Title: Cells, tissues and organs
1Cells, tissues and organs
All living organisms are made up of
cells. Large numbers of cells group together
to form tissue. Tissues can combine to form
2Kidney function
The kidneys act as sieves. As blood passes
through they filter out Water Glucose Urea
(waste) Ions (salt) Blood cells and large
molecules, such as proteins, stay in the blood
(they are too big to be filtered). Then the
kidneys reabsorb what the body requires. The
rest of the filtered chemicals go to the bladder
to make up urine.
3Kidney failure
- You have two kidneys, but you can manage with
just one. - But if both kidneys fail, urea (waste) rises and
the body is poisoned. - So if your kidneys fail, there are 2 options
- Option 1 Dialysis
- You are attached to a kidney machine via a tube
from a vein. - Your blood flows into the machine, is cleansed,
and returns to your body. - You are attached for about 5 hours, 3 times per
week. - Option 2 A kidney transplant
- You have an operation to remove your failed
kidney and replace it with a working kidney from
a donor. - One or both kidneys may need to be transplanted
4Dialysis or transplant?
- Kidney dialysis works quite well, but is a
time-consuming burden. - Apart from taking drugs to stop their body
rejecting the new kidney, someone with a
successful transplant can lead a completely
normal life. - A transplant costs about 42,000 for the
operation plus 6,500 a year in drugs and
check-ups. - BUT
- Dialysis isnt cheap about 23,000 per year,
for life. - Watch the film about Andrew Samuel waiting for a
5Where do the donor kidneys come from?
- A living person can donate one kidney.
- To donate a kidney (or any organ) after death,
you have to have died in hospital they have to
be removed quickly. - Most people die at home so there is a serious
shortage of donor kidneys for transplant. - There are around 7,000 people waiting for a
kidney transplant. - Around 2,000 kidney transplants are carried out
annually and each year 2,000 more people go on
the kidney transplant list
6Organ transplants
- After death, the following organs can be donated
for organ transplant - kidneys heart liver
lungs pancreas small bowel - In life, some organs can be donated too
- kidneys, because we can manage with just one.
- part of the liver, because it can regenerate
(grow back) - part of the lung
- part of the small bowel (small intestine)
- For a successful organ match, the donor and
transplant patient ideally should have
compatible - Blood group and Human Leukocyte Antigen type
7Blood group
Group A Group B Group AB Group O
Can receive from Can receive from Group A and Group O Can receive from Group B and Group O Can receive from all groups Can only receive from Group O
Can donate to Can donate to Group A and Group AB Can donate to Group B and Group AB Can donate to Group AB Can donate to all groups
8Matching donor organs to recipients Human
Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) tissue type
- A kidney donor needs to be a close HLA type match
with the recipient. - HLA type can make the difference between a
patients body accepting or - rejecting a donated organ.
- HLA type is defined by six principal pieces of
protein HLA antigens. - Each newly discovered HLA antigen has been
numbered. - Doctors aim for at least a four HLA match between
a donor and patient. - Which of these donors is the best match for
someone in need of a - kidney transplant, with HLA numbers 2 3 6 9 10
13? - Recipient 1 2 6 7 10 11 13
- Recipient 2 3 6 8 9 11 12
- Recipient 3 2 6 9 10 12 13