Title: The Cross Product
1The Cross Product
- Third Type of Multiplying Vectors
2Cross Products
- It is much easier to do this using determinants
because we do not have to memorize a formula. - Determinants were used last year when doing
matrices - Remember that you multiply each number across and
subtract their products
4Finding Cross Products Using Equation
5Evaluating a Determinant
6Evaluating Determinants
7Using Determinants to Find Cross Products
- This concept can help us find cross products.
- Ignore the numbers included in the column under
the vector that will be inserted when setting up
the determinant.
8Using Determinants to Find Cross Products
- Find v x w given
- v i j
- w 2i j k
9Using Determinants to Find Cross Products
10Using Determinants to Find Cross Products
- If v 2i 3j 5k and w i 2j 3k,
- find
- (a) v x w
- (b) w x v
- (c) v x v
11Using Determinants to Find Cross Products
12Using Determinants to Find Cross Products
13Using Determinants to Find Cross Products
14Algebraic Properties of the Cross Product
- If u, v, and w are vectors in space and if a is a
scalar, then - u x u 0
- u x v -(v x u)
- a(u x v) (au) x v u x (av)
- u x (v w) (u x v) (u x w)
- Given u 2i 3j k v -3i 3j 2k
- w i j 3k
- Find
- (a) (3u) x v
- (b) v . (u x w)
18Geometric Properties of the Cross Product
- Let u and v be vectors in space
- u x v is orthogonal to both u and v.
- u x v u v sin q, where q is the
angle between u and v. - u x v is the area of the parallelogram having
u ? 0 and v ? 0 as adjacent sides
19Geometric Properties of the Cross Product
- u x v 0 if and only if u and v are parallel.
20Finding a Vector Orthogonal to Two Given Vectors
- Find a vector that is orthogonal to
- u 2i 3j k and v i j 3k
- According to the preceding slide, u x v is
orthogonal to both u and v. So to find the vector
just do u x v
21Finding a Vector Orthogonal to Two Given Vectors
22Finding a Vector Orthogonal to Two Given Vectors
- To check to see if the answer is correct, do a
dot product with one of the given vectors.
Remember, if the dot product 0 the vectors are
23Finding a Vector Orthogonal to Two Given Vectors
24Finding the Area of a Parallelogram
- Find the area of the parallelogram whose vertices
are P1 (0, 0, 0), - P2 (3,-2, 1), P3 (-1, 3, -1) and
- P4 (2, 1, 0)
- Two adjacent sides of this parallelogram are u
P1P2 and v P1P3.
25Finding the Area of the Parallelogram
26Your Turn
- Try to do page 653 problems 1 47 odd.