Title: Alina Weffers-Albu, m.a.albu@tue.nl
1Quality of Service for In-Home Digital Networks
- Terminal QoS
- Alina Weffers-Albu
- Context
- Progress
- Project definition Goals, Approach
- Characterization of CS sequences
- Stable State Theorem
- Execution streaming chains - dependency on input.
3Context - QoS in IN-Home Digital Networks
Aim provide guaranteed and optimised Quality of
Service (QoS) for interconnected real-time
embedded systems.
Network QoS Reliability, Delay, Jitter, Bandwidth
Terminal QoS Performance
4Context - Description of Analyzed Systems
5Context - Description of Analyzed Systems
- Data driven. Execution determined by
- Availability of necessary input
- Priority of component task
- Time driven. Execution determined by
- Availability of necessary input. (Or NOT)
- Priority
- Periodicity.
6Context - Description of Analyzed Systems
- Both types. Execution determined by
- Average computation time.
- n-gtm relation between input and output.
- If m variable average m or distribution over
time for the values of m. - Average times needed to get each input FP/EP.
- Average times needed to produce each output
FP/EP. - Average suspension time (if task with execution
deferral due to cooperation with hardware).
7Previous results
- Performed a literature survey on QoS work
- Studied ways of estimating the overhead
introduced by CS during the execution of
streaming chains. - Provided a method for the calculation of the
overhead introduced by CS. - Method based on an observation regarding the
execution of streaming chains. Method tested on
single case study.
- Expanded approach previously tested on particular
case to a more general context - tests on other
types of components, different priorities
assignment. - Formulate Stable Phase Theorem, distinguished 7
separate cases of interest for proof. - gt Approach for control and optimization of
performance parameters by formulating corollaries
deduced from the proof. - Proof for first case, lemmas, corollaries.
- Studied influence of input on the execution
pattern of a streaming chain. - Defined goals and approach for PhD project.(not
restricted to CPU, but also memory, bus
correlation of events sequences)
- Terminal QoS
- Performance
- Predictability of the system
- Goals
- Prediction of performance quality parameters for
a given system. -
- Control performance quality parameters - find
good practices of design for the system so that
its resources needs can be satisfied on the
physical platform.
- Study and model the dynamic behavior of a given
system - gt prediction control of performance quality
parameters - Behavior characterization in terms of the events
that occur during the execution of the system. - Events in our study
- Currently buffer handling operations, context
switches, - Future memory accesses (to be extended).
- Theoretical framework to model the sequences of
events. - Derive characteristics of the sequences of events
gt meaningful abstractions.(Ex repetitive
patterns, bounds) - Identify conditions under which a sequence of
events adopts a particular characteristic. - Identify correlations and dependencies between
sequences of events (CS, memory accesses, events
related to bus utilization).
11Performance Quality Parameters.
Buffer size
Packet size
Activation Times
Priority setting
Resource Utilization (RU) for CPU, memory, bus
feasibility check on the physical platform at
Activation Times (AT) provide modeling basis
for the sequence of context switches (CS).
Response Times (RT) prediction/control of
deadline misses.
Number of Context Switches (NCS) overhead
induced by the composed execution of components.
Required buffer space
12Characterization of CS sequences.
- Hypothesis
- Let C1, C2, C3, , Cn be a chain of components
communicating through a set of - queues. The execution of the chain, after an
initialization phase adopts a - repetitive pattern of execution.
- Conditions under which the above statement holds
in progress to be explored. - Examples
- input - constant rate and sufficiently long,
components designed such that their execution in
the chain does not lead to deadlock.
13Two case studies
- FRead
- Data driven with execution deferral
- VDec
- Data driven
- 1-gtm, m variable
NCS Stable Phase Calculated 900 NCS Stable
Phase Measured 895
- FRead
- Data driven with execution deferral
NCS Stable Phase Calculated 245 NCS Stable
Phase Measured 245
14Stable State Theorem.Cases of interest for proof.
- C1, C2, C3, , CN chain of components
communicating through a set of queues (slide 4) - N data-driven components (1-1).
- N data-driven components (n-m).
- C1 data-driven component with execution deferral
(1-1), C2, C3, , CN data-driven components
(n-m). - C1, C2, C3, , CN-1 data-driven components (n-m),
CN time-driven component (n-m). - C1 time-driven component (n-m), C2, C3, , CN
data-driven components (n-m). - C1 time-driven component (n-m), C2, C3, , CN-1
data-driven components (n-m), CN time-driven
component (n-m). - C1 data-driven component with execution deferral
(1-1), C2, C3, , CN-1 data-driven components
(n-m), CN time-driven component (n-m).
15Stable State Theorem. 1-1 data-driven components.
- Let C1, C2, C3, , CN be a chain of data-driven
components communicating - through a set of queues (slide 4). The relation
between input and output for all - components is 1-1. The execution of the chain,
after a finite initialization phase - adopts a repetitive pattern of execution.
- Conditions input - constant rate and
sufficiently long, components designed such that
their execution in the chain does not lead to
deadlock. - Lemma 1 At stable state the execution of all
components is dependent on the execution of the
component with the lowest priority. (The
component with the lowest priority in the chain
is driving component). - Lemma 2 If Cm is the driving component in the
chain then ? i 1 i lt m, L(FQi) S(FQi) ? ?
i m i lt N, L(FQi) 0. - Corollary 1 The minimum buffer length necessary
to ensure the repetitive execution is 1. - Corollary 2 The NCS can be reduced by assigning
priorities in a descending order from left to
right. - Corollary 3 The length of the initialization
time can be reduced by reducing the buffers
16Characterization of CS sequences.
Initialization phase C1 executes until output
FQ is filled gt C1 - Blocked (b).
- Chain
- - N data driven components
- - n-gtm 1-gt1
- - priorities in descending order.
C2(p)C1(b), C2(p)C1(b), , until C2(b) (FQ
filled, EQ empty)C1(b),
C3(p)C2(p)C1(b) C2(b), C3(p) C2(p)C1(b) C2(b)
C3(p) C2(p)C1(b) C2(b), C3(b)
CN(p)CN-1(p) C2(p)C1(b)C2(b)CN-1(b),
Stable phase CN(p)CN-1(p) C2(p)C1(b)C2(b)CN-1(b
17Influence of input on the execution of a chain
- Correlation between pattern in MPEG input and
pattern of execution. - Characterization of input stream
- Guidelines for intelligently choosing the size of
the packets in order to increase predictability
for components with variable output.
18Other activities
- Papers
- NCS Calculation Method for Streaming
Applications. Proceedings of the 5th PROGRESS
Symposium on Embedded Systems - A Characterization of Streaming Applications
Executions (submitted to the Design, Automation,
and Test in Europe 2005 Conference) - In process of writing paper with Radu Dobrin
University of Malardalen Sweden - Cooperations
- Malardalen University, Sweden - Gerhard Fohler,
Radu Dobrin - Carnegie Mellon, SEI Kurt Wallnau, Mark Klein
- Presenting my work
- Poster 5th PROGRESS Symposium on Embedded
Systems, October 2004 - Presentations for SAN group(TU/e), OASIS cluster
(Philips Research), Carnegie Mellon SEI, Gerhard
Fohler (Malardalen University)
19Other activities
- Presenting my work
- Liesbeth Steffens - Philips Research Laboratories
- Reinder Bril - Eindhoven University of Technology
- Clara Otero-Perez - Philips Research Laboratories
- Laurentiu Papalau - Philips Research Laboratories
- Giel van Doren - Philips Research Laboratories
- Dietwig Lowet - Philips Research Laboratories
- Sjir van Loo - Philips Research Laboratories
- Jan van der Wal - Eindhoven University of
Technology - Clemens Wust - Philips Research Laboratories
- Marco Bekooij - Philips Research Laboratories
- Jeffrey Kang - Philips Research Laboratories
- Saianath Karlapalem - Singapore