Title: XML Technologies and Applications
1XML Technologies and Applications
Rajshekhar SunderramanDepartment of Computer
Science Georgia State University Atlanta, GA
30302raj_at_cs.gsu.edu V (c). XML Querying
XQuery December 2005
- Introduction
- XML Basics
- XML Structural Constraint Specification
- Document Type Definitions (DTDs)
- XML Schema
- XML/Database Mappings
- XML Parsing APIs
- Simple API for XML (SAX)
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- XML Querying and Transformation
- XPath
- XQuery
- XML Applications
3XQuery XML Query Language
- Integrates XPath with earlier proposed query
languages XQL, XML-QL - SQL-style, not functional-style
- Much easier to use as a query language than XSLT
- Can do pretty much the same things as XSLT and
more, but typically easier - 2004 XQuery 1.0
- ltTranscriptsgt
- ltTranscriptgt
- ltStudent StudId111111111 NameJohn Doe/gt
- ltCrsTaken CrsCodeCS308 SemesterF1997
GradeB/gt - ltCrsTaken CrsCodeMAT123 SemesterF1997
GradeB/gt - ltCrsTaken CrsCodeEE101 SemesterF1997
GradeA/gt - ltCrsTaken CrsCodeCS305 SemesterF1995
GradeA/gt - lt/Transcriptgt
- ltTranscriptgt
- ltStudent StudId987654321 NameBart
Simpson /gt - ltCrsTaken CrsCodeCS305 SemesterF1995
GradeC/gt - ltCrsTaken CrsCodeCS308 SemesterF1994
GradeB/gt - lt/Transcriptgt
- contd
5transcript.xml (contd)
- ltTranscriptgt
- ltStudent StudId123454321 NameJoe Blow
/gt - ltCrsTaken CrsCodeCS315 SemesterS1997
GradeA /gt - ltCrsTaken CrsCodeCS305 SemesterS1996
GradeA /gt - ltCrsTaken CrsCodeMAT123 SemesterS1996
GradeC /gt - lt/Transcriptgt
- ltTranscriptgt
- ltStudent StudId023456789 NameHomer
Simpson /gt - ltCrsTaken CrsCodeEE101 SemesterF1995
GradeB /gt - ltCrsTaken CrsCodeCS305 SemesterS1996
GradeA /gt - lt/Transcriptgt
- lt/Transcriptsgt
6XQuery Basics
- General structure (FLWR expressions)
- FOR variable declarations
- LET variable expression,
- variable expression,
- WHERE condition
- RETURN document
- Example
- ( students who took MAT123 )
- FOR t IN doc(http//xyz.edu/transcript.xml)/
/Transcript - WHERE t/CrsTaken/_at_CrsCode MAT123
- RETURN t/Student
- Result
- ltStudent StudId111111111 NameJohn Doe /gt
- ltStudent StudId123454321 NameJoe Blow /gt
XQuery expression
7XQuery Basics (contd)
- Previous query doesnt produce a well-formed XML
document the following does - ltStudentListgt
- FOR t IN doc(transcript.xml)//Transcript
- WHERE t/CrsTaken/_at_CrsCode MAT123
- RETURN t/Student
- lt/StudentListgt
- FOR binds t to Transcript elements one by one,
filters using WHERE, then places Student-children
as e-children of StudentList using RETURN
Query inside XML
For iteration
FOR x IN doc(transcript.xml) RETURN ltresultgt
x lt/resultgt
Returns ltresultgt lttranscriptgt...lt/transcriptgtlt/
resultgt ltresultgt lttranscriptgt...lt/transcriptgtlt/re
sultgt ltresultgt lttranscriptgt...lt/transcriptgtlt/resu
ltgt ...
LET x doc(transcript.xml) RETURN ltresultgt
x lt/resultgt
Let set value is assigned to variable.
Returns ltresultgt lttranscriptgt...lt/transcriptgt
... lt/resultgt
9Document Restructuring with XQuery
- Reconstruct lists of students taking each class
using the Transcript records - FOR c IN distinct values(doc(transcript.xml)//
CrsTaken) - RETURN
- ltClassRoster CrsCodec/_at_CrsCode
Semesterc/_at_Semestergt -
- FOR t IN doc(transcript.xml)//Transcript
- WHERE t/CrsTaken/_at_CrsCode c/_at_CrsCode and
- _at_Semester c/_at_Semester
- RETURN t/Student
- ORDER BY t/Student/_at_StudId
- lt/ClassRostergt
- ORDER BY c/_at_CrsCode
Query inside RETURN similar to query inside
10Document Restructuring (contd)
- Output elements have the form
- ltClassRoster CrsCodeCS305 SemesterF1995gt
- ltStudent StudId111111111 NameJohn
Doe/gt - ltStudent StudId987654321 NameBart
Simpson/gt - lt/ClassRostergt
- Problem the above element will be output twice
for each of the following two bindings of c -
- ltCrsTaken CrsCodeCS305 SemesterF1995
GradeC/gt - ltCrsTaken CrsCodeCS305 SemesterF1995
GradeA/gt -
- Note grades are different distinct-values( )
wont eliminate transcript records that refer to
same class!
Bart Simpsons
John Does
11Document Restructuring (contd)
- Solution instead of
- FOR c IN distinct-values(doc(transcript.xml)
//CrsTaken) - use
- FOR c IN doc(classes.xml)//Class
- where classes.xml lists course offerings
(course code/semester) - explicitly (no need to extract them from
transcript records) shown on - next slide
- Then c is bound to each class exactly once, so
each class roster - will be output exactly once
- ltClassesgt
- ltClass CrsCodeCS308 SemesterF1997 gt
- ltCrsNamegtSElt/CrsNamegt ltInstructorgtAdrian
Joneslt/Instructorgt - lt/Classgt
- ltClass CrsCodeEE101 SemesterF1995 gt
- ltCrsNamegtCircuitslt/CrsNamegt ltInstructorgtDavid
Joneslt/Instructorgt - lt/Classgt
- ltClass CrsCodeCS305 SemesterF1995 gt
- ltCrsNamegtDatabaseslt/CrsNamegt ltInstructorgtMary
Doelt/Instructorgt - lt/Classgt
- ltClass CrsCodeCS315 SemesterS1997 gt
- ltCrsNamegtTPlt/CrsNamegt ltInstructorgtJohn
Smythlt/Instructorgt - lt/Classgt
- ltClass CrsCodeMAR123 SemesterF1997 gt
- ltCrsNamegtAlgebralt/CrsNamegt ltInstructorgtAnn
Whitelt/Instructorgt - lt/Classgt
- lt/Classesgt
13Document Restructuring (contd)
- More problems the above query will list classes
with no students. Reformulation that avoids this - FOR c IN doc(classes.xml)//Class
- doc(transcripts.xml)//CrsTaken_at_CrsCode
c/_at_CrsCode - and _at_Semester
c/_at_Semester - RETURN
- ltClassRoster CrsCodec/_at_CrsCode
Semesterc/_at_Semestergt -
- FOR t IN doc(transcript.xml)//Transcript
- WHERE t/CrsTaken_at_CrsCode c/_at_CrsCode and
- _at_Semester c/_at_Semester
- RETURN t/Student
- ORDER BY t/Student/_at_StudId
- lt/ClassRostergt
- ORDER BY c/_at_CrsCode
Test that classes arent empty
14XQuery Semantics
- So far the discussion was informal
- XQuery semantics defines what the expected result
of a query is - Defined analogously to the semantics of SQL
15XQuery Semantics (contd)
- Step 1 Produce a list of bindings for variables
- The FOR clause binds each variable to a list of
nodes specified by an XQuery expression. - The expression can be
- An XPath expression
- An XQuery query
- A function that returns a list of nodes
- End result of a FOR clause
- Ordered list of tuples of document nodes
- Each tuple is a binding for the variables in the
FOR clause
16XQuery Semantics (contd)
- Example (bindings)
- Let FOR declare A and B
- Bind A to document nodes v,w B to x,y,z
- Then FOR clause produces the following list of
bindings for A and B - A/v, B/x
- A/v, B/y
- A/v, B/z
- A/w, B/x
- A/w, B/y
- A/w, B/z
17XQuery Semantics (contd)
- Step 2 filter the bindings via the WHERE clause
- Use each tuple binding to substitute its
components for variables retain those bindings
that make WHERE true - Example WHERE A/CrsTaken/_at_CrsCode
B/Class/_at_CrsCode -
- Binding A/w, where w ltCrsTaken
CrsCodeCS308 /gt - B/x, where x ltClass CrsCodeCS308
/gt - Then w/CrsTaken/_at_CrsCode x/Class/_at_CrsCode, so
the WHERE condition is satisfied binding
18XQuery Semantics (contd)
- Step 3 Construct result
- For each retained tuple of bindings, instantiate
the RETURN clause - This creates a fragment of the output document
- Do this for each retained tuple of bindings in
19Grouping and Aggregation
- Does not use separate grouping operator
- OQL does not need one either (XML data model is
object-oriented and hence similarities with OQL) - Subqueries inside the RETURN clause obviate this
need (like subqueries inside SELECT did so in
OQL) - Uses built-in aggregate functions count, avg,
sum, etc. (some borrowed from XPath)
20Aggregation Example
- Produce a list of students along with the number
of courses each student took - FOR t IN fndoc(transcripts.xml)//Transc
ript, - s IN t/Student
- LET c t/CrsTaken
- ltStudentSummary
- StudId s/_at_StudId
- Name s/_at_Name
- TotalCourses fncount(fndistinct-valu
es(c)) /gt - ORDER BY StudentSummary/_at_TotalCourses
- The grouping effect is achieved because c is
bound to a new set of nodes for each binding of t
21Quantification in XQuery
- XQuery supports explicit quantification
- SOME (?) and EVERY (?)
- Example Find students who have taken MAT123.
- FOR t IN fndoc(transcript.xml)//Transcript
- WHERE SOME ct IN t/CrsTaken
- SATISFIES ct/_at_CrsCode MAT123
- RETURN t/Student
22Quantification (contd)
- Retrieve all classes (from classes.xml) where
each student took the class. - FOR c IN fndoc(classes.xml)//Class
- LET g
- ( Transcript records that correspond to class
c ) - FOR t IN fndoc(transcript.xml)//Transcript
- WHERE t/CrsTaken/_at_Semester c/_at_Semester AND
- t/CrsTaken/_at_CrsCode c/_at_CrsCode
- h FOR s in fndoc(transcript.xml)//Transc
ript - RETURN s ( all transcript records )
- tr IN g
- RETURN c ORDER BY c/_at_CrsCode
23XQuery Summary
FOR/LET Clauses
List of tuples
WHERE Clause
List of tuples
Instance of Xquery data model