Title: Welcome To The Tomball College Math Lab
1Welcome To LSC-Tomball Independent Study Math
Yes, it really is an independent study course!
MATH 0310 Section 3029 Section 3033 Intermediate
Algebra Orientation
Theresa Fritzel Online at home or at one of the
Lone Star College campuses
2Are online courses right for you?
- Benefits
- You set your time to study
- You determine the pace HOWEVER
- must show progress
- must finish course within the semester
- Disadvantages
- Much harder than a lecture course
- Must have a basic working knowledge of computers
- Must take exams at an approved testing center
- Need transportation
- Testing centers have varying hours of
availability - No face to face lecture time
- You teach yourself
- Textbook
- Online resources
- Webpages I created
- Easy to procrastinate and fall behind
- Might not be right for you if you
- Have taken the course multiple times
unsuccessfully (either online or in a classroom)
3What Materials do I need?
- A computer with internet access
- A valid, working email address
- MyMathLab Student Access code bundled with the
following text - New Math 0310 students
- Standalone 0310 text - Teal and Red cover
- Essential Algebra Skills by Elayn Martin-Gay,
Custom Edition for Lone Star College, Pearson
Publishing Inc. - Existing 0300 students who purchased a text in
the past year - Newer combo text with Mustard and Red cover is
valid - Older combo text with the Blue and Red cover is
still valid - Need to download 3 new sections from inside D2l
or from inside MyMathLab - You are purchasing an access code and receiving a
free workbook/text that cannot be returned - Campuses that will have this bundle in their
bookstore - LSC Tomball
- LSC North Harris (possibly)
- Any other campuses will NOT have the correct
bundles/texts/MML access - NOTE Because this is a custom text, we use a
special custom version of MyMathLab access. You
CANNOT purchase MML only access from a bookstore
OR online. You MUST purchase this bundle. - TI Calculator Required for Math 0310
- TI-84 plus, TI-84, TI-83, TI-83 plus
4How Much Time is Required?
- 64 total hours
- OR
- 4 hours (or more) each week in Fall and Spring
- 7 hours (or more) each week in Summer
- Reading your book/course materials
- Working odd problems in the book
- in MyMathLab (MML)
- Working assigned graded - homework sets (at
home) - in Desire 2 Learn (D2L)
- Studying materials (at home)
- Taking calculator quizzes (at home)
- Taking chapter tests (at testing center)
- Taking the final exam (REQUIRED at testing
center) - in math center for tutoring help (if needed)
- 2 hours study/1 credit hour
- 4 credit hour class at least 8 hours of study
each week
5How often?
- Online Flexibility
- Every day
- Three times a week
- Twice a week
- Weekends only
- Minimum required but no maximum
- Accrue time at your own pace
- Must finish all materials by the last day of class
6When are things due?
In D2L, there will be a printable schedule as
well as start dates listed in the D2L Calendar
tab under Resources
- Homework assignments
- Available all semester
- Due on the last day of class (please work them
before their corresponding exam) - Worked in MyMathLab from home
- Calculator Quizzes
- Available all semester (once they open)
- Due on the last day of class
- Worked in D2L from home
- Test dates
- Suggested attempt date is posted to keep you on
track - Available all semester (once they open)
- Due on the last day of class (please dont wait
that long) - Major exams worked in D2L at testing center
closest to you - For out of state or overseas students, email me
externally or contact me in D2L after the class
begins for information on setting up a testing
center for you. - Final exam worked in D2L at testing center
closest to you - Withdraw date
- Holidays
7What will we be covering?
- We will be covering the following in 0310
- Chapter 15 Polynomials and Polynomial Functions
(Factoring) - Chapter 16 Rational Expressions
- Chapter 17 Rational Exponents, Radicals and
Complex Numbers - Chapter 18 Quadratic Equations and Functions
- Chapter 19 Graphs and Functions, Inequalities
and Absolute Value - Review materials posted in D2L in the Content Tab
- Do assigned homework in MyMathLab (at home)
- Take calculator quizzes in D2L (at home)
- Work the practice exams posted in D2L
- Work the sample exams posted in MML
- Tested on concepts, definitions, and processes
8MyMathLab Resources
- Chapter Contents Section
- Complete textbook
- Student Solutions Manual
- Worked problems for every chapter
- Word Problem Workbook
- Further explanations on word problems that are
seen in this course - Student Organizer link
- Printable pages that help you organize your
notes, study plan, and more - Tools for Success
- Basic Math and Algebra Review cards
- Graphing Calculator help
- Study Skills Builder pages from the text
- Guided help links in the homework area
- Help me solve this link
- View an example link
- Lecture video link
- Ask my Professor link sends me a message and
I reply to you. - Make sure you can also work problems without
these aids as they will NOT be available to you
on exams.
9Math Tutoring available at
- LSC-Cy-Fair
- LSC-Fairbanks Center
- LSC-Greenspoint Center
- LSC-Kingwood
- LSC-Montgomery
- LSC-North Harris
- LSC-Tomball
- LSC-University Park
Click here for more information
10Resources at LSC-Tomball
Other campuses will most likely have similar
resources. Check out the learning center closest
to you for more information.
- Supplemental Books and Exercises
- Use in Math Area
- May be checked out
- C230 circulation desk
- Ask first
- Free worksheets and handouts
- Manipulatives for the kinesthetic learner
11Preparing for Exams
- Read your text
- Review the materials posted by exam in D2L
Content tab/Course Content/Modules 1 through 3 - Work the graded homework in MyMathLab
- Need Extra Practice?
- Rework homework problems...they change each time
you access them - Work the odds in your book and check their
answers - Work the practice exams in MML (not graded).
This will populate the study plan. - Work the study plan exercises in MML. These are
NOT graded. They will be similar to the graded
homework and will show you which areas you need
more work in. - Work the practice exams
- The exams are built directly off of the practice
tests. - Not on the practice test? Wont be on the exam.
- Use Math Center resources
- Free Tutoring
- Manipulatives
- Study Aids
- Use online tutoring Brainfuse
- Access through MyLoneStar Under the LSC-Online
button - Use online resources when doing homework in
MyMathLab - Take tests when indicated
12Taking the Exams
- Online in MML in any approved Lone Star College
Assessment Center - If you are currently out of state or overseas, we
can set up testing in your location. - Contact me in D2l once the course begins for more
information. - All of the testing centers in LSCS will have a
full roster list and passwords so you can go to
any center that works best for you. - Know the hours of operation for your chosen
center - Click here for testing centers and hours
- Photo ID required
- I need to know that it is you
- No id, no test
- Calculators are necessary
13What will I be graded on?
- Online homework assignments in MyMathLab at home
- 25 sections _at_ 6points each
- 150 points total
- Chapter tests online in D2L at testing center
- 3 tests, 150 points each
- 450 points total
- Calculator quizzes
- 5 quizzes
- can be reworked to improve grademeant to
instruct on calculator use, not be a quiz of
calculator use - 100 points total
- Final Exam online in D2L at testing center
- Cumulative, 200 points
- 900 total points
14Grading Policy
- A 89.5 - 100.0
- B 79.5 - 89.49
- C 69.5 - 79.49
- IP or F lt 69.49
- IP means you completed the course work but
didnt make the required 69.5 to pass - Reasons for a failing grade
- No consistent progress
- Dont log enough hours
- Dont take the final exam
15How do I get started?
- First, since we will be doing all of our
communication through email - Email me with a current email address and include
the following - You must "agree" that you understand how an
independent study online course will be different
from an in class course - list how you think an independent study online
course will differ from a lecture course - Send this note to
- mymathprof_at_att.net
- First, since we will be doing all of our
communication through email - Email me with a current email address and include
the following - You must "agree" that you understand how an
independent study online course will be different
from an in class course - list how you think an independent study online
course will differ from a lecture course - Send this note to
16How do I get started?
- Second, because your exams and your final will be
administered at Lone Star College testing centers
using D2L and we will use D2L email for secure
communication - Go to LSC-online to get your D2L login and
password if you dont already know it - Click on the Secure Login link
- This is a yellow button in the Login to your
online classes box at the right of the page. - Next to the username box, click on the Forgot
your Username? link - Fill out the form with the information requested
and you be given your D2L login and initial
password. - You may be asked immediately to change that
password for security reasons. - Login to D2L and look at the home page.
- Our course will show up after you take the
mandatory Orientation provided through the D2L
17How do I get started?
- Third, because your homework will be completed in
MML for a grade - Obtain a MyMathLab student access code
- If you were in 0306, 0308 or 0310 at Tomball
within the last year, your account should still
be active and might already be tied to this code.
Test it before purchasing a new MML student
access code. - Purchase from LSC-Tomball or LSC-UP bookstore
- Purchase directly from MyMathLab
- Using the student code, register for and login to
MyMathLab - Course id for the Homework Course and the zip
code for LSC-Tomball - Please note that this code is my last name
FRITZEL followed by 5 numbers - For section 3029 - TBA
- For section 3033 - TBA
- Enter the course, click on the Installation
Wizard - Prove that you have accessed MyMathLab
- Send me an email in D2l and describe how to
access the graded homework assignments
- Using your current external email address, drop
me a note and include the following - "agree" that you understand how the online course
will be different from an in class course - list how you think an independent study online
course will differ from a lecture course - After the class has begun
- Login to MyMathLab and register for our course
- Send a message to me through D2L indicating how
you access the graded homework assignments in
19How to be successful in Independent Study Courses
- Be Goal oriented dont procrastinate, no excuses
- Verify understanding of concepts with instructor
or tutor - Do your homework BEFORE exams
- Work graded MyMathLab assignments nightly
- Work extra, non-guided practice - odds at the end
of each section in the textbook! - Practice good study skills
- MyMathLab now has a section under chapter
contents called Student Organizer. - While you wont have a class to take notes in,
you can use the organizer in combination with the
text and help pages in D2L. - Two hours of study for each hour of class