Ch3 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ch3 Usibility During the Planning Stages Melek OKTAY (Ceng-bilm 403) Usibility and Technical Information When you plan,write, and design a piece of communication ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ch3

Ch3 Usibility During the Planning Stages
  • Melek OKTAY
  • (Ceng-bilm 403)

  • Usibility and Technical Information
  • Usibility During the Planning Stages
  • Usibility During the Writing and Designing
  • Writing and Organizing Information for Usability
  • Proofreading Your Final Draft

Usibility and Technical Information
  • Usibility and Technical Information
  • Usibility During the Planning Stages
  • Usibility During the Writing and Designing
  • Writing and Organizing Information for Usability
  • Proofreading Your Final Draft

Usibility and Technical Information
  • When you plan,write, and design a piece of
  • Brochure, manual, online help screen, or report ?
    you are creating a communication product.
  • Like any other product, people will use it only
    if they can find what they need, understand the
    language, follow the instructions, nd read the
  • In other words, communication products must be
  • Usability means that people who use the product
    can do so quickly and easily to accomplish their

Usibility During the Planning Stages
  • Usibility and Technical Information
  • Usibility During the Planning Stages
  • Usibility During the Writing and Designing
  • Writing and Organizing Information for Usability
  • Proofreading Your Final Draft

Usibility During the Planning Stages
  • Before you begin writing or designing any
    information product, learn all you can about your
    audiance and intended use of your document.
  • Perform task analysis
  • Ultimately, your document will be more useful if
    you know what your audiance wants to do with it.
  • Develop an Information Plan
  • Once you have a clear picture of the audiance and
    purpose for your document, as well as the
    intended user tasks, you can draft an information
  • Outline of the assumptions
  • Goals
  • Budged for your document

Usibility During the Planning Stages(cont.)
  • Information plans can be as short as a two-to
    three-page memo or as long as a five-to ten-page
    report, depending on your project.
  • Do the Research
  • Developing an information plan might require

Usibility During the Writing and Designing Process
  • Usibility and Technical Information
  • Usibility During the Planning Stages
  • Usibility During the Writing and Designing
  • Writing and Organizing Information for Usability
  • Proofreading Your Final Draft

Usibility During the Writing and Designing Process
  • Revise Your Plan and Your project
  • Once you have completed these first steps, you
    can write, design, and test your document.
  • If your audience finds a technical term difficult
    to understand, define it clearly or use a
    simpler word or concept.
  • Create Documentation That Is Context-Sensitive
  • A useful way to think about providing
    documentation for your audience is to consider
    documentation context-sensitive.
  • Context-sensitive documentation is usually
    embedded within the software itself and addresses
    the specific tasks that users want to complete
  • Many online help systems today are
    context-sensitive, providing audiences with more
    closely focues help that pertains to their
    immediate user needs.

Usibility During the Writing and Designing Process
  • Usibility and Technical Information
  • Usibility During the Planning Stages
  • Usibility During the Writing and Designing
  • Writing and Organizing Information for Usability
  • Proofreading Your Final Draft

Writing and Organizing Information for Usability
  • You can dramatically increase the usability of
    any communication by focusing on three aspects of
  • First use good grammar and style.
  • Readers can not extract what they need from
    poorly written information
  • Moreover, bad writing makes you look (and your
    company) imcompetent (yetersiz)
  • Second create an overview to give your audiance
    a framework for navigating the document.
  • Third chunk your information into units that
    make sense for the specific audience and purpose
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