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Title: Your Health in Your Hands Acupressure is known to the Eastern world since centuries. It has also been recognized by the World Health Organization as per their ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Dist. 323A3, Mumbai, India 2011-12
  • Lions Club of SuJok
  • Aim for the Best Create Wonderful Moment

Your Health in Your Hand
  • Acupressure is known to the Eastern world since
    centuries. It has also been recognized by the
    World Health Organization as per their letter in
    1980. One has to remember out of 950 points all
    over the body, at least 150 points, to administer
    acupressure. Therefore it is difficult to do for
    a common man. Prof. Park Jae Woo, realizing this
    started research and modified and simplified it
    to such an extent that one has not to remember
    any point. He found out that the hands and feet
    are the replicas of our body. So he named the
    system Su Jok Acupressure. SU means hand and JOK
    means Foot in Korean language. It is so easy to
    learn that even children can learn. We give below
    a Short Note on Su Jok Acupressure Therapy?

  • There are five parts protruding from our trunk
    .Two arms, two legs and head. Similarly from our
    palm and sole of the foot four fingers and the
    thumb are jutting out. Our hands are out side,
    the index and the little finger are found to
    correspond to them. The inner two fingers
    correspond to legs. Looking at the left-hand
    palm, the index finger corresponds to left hand
    and the little finger to right hand. If you look
    at palm of your right hand naturally your little
    finger will correspond to left hand and vice
    versa. All the four fingers are having three
    joints each. The legs are connected to trunk at
    hips so the upper most joints of the second and
    third finger correspond to hips of our trunk. Two
    arms, two legs and a head. Similarly from our
    palm and sole of the foot, four fingers and thumb
    are jutting, the second to knees and the third to

  • Similarly the arms are connected to trunk at the
    shoulders.  The joints connecting the index and
    little finger to palm correspond to shoulders.
    The next joint to elbow. The next to wrist. It
    just common sense? The thumb has two joints, so
    also our head. The first part of it connecting it
    to palm corresponds to the neck and the upper
    part to face.If you feel headache just probe
    the tip of the thumb with a ballpoint or blunt
    pencil (probe). You will find one or two points
    that are really painful but if you were to press
    the tip with the other thumb you will feel
    nothing. Now keeping the probe on the pain point
    just shake it clockwise and anti-clockwise. You
    will find it painful, but doing it for a minute
    or so you will be surprised to find your pain
    reducing at the pain point so also your

  • The portion between the tips of the thumb to
    first joint on it corresponds to face. Divide it
    in approximately four parts. The first part from
    the tip corresponds to the head, the 2nd to
    forehead, the third to eyes, nose and ears, the
    4th to mouth and chin. The Lifeline on the mount
    of the palm corresponds to the diaphragm
    therefore above that lays the heart and lungs.
    Rest of the palm corresponds to the
    abdomen.Only one thing to remember is that if
    we were to sit like an animal on our feet and
    palms, the portion of our body that will get the
    Sunlight will get tanned. God has tanned the back
    of our palm and the feet also and that correspond
    to back of our body.

  • If we draw an imaginary straight line from middle
    of the two middle fingers up to the wrist it
    corresponds to the lower portion of our spinal
    chord. Similarly the line drawn on the middle of
    back of our thumb to the wrist corresponds to the
    cervical portion of our spinal chord.Su Jok
    Therapy is not only limited to pain or recent
    health problems. For chronic problems one has to
    apply mung dana (Green gram) on the pain point
    with micro surgical tape and in a few days you
    can take care of the problems. You can avoid pain
    - by using Su Jok stimulator. More details of all
    this are given in the book.

  • Patients can save themselves from side effects of
    medicines. Please contact The Lions Clubs of
    Golden Goregaon N.W. on the above email or
    through Post Office Box No. 282 62, Juhu, Mumbai
    NOTE Su Jok is a COMPLEMENTARY Treatment and not
    a substitute to any treatment advised by your

Our Permanent Projects
  • Holistic Healing Centre Mayur Villa, Anandrao
    devale raod, Oppo. Chandan Cinema and Iskon
    Temple,Juhu, Mumbai 400049.Counseling Centre
    for Alcohol, Drug, HIV- Aids, Domestic Violence,
    Mental Health, Stress Management, Family
    problems.Above Dr. Shettys Clinic, Shani Maharaj
    Rd, near. Shivsena Shakha 68, Meghwadi,
    Jogeshwari East.
  • HELP LINEA Free Service online for Patients
    suffering from Pain all over Globe Contact A Unique Service District 323
    A3Lion Club Sujok Officers President MJF Lion
    Luthria G. B. Tel 9323178565, 9819181565
  • Secretary Lion Sheetal Shah, 9969863487
    Treasurer MJF Lion Dr. Janet Hendricks,
  • Our Lions Club started in 2005 and is a small
    Club with 31 members only, but is invited for
    Service Activities all over the world.

Service Activities from 1st July to 15th Sept
  • Adopted a Student of Standard 6th for higher
    studies, who was not able to get proper attention
    at home, due to his mother being a working woman.

Master Jatin in Don Bosco High School With his
Principal at Goa
Health Camp on 3/7/2011
Maharashra Youth congress organized sized health
camp with Lions Club of Sujok and other NGO to
celebrate the birthday of Rahul Gandhi, people
where giving general check up those suffering
from eye sight problem. Patients were given free
spectacles free medicines at saiwadi from 9am to
4 pm.

Hon' able Minister for Health Mr. Suresh Shetty
with Lion Luthria
Our Program with Youth Congress
Swami Gangangari Maharaj Ayurvede Mission, Organized health camp with Lions Club of Sujok general checkup, eye sight, were given free medicines to the patient at Manori Ashram, from10 am to 6 pm
Health Camp at Manori
Health Camp at Manori
Health Camp on 17th July 2011
Madukar Raut, Shiv Sena Ex- Cooperator, Organized Health Camp with Lions Club of Sujok for general Check up, Eye sight, BP, Diabetes etc. Free medicines were given to the patients at Malad, from 10 am to 5.30 pm.
Sujok Treatment being given to the Patient at
Sujok Treatment being given to the Patient at
Rising Sun Foundation and.. A.S.H.A Trustees invited Lions Club of Sujok to give vocational training in Sujok Therapy to the residents and the training staff at their, Drug Addicts Rehabilitation Centre at Karjat. From 9 am to next day 6 pm.
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Counseling Cum Treatment Centre at Jogeshwari East
  • " Counseling Cum Treatment Centre Started for
    Alcohol, Drug, HIV- Aids, Domestic Violence,
    Mental Health, Stress Management, Family
    problems  NLP Therapy, Medical Guidance etc.,
    Treatment for the above and Pain and other
    Problems by Ayurveda, Yoga and Sujok Therapy.
  • The Centre was inaugurated by Lion Sandeep
    Singhania., Zone Chairman. Date 6/8/2011

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Health Camp on 6th August 2011
  • A Health Camp was organized with cooperation of L
    T health division and Muslim Jamait. At
    Jogeshwari east. Patients were screened for
    Diabetes, eye check up, general check up, Sujok

Sujok Training at New Panvel
  • On 15/8/2011 A Health Camp was organized by Fr.
    Biju in-charge of St.George's Syro Malbar Church,
    with the cooperation of Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical
    College, Sion Hospital Eye Bank, Indus Health
    Plus, Dr. Santosh Nair's Clinic, and Lions Club
    Sujok. Patients were screened for heart, B.P.,
    diabetes and eye check up, Pledges were taken for
    Eye donation, Sujok treatment was provided to all
    patients suffering from various health problems.
    Fr. Biju was so happy with Sujok treatment that
    he decided to enroll train about 50 Youth
    Volunteers from the Community and start a
    permanent Sujok treatment Centre in the Church
    premises. Event was covered by the local press
    and TV channel.

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  • Flag hoisting ceremony was held in 3
  • schools adopted by our Lions Club viz.
  • Our Lady of Good Health High School, 
  • Tress High School and 
  • Eden Garden High School.
  • Children who had secured high ranks in
  • SSC examination were felicitated and Candies,
  • drinks were distributed to all students who
  • attended the function.

Environment ProjectOn 20/08/2011. 
  • Program of Planting 100 trees at St. Annes High
    School compound, Church Road, off Yari Road along
    with Lion Shaku Kripalani, District Chair person,
    Environment. The Principal, teachers and students
    cooperated in the project. The teachers
    encouraged the students to write an essay on
    importance of planting trees in today's
    environments. They were well educated about the
    program and appreciated the Lions initiative.

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Awareness About Art Science Of Self Healing
  • On 7/9/2011 Sister Joyce invited our Club to
    train 40 uneducated working women in pain
    management so that they can save themselves and
    their families from pain and weakness. The
    trainees and Sister were very happy, they all
    wanted us to hold more such workshops for other
    working ladies.

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Awareness About Art Science Of Self Healing
During Ganesh festivals
  • On 8/9/2011 Milan Kedar Mandal, Shimla
    House,nr. Priyadarshani Park, Napeansea Road,
    Malbar Hill,  over 300 persons took advantage of
    the Sujok treatment.

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Awareness Program
  • On 10/9/2011 Father Paul organized a Health Camp
    with cooperation of Gyansathi Mehmood Abdul
    Lakdawala, at Plot No.1, A 8, New Municipal
    Colony, Shivajinagar,Nr. Jafrey School, Govandi,
    Nr. Ameena Hotel. Slum area. General Health Check
    up camp. Over 20 people took advantage of the

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PROJECT Womens Empowerment
  • Medico-Pharma nexus flourishing despite hyped
    Drug Policy ...
  • On ground zero suggests that doctors are
    conniving with the pharmaceutical companies to
    dupe poor patients of their hard earned money.
    The unholy nexus between doctors...
  • Thanks to an unholy nexus between greedy
    insurance companies, a callous hospitals,
    avaricious doctors and mercenary pharmaceutical
    companies, the healthcare system in America is
    now on the precipice of collapse. 
  • Vitamins can be harmful? Supplements 
  • A study reported, with significant controversy,
    that some vitamins can actually increase the risk
    of death Some vitamin supplements could do you
    more harm than good...
    ful.php - Cached
  • Regular Use of Painkillers Linked to Kidney
    Cancer Med India Health News 12 hrs ago

Women Empowerment continued
  • These are not the isolated news appearing in
    daily news papers electronic media. Anna Hazare
    has been fighting the battle with our Mafia
    controlled Parliament about corruption at various
    levels, we shall keep fighting. But, there are
    certain things we can do ourselves. Such as
  • Lions Club Sujok has been treating and teaching
    patients by complementary system of medicines.
    The Indian Armed Forces, Police authorities,
    Directorate of AYUSH, Government of Karnataka,
    has appreciated Lions doing this wonderful work.
    Our experience shows that pain relief with Sujok
    therapy is obtained faster than that of pain
    killers. Eye sight can be improved with two black
    pepper corns pasted on eye correspondence points
    on the thumb. Memory improves by pasting two
    green grams on Index fingers. Fatigue, weakness
    could be treated in sick, pregnant ladies,
    children or elderly people by pasting thirteen
    red chilly seeds on the palm.

Women Empowerment continued
  • Any one can learn the technique in about an hour
    or two. The cost of treatment could be few paisa
    per day. Since this is non invasive treatment, it
    cannot have side effects.
  • Many of our Lion dignitaries have experienced the
    effectiveness of the system.In practically every
    house there is some one or the other suffering
    from pain problem, weakness due to modern life
    style, students needing treatment for memory,
    improvement of eyesight, hearing etc.
  • We have trained thousands of people all over the
    world in the treatment of above health problem
    with great success. We would therefore like to
    pass this knowledge to women interested in part
    time or full time working to enhance their
    earning in a dignified manner. They can be termed
    as Bare Footed Doctors

Women Empowerment continued
  • The Lions Club Sujok is launching a Project on
    Womens Empowerment, to offer a weeks training
    and three weeks practical experience, to school
    drop out girls, women who are interested in
    earning by doing a full time part time job.
    Program will be started in Lakshya Seva Saptha.
  • The cost of training will not be more than
    Rs.500, cost of equipment required to start as a
    self employed person will be about Rs.5000.
  • The Project envisages, training 100 ladies, to
    start with, on successful implementation we can
    train any number.

Women Empowerment continued
  • We invite any Lions Club interested in Womens
    Empowerment Program, so near and dear to our
    worthy District Governor, to join us in this

Women Empowerment continued
  • These trained ladies will go from house to house
    in the area they are living or the area the
    sponsoring Lions Club is interested and offer a
    free service from Lions Clubs to Senior citizens,
    suffering from pain, weakness, train the person
    looking after the patient. The patients family
    is most likely to ask for equipment and the book
    required to treat the patient thereafter. It will
    be given to them on receiving a donation of
    Rs100. (the cost of the above set to the Club
    will be Rs.35 only). The Club will offer 60 to
    the lady and keep 40 to take care of the
    investment required to be made towards training
    and providing equipment to expand the program of
    enrolling more ladies. This can be flexible and
    decided by the Board of Directors of the
    Sponsoring Club.
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