Title: Introduction to Botnets
1Introduction to Botnets
- Instructors
- Ali Shiravi, University of New Brunswick
- Natalia Stakhanova, University of South Alabama
- Hanli Ren, University of New Brunswick
2Part 1 Intro to BotnetsWhat are they?
3 In the news
- July 29 2010 - Multi-Purpose Botnet Used in
Major Check Counterfeiting Operation - Aug 4 2010 - Zeus v2 Botnet that owned 100,000 UK
PCs taken out - Aug 12 2010 - dd_ssh Botnet attacks SSH servers
- Aug 12 2010 - Zeus Mumba Botnet Seizes
Confidential Database sized 60GB - Aug 12 2010 - Zeus v3 botnet raid on UK bank
- Malware is currently the major source of attacks
and fraudulent activities on the Internet. - Malware is used to infect computers.
- Botnet is a network of zombies, i.e. compromised
computers under control of an attacker. - Bot is a program loaded on zombie computer that
provides remote control mechanisms to an
Attacker (Botmaster )
- Bot - a small program to remotely control a
computer -
- Characterized by
- Remote control communication (CC) channels to
command a victim - For ex., perform denial-of service attack, send
spam - The implemented remote commands
- For ex., update bot binary to a new version
- The spreading mechanisms to propagate it further
- For ex., port scanning, email
7CC channel
- Means of receiving and sending commands and
information between the botmaster and the
zombies. - Typical protocols
- Overnet (Kademlia)
- Protocols imply (to an extend) a botnets
communication topology. - The topology provides trades-off in terms of
bandwidth, affectivity, stealth, and so forth.
8Botnet Infection Stages - Centralized
9Part 2 How does a botnet operate?
10Popular Botnets Propagation Methods
Spammed Messages
Install Malware Become Bot
Social Networking Websites
Removable Devices
Malicious Websites
11Shift in the way that malware is distributed
- Every 1.3 seconds a new web page is getting
infected - Every month almost 2 million web pages across
210,000 websites are infected with Malware - Malware attacks have grown by 600 since 2008
12Spammed Messages
13Spammed Messages
Storm Botnet
14Propagation Steps
Step 1 Click Link
Step 2 Link to malicious website
Step 3 Download Run Malware
15Sample subjects and attachments
- Sample subjects
- A killer at 11, he's free at 21 and kill again!
- British Muslims Genocide
- Naked teens attack home director.
- 230 dead as storm batters Europe.
- Re Your text
- Radical Muslim drinking enemies's blood.
- Saddam Hussein alive!
- Fidel Castro dead.
- FBI vs. Facebook
Sample attachments Postcard.exe ecard.jpg FullVi
deo.exe Full Story.exe Video.exe Read
More.exe FullClip.exe GreetingPostcard.exe MoreHer
e.exe FlashPostcard.exe GreetingCard.exe ClickHere
.exe ReadMore.exe FlashPostcard.exe FullNews.exe N
flStatTracker.exe ArcadeWorld.exe Left-right-brain
16Social Networking Websites e.g. Koobface
17Social Networking Websites
Koobface Downloader
18Koobface Spam Messages
- A typical KOOBFACE infection starts with a spam
sent through - Facebook
- Twitter
- MySpace
- Other social networking sites
19Koobface Spam Messages
20Koobface Spam Messages
21Koobface Spam Messages
22Koobface Malware Download
Clicking the link will redirect the user to a
website designed to mimic YouTube (but is
actually named YuoTube), which asks the user to
install an executable (.EXE) file to be able to
watch the video.
23Malicious Websites e.g. Gumblar Zeus
24Malicious Websites
25Gumblar Compromised Website
The malicious script embedded in the website.
26Zeus Malware Download
27Zeus Compromised host
28Part 3 How is a botnet organized?
29Traditional botnet
Botnet topology mainly refers to the organization
of CC channels between zombies and an attacker.
Your home computer
Commands controls
- Based on CC channels, there are two typical
botnet topologies - Centralized
- Decentralized (P2P)
- Traditional botnet metrics
- Resiliency
- A botnet ability to cope with a loss of members
(zombies) or servers - Latency
- Reliability in message transmission
- Enumeration
- An ability to accurately estimate a botnet size
- Difficuly for security analysis
- Re-sale
- A possibility to carve off sections of the botnet
for lease or resale to other operators.
31Centralized botnet
- Communication between attacker and zombies goes
via centralized server - Classical communication method IRC (Internet
Relay Chat)
Centralized server
32Centralized botnet topologies
- Centralized topology can be represented in
different shapes. - The exact organization of botnet depends on the
bot operator - nothing prevents a bot operator to come up with
a new topology. - Often seen topologies
33Star topology
- Communication is directly between a single
centralized server and ALL zombies. - When new machine is infected, it is preconfigured
to contact the server to announce its membership.
- Pros Low latency
- Each zombie is issued commands directly from the
server. - Cons Low resilience
- Only server needs to be blocked to neutralize the
whole botnet
- Koobface
- Old variant employed start architecture
- Zombies connected to CC server directly
35Multi-server topology
- Similar to start topology
- Instead of one server, multiple servers are used
to provide instructions to zombies. - Pros
- Better resilience
- No single point of failure
- Geographical distribution of servers
- Communication speed up
- More resistant to legal shut downs
- Cons
- Requires advance planning
36Hierarchical topology
- Zombies are generally not aware of the server
location - Pros
- Ease of re-sale
- A botnet operator can easily carve off sections
of their botnet for lease or resale to other
operators. - Hard to enumerate
- Hard to evaluate the size and complexity of the
botnet - Cons
- High latency
- makes some botnet attacks difficult.
37Example - Gumblar
- Gumblars architecture is not well studied, fully
built on zombies - Website visitors are infected with the Windows
executable, it grabs FTP credentials from the
victim machines. The FTP account is then used to
infect every webpage on new webserver.
38Decentralized botnet
- P2P (peer-to-peer) communication
- zombies talking to each other
- no central server
- Pros Very high resilience
- Cons
- High latency
- Difficult for enumeration
39Hybrid topologies
- High resilience
- Low latency
- Example,
- Hierarchical P2P
- Centralized P2P
Centralized Peer-to-peer
40Storm botnet
- A three-level self-organizing hierarchy
- master servers
- proxy bots
- transfers traffic between workers and master
servers. - worker bots
- responsible for sending the spam, proxy bots
- Once a Storm binary is downloaded, an infected
host might become a worker bot (if not reachable
from the Internet) or a proxy
- Complicated organization of botnets variety of
cover-up techniques make detection of botnets
42Part 4 How do they hide?
44(No Transcript)
Botnet malware use encryption techniques to avoid
being detected by signature-based Intrusion
detection system
46Snort Example
Without encryption, Snort can successfully detect
12/30-225959.368544 -gt UDP TTL64 TOS0x0 ID33092 IpLen20 DgmLen234 Len 214 ..l....F...... EEEBEGEGFJCACACACACACACACACACAAA. ABACFPFPENFDECF CEPFHFDEFFPFPACAB..SMB........................................ ..........V.........7.\MAILSLOT\BROWSE.......METALGODS......... ......U.DAFFY.
Packet Without encryption
alert udp EXTERNAL_NET any -gt 138 (msg"SAMBA server identified on local subnet!" content "SMB" content "MAILSLOT")
Snort Rule
100 SAMBA server identified on local subnet! 01/06-022123.465726 -gt UDP TTL64 TOS0x0 ID64503 IpLen20 DgmLen262 Len 242
Snort Alert
47Snort Example
Snort cannot detect attack from encrypted traffic
Encrypted Packet
alert udp EXTERNAL_NET any -gt 138 (msg"SAMBA server identified on local subnet!" content "SMB" content "MAILSLOT")
Snort Rule
48(No Transcript)
49Fast Flux
IP addresses that are rotated in seconds against
the same domain. For example QUESTION
Website namewww.lijg.ruANSWER IP
Addresseswww.lijg.ru ?
u ? ? ?
.ru ? ? ?
g.ru ? ?
50Advantages for the attacker
- Simplicity
- Only one suitably powerful backend server (or
mothership) host is needed to serve the master
content and DNS information. - Resilience
- A layer of protection from ongoing investigative
response or legal action - Extend the operational lifespan of the critical
backend core servers that are - hidden by the front-end nodes
51An Example of Fast Flux
52(No Transcript)
- A rootkit is a tool that is designed to hide
itself and other processes, data, and/or activity
on a system - To hide what is taking place an attacker wants
to - Survive system restart
- Hide processes
- Hide services
- Hide listening TCP/UDP ports
- Hide kernel modules
- Hide drivers
54How Rootkit Works
- Overwrite first few bytes of target function
with a jump to rootkit code - Create trampoline function that first executes
overwritten bytes from original function, then
jumps back to original function - When function is called, rootkit code executes
- Rootkit code calls trampoline, which executes
original function
55Rootkit Usage Example Hide process
Process list BEFOR the rootkit is launched.
Process list AFTER the rootkit is launched.
56Part 5 What do botnets do?
57Botnet Activities
- The least damage caused by Botnets Bandwidth
Consumption - Other things
- DDOS attacks
- Spam
- Click Fraud
- Data Theft
- Phishing
- Mistrustful services
58DDOS attacks
e.g. Google.com
59Click Fraud
- Pay per Click (PPC) is an Internet advertising
model used on websites in which advertisers pay
their host only when an ad is clicked. - Famous Bots ClickBot(100k), Bahama Botnet (200k)
60Click Fraud - FFSearcher
61Data Theft
- Accounts for a great deal of botnet activity.
- Purpose Harvesting user data
- Screen captures
- Typed data
- Files
- Anti-Spyware software
- Highly controversial.
- Has resulted in Scareware.
62Data Theft-Mumba Zeus Botnet
- A deceptive email/website/etc. to harvest
confidential information.
65Part 6 How difficult is it to create a botnet?
66Botnet business is booming
- The primary reason for rapid botnet evolution is
the underground market - Botnet services has reached a professional level
- Software, zombies or even botnet service can be
purchased - Customization professional support
- http//www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid56962
9 - http//www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid50703
0highlightbot - http//www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid61199
8 - http//www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid61167
- To obtain a simple botnet or botnet services DOES
NOT require - Great technical knowledge
- Special hardware
- unless youre planning to make it your primary
source of income
68What is needed to create a simple botnet
- A bot, i.e., a small program that can remotely
perform certain functions - CC server
- A network of zombies
69Step 1 Creating a bot
- Where to find a bot
- Find a script on the Internet
- Purchase a ready-to-go bot
- Prices vary from 5 to 1000 depending on the bot
functionality - Write yourself
70Step 2 CC server
- CC server is simply a powerful computer which
will give you direct access to zombies, or if
needed will store stolen data. - For example, to install IRC server
- Dedicated computer with installed software
(fairly legal) - Buy a domain, since it should be set up as a web
server - Hosting - to make the server accessible from the
Internet, it should be hosted by a hosting company
71Step 3 Creating zombies
- Options
- Purchase/rent a network of zombies
- Compromise computers yourself
- Using software packages such as Mpack, Icepack
and WebAttacker - Using your brains
72Thank You!
73Extra Slides
74Social Aspects of Botnets
- Malware in general is written by some,
contributed by others and used by many more. - Incentives
- Challenge Seeking (CH NL)
- Fame Seeking (CA NA)
- Revenge Seeking (C? NL)
- Gain Seeking
- Centralized CC
- CC migration
- Random Domain Names
- E.g. McColo takedown
- Peer-to-peer
- New protocols
- SpamThru
76Botnet Detection
- Every interaction between two entities requires
the flow of information. - This can utilized to detect the interaction.
- The problem is that this interaction is generally
obfuscated and mixed with others with similar
behaviour. - Traditionally work in botnet detection has been
categorized by either detection methodology
(behavioural/signature) or CC infrastructure.
- The Gumblar system, http//www.securelist.com/en/
weblog?discuss208187897return1 - C. Kanich, C. Kreibich, K. Levchenko, B. Enright,
G. Voelker, V. Paxson, S. Savage. Spamalytics An
Empirical Analysis of Spam Marketing Conversion.
15th ACM Conference on Computer and
Communications Security 2008, Alexandria, VA,
USA. - The Koobface botnet, http//us.trendmicro.com
- Malicious websites, http//www.ipa.go.jp/security/
english/virus/press/201001/E_PR201001.html - The fast flux techniques, http//old.honeynet.org