations among family members when the
    donor is already dead

Risks of transfer of a joint interest to a spouse
  • If the surviving spouse has the bulk of the
    assets, the assets ultimately be distributed
    according to his/her will, children may be cut
    out, particularly in the 2nd marriage.

Risks of transfer of joint interest to a child
  • Properties are deemed disposed at FMV, resulting
    in taxation
  • Property Transfer Tax on real property
  • Childs consent will be necessary to mortgage or
  • Exposure to childs creditor
  • Loss of tax benefit from testamentary trust

Risks of transfer of a joint interest to a child
  • If the property is a RP, and the child
    (transferee does not live there, ½ of the PR
    exemption will be lost for years following the
  • If the property is occupied by the child and his
    spouse as their matrimonial home, and if the
    child predeceases the parent, the deceased
    childs interest may then pass to his/her spouse

Transferring assets to an inter vivos trust
  • Property that an individual has transferred to a
    trust during his or her lifetime will not form
    part of his/her estate at death, and therefore
    will not be subject to probate tax
  • Is less vulnerable to attack on the grounds of
    the settlors lack of mental capacity
  • Shelter assets from claims of creditors

Understanding Trusts
  • Settlor is the person who sets up the trust and
    make the initial transfer of property to the
  • Trustee is the person who holds the formal legal
    title to the property
  • Beneficiaries are persons who will benefit from
    the property that is held by the Trustee

Legal perspective- Trust is not a separate entity
  • Trust is not a separate entity from the legal
  • A trust cannot own property, nor enter into any
    legal contract
  • Trustee holds the legal title to the property for
    the benefit of the beneficiaries

Tax perspective of trusts
  • Tax perspective, a trust is deemed to be an
  • A trust has to file a separate tax return

Types of trust
  • Testamentary Trust - a trust that arose as a
    consequence of death of an individual
  • Inter Vivos Trust a trust that is established
    by a living individual

Testamentary Vs. Inter Vivos
  • Testamentary
  • Spousal or common-law (rollover of properties to
    trust at cost)
  • Other beneficiaries (deemed disposition of
    properties at FMV)
  • Inter Vivos
  • Spousal, common-law , Alter Ego (Age 65
    rollover of properties to trust at cost)
  • Other beneficiaries (deemed disposition of
    properties at FMV)

Taxation of Inter Vivos Trusts
  • Inter Vivos trusts are subject to the highest top
    tax rate, 43 in B.C.
  • No progressive tax rates benefit
  • Forego the possibilities of having the
    testamentary trusts
  • One can mitigate the top rate taxed in a trust by
    paying out the income from the trust to the

21 year deemed disposition
  • Without the deemed disposition rule, trusts may
    allow capital gains to accumulate without tax
  • In order to place limits on the deferral process,
    a trust is deemed to its capital property
    disposed at FMV every 21 years

Deemed disposition
  • Spousal common-law partner trusts the deemed
    disposition occurs on the death of the spouse or
    the partner
  • Alter ego trusts the death of the settlor
  • Joint partner trusts at the later of the the
    death of the settlor or the spouse/partner

Why setting up Inter Vivos trusts if taxed at top
tax rate
  • Control! Control! Control!
  • Avoid the possibility of disgruntled dependents
    litigating under Wills Variation Act (likely in
    blended families) leave assets to your desired
  • Protection from creditors
  • Privacy if assets are bequested in a will, they
    will be subject to probate which can be made
  • Minimize the value of the assets in the probate

Use of Inter Vivos Trust (1)
  • H1 W1 both had a standard mirror will, one is
    the beneficiary of the other, and if both died,
    the estate would go to their children.
  • W1 died. H1 inherited the whole estate.
  • H1 remarried W2. W2 has her children.
  • H1 W2 prepared s standard mirror will.
  • H1 died. W2 inherited everything.
  • Now, guess who would be left out of the
    inheritance ?

Use of Inter Vivos Trusts (1) Answer
  • If H1 W1 would have set up an Inter vivos Joint
    Spousal Trust that upon the death of the last
    spouse, the assets of the Trust would have gone
    to their children.
  • Or H1 W1 would state upon his/her death, the
    estate would be rolled over to a spousal trust.
    The surviving spouse is entitled to all income of
    the trust in his/her life-time, and upon the
    surviving spouses death, the trust assets would
    go to the children.

Use of Inter Vivos Trust (2)
  • Mr. X dies, and leaves her with an old house that
    Mr. X sold for 2 M.
  • Mrs. X annual income is in excess fo 40,000 that
    would disqualify her from GIS other benefits
  • Mrs. X plans to give away her money to her
    children so that she would qualify for GIS. But
    she is concerned that her children may not look
    after her.

Use of Inter Vivos Trust (2)
  • If Mrs. X sets up a discretionary Inter Vivos
    trust with her and the children as beneficiaries
    of the trust
  • Mrs. X and two other people are trustees of the
  • The trustees can determine the amount of income
    distributed to beneficiaries
  • In fact, Mrs. X can control the amount of her
    income and continue getting her GIS

Principal Residence Exemption to Trusts
  • A residence held in a trust will qualify for the
    PR exemption of the residence was ordinarily
    inhabited in the year by a specified beneficiary.
  • The full gain on a PR will qualify for the PR
    exemption where the trust has more than one
    beneficiary, but only one of the beneficiaries
    occupies the residence.

Use of the PR exemption to trusts
  • 1 If a trust is establish to hold a residence
    exclusively for the benefit of 2 children. Child
    A lives in the residence while Child B has her
    own PR. The whole residence would qualify for PR
    even though Child B does not live in the
  • 2 Separate trusts can be used for each residence
  • 3. A PR is transferred to a trust to protect from

Beware of Property Transfer Tax on transfer of
  • There are special PPT exemptions for the transfer
    of a PR among related individuals, such as
    spouses, children, parents, grandfathers, but not
    brothers or sisters.

Property Transfer Tax PR Exemption
  • The transferee (purchaser) and the transferor
    (vendor) must be lineal related, either direct
    ascendants or direct descendants
  • The property must have been occupied by either
    the transferee or transferor as their PR , for a
    period of at least 6 months prior to the transfer
  • The building accommodate no more than 3 families

Inter-Provincial Tax Planning using Trusts
  • Trusts can be located in a low-tax province (e.g.
    Alberta) by having individual trustees living in
    Alberta, bank investment accounts in Alberta,
    meetings of trustees in Alberta etc.
  • Alberta individual top tax bracket _at_ 10 vs. B.C.
    rate of 14.7

Will Assets
  • These are all assets in your wills after will
  • They are to be distributed according to the will
  • Will assets are the deceased estate assets and
    may be subject to probate tax

Purposes of a Will
  • How the testators assets are to be divided
  • Appointment of an executor
  • Recommendation for the preferred guardian of any
    minor children
  • Specific powers entrusted to the executor or any

Purposes of a Will (cont)
  • A will is fundamental to estate planning as it
    minimizes expense and delay in the transfer of
    assets upon testators death
  • While a will communicates the testators
    intentions, other legislations such as the Family
    Law Act must be considered as wills can be

Multiple Wills
  • You can have more than one will
  • Multiple wills to deal with different property in
    different jurisdictions so as to expedite the
    administration of such assets
  • Can reduce probate tax
  • Example a will in H.K. for H.K. property

Multiple Wills - Example
  • B.C. resident with rental properties in H.K.,
    Vancouver and shares of a private corp.
  • It might be possible to execute multiple wills,
    2 in B.C. and one in H.K.
  • In B.C., one would govern assets which probate is
    necessary, e.g. rental property
  • The other one would govern the non-probate assets
    such as shares of a private corporation that
    probate is not necessary
  • One will in H.K.

Taxation of Testamentary trusts
  • Testamentary trusts are taxed using the same
    progressive rates that apply to individuals,
    rates range from 21 to 43 in B.C.
  • Personal credits are not available
  • Multiple testamentary trusts would provide
    multiple applications of the low rates to

Taxation of Testamentary trusts (cont)
  • Multiple trusts can be created if the will
    establishes a separate trust for each child (
    Mitchell v. MNR 56 DTC 521) and each trust would
    have its independent investment objectives
    suitable to the needs of the respective
  • Each trust should be created with separate terms
    and condition. To prevent multiple trusts, CRA
    may designate the multiple trusts as a single
    trust if income from the trusts will ultimately
    accrue to the same or group of beneficiaries

Example of a testamentary trusts
  • In Joe Smith, in his will he states a spousal
    trust be set up and that his entire estate be
    rolled over to a spousal trust. His spouse is
    entitled to all income in her life-time, but upon
    her death, the trust assets would go to his
    children. This may ensure that if she remarries,
    the children are surely looked after.

Sample of testamentary spousal trust (Cont)
  • The testamentary spousal trust benefits from
    progressive tax rates. If the spouse has too high
    an income that may affect her old age security
    (OAS), i.e. income in excess of 67,000, the
    trust can designate amounts to be deemed not paid
    when they are in fact paid to the beneficiary.
    The trust will include the amount as trusts

Testamentary trusts (cont)
  • If Joe Smith is wealthy enough, he may consider
    to set-up multiple trusts, one for each of his
    children so that there would be multiple use of
    progressive tax rates have experienced trustees
    to look after the trust
  • Assets willed to testamentary trusts will not
    reduce value of the estate and hence will not
    reduce probate fees

Incapacitating Issues
  • A will is effective only upon death
  • Individuals does not automatically have the right
    to handle spouses legal financial affairs in
    the event that the spouse is not able to because
    of illness or unavailable
  • Without proper legal documents, the healthy
    spouse has to apply to the court for permission
    to act on behalf of the incapacitated spouse

Two types of Power of Attorney
  • Persons property- Enduring Power of Attorney
  • Persons health Power of Attorney for Personal
    care or a Living Will

Action Plan
  • My experience with my parents estates
  • Power of Attorney / Representation Agreement
    will for everyone
  • Trusts are not just for the rich. Trusts can be
    used for individuals to access GIS other
    benefits and PR trusts
  • Rich can consider multiple wills trusts
  • You will benefit from a good accountant.

Estate Planning Taxation
  • Diana Mau, C.A.
  • 205-8833 Odlin Crescent, Richmond, B.C. V6X 3Z7
  • Tel 604-279-9270
  • Fax 604-279-8769
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