An Analysis of the Skype Peer-to-Peer Internet Telephony Protocol - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An Analysis of the Skype Peer-to-Peer Internet Telephony Protocol


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: An Analysis of the Skype Peer-to-Peer Internet Telephony Protocol

An Analysis of the Skype Peer-to-Peer Internet
Telephony Protocol
  • Speakerzcchen

  • Introduction
  • Key components of the Skype software
  • Experimental setup
  • Skype functions
  • Conferencing
  • Conclusion

  • Paper An Analysis of the Skype Peer-to-Peer
    Internet Telephony Protocol
  • Skype conferencing white paper
  • Skype P2P Telephony Explained
  • ILBC codec
  • iSAC codec

  • Skype
  • A peer-to-peer VoIP client developed by KaZaa in
  • Skype can
  • work almost seamlessly across NATs and firewalls
  • has better voice quality than the MSN and Yahoo
    IM applications
  • encrypts calls end-to-end, and stores user
    information in a decentralized fashion
  • SkypeOut, SkypeIn

  • Type of nodes
  • Ordinary hosts
  • Super nodes (SN)
  • Login server

Key components of the Skype software
  • Ports
  • Host cache
  • Codecs
  • Encryption
  • NAT and firewall

  • Ports
  • A Skype client (SC) opens a TCP and a UDP
    listening port at the port number configured in
    its connection dialog box. (randomly chooses one
    upon installation)
  • Default listening port80(HTTP), 443(HTTPS)

  • Host cache (HC)
  • A list of super node IP address and port pairs
    that SC builds and refresh regularly.
  • At least one valid entry must be present in the
  • A SC stores HC in the Windows registry.
  • After running a SC for two days, we observed that
    HC contained a maximum of 200 entries.
  • The SN is selected by the Skype protocol based on
    a number of factors like CPU and available

  • Codecs
  • Skype uses iLBC, iSAC, or a third unknown codec.
  • GlobalIPSound has implemented the iLBC and iSAC
    codecs and their websites lists Skype as their
  • Skype codecs allow frequencies between 50-8000
    Hz. wideband codec.
  • iLBC bit rate 13.3 kbps (30 ms frames) 15.2
    kbps (20 m frames)
  • better speech quality than G.729A
    and G.723.1.
  • supports multiple frames size.
  • iSAC bit rate 10-32 kbps(adaptive and
  • maintain wideband communication
    over low and high bit rate connection

  • Buddy list
  • Skype stores its buddy information in the Windows
  • Local to one machine and is not stored on a
    central server.

  • Encryption
  • Skype uses AES(Rijndel) to protect sensitive
  • Uses 256-bit encryption, which has a total of
    1.1X1077 possible keys.
  • Uses 1536 to 2048 bit RSA to negotiate symmetric
    AES keys.
  • User public keys are certified by login server at

  • NAT and firewall
  • We conjecture that SC uses a variation of the
    STUN (Simple Traversal of UDP through NATs) and
    TURN (Traversal Using Relay NAT) protocols to
    determine the type of NAT and firewall it is
  • The information is also stored in the Windows
  • Use TCP to bypass UDP-restricted NAT/firewall

Experimental setup
  • Skype version0.97.0.6.
  • Machines Windows 2000
  • PII 200MHz with 128MB RAM.
  • 10/100 Mb/s Ethernet card.
  • Network 100Mb/s
  • Monitor tools Ethereal NetPeeker.
  • Experiments
  • 1. both Skype users were on machines with public
    IP addresses.
  • 2. one Skype user was behind port-restricted NAT
  • 3. both users were behind a port-restricted NAT
    and UDP-restricted firewall.

Skype functions
  • Startup
  • Login
  • Call establishment and teardown
  • Media transfer and codecs

  • Startup
  • When SC was run for the first time after
    installation, it sent a HTTP 1.1 GET request to
    the The first line of the request
    contains the keyword installed.
  • During subsequent starts-up, a SC only sent a
    HTTP 1.1 GET to the to determine if
    the new version is available. The first line of
    the request contains the keyword

  • Login
  • 1. Advertises its presence to other peers and its
  • 2. Determines the type of NAT and firewall it is
  • 3. Discover online Skype nodes with public IP

  • Login algorithm (authentication with login server
    is not shown)

  • Login server
  • Stores Skype user names and passwords and ensures
    that Skype user names are unique across the Skype
    name space.
  • -gt

  • Bootstrap super node (SN)
  • After logging in for the first time after
    installation, HC was initialized with 7 IP
    addresses and port pairs.
  • After installation and first time startup, we
    observed that the HC was empty. However upon
    first login, the SC sent UDP packets to at least
    four nodes in the bootstrap node list.
  • Thus, either bootstrap IP address and port
    information is hard coded in the SC, or it is
    encrypted and not directly visible in the Skype
    Windows registry.

  • First-time login process
  • A SC must connect to well known Skype nodes in
    order to log on to the Skype network.
  • Step 1 it does so by sending UDP packets to
    some bootstrap super nodes and then waits for
    their response over UDP. (it is not clear how SC
    selects among bootstrap super nodes)
  • Step 2 SC then established a TCP connection
    with the bootstrap super node that responded in
    Step 1.

  • Step 3 After exchanging some packets with
    bootstrap SN over TCP, it then perhaps acquired
    the address of the login server.
  • Step 4 SC then establishes a TCP connection
    with the login server, exchanges authentication
    information with it, and finally closes the TCP
  • Step 5 SC sends UDP packets to 22 distinct
    nodes and receives response from them over UDP
    (advertise its arrival).

  • The TCP connection with the SN persisted as long
    as SN was alive. When the SN became unavailable,
    SC establishes a TCP connection with another SN.
  • The total data exchanged between SC, SN, login
    server, and other nodes during login is about 9
  • For a SC behind a port-restricted NAT, the
    messages flow for login was roughly the same as
    for a SC on the public IP address. However, more
    data was exchanged. 10KB
  • A SC behind a port-restricted NAT and a
    UDP-restricted firewall was unable to receive any
    UDP packets from machines outside the firewall.
    It therefore could send and receive only TCP
    traffic. 8.5KB

  • Alternative node table
  • It can be seen that SC sends UDP packets to 22
    distinct nodes at the end of login process.
  • ? uses those messages to advertise its
    arrival on the network. upon receiving a response
    from them, SC builds a table of online nodes.
  • It is with these nodes a SC can connects to, if
    its SN becomes unavailable.

  • Subsequent login process
  • Similar to first-time login process.
  • The HC got periodically update with the IP
    address and port number of new peers.
  • During subsequent logins, SC used the login
    algorithm (shown in p.17) to determine at least
    one available peer out of HC.
  • It then established a TCP connection with that

  • Login process time
  • For the experiment, the HC already contained the
    maximum of 200 entries.
  • 1. SC with public IP address 37 sec.
  • 2. SC behind a port-restricted NAT 37 sec.
  • 3. SC behind a UDP-restricted firewall 34 sec.
  • (sent UDP packets to 30 HC entries and
    concluded that it is behind UDP-restricted
    firewall. )

  • Call establishment and teardown
  • We consider call establishment for the three
    network setups
  • (We assumed caller and callee were online and
    in the buddy list of each other)
  • Case 1. caller public IP address
  • callee public IP address
  • Case 2. caller behind port-restricted NAT
  • callee public IP address
  • Case 3. caller behind port-restricted NAT and
    UDP-restricted firewall
  • callee behind port-restricted
    NAT and UDP-restricted firewall

  • Case 1
  • caller public IP address
  • callee public IP address
  • The caller established a TCP connection with the
    callee SC.
  • The caller also sent some messages over UDP to
    alternative Skype nodes, which are online Skype
    nodes discovered during login.
  • Case 2
  • caller behind port-restricted
  • callee public IP address
  • Signaling and media traffic did not flow directly
    between caller and callee. Instead, the caller
    sent signaling over TCP to an online Skype node
    which forwarded it to call over TCP.
  • This online node also routed voice packets from
    caller to callee over UDP and vice versa.

  • Case 3
  • caller behind port-restricted
    NAT and UDP-restricted firewall
  • callee behind port-restricted
    NAT and UDP-restricted firewall
  • both caller and callee SC exchanged signaling
    information over TCP with another online Skype
  • Caller SC sent media over TCP to an online node,
    which forwarded it to callee SC over TCP and vice

  • Media transfer and codecs
  • Silence suppression
  • Putting a call on hold
  • Congestion
  • Keep-alive message

  • Silence suppression
  • No silence suppression is supported in Skype.
    when neither caller or callee was speaking, voice
    packets still flowed between them.
  • Adv
  • maintains the UDP bindings at NAT.
  • 2.these packets can be used to play some
    background noise at the peer.
  • In the case where media traffic flowed over TCP
    between caller and callee, silence packets were
    still sent.
  • ? avoid the drop in TCP congestion window
    size, which takes some RTT to reach the maximum
    level again.

  • Putting a call on hold
  • On average, a SC sent three UDP packets per
    second to the call peer, SN, or the online Skype
    node acting as a media proxy when a call is put
    on hold.
  • ?ensure UDP binding are made at a NAT
  • Congestion
  • We observed that uplink and downlink bandwidth of
    2 KB/s each was necessary for reasonable call
  • The voice was almost unintelligible at an uplink
    and downlink bandwidth of 1.5 KB/s.

  • Keep-alive message
  • We observed in for three different network setups
    that the SC sent a refresh message to its SN over
    TCP every 60s.

  • A call was established between A (the most
    powerful one) and B. Then B decided to include C
    in the conference. From the ethereal dump, we
    observed that B and C were sending their voice
    traffic over UDP to SC on machine A, which was
    acting as a mixer.
  • It mixed its own packets with those of B and sent
    them to C over UDP and vice versa

  • Even if user B or C started a conference, A,
    which was the most powerful amongst the three,
    always got elected as conference host and mixer.
  • If iLBC codec is used, the total call 36 KB/s for
    a two-way call. For three-user conference, it
    jumps to 54 kb/s for the machine hosting the
  • For a three party conference, Skype does not do
    full mesh conferencing.
  • To host a conference with 5 parties you need a
    big PC, a Pentium 4 or thereabouts. With a PIII
    CPU of 450 MHz you will be limited to hosting 3

  • Skype is the first VoIP client based on
    peer-to-peer technology. We think that three
    factors are responsible for its increasing
  • 1. better voice quality than MSN and Yahoo IM
  • 2. work almost seamlessly behind NATs and
  • 3. extremely easy to install and use.
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