Continuous System Modeling - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Continuous System Modeling


Support for Dymola in the Modeling and Simulation of Physical Systems with Distributed Parameters Farid Dshabarow ABB Turbo Systems, Switzerland – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Continuous System Modeling

Support for Dymola in the Modeling and Simulation
of Physical Systems with Distributed Parameters
Farid Dshabarow ABB Turbo Systems, Switzerland
François E. Cellier ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Dirk Zimmer ETH Zürich, Switzerland
History of General Purpose PDE Solvers
  • In the 1970s, a number of general-purpose PDE
    solvers for parabolic and hyperbolic PDEs in one
    and two space dimensions were developed.
  • The most versatile among those was FORSIM VI, a
    FORTRAN library for simulating such systems.
  • FORSIM was based on the Method of Lines, a
    technique that discretizes the spatial axes of a
    PDE, while leaving the time axis continuous,
    thereby converting a PDE into a set of ODEs.

History of General Purpose PDE Solvers II
  • FORSIM VI offered a set of FORTRAN subroutines
    that the user could call for computing
    approximations of spatial derivatives and for
    integrating the resulting ODE system over time.
  • The tool was versatile but not user-friendly. It
    was versatile, because it offered the user all of
    the tools that s/he needed for solving a PDE
    problem, but it wasnt user-friendly, because it
    forced the user to manually decompose the problem
    down to a fairly low level.
  • Other tools, such as PDEL and LEANS III offered
    higher-level interfaces, but this came at the
    price of these tools being more specialized tools
    that could only solve problems belonging to
    predefined sets of PDEs.

History of General Purpose PDE Solvers III
  • In the long run, none of these tools survived,
    because engineers wanted to solve more and more
    complex problems, and neither of these tools were
    versatile and/or efficient enough to do so.
  • Consequently, most engineers and physicists
    created their own spaghetti codes written for
    solving one particular PDE problem only in as
    efficient a manner as possible.
  • Evidently, this caused a lot of duplication of
    very similar code segments that were rewritten by
    many programmers over and over again, and
    ultimately, it must be recognized that this
    approach is wasteful in terms of human resource

History of General Purpose PDE Solvers IV
  • Only quite recently, a renaissance of
    general-purpose PDE codes could be observed. The
    best and most advanced among these
    second-generation codes is FEMLAB (COMSOL).
  • FEMLAB essentially copied the approach taken
    earlier by PDEL and LEANS III, i.e., it offers
    solutions to a pre-defined set of PDE problems
    that are being parameterized to allow a user
    access to this tool who knows very little about
    the properties of numerical PDE solvers.
  • Compared to the earlier tools, FEMLAB offers a
    much improved user interface with neat graphing
    capabilities. The code has been rather
    successful and is being widely accepted as the
    state of the art in numerical PDE technology.

  • We chose to take the other route and re-implement
    facets of FORSIM VI in Dymola/Modelica, making
    use of the built-in matrix manipulation
    capabilities of Modelica and the graphical user
    interface of Dymola.
  • In this way, simple PDE problems can be coded
    graphically without forcing the user to write any
    programming code directly.
  • Of course, we pay a heavy price in that users of
    PDELib will have to be somewhat knowledgeable
    about the algorithms underlying numerical PDE

  • Yet, the object-oriented nature of Modelica
    allows to wrap PDELib codes, offering a
    mathematical user interface, into higher-level
    abstractions, promoting a physical user
  • At that higher level of abstraction, users wont
    need to understand the underlying numerical
    algorithms any longer.
  • Yet, as these higher-level codes will be mapped
    onto PDELib first, maintaining these higher-level
    codes will be much easier than if these
    higher-level codes were programmed in C
    directly, for example.
  • Due to the symbolic formulae manipulation
    techniques offered by tools such as Dymola, the
    resulting codes can be made to run as efficiently
    as any hand-written spaghetti codes of the past.

Method of Lines
  • Let us explain by means of a simple example how
    the method of lines operates.
  • Given the 1D diffusion equation
  • The method of lines discretizes the space
  • leading to

Method of Lines II
  • Programmed in PDELib

Simulation Results
  • The spatial axis had been discretized into 40
  • The numerical solution is compared to the
    analytical solution.
  • With 40 segments, the results are not yet highly
  • Dymola doesnt offer nifty 3D graphics
    capabilities yet.
  • The results could have been exported to MATLAB
    for graphing, but we chose not to do so.

Finite Volume Method
  • A second method implemented in PDELib is the
    Finite Volume method. It works as follows. The
    space gets subdivided into a finite number of
    cells. The ith cell can be written as
  • The average value of the solution u(t) for this
    cell can be written as
  • Mass conservation can be written as
  • where f(t) is the flux function.

Finite Volume Method II
  • We integrate
  • from t to t?t, and divide by ?t and by ?x

Finite Volume Method III
  • With the abbreviation
  • we can rewrite as follows
  • which can be reinterpreted as
  • In this way, we have once again converted a PDE
    to a set of ODEs. The only remaining question is
    how we approximate the average flux values.

Advection Equation
advection equation
initial condition
boundary condition
Method of Lines
Finite Volume Method
Simulation Results
Finite Volume Method
Method of Lines
Burgers Equation
Burgers equation
initial condition
boundary conditions
Method of Lines
Finite Volume Method
Simulation Results
  • The FVM solution is less accurate, but remains
    numerically stable for an arbitrarily large
    number of segments.
  • Hence a numerically accurate solution can be
    obtained using sufficiently many segments.

Finite Volume Method
Method of Lines
  • The MoL solution is more accurate, but less
  • With 10 segments, the solution remains stable,
    but is very inaccurate.
  • With 20 segments, it is more accurate, but turns
    unstable after 0.6 sec.
  • With 40 segments, it is always unstable.

MoL vs. FVM
  • The method of lines works well for parabolic
    PDEs. It has a tendency to lead to numerically
    unstable solutions in the case of hyperbolic
    PDEs, unless a geometric integration algorithm is
    being used (not currently available in Dymola).
  • The MoL solution of hyperbolic PDEs can
    frequently be stabilized also by use of an upwind
    discretization scheme.
  • The finite volume method is not as
    straightforward. However, it can be stabilized
    more easily.
  • The FVM was designed for hyperbolic PDEs
    primarily. Whereas the method can sometimes be
    abused to solve parabolic PDEs as well, the user
    has no reason to do so.

  • The first release of PDELib only considers
    parabolic and hyperbolic PDEs in a single space
  • Later versions will extend the tool to 2D and 3D
    problems also.
  • However, this requires finite element
    approximations in space, which havent been
    implemented yet (similar to what FEMLAB does).
  • Whereas 1D problems lead to ODE sets in a few
    dozen ODEs, 2D problems quickly lead to thousands
    of ODEs, and 3D problems almost immediately lead
    to problems with several hundreds of thousands of
    ODEs. Hence efficiency matters.
  • Boundary conditions are much more difficult to
    satisfy in 2D and 3D problems.

Conclusions II
  • At the current time, PDELib is only a test bed
  • It can be used for solving toy problems, and also
    for teaching purposes, but not yet for solving
    real engineering problems as they need to be
    solved in practice.
  • Future versions shall enhance the tool, as well
    as offer higher-level (physical layer)
    abstractions for dealing with complex problems in
    a more user-friendly fashion.

  • Dshabarow, F. (2007), Support for Dymola in the
    Modeling and Simulation of Physical Systems with
    Distributed Parameters, MS Thesis, Department of
    Computer Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
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