Computing Fundamentals 1 Equations and Reduction in CafeOBJ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Computing Fundamentals 1 Equations and Reduction in CafeOBJ


Computing Fundamentals 1 Equations and Reduction in CafeOBJ Lecturer: Patrick Browne Lecture Room: K308 Lab Room: A308 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Computing Fundamentals 1 Equations and Reduction in CafeOBJ

Computing Fundamentals 1 Equations and Reduction
in CafeOBJ
  • Lecturer Patrick Browne

Why a specification language?
  • High level programming languages (HLP), like
    Python or Java, can be considered formal
    specifications. They specify what the machine
    should do.
  • However, HLP are not good at expressing our
    understanding of a domain. They are too low level
    and contain too much detail. Using HLP it is
    difficult to identify design errors, assumptions
    are not made explicit, they are implementation
    dependent. HLP focus on how system tasks are
    performed. They dont allow us to reason about
    the system or describe what the system does.
  • Domains of interest include a theory of sets, a
    theory of integers, a theory of bank accounts, a
    theory of a hospital records, a theory of traffic

Why a specification language?
  • CafeOBJ allows us to reason about what a system
    does rather than about the detailed algorithms .
  • CafeOBJ is based on rigorous mathematic
    (equational logic, a lattice of types, functions,
    equations, axioms, syntactic and semantic
    domains). This makes CafeOBJ useful for teaching
  • CafeOBJ is executable. Even though it allows us
    to focus the what a program should do (i.e.
    specification), CafeOBJ also allows to run
    specifications and produce results. Thus we can
    check our work (prototype) and get a result
    (compute). In sort we can
  • Specify
  • Prototype
  • Reason and study proofs
  • Compute

Why a specification language?
  • CafeOBJ has conceptual semantics based on the
    logic of equations.
  • CafeOBJ has operational semantics based based on
    term rewriting.
  • These two interpretations are closely related.
    Usually we talk about syntactic 'terms' and
    semantic 'expressions'.
  • A good specification should be written in such a
    way that it can be used to predict how the system
    will behave.

Computing lt Maths lt World
  • The role of CafeOBJ on this course is to provide
    a functional and logic based language that can be
    used to represent the mathematical concepts such
    as logic, sets, and functions. Which in turn can
    be used to model real world systems. Programming
    language. We use it as a specification

Predefined Modules1
Module Type Operators Constants
BOOL Bool not and and-also xor or or-else implies iff true, false
NAT Nat NzNatZero gt gt lt lt quo rem divides s p 0 1 2 3 ...
INT Int Idem, mais - e -2 ...
FLOAT Float / - lt lt gt gt exp log sqrt abs sin atan etc. 1.2 ...pi
STRING String string stringgt stringlt stringgt stringltlength substring upcase downcase etc. a string"
CafeOBJ Equational Logic
  • Equational calculus derives (proves) a term
    equation from a conditional-equational axiom set.
    The deduction rules in this calculus are
  • Reflexivity Any term is provably equal to itself
    (t t).
  • Transitivity If t1 is provably equal to t2 and
    t2 is provably equal to t3, then t1 is provably
    equal to t3.
  • Symmetry If t1 is provably equal to t2, then t2
    is provably equal to t1.
  • Congruence If t1 is provably equal to t2, then
    any two terms are provably equal which consist of
    some context built around t1 and t2. e.g.

Writing equations in CafeOBJ
  • CafeOBJ statements are equations in which
    instances of the LHS pattern are replaced by
    corresponding instances of the RHS if the LHS
    matches the input expression. The matching
    process occurs "top-down, left-to-right. The
    first equation that matches is used.
  • The definition of a function can be broken into
    several equations, giving us a multi-line
    definition e.g.
  • eq fact(0) s(0) .
  • eq fact(s(N)) s(N) fact(N) .
  • Variables in CafeOBJ equations are universally
    quantified (?N) equations Variables

Variables in CafeOBJ
  • Variables in CafeOBJ equations are universally
    quantified (?N) equations
  • Terms with variables, are instantiated by
    substituting the variables with ground terms.
  • Here is an example from Jose Meseguers CC373
    lecture notes.

Writing equations in CafeOBJ
  • In CafeOBJ computation is reduction of a
    well-formed term (or expression) to a normal
    form. An expression in normal form cannot be
    reduced any further.
  • An expression is a ground if it contains no
  • If a term is normal form and is ground we say it
    is in ground normal form.
  • The ground normal form can be considered as a
  • Reduction can be viewed as a sequence of term
    rewrites, that treat the equation 0 N N as a
    left to right rewrite rule 0 N -gt N. This
    replaces (0 N) with N. Reduction rewrites a
    term into a simpler form.

Writing equations in CafeOBJ
  • In general when writing equations we should
    follow the following rules
  • The RHS should not be a single variable.
  • All variables in the RHS must appear in the LHS.
  • The scope of a constant is the module it is
    declared in (or a proof score or interactive
  • The scope of a variable is only inside of the
    equation. So, during evaluation a variable, say
    X, will have the same value in a given equation,
    but it may have different values in different
    equations in the same module.

Reducing an Expressionin CafeOBJ
  • An equation LHSRHS is applicable to a given
    expression X, if we can substitute the variables
    occurring in some LHS with the values in
    expression X. This is also expressed as "LHS
    matches X. Then we can replace X by Y, where Y
    is the expression obtained from RHS by replacing
    the variables occurring in LHS by their
    corresponding values. Such a replacement step a
    is called a reduction. For instance, given the
    equation and a reduction
  • eq sqr X XX . A definition
  • red sqr 2 -- Reduction gives 22 4
  • The expression sqr 2 matches the left-hand side
    sqr X, with 2 being substituted for the variable

  • Reduction is a sequence of rewrites.
  • open BOOL .
  • red true and (not(false) or (not true))
  • The diagram shows 4 rewrites CafeOBJ actually
    does 6 rewrites.

gt1 rule eq (not ABool) (A xor true)
ABool -gt false lt1 (not false)Bool --gt
(false xor true)Bool gt2 rule eq (false xor
ABool) A ABool -gt true lt2 (false xor
true)Bool --gt (true)Bool gt3 rule eq (not
ABool) (A xor true) ABool -gt true lt3
(not true)Bool --gt (true xor true)Bool gt4
rule eq (ABool xor A) false ABool -gt true
lt4 (true xor true)Bool --gt (false)Bool gt5
rule eq (false or ABool) A ABool -gt true
lt5 (true or false)Bool --gt (true)Bool gt6
rule eq (true and ABool) A ABool -gt true
lt6 (true and true)Bool --gt (true)Bool
  • Reduction with variables in term and result.
    Result is normal form, not ground. Uses
    rightmost-innermost reduction.
  • red TBool and ((not FBool) or (not T)) .
  • CafeOBJ uses 14 rewrites
  • We simplify to 4
  • Rgt represents rewrite.

Term-1 (not F) Rgt (F xor true) Term-2 (not T)
Rgt (T xor true) Term-3 (T xor true) or (F xor
true) Rgt ((T and F) xor true) Term-4 T and ((T
xor true) or (F xor true)) Rgt ((F and T)xor T)
  • Reduction with variables in term and ground
    normal form result.
  • open BOOL
  • red (aBool or (not a)) .
  • Gives true
  • As an intermediate step (not a) Rgt (a xor

Trace of Reduction (a ? a)
  • Because we have (a xor true) we can write
  • red aBool or (a xor true) .
  • 1gt1 rule eq (A or B) ((A and B) xor (A xor
    B)) A -gt (a xor true), B -gt a
  • 1lt1 (a or (a xor true)) --gt (((a xor true) and
    a) xor ((a xor true) xor a))
  • 1gt2 rule eq (A and (B xor C)) ((A and B) xor
    (A and C)) A -gt a, B -gt true, C -gt a
  • 1lt2 ((a xor true) and a) --gt ((a and true) xor
    (a and a))
  • 1gt3 rule eq (true and A) A A -gt a
  • 1lt3 (a and true) --gt a
  • 1gt4 rule eq (A and A) A A -gt a
  • 1lt4 (a and a) --gt a
  • 1gt5 rule eq (A xor A) false A -gt a
  • 1lt5 (a xor a) --gt (false)
  • 1gt6 rule eq (AC xor (A xor A)) (AC xor false)
    AC -gt true, A -gt a

Reduction(a ? a)
  • 1gt7 rule eq (false xor A) A A -gt true
  • 1lt7 (true xor false) --gt (true)
  • 1gt8 rule eq (false xor A) A A -gt true
  • 1lt8 (false xor true) --gt (true)
  • (true)Bool
  • Everywhere you see rule it means that the
    reduction found a matching equation in the BOOL
  • The square brackets indicate the rule number in
    the this particular reduction 1..8
  • The grater-than sign gt indicates starting a
    rewrite with the curled brackets showing a
  • The variables in capitals are from the BOOL
  • The less-than sign lt indicates ending a rewrite
    replacing the LHS with the RHS.
  • Using the commutativity property, the system may
    changed the order of the arguments.
  • The commutative rule is applied.

Automatic Theorem Proving
The CafeOBJ environment includes automatic
theorem proving (ATP) software. The ATP will try
to show that some statements (often called a
conjecture, goal, conclusion) is a logical
consequence of a set of statements (often called
hypothesis, assumptions or axioms). The ATP in
CafeOBJ is based on (Prover9). Most of the logic
problems on this course use the ATP. We set up
problems such as Portia, Superman, and Family
using a different1 logical notation than the
normal CafeOBJ equations.
Automatic Theorem Proving
  • The basic steps in our examples are
  • Declare some predicates (sister).
  • Define the axioms using the logical notation1 (-gt
    , lt-gt, , , , ax)
  • Write the conjecture to be proved (goal).
  • If the ATP can prove a goal we can examine the
    proof. We may compare it to other proof methods
    such as ordinary reduction, truth table, or a
    manual proof.

  • eq halfAdder(x,y) pair(x xor y, x and y) .
  • eq sum(pair(x,y)) x .
  • eq carry(pair(x,y)) y .
  • red halfAdder(true,true) .
  • red sum(halfAdder(true,true)) .
  • red carry(halfAdder(true,true)) .

  • fullAdder(A,B,C-IN)
  • pair(sum.., carry.. OR carry)
  • http//
  • Will need nested functions e.g.

Checking Signatures
mod SIGNATURE A B C D E op a A -gt B op b B -gt C op c C -gt A gt When a function has 2 arguments they can be considered as the cross-product of two domains. op d A C -gt D op e B B -gt E var u A var w B var x C var y D var z E gt Why are some of these reduction OK while others cause error. open SIGNATURE . red e(a(u), w) . red e(a(c(x)),a(u)) . red b(x) . red a(c(b(a(y)))) . red d(c(x),x) .
Equivalence Class
  • Let r be an equivalence relation on B. Then br
    , the equivalence class of b, is the subset of
    elements of B that are equivalent (under r) to b.
    The equivalence classes of an equivalence
    relation R partition the set A into disjoint
    nonempty subsets whose union is the entire set.
    CafeOBJ reduction can show s s 0.
  • red s s 0 s 0 s 0 .

Equivalence Class
  • mod! NATURAL
  • Natural
  • op 0 -gt Natural
  • op __ Natural Natural -gt Natural
  • ops (s_) (p_) Natural -gt Natural
  • vars M N Natural
  • eq s p N N .
  • eq p s N N .
  • eq N 0 N .
  • eq N s M s (N M) .

Peano In CafeOBJ Python
mod! PEANO Nat op 0 -gt Nat op __ Nat Nat
-gt Nat op p_ Nat -gt Nat op s_ Nat -gt
Nat vars M N Nat eq s p N N . eq p s N N .
eq N 0 N . eq N s M s(N M) .
def add(a, b) if a 0 return b
return add(a-1, b1)
Similarity addition defined recursively. The
base cases are quit similar. Differences
Syntax. Python version uses existing types and
type inference. CafeOBJ defines addition it does
not depend on pre-existing types and operations.
Proofs are possible in CafeOBJ but not in Python.
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