CPUT refuses to stay PUT - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CPUT refuses to stay PUT


... a pyramid promotional scheme The case decided that pyramid promotional schemes constitutes an unfair commercial practice only when such a scheme requires ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: cput | put | pyramid | refuses | scheme | stay


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CPUT refuses to stay PUT

CPUT refuses to stay PUT a review of
latest developments.

The prohibited practices
  • There are 5 CPUT prohibited practices
  • Contravention of the requirements of professional
  • Misleading actions
  • Misleading omissions
  • Aggressive commercial practices
  • Automatically unfair practices (schedule1)

Key concepts
  • Commercial Practice
  • Trader
  • The Average Consumer
  • Transactional Decision
  • Professional Diligence

Interesting developments as we all become
familiar with them
  • Good steer given by some cases from the higher
    courts in 2011/12
  • Civil cases
  • OFT v. Purely Creative and others 2011 CTLC 45
  • Purely Creative .v. OFT 2012 CTLC 40
  • Purely Creative Ltd and others ECJ case
  • OFT v. Ashbourne Management Services Limited
    2011 CTLC 237
  • Criminal cases
  • R (Surrey Trading Standards) v. Scottish and
    Southern Energy 2012 CTLC1

OFT v. Purely Creative
  • Purposive interpretation
  • ..must be construed as far as possible so as
    to implement the purposes and provisions of the
    directive (at para 40)
  • Average Consumer - as defined in Reg 2(1)
  • reflects the commonsense proposition that
    the UCPD exists to protect from being misled
    consumers who take reasonable care of themselves,
    rather than the ignorant, the careless or the
    overhasty consumer (at para 62)
  • Transactional Decision as defined in Reg 2(1)
  • any decision with an economic consequence.. (at
    para 68), but is it?
  • Causes or likely to cause
  • whether, but for the relevant misleading act or
    omissionthe average consumer would have made a
    different decision from that made (para 71)

OFT v. Ashbourne MSL
  • Early UK case considering professional dligence
  • Gym providers standard terms unfair and would be
    expected not to include such unfair terms in
    agreements recommended to consumers.
  • In recommending the use of these agreements
    which are unfair and in seeking payment of
    subscriptions under them the defendants have
    not acted in accordance with the standard
    commensurate with honest market practice and have
    caused consumers to take transactional decisions
    they would not otherwise have taken (para 227)

The Scottish and Southern Energy Case
  • Meaning of Trader and Commercial practice
  • SSE PLC was convicted in the Crown Court of 2
    counts of sales agents being trained to use
    misleading sales scripts in doorstep selling of
  • Appeal dismissed in construing trader
    together with commercial practice the court
    noted the wide definition of both in the

Commercial Practice
  • Important issue can a one off transaction
    amount to a commercial practice
  • R v.Christopher Steele. Snaresbrook Crown Court.
    Judge dismisses case because it fell outside
    scope of commercial practice involved a
    single building contract (April 2012)
  • R v X Limited 2013 CTLC 145. A commercial
    practice can be derived from an isolated
    incident, but whether or not it does will depend
    on the facts of the particular case.

Recent CJEU cases
  • Citroen Belux v Fedaralie voor verzekerings en
    Financiele Tussenpersonen (FvF ) July 2013 Case
    C-265 -12
  • A national restriction on combined offers did not
    contravene the maximum harmonisation of a
    domestic measure being more restrictive than the
    UCPD permitted where at least one component of
    the offer was a financial service.

Recent CJEU cases
  • CHS Tour Services GmbH v. Team4 Travel GmbH Sept
    2013 C-435/11
  • There is no automatic infringement of the
    requirements of professional diligence if a
    commercial practice is categorised as a
    misleading commercial practice under Article 6
    UCPD ( misleading actions).

Recent CJEU cases
  • Trento Sviluppo srl , Centrale Adriatica Soc.
    Coop. arl v Autorita Gurante delia Concorrenza
    e de Mercato Dec 2013 Case C-281/12
  • Important transactional decision case.
  • The CJEU stated that the concept of
    transactional decision is broadly defined in
    the directive as any decision taken by a
    consumer concerning whether, how and on what
    terms to purchase
  • It decided that the concept covered not only the
    decision whether or not to purchase a product,
    but also the decision directly related to that
    decision, in particular the decision to enter
    into the shop.
  • The question of whether the decision had to be
    one with economic consequence has been
    answered emphatically with a NO !!

Recent CJEU cases
  • 4Finance UAB v Valstybiere - April 2014 Case
  • Banned practice schedule 1 para 14 establishing,
    operating or promoting a pyramid promotional
  • The case decided that pyramid promotional schemes
    constitutes an unfair commercial practice only
    when such a scheme requires the consumer to give
    financial consideration, regardless of its
    amount, for the opportunity to receive
    compensation that is derived primarily from the
    introduction of other consumers into the scheme
    rather than the sale or consumption of products.

Civil Redress for CPUT
  • Consumer Protection (Amendment ) Regulations 2014
    amends CPUT and new Part 4A gives consumers a
    right to civil redress from 1st October 2014
  • Significant development implementing the Law
    Commission recommendations.
  • Consumers will have the right to bring a civil
    action against a trader for a commercial practice
    that is
  • 1) a misleading action
  • 2) aggressive
  • Consumers will have a right to damages if they
    incur financial loss or alarm, distress or
    physical inconvenience which would not have been
    incurred in the absence of the prohibited

TS Activity in CPUT
  • Only have to look at TS Today each month to see
    that big cases are being brought to court with
    many instances of systemmic unfair trading
  • Fines and penalties can be high
  • Confiscation a potentially powerful tool as well
  • Recent case of R v Scott King 2014 EWCA Crim
    621 good example of traders breaching CPUT at
    their peril. Trader sold cars and falsely claimed
    that he was acting privately ( Banned paractice
    sched 1 para 22). 58 cars involved. Court of
    Appeal held 109,000 confiscation order
    representing the turnover of the business was not
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