Title: Diapositive 1
1Biological fluid mechanics at the micro- and
nanoscale Lecture 2 Some examples of fluid
flows Anne Tanguy University of Lyon (France)
2- Some reminder
- Simple flows
- Flow around an obstacle
- Capillary forces
- Hydrodynamical instabilities
The mass conservation , for
incompressible fluid The Navier-Stokes
equation with Thus for an
incompressible and Newtonian fluid.
for a Newtonian fluid .
Claude Navier 1785-1836
Georges Stokes 1819-1903
4(Giesekus, Rheologica Acta, 68)
Non-Newtonian liquid
5Different regimes
Lc0.1mm for w20 Hz Lc10mm for w20 000 Hz
6Bernouilli relation when viscosity is negligeable
(ex. Re gtgt1)
Daniel Bernouilli 1700-1782
7- How solve the Navier-Stokes equation ?
- Non-linear equation. Many solutions.
- Estimate the dominant terms of the equation
(Re, permanent flow) - Do assumptions on the geometry of the flows
(laminar flow ) - Identify the boundary conditions (fluid/solid,
slip/no slip, fluid/fluid..) - Ex. Fluid/Solid rigid boundaries
- (see lecture 5 !)
8I. Simple flows
9Flow along an inclined plane
10Flow along an inclined plane
Flow rate test for rheological laws Force
applied on the inclined plane Friction and
pressure compensate the weight of the fluid
(stationary flow).
11Planar Couette flow
12Cylindrical Couette flow
13Cylindrical Couette flow
Friction force on the cylinders
Couette Rheometer Rotation is applied on the
internal cylinder, to limit vq .
Taylor-Couette instability
14Planar Poiseuille flow
15Poiseuille flow in a cylinder (Hagen-Poiseuille)
Flow rate
16Jean-Louis Marie Poiseuille 1797-1869
17Rheological properties of blood Elasticity of the
vessel Bifurcations Thickening Non-stationary
18Other example of Laminar flow with
Regtgt1 Lubrication hypothesis (small inclination)
cf. planar flow with x-dependence
Poiseuille Couette
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20r1.2kg.m-3 h2.10-5 Pa.s L 1m, h 1 cm, U
0.1m/s Re 6000lt (L/h)2 10000 xM e1.L/h
10 cm Supporting pressure PM 10-1Pa
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22Flow above an obstacle hydraulic swell
Mass conservation U.hU(x).h(x) Bernouilli
along a streamline close to the surface then
Case (I) dU/dx(xm)0 then U2(x)-gh(x)lt0 then U(x)
and h(x) Case (II) dU/dx(x) gt0 then
U2(xm)-gh(xm)0 then U(x) and h(x) U2(x)-gh(x)
lt0 becomes gt0 low velocity of surfaces
waves Hydraulic swell
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24End of Part I.