Title: Chapter 4 Section 1 Notes
1Chapter 4 Section 1 Notes
2I. The New Kingdom of Egypt (1570-1365 B.C.)
3A. Before this period of time could start the
Pharaohs had to defeat the Hyksos invaders from
4B. Pharaohs of the Eighteenth Dynasty created a
large army
5C. Hatshepsut the first great women pharaoh of
Egypt 1472 B.C.
6D. Pharaoh Thutmose III. was a warlord that
extended the empire north into Palestine, Syria,
and south into Nubia
7Thutmose III.
King of Upper Lower Egypt
Menkheper Ra
Son of Ra
8E. Pharaoh Rames II extended the empire northward
until they met the Hittites at the Battle of
Kadesh around 1285 B.C. where each signed the
first peace treaty in history
9Rames II tomb
101. Rames II extended the kingdom further to the
south at Karnak
12F. The Valley of the Kings near Thebes was used
as tombs for pharaohs
13Valley of the Kings
14II. The Kushites Conquer the Nile Region
15 A. Kush kingdom in the south takes over Egypt
around 1000 B.C.
16B. Kushite king Piankhi becomes important around
751 B.C.
17III. The Golden Age of Meroe
18A. Meroe was a kingdom farther to the south that
became a major city manufacturing iron weapons