Affluence and Anxiety - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Affluence and Anxiety


Chapter 23 Affluence and Anxiety * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Red Scare Russian Revolution Bolshevik Communist revolution John Reed Ten Days That Shook the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Affluence and Anxiety

Chapter 23
  • Affluence and Anxiety

The Red Scare
  • Russian Revolution
  • Bolshevik
  • Communist revolution
  • John Reed
  • Ten Days That Shook the World

The Red Menace and the Palmer Raids
  • Bolshevik strikes
  • Bomb-throwing radicals
  • A. Mitchell Palmer
  • Red menace
  • J. Edgar Hoover
  • Red raids
  • Civil liberties?
  • Billy Sunday
  • American Legion

Race and Religion
  • The Ku Klux Klan
  • Ethnic and Religious Intolerance
  • William J. Simmons (Ga.)
  • Reconstruction-era
  • Birth of a Nation
  • Protestant, anti-foreign, anti-Semitic,
    anti-Catholic, anti-evolution, anti-rum
  • ½ urban
  • Nicola Sacco Bartolomeo Vanzetti
  • Murder conviction
  • Italian anarchists
  • Henry Ford
  • Dearborn Independent
  • Anti-semitism

A Prosperous Economy
  • Rising Standard of Living
  • Rise of the Corporation
  • Modern conveniences
  • Telephones
  • Cigarette lighters
  • Reinforced concrete
  • Dry ice
  • Pyrex glass
  • Bathrooms!
  • Electricity
  • The MERGE
  • Oligopolies
  • General Electric, General Motors, Sears Roebuck
  • Alfred P. Sloan
  • Compartmentalization
  • Marketing / advertising
  • Research
  • Welfare capitalism pensions, cafeterias,

A Global Automobile Culture
  • Economic impact
  • Petroleum, steel, rubber
  • Credit
  • Social impact
  • Suburbia filling station, diner, overnight cabin
  • Decline small stores, churches, schools
  • Status
  • Environmental impact
  • Lincoln Highway
  • Federal Highway Act

Henry Ford, the Mussolini of Detroit
  • Assembly line
  • Interchangeable parts
  • Minimum pay increase
  • Strong-handed
  • Model T

A Communications Revolution
  • Telephone
  • Radio
  • Movies

Clash of Values
  • New culture consumption, pleasure, upward
    mobility, sex
  • Traditional values hard work, thrift, church,
    family, home
  • Threats bolshevism, relativism, Freudianism, and
    biblical criticism
  • John Scopes
  • Evolution
  • Clarence Darrow
  • William Jennings Bryan

Religious Fundamentalism
  • Literally interpreted Bible
  • Jesus Christ salvation
  • Fanatical
  • Billy Sunday
  • Aimee Semple McPherson
  • The Old Fashioned Revival Hour

Immigration and Migration
  • Immigration restrictions
  • Literacy tests
  • Political radicals
  • 3 percent cap
  • 2 percent cap S, E Europe
  • 0 percent cap Asia
  • National Origins Act (27)
  • Republican sponsored
  • Democratic gains
  • Labor
  • Mexicans Blacks
  • Chicago race riot (19)
  • Du Bois We return fighting

Marcus Garvey Black Messiah
  • Transformed Washingtons self-help philosophy
  • Economic? political
  • Universal Negro Improvement Association
  • The Negro World
  • Commercial enterprises
  • Up you mighty race
  • Universal African Legions
  • Black Star Line
  • Fraud
  • Deported

Harlem Renaissance
  • Alain Locke
  • The New Negro
  • Black writers, artists, musicians, intellectuals
  • Black and American
  • Langston Hughes
  • Weary Blues
  • Louis Armstrong
  • Duke Ellington
  • Josephine Baker
  • Claude McKay
  • Home to Harlem

The Lost Generation
  • Disillusioned whites
  • World War I
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • The Great Gatsby
  • Ernest Hemingway
  • The Sun Also Rises
  • E. E. Cummings
  • T. S. Eliot
  • H. L. Mencken
  • American Mercury

Women Struggle for Equality
  • Flapper
  • Sexual freedom
  • Margaret Sanger
  • Birth control
  • Double-standard
  • Workplace
  • National League of Women Voters
  • National Womens Party
  • Alice Paul
  • Militant

The Workers Share of Prosperity
  • Rising inequalities
  • Wages ? 21 percent
  • Corporate dividends ? 66 percent
  • 16 million families earned less minimum wage
  • Labor unions ?
  • AFL conservative
  • United Mine Workers
  • John L. Lewis

Harding and Coolidge
  • 1920 Election beyond
  • 1924 Election beyond
  • Republicans
  • Harding and Coolidge
  • Smoke-filled compromise
  • Return to normalcy
  • Democrats
  • James Cox and Roosevelt
  • Conservatism reigns
  • Corruption
  • Teapot Dome Scandal
  • Best-loved worse presidents
  • Hardings death
  • Republicans
  • Coolidge and Charles Dawes
  • Democrats
  • John Davis
  • Progressives
  • Robert La Follette
  • Andrew Mellon
  • Tax policy
  • Laissez-faire

Herbert Hoover
  • Engineering humanitarian
  • Commerce Secretary
  • Harding Coolidge
  • Food Administration
  • World War I
  • Standardization procedures
  • Zoning
  • Eight-hour workday
  • Pediatric nutrition
  • Pollution Act
  • Regulate, stimulate, promote

Global Expansion
  • Reluctant internationalists
  • Debtor ? creditor nation
  • U.S. role
  • Reduce international conflict, resist revolution,
    free trade
  • Washington Conference on Naval Disarmament (1921)
  • Naval arms race
  • Charles Evans Hughes
  • 10-year holiday
  • Tonnage ratios
  • Increasing influence in Latin America
  • Economic and political
  • Nicaragua
  • Mexico
  • Great Britain and France debt
  • Fordney-McCumber Tariff
  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff
  • German debt
  • Kellogg-Briand pact
  • Outlawed war

Temperance Triumphant
  • Eighteenth Amendment
  • Patriotism and Prohibition
  • Pabst, Schlitz, Miller
  • Volstead Act
  • Speakeasies
  • Bathtub gin
  • Bootlegging
  • Al Capone
  • Repeal

Election of 1928
  • Republicans
  • Hoover
  • Protestant drys
  • Rural
  • Progressive
  • Democrats
  • Alfred Smith
  • Catholic wets
  • Urban
  • Progressive
  • Results
  • Hoover landslide
  • Democrats won urban vote

Stock Market Crash
  • Black Thursday
  • 24 Oct 1929
  • Rampant speculation
  • Buying on margin
  • Borrowing to invest
  • Weak banking systems
  • Domestic international
  • Rise of protectionism
  • Decline in farm prices
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