Title: Chapter 8. Scheduling
1Chapter 8.Scheduling
- Staff Scheduling Overview
- The 8, 10, and 12 Hour Shifts
- Cyclical Scheduling
- Flexible Scheduling
- Computerized Scheduling System
- Surgical Suite Resource Scheduling
- Block Scheduling
- Dynamic Blocks
- Top Down/Bottom Up
- Multiple Room System
- Assessment of Scheduling Alternatives
- Estimation of Procedure Times
3Now that you know how many FTEs you need. . .
- Staff Scheduling involves the allocation of the
budgeted FTEs to the proper patients in the
proper units at the proper time. - Coverage
- Schedule Quality
- Stability
- Flexibility
- Cost
4How long should FTEs work?
Advantages of various scheduling patterns.
8 10 12 Traditional X Option to choose
shift X Several consecutive days X X More
weekends off X X Increased personnel
during X busy periods Staff able to take
adv. of X meetings, continuing
educ. Increase in care continuity X Fewer
staff positions needed X Recruitment drawing
card X
5How long should FTEs work?
Disadvantages of the various shift patterns.
8 10 12 Fewer weekends off X Fewer
consecutive days off X Requires increased
staff X Possibility of increased X X
fatigue times Appearance of less time X X
for relaxation Administrators plan for X X
3 shifts Half hour change of shift X
may not be adequate Attendance at
educational X conferences
6Figure 8.1 Comparison of 8 and 10 Hour Shifts
7Figure 8.2 Pattern of Alternating Eight and
Twelve Hour Shifts
8Scheduling Types
- Cyclical work schedules employees do not rotate
shifts planned for 4-6 week period repeated
provides stability and lower scheduling costs,
but is inflexible - best in a stable environment
- Discretionary/flexible work systems
- staggered start-- does not change of hours
worked employee chooses when she/he starts - staggered week-- average 40 hrs a week 8 hr days,
but alternate weekly schedules (e.g.., 4/32 and
9Exhibit 8.1 Cyclical Staffing Schedules for Four
The Four Week Schedule
Employee S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S
A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
of Staff Scheduled 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
10Flexible Scheduling Systems
Very common in health care Part-time shifts and
float pools are necessary to meet staffing
needs Enhanced by computerized scheduling
11Implementing Work Systems
- Employees should be involved in the planning and
implementation process - Forums should be held to answer staffs questions
- Effectiveness and efficiency of the new system
should be periodically evaluated - Consider workforce values, alternative work
systems, and employee acceptance
12Surgical Suite Resource Scheduling
- Major hospital revenue source
- Extremely high costs and traditionally low
facility and/or personnel utilization rates - Provides a significant portion of the demand
served by other hospital departments - Efficient scheduling can therefore enhance
13Surgical Suite Resource Scheduling
- Surgical room resource scheduling refers to the
assignment of patients, staff, equipment, and
instruments to specific rooms within the
operating department. - Poor scheduling results in idle time, increased
costs, increased patient anxiety, dissatisfied
surgeons - Must be carefully coordinated with other hospital
units, e.g.., PACU (post anesthesia care unit)
14Measures of OR productivity
- total minutes OR is in use
- total utilized OR time divided by total OR time
available - idle time of nurses as percent of total available
OR time - idle time of anesthesiologists as a percent of
total OR time - hours utilized within block time divided by
available block hours
15Major OR Scheduling Systems
- First come/first serve (FC/FS)
- Block Scheduling
- Dynamic Block Scheduling
- Longest Time First (LTF)
- Shortest Time First (STF)
- Top down/bottom up
- Multiple Room System
- One of two most common methods
- Allocates OR to first MD requesting it
- Limit on the number of times allocated to any MD
may be imposed - Problems
- high cancellation rate due to overbooking
- different levels of OR use among specialties
- Existence of simultaneous overtime and idle time
17Block Scheduling
- Second most popular
- Block of time is allocated to each surgeon or
group of surgeons (1/2 to 1 day in length) - Block is available to that MD or group up until a
cutoff (e.g.., 2 days before surgery) at which
time unused time is made available to others - Increases utilization, and guarantees a fixed
start time reduces competition for OR time - MDs often hold unused time until the cutoff even
if they dont need it urgent cases may be
delayed until a particular MDs block comes up
18Exhibit 8.2 An Example of OR Block Schedule
CYSTO 0730 0730 0730 0730 0730
CYSTO 1330 1130 1330 1130/1215 1130 CYSTO
CYSTO 1530 1530 1530 1530 1300
1730 1730 1730 1730 1730
0730 Urology Surgeon 1 0730 ENT Surgeon 1 0730 Urology Associates 0730 General Surgeon 1 0730 Oral
0930 Surgery
2 1130 General Surgeon 2 1130 1330 1400 Associates ORAL
1530 1530 1530 1530 1530
1730 1730 1730 1730 1730
19Dynamic Block Scheduling
- Individual surgeons block time utilization is
evaluated at periodic intervals - Amount of block time per MD or group is adjusted
based on this analysis
20LTF/STF Scheduling Methods
- LTF allocates longest procedures priority
- Certain specialists (e.g., thoracic surgeons)
inherently always get early slots - Assume higher length means higher variability
- STF is used to maintain an even load in the PACU
- LTF systems can cause underutilization of the
PACU in the early morning hours
21Top Down/Bottom Up
- Modified block system where day is divided into 2
blocks - Long cases are scheduled FC/FS in the morning and
short cases in the afternoon - If idle time develops during the long block, the
next patient with a short surgery fills it - Surgeons with multiple surgeries are scheduled in
the same room to decrease idle time between
22Multiple Room System
- Surgeons rotate from room to room
- Goal is to eliminate waiting time between cases,
leading to greater cost savings and lower staff
23In Summary. . .
- The method chosen depends largely on
organizational goals. Which would you choose for
the following - Reduce staff overtime?
- Top down/bottom up or LTF
- Increasing PACU utilization?
24Estimating Procedure Times
- Surgeons estimates
- Scheduler estimates
- Historical averages
- Data base/ information system models
25The End