Title: Stock Locator: Wave Status Inquiry
1Stock Locator Wave Status Inquiry
2What is the Wave Status Inquiry?
- The Wave Status Inquiry shows each wave created
by a warehouse and the status of every pick
ticket on the wave - The inquiry should be run periodically throughout
the day by the manager to confirm that all the
pick tickets printed have been picked and packed - Using this inquiry allows tracking of the flow of
a wave through its various stages. - (Skip to Main Menu)
3Glossary of Training Terms
- The following terms will be used throughout this
training program - Field A box on the screen into which you enter
information - Value The information (data) being entered in
the field. Example Division number, FGPO number - Icon An image you may click to perform a
function such as select, submit or exit - (Single-)Click Also Select. Hitting the left
mouse button once.
4Sign On
Enter your User ID and Password here
Hit the Enter key to proceed
Note User ID and Password are initially assigned
by MIS. You will be prompted to change it the
first time you login. The password field IS
Press the Enter key
6RLM Main Menu
Enter 01 in the Company field for Jordache, or
04 for Directions Studio
Type the line number from your menu for Stock
7Select Warehouse Location
Type the number of the Warehouse in the bottom
field and press Field Exit
8Stock Locator Main Menu
Type 4 for the Inquiry menu. Press Enter
9Stock Locator Inquiry Menu
Type 7 for the Wave Status Inquiry. Press Enter
10Wave Status Inquiry Select Date Range
The inquiry will display waves based on the
selections on this screen. Todays date loads by
Press the Enter key
11List of Wave Releases
Each event status quantity is distinct. Printed
means the printed ticket was not yet Picked.
Type S on a line to view the pick tickets.
Press Enter to continue
12Wave Details by Event Status
Ticket numbers appear here
The list is sorted by event Printed, Picked,
13Wave Details by Event Status
Click on a pick ticket number and press Enter to
see the ticket details
Use the Page Down key to move down the list
14Pick Ticket Inquiry
You may use these options at the bottom. F2 to
return to the ticket list
15What Happens Next
- Tickets that have a Printed status need to be
picked - The Manager should follow up with the pickers and
packers to ensure that all the tickets needed for
the wave are picked and packed before Manifesting