Globale og regionale perspektiver for tilgjengelighet, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Globale og regionale perspektiver for tilgjengelighet,


Globale og regionale perspektiver for tilgjengelighet, behov og utnytting av vannressurser eller Global and regional perspectives on availability, – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Globale og regionale perspektiver for tilgjengelighet,

Globale og regionale perspektiver for
tilgjengelighet, behov og utnytting av
vannressurser eller Global and regional
perspectives on availability, demand and
exploitation of water resources
Professor Ånund Killingtveit Institutt for
vassbygging Fakultet for bygg- og
miljøteknikk NTNU
  • Main topics in the presentation
  • Water - the global perspective
  • Available water resources
  • Trends in water consumption
  • Regional perspectives on water scarcity
  • About sustainable water use
  • The need for Water Balance Policy
  • Three examples of non-sustainable water use
  • Summary and conclusions

Professor Ånund Killingtveit
World water resources water in stock
A number of attempts have been made to assess the
global water balance, here the figures published
by World Resources Institute (WRI, 1988) are used
The Global perspective
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Flows of the global water cycle (km3/yr) (data
from Shiklomanov (1992) WRI (1998))
The Global perspective
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Flows of the global water cycle (km3/yr) (data
from Shiklomanov (1992) WRI (1998))
The Global perspective
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Useful flows of the global water cycle
(km3/yr) (data from Shiklomanov (1992) WRI
The Global perspective
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
The uneven distribution the main problem
  • The average water availability figures gives a
    misleading picture
  • Water is determined by global and regional
    precipitation distribution
  • and therefore the water resources vary widely
  • Spatially (from rainforests to deserts)
  • Temporally (seasonally and between years)

The Global perspective
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Global runoff distribution, specific runoff
The Global perspective
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Global runoff distribution, total volume
The Global perspective
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Global runoff distribution, pr. capita
The Global perspective
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Water use main categories
  • Agriculture (Irrigation)
  • Reservoirs (Evaporation losses)
  • Municipal water supply (drinking water)
  • Industry (Process water)
  • Resipient of waste (wastewater, thermal
  • Energy (Hydropower, cooling water)
  • Aquaculture (Fish farming)
  • Environmental value (Wetlands, rivers, lakes)

The Global perspective
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Global water use characteristics
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Global water use characteristics cont.
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Global water consumption - total volume
The Global perspective
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Global water consumption - of runoff
The Global perspective
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
How much fresh water is available in a
country/region (for example in Egypt)?
  • Precipitation
  • River inflow
  • Regional water import
  • Groundwater inflow
  • Evaporation
  • River outflow
  • - Regional water export
  • - Groundwater outflow
  • Total available m3/year

The total available volume of water is usually
limited and determined by climate and geology.
Some of it may be put to use but rarely utilized
100, with advanced technology and management ?
40-50 NB Groundwater can be a source of water
but it must be included in the balance!
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
How much water can we actually use?
  • Water use is usually limited by two main
    problems as seen from the user point of view
  • The water is not where we want to use it
    (spatial variation)
  • The water is not there when we need it (temporal
  • The spatial problem occurs when major
    consumption sites, for example large cities, are
    located in dry areas, while most of the rainfall
    occurs in unhibited mountainous areas
  • The temporal problem occur because rainfall and
    runoff tend to have large seasonal variations
    with long dry seasons and short High flow (flood)
    seasons, while consumption is fairly constant. In
    addition long term variation occur, for example
    of El Nino type or on longer timescales (Sahel,
    Lake Malawi, Zambezi etc)

Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Example 1 Spatial variability ?
The water is not where we want to use it
(spatial variation) In Pangani river (below)
precipitation is mainly occurring on the slopes
of Mt Kilimanjaro, Mt Meru, Pare Mountains and
the Ushambara. Here precipitation exceeds 2000
mm/yr, while in most of the catchment the area is
dry (lt 500 mm/yr)
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Example 2 Seasonal variability ?
The water is not there when we want to use it
(temporal variation). In Pangani river (below)
precipitation is mainly occurring during 3-4
months (Feb-May). If water is not stored most of
the runoff occur in the same periode, as seen
from graphs below.
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Solutions to seasonal/long term variability ?
The water is not there when we want to use it
(temporal variation). The solution to this
problem is to build dams. Dams are expensive,
often with possible environmental effects, and
usually controversial. There are, however few
substitutes if a stable water supply is needed,
for example for irrigation, municipal water
supply or hydropower
Storage of snow-melt flow
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Storage of rainy season flow
Solutions to spatial variability ?
The water is not where we want to use it
(spatial variation). The solution to this
problem is to build water transfer systems,
canals, tunnels, diverting rivers etc. These
systems are expensive, often with possible
environmental effects, and usually controversial.
There are, however few substitutes if a stable
water supply is needed, for example for
irrigation, municipal water supply or hydropower.
Large regional irrigation canal
Small irrigation canal
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
How much water can we use?
Water consumption is usually fairly evenly
distributed Water avaliability typically varies
strongly seasonal ?Need for storage but not all
water can be stored because reservoirs suffer
from evaporation losses
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
How much water do we need?
  • Water demand depends on
  • Climate
  • Degree of industrial development
  • Agriculture (Irrigation)
  • Water technology for storage, transport and use

Typical basic demand is a minimum of 100 l pr.
person and day, or approx. 40 m3/yr In reality a
minimum of 500 m3/yr may be necessary in dry
climate, with irrication the average increases.
Water stress occur when average lt 1700
m3/yr Water shortage when average lt 1000 m3/yr
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Analysis of water demand vs. water availability
Water need per capita (m3 per person per year)
? (log scale)
Increasing mobilization of Water resources
demands better Technology and management
Minimum water need
Limited management problems
Large management problems
Regional management needed
Water availability per capita (m3 per person per
year) ? (log scale)
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Analysis of water demand vs. water availability
Water need per capita (m3 per person per year)
? (log scale)
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Water availability per capita (m3 per person per
year) ? (log scale)
Macroscale comparison of water availability vs.
water demand (From Falkenmark)
Water need per capita (m3 per person per year)
? (log scale)
Increasing demand but fixed resources
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Water availability per capita (m3 per person per
year) ? (log scale)
Water resources are fixed population increases
The Global perspective
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
The Global perspective
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Regional overview
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Regional characteristics - Africa
Sum for Africa 4570 km3/year
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Regional characteristics - Africa
Average for Africa 6500 m3/capita/year
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Regional characteristics - Africa
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Regional characteristics - Africa
Available water, 1000 m3/capita/year
Average for Africa 6500 m3/capita/year
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Regional characteristics - Africa
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Regional characteristics - Europa
Water resources at yr. 2000 (m3/capita/year)
Average for Europe 4700 m3/capita/year (Norway
96 000 m3/capita/year)
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Regional characteristics East Asia
Water resources at yr. 2000 (m3/capita/year)
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Regional characteristics West Asia
Water resources at yr. 2000 (m3/capita/year)
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Water use characteristics
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Sustainable water use Renewable water resources
Some important steps UN Water conference in Mar
del Plata (1977) The Brundtland report
(1987) Dublin principles, Water and
Environment(1992) Rio-conference, Agenda 21
(1992) World Water Vision (2000)
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Sustainable water use
  • Sustainable development has been defined as
  • "development that meets the needs and
    aspirations of the present without compromising
    the ability of future generations to meet their
    own needs" (Brundtland 1987)
  • Implicit in the desire for sustainability is the
    moral conviction that the current generation
    should pass on its inheritance of natural wealth,
    not unchanged, but undiminished in potential to
    support future generations.
  • A sustainable development should consider a time
    span of many generations.
  • Also, natural hydrological variations within this
    time span should be considered

Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Renewable and Non-renewable resources
  • Renewable resources tend to be flow-limited and
    are reconstituted after human consumption or
    dispersion through natural processes driven by
    solar energy (which may be enhanced by human
    investment, as when trees are planted).
  • Example River flow, shallow groundwater,
  • Nonrenewable resources are generally
    stocklimited and have either very low or no
    renewal rates and prohibitive reconstitution
  • Example Fossil groundwater aquifers, Topsoil,
    Tropical Rainforests, Oil, Natural gas

Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Renewable and Non-renewable resources
  • Groundwater resources have often very low renewal
    rates and its sustainable use should be limited
    to its infiltration rate (renewable rate)
  • In many countries groundwater is used as if it
    was renewable, while in reality the groundwater
    is fossil, the aquifer was filled hundreds or
    thousands years ago

  • Examples Libya,
  • Saudi-Arabia,
  • USA,
  • Australia,
  • India,
  • China,
  • ...

Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Other water-related problems
  • Floods
  • Droughts

Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Other water-related problems
  • Floods account for 1/3 of natural catastrophes
  • And more than 50 of lives lost
  • Flood losses in 90s was 10 times losses in 60s
  • An average of 66 Million people suffered flood
    damage annually in the years from 1973-1997
  • Reasons for increased flooding problems are many
  • Population trends in exposed regions
  • Increase in exposed values
  • Construction on flood-prone areas
  • Failure of flood protection works
  • Changes in environment conditions (e.g.
    Deforestation, Filling of wetlands, Urbanization)
  • Climate changes (?)


Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Other water-related problems
  • Increased water abstraction from rivers
  • Changes in land use (deforestation)
  • Long term climatic variability (Sahel, Ethiopia,
  • Climate change (?)
  • Some examples
  • Amu Darya and Syr Darya in Central Asia are
    drying up due to increased water use
  • The Yellow river in China did not reach the sea
    for 7 months in 1997 vs. A few days in 1972
  • The Colorado River in US is drying up
  • England had a disastrous drought in the 1980s
  • Disasters in Ethiopia and Eritrea
  • ...


Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Non-Sustainable water use Some examples
  • The Aral Sea disaster
  • The Ogallala Aquifer in USA
  • Saudi Arabia ground water irrigation system
  • ? All examples related to overexploation of
  • (non-sustainable use of limited water

Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Non-Sustainable water use Some examples
The Aral Sea
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Non-Sustainable water use The Aral Sea
  • 1960
  • Annual catch 50000 tons
  • 60000 employed in fishing industry
  • Aral sea 4th largest in the world
  • 2000
  • Annual catch 0 tons
  • No commercial fishery
  • Area reduced by 75

Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Non-Sustainable water use The Aral Sea
Most of the changes have occurred within a time
span when remote sensing was operational ...
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Non-Sustainable water use The Aral Sea
  • Water has been removed from the Aral Basin by
    the diversion of water from the Amu Darya River
    (which feeds the Aral Sea.)
  • Water from the Amu Darya is diverted into the
    Karakum Canal in Turkmenistan, near Afghanistan.
    The Karakum Canal, at 1400 km (850 miles), is
    the world's longest canal.
  • Water is used for irrigation in the formery dry
    desert areas where in particular cotton
    production is important
  • The destruction of the Aral Sea is the
    consequence of bringing desert soils into
    agricultural production

Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Non-Sustainable water use The Aral Sea
Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Non-Sustainable water use The Ogallala aquifer
in USA
  • The High Plains aquifer, actually a network of
    aquifers in the midwestern United States, covers
    174,000 square miles (450,000 square kilometers)
    from South Dakota to Texas. The system is
    frequently called the Ogallala for the formation
    that dominates it
  • Water from this aquifer system helped transform
    the prairies of the plains into one of the
    country's most productive agricultural areas and
    the aquifer network remains the basic water
    source for much of the grain belt from Texas to
    Minnesota. But signs of scarcity and
    contamination have been emerging in recent years.
  • Situated in a semi-arid region with little
    rainfall and few perennial streams, the Ogallala
    recharges very slowly.

Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Non-Sustainable water use The Ogallala aquifer
in USA
  • As farmers use advanced irrigation technology to
    pump water out faster than it can be naturally
    replenished, some are now removing a gallon
    (roughly 4 liters) out for every teacupful
    restored by the natural processes of aquifer
  • As a result, water tables are falling, pumping
    costs are escalating, and irrigated lands are
    being pushed out of production.
  • Between the 1940s and 1980, the average water
    level in the aquifer dropped almost 10 feet (3
    meters), with declines exceeding 100 feet (30
    meters) in some parts of Texas. By 1990,
    estimates of depletion of the Texas portion of
    the aquifer reached 24 percent--a loss of 164
    billion cubic meters, or the equivalent of almost
    six years of the entire state's water use

Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Non-Sustainable water use Groundwater mining
in Saudi-Arabia
  • With no rivers and lakes and only 100 millimeters
    of annual rainfall Saudi Arabia has come to rely
    on the unsustainable mining of one of its less
    well known natural resources groundwater.
  • Ninety percent of the water Saudi Arabia uses
    comes from underground reserves, virtually all of
    which were filled thousands of years ago and have
    negligible annual recharge today.
  • In 1992, the government spent more than 2
    billion in subsidies for the domestic production
    of four million tons of wheat, which could have
    been purchased on the world market for a fifth of
    that price.

Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Non-Sustainable water use Groundwater mining
in Saudi-Arabia
  • Estimates of the lifespan for Saudi fossil water
    reserves vary widely, with one estimate
    suggesting they could run out early in this
  • The country's population of 17.5 million is
    projected to climb past 40 million by 2025, by
    which time groundwater mining may no longer be a
    realistic option.
  • Food self-sufficiency may be a priority in the
    short-term, but it cannot be sustained
    indefinitely with non-renewable water.

Professor Ånund Killingtveit
  • Global freshwater consumption rose sixfold
    between 1900 and 1995 - at more than twice the
    rate of population growth
  • About one-third of the world's population already
    lives in countries with moderate to high water
    stress - that is, where water consumption is more
    than 10 per cent of the renewable freshwater
  • The problems are most acute in Africa and West
    Asia but lack of water is already a major
    constraint to industrial and socio-economic
    growth in many other areas, including China,
    India and Indonesia
  • In Africa, 14 countries are already subject to
    water stress or water scarcity, and a further 11
    countries will join them in the next 25 years

Professor Ånund Killingtveit
Summary cont.
  • If present consumption patterns continue, two out
    of every three persons on Earth will live in
    water-stressed conditions by the year 2025 (WMO
    and others 1997).
  • The declining state of the world's freshwater
    resources, in terms of quantity and quality, may
    prove to be the dominant issue on the environment
    and development agenda of the coming century.
  • Worldwide, agriculture accounts for more than 70
    per cent of freshwater consumption, mainly for
    irrigation of agricultural crops. In Africa and
    Asia, agriculture accounts for nearly 80 per
  • Agricultural demand for water is projected to
    increase sharply, since much of the additional
    food that will be needed to feed the world
    population in the future is expected to come from
    an increase in irrigated land.

Professor Ånund Killingtveit
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