Title: October 1929
1October 1929
The stock market crashes, forcing banks to go
out of business And individuals to lose their
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3The migrant workers, began to wander-in search of
their broken American Dream.
The United States Economy began to crumble
Fifteen million Americans-one quarter of the
work Force-were unemployed.
Farmers, and rural workers, were hit equally as
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7As a result, California farmland income was
sliced in half, leaving many workers-unemployed
and desperate.
8A series of massive dust storms rendered much of
the nations Farmland uninhabitable, and forced
many migrant workers, To flee-becoming refugees.
Just when things could not get any worse
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10Migrant Workers searched for employment
Of these workerstwo mentraveled Together, in
pursuit of their dream, everlasting Friendship,
and a place to call home.
11Traveling the long miles from Weed to Soledad
12Lennie and George, reach their ultimate destiny
13Nobody could can us in the middle of a job And
when we put in a crop, why wed be there to take
that crop up. Wed know what come of our
plantingAnd itd be our own. And nobody could
can us. If we dont like a guy, we can say get
to hell out, and by God hes got to do it.