Title: First approach to the SuperB Rings
1First approach to the SuperB Rings
- M. Biagini, LNF-INFN
- April 26th, 2006
- UK SuperB Meeting, Daresbury
2SuperB Rings
- A new SuperB scheme came out from the 2nd SuperB
Workshop held in Frascati in March 2006 - A document was written for the CERN Strategy
Group and INFN Roadmap and can be found at the
http//www.pi.infn.it/SuperB/ - The rings have same length and beam parameters as
the ILC Damping Rings - An attempt to scale the ILCDR lattice to the
SuperB energies has been done - Scaling to 3 Km length has also been performed
3SuperB sketch
Electron ring 4 GeV Positron ring 7 GeV
4SuperB Rings Parameters
5- The ILCDR OCS lattice has been used as a baseline
for the SuperB Damping Rings - The 2 SuperB rings have asymmetric energies of 4
and 7 GeV - Two configuration for 6 Km and 3 Km circumference
were studied - Emittances and damping times were kept constant
- Lattice symmetry was respected
- Magnetic elements were kept the same, with fewer
6ILCDR Parameters
FODO cell
135/90 FODO cells 10 wiggler cells, 1.6 T
Wiggler cell
8ILCDR Scaling
- OCS lattice, 6.1 Km ILC Damping Rings, 10 wiggler
sections - 4 GeV same wiggler sections and field, same bend
length - 7 GeV same wiggler field, double bend length,
less wiggler sections (6) - No Final Focus yet
94 GeV OCS ring, 6 Km
FODO cell
135/90 FODO cells 10 wiggler cells, 1.6 T
Wiggler cell
107 GeV OCS ring, 6 Km
Double length bends
FODO cell
135/90 FODO cells 8 wiggler cells, 1.6 T
Wiggler cell
116 Km rings
DR 5 GeV SBF 4 GeV SBF 7 GeV
C (m) 6113.92 6113.92 6113.92
Bw (T) 1.6 1.6 1.6
Lbend(m) 5.6 5.6 11.2
Bbend (T) 0.1 0.078 0.136
Uo (MeV/turn) 9.33 5.66 10.68
tx (ms) 22 28.8 26.
ts (ms) 11 14.4 13
ex (nm) 0.56 0.57 0.57
Frf (MHz) 650 650 650
123 Km Rings
- The OCS lattice has many free drifts and a
relatively low number of quadrupoles and bends ?
quite easy to shorten the ring - Quadrupole strengths and beta peaks are higher
though - No optimization performed yet, but possible
13SBF 4 GeV SBF 7 GeV
C (m) 3006. 3006.
Bw (T) 1.6 1.6
Lbend(m) 5.6 11.2
Bbend (T) 0.078 0.136
Uo (MeV/turn) 4.6 7.8
N. wigg. cells 8 4
tx (ms) 17.5 18.
ts (ms) 8.8 9.
ex (nm) 0.54 0.54
sE 1.1x10-3 1.45x10-3
Ibeam (A) 2.5 1.4
Pbeam(MW) 11.5 10.9
cm sE0.9x10-3
Total Wall Power (66 transfer eff.) 34 MW
144 GeV, 3Km
157 GeV, 3Km
16Quadrupole gradients comparison
Gradients for SB4 and SB7 were not optimized yet.
Can still be lowered by changing drifts in cells
17Possible issues of 3 Km ring
- Same as ILCDR, that is
- Find good dynamic aperture
- HER e-cloud instability ? curved electrodes
- LER Intra Beam Scattering
- Fast Ion Instability ? gaps in train
18Curved clearing electrodes
M. Pivi L. Wang T. Raubenheimer - P.
Raimondi, SLAC
19Curved clearing electrodes
Near the bunch core no e-cloud !
M. Pivi P. Raimondi, SLAC, Mar 2006
20Intra Beam Scattering
OCS lattice, 5 GeV
DR Baseline Configuration Document, Feb. 06
- 2 ring lattices for asymmetric energies have been
studied by simply scaling the ILCDR OCS lattice - Both 6 and 3 km lattices look feasible, is seems
also possible to further scale down the length - A lot of work still needed
- Insertion of Final Focus
- Dynamic aperture study
- Collective effects study
- Beam instabilities will be different due to
different energies and need to be studied
especially for the LER - Full synergy with ILCDR