Title: Statistical Inference, Multiple Comparisons, Random Field Theory
1Data Analysis framework in Brain Imaging STAT
992 Image Analysis March 23, 2004 Moo K.
Chung Department of Statistics Department of
Biostatistics and Medical Informatics W.M. Keck
Brain Laboratory University of Wisconsin-Madison
2Acknowledgement Presentation based on Will
Penny, Jason Lerch and Thomas Nicholss
PowerPoint slides Some images based on Thomas
Hoffmans research
3Brain Image Analysis
- Brain Image Analysis is a total science.
- Before Images are transformed into a proper
format for data analysis, it will go through a
bunch of image processing procedures. - If we can get extract proper data out of images,
half of the problems are already solved.
4image data
parameter estimates
- General Linear Model
- model fitting
- statistic image
realignment motioncorrection
Random Field Theory
fMRI processing steps
StatisticalParametric Map
corrected p-values
5 MRI processing steps
Montreal Neurological Institute image processing
6Non-uniformity correction
nu_correct native.mnc corrected.mnc
classify_clean final.mnc classified.mnc
8Tissue classification/segmentation Clustering
algorithm based on maximum likelihood mixture
model (Hartigan, 1975)
Automatic skull stripping
93 different tissue types
Binary masks 0 or 1
Gaussian kernel smoothing
Gray matter White matter
cortical_surface classified.mnc mask.obj
1.5 surface_mask2 classified.mnc mask.obj
11Image registration
12Corpus callosum (CC) is the white matter brain
substructure that connects hemispheres.
We have 16 autistic subjects and 12 normal
subjects. Quantify the CC shape difference
between two groups?
Group 1
Group 2
13How do we compare shapes?
Pixel by pixel comparison causes anatomical
mismatching. Solution image registration. The
aim of image registration is to find a smooth
one-to-one mapping that matches homologous
anatomies together.
14Nonlinear image registration
Estimate a
continuous 3D map that matches two brain images.
15Thompson, D. W. (1917) On growth and form.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
He introduced deformable grid and deformation of
homologous biological structures
16Nonlinear image registration based on basis
function expansion
300 subjects average template Warping into
average blurred template reduce the probability
of complete mismatch.
Warped brain
17Large scale automatic image analysis
. . . .
Subject 1
Subject 2
Subject 498
Subject 3
Subject 499
Subject 500
500 MRIs will be warped into a template and
anatomical differences can be compared at a
common reference frame.
18Estimating Nonlinear Image Registration
- Elastic deformation based
- Fluid dynamics based
- Intensity correlation based
- Bayesian approach
19Image Registration
Similarity measure
Variational approach
PDE approach
203rd order polynomial warping
x' y'
z' -1.212161e02 -1.692117e02
1.239336e00 2.846339e00
9.860215e-01 -4.670216e-03 x
4.541216e-01 3.344188e00 -1.022118e-02
y 2.277959e00 1.849708e00
9.958860e-01 z -9.744798e-03
-4.951447e-03 1.253383e-05 x2
-4.519879e-03 -4.248561e-03 -2.655254e-05
xy -9.122374e-04 -9.371881e-03
4.040382e-05 y2 -1.624103e-02
-3.371953e-03 2.356452e-06 xz
-3.519974e-03 -2.799626e-02 9.228041e-05
yz -1.572948e-02 -1.688950e-03
5.386545e-05 z2 2.495023e-05
4.120123e-06 3.604820e-08 x3
3.232645e-06 1.739698e-05 1.044795e-07
x2y 1.074305e-05 4.357408e-06
-9.302004e-10 xy2 -1.059526e-06
1.699618e-05 1.166377e-07 y3
5.512034e-06 9.330769e-06 -2.219099e-08
x2z 1.275631e-05 -9.233413e-06
1.236940e-07 xyz -5.236010e-07
3.234824e-05 -6.819396e-07 y2z
9.506628e-05 1.214112e-05 -1.238024e-07
xz2 2.016546e-05 1.475354e-04
-1.693465e-08 yz2 3.377913e-06
-7.093638e-05 -2.757074e-07 z3
21Curve registration by dynamic time warping
algorithm -Thomas Hoffmann, Honors B.Sc. thesis.
22Image smoothing
23Kernel smoothing
24Anisotropic Gaussian kernel smoothing It will
smooth out signals along the eigenvectors. The
amount of smoothing is proportional to the
eigenvalues. So it will basically smooth out
along the principal eigenvector.
Isotropic kernel Anisotropic
25Isotropic Gaussian kernel smoothing
Principal eigenvalues gt 0.6
10mm FWHM
20mm FWHM
26Anisotropic Smoothing Edge Enhancement
After diffusion smoothing
28Inner surface gray/white matter interface
initial mean curvature
diffusion smoothing estimate
Flattened map showing smoothing
initial mean curvature
20 iterations
100 iterations
30WHY WE SMOOTH? See next slide Smooth T random
- Temporally blur, smooth your data
- This induces more dependence!
- But we exactly know the form of the dependence
induced - Assume that intrinsic autocorrelation is
negligible relative to smoothing - Then we know autocorrelation exactly
- Correct GLM inferences based on known
Friston, et al., To smooth or not to smooth
NI 12196-208 2000
- Statistically optimal solution
- If know true autocorrelation exactly, canundo
the dependence - De-correlate your data, your model
- Then proceed as with independent data
- Problem is obtaining accurate estimates of
autocorrelation - Some sort of regularization is required
- Spatial smoothing of some sort
33fMRI example
34Basic fMRI Example
- Time series at each voxel.
35fMRI time series modeling
one stimulus
two stimuli
36A Linear Model
- Linear in parameters ?1 ?2
37 in matrix form.
N Number of scans, p Number of regressors
38subject 20
39subject 41
40OSL fitting of subject 20 left amygdala
41OSL fitting of subject 20 right amygdala
42Generalized Least Squares (GLS) Estimation
43HRF snake attacking snake crawling
fish swimming
AFNI result subject 20 right amygdala
44HRF reconvolved with the initial stimuli
Black HR based on OSL Red HR based on GSL In
this particular example, GSL can get the dip OSL
can not get.
45(No Transcript)
46Whitening by GSL correlation
47Multiple Testing Problem
- Inference on statistic images
- Fit GLM at each voxel
- Create statistic images of effect
- Which of 100,000 voxels are significant?
- ?0.05 ? 5,000 false positives!
48MCP SolutionsMeasuring False Positives
- Familywise Error Rate (FWER)
- Familywise Error
- Existence of one or more false positives
- FWER is probability of familywise error corrected
P-value - False Discovery Rate (FDR)
- R voxels declared active, V falsely so
- Observed false discovery rate V/R
- FDR E(V/R) Q-value
- This is a relative measure.
49FWER MCP SolutionsRandom Field Theory
- Euler Characteristic ?u
- Topological Measure
- blobs - holes
- At high thresholds,just counts blobs
- FWER P(Max voxel ? u Ho) P(One or more
blobs Ho) ? P(?u ? 1 Ho) ? E(?u Ho)
Random Field
Suprathreshold Sets
50Example 2D Gaussian images
a R (4 ln 2) (2p) -3/2 u exp (-u2/2)
For R100 and a0.05 RFT gives u3.8
Using R100 in a Bonferroni correction gives
Friston et al. (1991) J. Cer. Bl. Fl. M.
2D Gaussian fields 3D Gaussian fields 3D
Friston et al. (1991) J. Cer. Bl. Fl. M. (Not EC
Worsley et al. (1992) J. Cer. Bl. Fl. M.
Worsley et al. (1993) Quant. Brain. Func.
52Unified Theory
- General form for expected Euler characteristic
- ?2, F, t fields restricted search regions
- a S Rd (W) rd (u)
rd (u) d-dimensional EC density E.g. Gaussian
RF r0(u) 1- ?(u) r1(u) (4 ln2)1/2
exp(-u2/2) / (2p) r2(u) (4 ln2) exp(-u2/2)
/ (2p)3/2 r3(u) (4 ln2)3/2 (u2 -1)
exp(-u2/2) / (2p)2 r4(u) (4 ln2)2 (u3 -3u)
exp(-u2/2) / (2p)5/2
Rd (W) RESEL count R0(W) ?(W) Euler
characteristic of W R1(W) resel
diameter R2(W) resel surface
area R3(W) resel volume
Worsley et al. (1996), HBM
53Expected EC for a stationary Gaussian field
Minkowski functionals
EC density
Adler (1981) , Worsley (1996)
54RFT Assumptions
- Model fit assumptions
- valid distributional results
- Multivariate normality
- of component images
- Covariance function of component images must be
- - Stationary (pre SPM99)
- - Can be nonstationary
- (SPM99 onwards)
- - Twice differentiable
- Smoothness
- smoothness voxel size
- lattice approximation
- smoothness estimation
- practically
- FWHM ? 3 ? VoxDim
- otherwise
- conservative
55Random Field Theory
- Closed form results for E(?u)
- Z, t, F, Chi-Squared Continuous RFs
- Results depend only on RESELs
- RESolution ELements
- A volume element of size FWHMx ? FWHMy ? FWHMz
- RESEL count
- Voxel-size-independent measure of volume
- Inferences do not depend on stationarity
- Smoothness can vary
- (It is cluster size results that require
56Random Field Theory Limitations
- Sufficient smoothness
- FWHM smoothness 3-4 times voxel size
- Smoothness estimation
- Estimate is biased when images not so smooth
- Estimate is an estimatesds on corr. p-values
- Multivariate normality
- Virtually impossible to check
- Several layers of approximations
- E.g., t field results conservative for low df
57Smoothness Estimation
- Roughness ??
- Point Response Function PRF
- Gaussian PRF
- fx 0 0
- ? 0 fy 0 0 0 fz
- ?? (4ln(2))3/2 / (fx ? fy ? fz)
- R3(?) ?(?) / (fx ? fy ? fz)
- a R3(?) (4ln(2))3/2 (u 2 -1) exp(-u 2/2) /
(2?)2 -
Approximate the peak of the Covariance
function with a Gaussian
58Cluster and Set-level Inference
- We can increase sensitivity by trading off
anatomical specificity - Given a voxel level threshold u, we can compute
- the likelihood (under the null hypothesis)
of getting n or more connected components in the
excursion set ie. a cluster containing at least n
- Similarly, we can compute the likelihood of
getting c - clusters each having at least n voxels
59Suprathreshold cluster tests
- Primary threshold u
- examine connected components of excursion set
- Suprathreshold clusters
- Reject HW for clusters of voxels W of size S gt s?
- Localisation (Strong control)
- at cluster level
- increased power
- esp. high resolutions (f MRI)
- Thresholds, p values
- Pr(S?max gt s? ? H? ) ? ?
- Nosko, Friston, (Worsley)
- Poisson occurrence (Adler)
- Assumme form for Pr(SsSgt0)
5mm FWHM
10mm FWHM
15mm FWHM
(2mm2 pixels)
60Poisson Clumping Heuristic
Expected number of clusters
pcluster volume gt k
Expected cluster volume
EC density (??
Search volume (R)
61Multiple Comparisons, Random Field Theory
- Worsley KJ, Marrett S, Neelin P, Evans AC (1992)
- A three-dimensional statistical analysis for
CBF activation studies in human brainJournal of
Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 12900-918 - Worsley KJ, Marrett S, Neelin P, Vandal AC,
Friston KJ, Evans AC (1995) - A unified statistical approach for determining
significant signals in images of cerebral
activationHuman Brain Mapping 458-73 - Friston KJ, Worsley KJ, Frackowiak RSJ, Mazziotta
JC, Evans AC (1994)Assessing the Significance
of Focal Activations Using their Spatial
ExtentHuman Brain Mapping 1214-220 - Cao J (1999)The size of the connected
components of excursion sets of ?2, t and F
fieldsAdvances in Applied Probability (in
press) - Worsley KJ, Marrett S, Neelin P, Evans AC
(1995)Searching scale space for activation in
PET imagesHuman Brain Mapping 474-90 - Worsley KJ, Poline J-B, Vandal AC, Friston KJ
(1995)Tests for distributed, non-focal brain
activationsNeuroImage 2183-194 - Friston KJ, Holmes AP, Poline J-B, Price CJ,
Frith CD (1996)Detecting Activations in PET and
fMRI Levels of Inference and PowerNeuroimage
62Controlling FWER Permutation Test
- Parametric methods
- Assume distribution ofmax statistic under
nullhypothesis - Nonparametric methods
- Use data to find distribution of max
statisticunder null hypothesis - Any max statistic!
- Due to Fisher
63Measuring False PositivesFWER vs FDR
64Control of Per Comparison Rate at 10
Percentage of Null Pixels that are False Positives
Control of Familywise Error Rate at 10
Occurrence of Familywise Error
Control of False Discovery Rate at 10
Percentage of Activated Pixels that are False
65Controlling FDRBenjamini Hochberg
- Select desired limit q on E(FDR)
- Order p-values, p(1) ? p(2) ? ... ? p(V)
- Let r be largest i such that
- Reject all hypotheses corresponding to p(1),
... , p(r).
i/V ? q
66Benjamini HochbergVarying Signal Extent
p 0.019274 z 2.07
67FDR Software for SPM
- KM Petersson, TE Nichols, J-B Poline, and AP
Holmes.Statistical limitations in functional
neuroimaging I. Non-inferential methods and
statistical models. Statistical limitations in
functional neuroimaging II. Signal detection and
statistical inference. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society Biological
Sciences, 3541239-1281, 1999. - CR Genovese, N Lazar and TE Nichols.Thresholding
of Statistical Maps in Functional Neuroimaging
Using the False Discovery Rate. NeuroImage,
15870-878, 2002.
69Application Surface data
70Corrected P-value
Morphological descriptor
Cortical surface area
2D Euler characteristic density of t random field
71Rejection regions.
Red Tissue growth Blue Tissue loss Yellow
Structure displacement
72Yellow Hotellings T2 field
73(No Transcript)
74Cortical thickness change t-map
75Curvature change t-map