1 The Autism Spectrum Helping Students
Transition Succeed
- Peggy Mitchell Norwood, Ph.D.
- Mental Health Consultant
- Living Well Press
- peggy_at_drpegonline.com
- 303-745-4944
2- Have you ever encountered a student who ?
- had a hard time adapting to small changes in the
syllabus or new due dates - seemed odd or eccentric
- sent off multiple emails in a short span of time
- rambled on and on about a tangentially related
topic - seemed withdrawn during group activities
- two or more of the above
3Overview Objectives
- Review diagnostic criteria for Autism Spectrum
Disorder - Identify abilities and deficits of college
students on the Autism Spectrum - Compare and contrast K-12 vs. post-secondary
student roles and responsibilities - Understand self-management and self-advocacy
- Review strategies for supporting social and
interpersonal interactions - Identify campus resources
4Changes in DSM-5 Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Four previously separate disorders
- Autism, Aspergers Disorder, Childhood
Disintegrative Disorder, and PDD NOS - Now a single condition with different levels of
symptom severity - Individuals with a well-established DSM-IV
diagnosis of Aspergers Disorder should be given
the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder
5Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Persistent deficits across multiple contexts in
social communication and social interaction - Restricted repetitive behaviors, interests, and
activities (RRBs)
Both components are required for a diagnosis of
Image courtesy of Vlado www.freedigitalphotos.ne
6Social Communication and Social Interaction
- Deficits in reciprocal social communication and
interaction - Deficits in non-verbal communication used for
social interaction - Deficits in skills for developing, maintaining,
and understanding relationships
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)
- Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements, use of
objects, or speech - Insistence on sameness, inflexible routines or
ritualized verbal/nonverbal behavior - Highly restricted, fixated interests
- Sensory sensitivities or impairments
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)
8Sensory Sensitivities
- Hyper-reactivity or hypo-reactivity to sensory
input - Unusual interest in sensory aspects of the
image courtesy of khunaspix www.freedigitalphoto
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)
9ASD and Development
- Labeled different, special education, disabled
- Past history of being teased, left out, and
(Nagler, n.d.)
image courtesy of Gualberto107
- Most children with ASD improve during adolescence
- Small percentage live independently as adults
- Remain socially naïve and vulnerable
- Difficulties organizing without help
- Prone to depression and anxiety
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)
image courtesy of Ambro www.freedigitalphotos.net
11Autism Spectrum
- Wide variety of outcomes and presentations
- Influenced by the severity of the autistic
condition, developmental level, and chronological
age - Without supports in place, deficits cause
noticeable impairments - Can be masked by compensatory mechanisms and
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)
- May be very articulate and have a large
vocabulary - Often excel creatively in a non-conventional way
- Tend to have excellent long term and rote memory
abilities - May have extremely good visual and visual-spatial
skills - Can be very creative out of the box thinkers
(Sicile-Kira, 2011)
13ASD and College Students
- High-functioning Autism and Aspergers Disorder
- Special interests may be a source of pleasure and
motivation and provide avenues for education or
Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /
14Challenges for College Students with ASD
- Establishing independence
- Planning, organization, coping with change
- Classroom interaction
- Social isolation
Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /
15K-12 College
mandated programs/participation self-identify, self-initiated
parents involved and make decisions parents not involved (FERPA), self-advocacy
structured environment and schedule unstructured environment, discretionary time and freedom
limited choices unlimited choices
- On-campus vs. off-campus
- Advising and registering for classes
- Self-Advocacy
Image courtesy of imagerymajestic
- Accommodations - note-takers or instructors
lecture notes, extra time on tests, study guides - Financial aid and bookstore
- Tutoring and academic support
- Communicating with professors and office
hours - Roommates and classmates
- Activities of daily living
- Medication management and healthcare
- Time management
- Academic responsibilities
- Self-management
Image courtesy of Keattikorn www.freedigitalphot
(Williams Palmer, n.d.)
19Activities of Daily Living
- Sleep
- Eating
- Hygiene and clothing
- Money management
Image courtesy of FrameAngel www.reedigitalphotos.
(Williams Palmer, n.d.)
20Medication and Health Care
- Co-existing conditions
- Medications and compliance
- Medical emergencies
Image courtesy of voraorn www.freedigitalphotos.
(Williams Palmer, n.d.)
21Time Management
- Calendars
- Study schedules
- Checklists and to-do lists
- Workshops
Image courtesy of Keattikorn www.freedigitalphot
(Williams Palmer, n.d.)
- Discuss and prepare a plan in advance
- Practice
- Multi-tasking
- Coaching
(Williams Palmer, n.d.)
Image courtesy of imagerymajestic
23- In what other ways can you assist students who
are struggling with organization?
- Communication issues and class discussions, oral
presentations, and group activities - Distraction-free environments and seating
- Extra time to process during class discussions,
assignments, and exams
Image courtesy of smokedsalmon
25Social and Interpersonal Interactions
- Social approach
- Living arrangements
- Campus activities, clubs, organizations
- Social life, friends, and dating
Image courtesy of stockimages wwwfreedigitalphoto
26Special Interest Clubs
- University of Illinois, U-Chttps//illinois.colle
Image courtesy of ambro wwwfreedigitalphotos.net
27Sensory Sensitivities
- Universal Design for Learning teach to a
variety of learning styles - Allow use of a computer for note-taking
- Recommend smaller class sizes
- Seating
- Comfort items
- Headphones or earplugs
- Turn off florescent lighting
image courtesy of khunaspix www.freedigitalphoto
(Sicile-Kira, 2011)
28Tips for Faculty
- Use clear directives and establish rules if a
student invades your space or imposes on your
time or the student's classroom comments or
conversational volume become inappropriate - Avoid idioms, double meaning, and sarcasm, unless
you plan to explain your usage - Avoid using words such as always and never
(UMass-Dartmouth, n.d.)
29Tips for Faculty
- Clearly define course requirements, the dates of
exams and when assignments are due - Provide advance notice of any changes
- Make sure all expectations are direct and
explicit - Don't require students to "read between the
30Tips for Faculty
- Supplement oral with written instructions when
revising assignments, dates, etc. - Keep directions simple and declarative
- Ask students to repeat directions in their own
words to check comprehension - List or number changes/corrections on a paper to
help structure feedback
31Tips for Faculty
- Use the student's preoccupying interest to help
focus/motivate the student - Suggest ways to integrate this interest into the
course, such as related paper topics
32Tip Sheet
- UMass - Dartmouth
- https//www.umassd.edu/media/umassdartmouth/center
33Campus Resources
- Accessibility Services accommodation letters,
academic support, coaching, advising - Academic tutoring, libraries
- Social Student Life, clubs, volunteering
- Personal counseling, resident advisor, advisor,
peer mentor
34Campus Resources
- Marshall College The College Program for
Students with Aspergers Syndrome
https//www.youtube.com/watch?vQFXlZsHM9NE - Pace University Professors Guide
https//www.youtube.com/watch?v233-3jtEZck (Pt.
(Pt. 2)
- American Psychiatric Association (2013).
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Fifth Edition. Arlington, VA American
Psychiatric Association. - Nagler, M. (n.d.). College experience for
students with Aspergers. Retrieved from
nce-asperger-syndrome.pdf. - Sicile-Kira, C. (2011). Academic Supports for
College Students with an Autism Spectrum
Disorder An Overview. Retrieved from
rum-disorder-an-overview/ - Williams, G. and Palmer, A. (n.d.) Preparing for
College Tips for Students with HFA/Asperger's
Syndrome. Retrieved from http//teacch.com/educati
ams-and-ann-palmer - UMass-Dartmouth (n.d.). Resources for Educators
and How to Teach Students on the Autism Spectrum.
Retrieved from https//www.umassd.edu/dss/resource
36Questions or Comments?
37- Peggy Mitchell Norwood, Ph.D.
- peggy_at_drpegonline.com
- 303-745-4944
- www.innovativeeducators.org