Title: Temple Sheckles are available in the hallway.
1 Temple Sheckles are available in the hallway.
Ask the money changer for more details.
2(House Of Our Father)
3(No Transcript)
5I Cor 112 2 Now I praise you because you have
remembered everything I told you and observe
the traditions just the way I passed them on to
6II Thes 2 15 Therefore, brothers, stand firm
and hold to the traditions you were taught by us,
whether we spoke them or wrote them in a letter.
7II Thes 3 6 Now we command you, brethren, in the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw
yourselves from every brother that walketh
disorderly, and not after the tradition which he
received of us.
8- Wed like to welcome any visitors.
- We have visitor cards that you can fill out then
drop into the Tzedika (offering) box when we pass
it around.
9 10- Welcome to our online Congregation. Were glad
to have you with us this Shabbat.
11- T-shirts will be ready next week.
- Calendars are ordered.
- Bumper stickers are ordered.
- Magnetic signs are ordered.
12- Mezuzahs ordered.
- Challah cover is ordered.
- More letters for the big sign are ordered.
- Head cover material is ordered.
- Tallit is ordered.
- After this well take book orders. If you want
siddurs etc.
13- All that being said, I want to make sure
everyone knows you dont have to buy every single
thing that were selling. - You need Mezuzahs, Tallit and tzit tzits if
youre a man, Teffilin if youre a man, kippa ifd
youre a man, shabbat candles holders for
everyone but some of these things can be done on
the cheap
14- One can make his own tallit if he wants to and
also make his own tzit tzits. The teffilin you
have to buy but we sell ours cheaper then any
other store out there and well work with you if
you need help with that. You can buy candle stick
holders at goodwill. Mezuzahs ya gotta buy but
were getting more 10 dollar mezuzahs.
15- You dont have to buy the t-shirts ever,
theyre just cool to have. - You can make your own Challah covers and you
dont even have to have those either. - You dont have to have a fancy Chanukia either,
you can make one like me and my family did
growing up in Israel with egg cartons.
16- You can be Jewish on the cheap, theres nothin
wrong with that. We just sell these things for
those who want to have something nicer and can
afford it.
17- The big sign today says.
- Who needs a Rabbi
- You do
18- Beginning Hebrew today after service.
19- In 1 week, for the Shabbat Message, Ill be
teaching Prayer For The Palestinian Problem.
Invite your unsaved friends.
20- Order your Tefilin from Bob at the back after
service. - Deut 1118
21- Therefore, you are to store up these words of
mine in your heart and in all your being tie
them on your hand as a sign put them at the
front of a headband around your forehead.
22We do it! What a concept!
23(No Transcript)
24- Thats what Jesus wore.
- Wanna be like Jesus? Great, He wore Tefilin!
25- Messianic Judaism classes for beginners.
- Bob will be leading a class once a week for
those who would like to learn more about
Messianic Judaism. Its for beginners and
26- for those who want to learn how to speak to
their Christian friends about Messianic Judaism.
I recommend it for EVERYONE.
27- Even if youve been in Messianic Judaism for a
while, youll still learn quite a bit from these
teachings. - I recommend it for everyone here.
28- We had a great Rosh Chodesh celebration on
Tuesday!!! Great food and how about that
Israel may mount a strike against Iran in the
fall, longtime CIA officer Robert Baer, who spent
21 years in the Middle East, told a Los Angeles
radio station Saturday. YNET NEWS Its quite
possible. Israel can not allow a Muslim state in
the region to obtain nuclear weaponry. It would
mean the end of Israel.
30Yeshiva University's new rowing team was the
embarrassment of the entire sports department
(which wasn't so hot to begin with!) They not
only finish dead last in every competitio, but
consistently cross the finish line many minutes,
even hours, after their opponents.
31Finally, they send Goldfarb to spy on the
top-rated Harvard Crew team, in the hopes of
gaining some helpful insight. Lurking in the
Cambridge boathouse, he watches the team practice
in the Charles River. For an entire week he
observes their methods.
32Finally, he returns to New York, where his
teammates gather anxiously to hear his
information. "I figured out their secret!" he
tells them excitedly. "No!? Tell us! Tell us!"
demand his teammates, impatiently.
33"They have eight guys rowing, and only ONE guy
34(No Transcript)
35(No Transcript)
36On the morning of the third day there was
thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over
the mountain, and there was the sounding of a
very loud SHOFAR blast. Everyone in the camp
37Please stand for the Shema and face east towards
38Shema Israel Adoni Elohaynu Adoni Echad. Barukh
shem k'vod malkhuto l'olam va'ed. (Remain
standing for Hatikva)
39Hear oh Israel the L-rd our G-d is one L-rd.
Blessed be the Name of His glorious kingdom for
ever and ever.
40(No Transcript)
41Because Messiah said it is the greatest
Commandment! Mark 1228-29 28 And one of the
scribes came, and having heard them reasoning
together, and perceiving that He had answered
them well, asked Him, Which is the greatest
commandment of all? 29 And Yeshua answered him,
The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O
Israel The Lord our God is One Lord
42(No Transcript)
43Please stand for the Israeli National Anthem!
44Kol od balleivav penimah Nefesh yehudi
homiyah Ul(e)faatei mizrach kadimah, Ayin
letziyon tzofiyah Od lo avdah
tikvateinu, Hatikvah bat shnot alpayim,
Lihyotam chofshi beartzeinu, Eretz-tziyon
45O-seh Shalom Beem rue-mawv Who yah-seh Shalom
aw-lay nu V'al kol Yees-raw-ale B'-eem
rue Eem rue Ah- main
Ya-a-seh sha-lom Ya-a-seh sha-lom Shalom
aw-lay-new Val kol Yees-raw-ale Sing twice
46May He who makes peace in His heights make peace
upon us and upon all IsraelAmen."
47He-nay maw tove oo-maw nye-eem shevet aw-heem gum
yaw hawd. Behold how good and how pleasant it is
for brothers to dwell in unity
48Praise Adoni
49Days Of Elijah
50Ancient Of Days
51Hallelu Et Adonai
53Baruch Haba
54Adonai Lee
57Meet new people! Let them see that Messianics
truly understand community and
brotherly/sisterly love. Say hello to old
friends show that you care!
58(No Transcript)
59We say the L-rds Prayer (Our Prayer) because
Yeshua told us this is how we should pray. We
pray so G-d will hear our petitions and grant
whichever prayers are in accord with His will.
We also pray In order to bless Him. Bob will be
leading us today.
60(No Transcript)
61 62- You can email or hand write your prayers for
Salvation of loved ones or healing to Bob and
they will then be sent to the wailing wall in
Jerusalem to be placed in the wall.
63 64 65- We have a service that is doing this for us and
then in Oct. our own Missionaries will be placing
them there in person.
66- If you have a need for healing or for an un-Saved
loved one please raise your hand now and if you
like, write it down to be sent to the wailing
wall (Kotel) and give it to Bob afterwards.
67- Prayer for Salvation for the Jewish people.
- Why do we pray for Israel?
68- Because its a Commandment! Psalms 122
- 6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem they shall
prosper that love thee.
69- Pray for unsaved loved ones and healings.
- Pray for Salvation for the Jewish people.
- Sha'alu shalom YerushalayimPray for the Peace
of Jerusalem. May His Shalom (Yeshua) come
70- Pray for our government and for Social Security
needs. - Pray for Holland and other countries that
anti-Semitic laws will not continue to pass.
71- Pastors in Wenatchee to see the truth of
HaShems Torah and forsake Paganism. - For new Beit Aveinu (Pastor Russ is asking his
Associate if we can use a room in his church to
start our Congregation there.)
72- For survivors of crime.
- Prayer over our tithes and offerings.
- Messianic Evangelistic group in Vancouver BC
73Pray for families lost loved ones and coworkers
at recovery innovations. Pray for hurricane
victims. Pams son in law in the Army. End
74 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But
ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes
and offerings. Malachi 38
75 Blessing Before The Reading Of The Torah
76(No Transcript)
77 78Sept 10, 2011 Ki teitze ("When you go")
Deuteronomy 2110-2519 Isaiah 541-10 Acts 13-15
79 80Sept 3, 2011 Shoftim ("Judges")
Deuteronomy 1618-219 Isaiah 5112-5212 Acts
Well read
Deuteronomy 1814-22 Isaiah 511-11 Acts 1119
to end of chapt.
81Deuteronomy 1814-22
14 For these nations, which you are about to
dispossess, listen to soothsayers and diviners
but you, ADONAI your God does not allow you to do
this. 15 "ADONAI will raise up for you a prophet
like me from among yourselves, from your own
kinsmen. You are to pay attention to him,
82Deuteronomy 1814-22
16 just as when you were assembled at Horev and
requested ADONAI your God, 'Don't let me hear the
voice of ADONAI my God any more, or let me see
this great fire ever again if I do, I will die!'
17 On that occasion ADONAI said to me, 'They are
right in what they are saying.
83Deuteronomy 1814-22
18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you
from among their kinsmen. I will put my words in
his mouth, and he will tell them everything I
order him. 19 Whoever doesn't listen to my words,
which he will speak in my name, will have to
account for himself to me.
84Deuteronomy 1814-22
20 "'But if a prophet presumptuously speaks a
word in my name which I didn't order him to say,
or if he speaks in the name of other gods, then
that prophet must die.' 21 You may be wondering,
'How are we to know if a word has not been spoken
85Deuteronomy 1814-22
22 When a prophet speaks in the name of ADONAI,
and the prediction does not come true -that is,
the word is not fulfilled -then ADONAI did not
speak that word. The prophet who said it spoke
presumptuously you have nothing to fear from
him. END (Baruch HaShem)
86Isaiah 511-11
1 "Listen to me, you pursuers of justice, you who
seek ADONAI consider the rock from which you
were cut, the quarry from which you were dug 2
consider Avraham your father and Sarah, who gave
birth to you in that I called him when he was
only one person, then blessed him and made him
87Isaiah 511-11
3 For ADONAI will comfort Tziyon, will comfort
all her ruined places, will make her desert like
'Eden, her 'Aravah like the garden of ADONAI. Joy
and gladness will be there, thanksgiving and the
sound of music. 4 "Pay attention to me, my
people! My nation, listen to me! For Torah will
go out from me I will calm them with my justice
as a light for the peoples.
88Isaiah 511-11
5 My righteousness is at hand, my salvation goes
out, my arms will judge the peoples. The
coastlands are putting their hope in me, trusting
in my arm. 6 "Raise your eyes toward the skies,
look at the earth below. The skies will vanish
like smoke, the earth will wear out like
clothing. Those living on it will die like flies
but my salvation will be forever, and my justice
will never end.
89Isaiah 511-11
7 "Listen to me, you who know justice, you people
who have my Torah in your heart don't be afraid
of people's taunts, don't be upset by their
insults. 8 For the moth will eat them up like
clothing, the worm will eat them like wool but
my justice will be forever, and my salvation for
all generations."
90Isaiah 511-11
9 Awake! Awake! Arm of ADONAI, clothe yourself
with strength! Awake, as in days of old, as in
ancient generations! Wasn't it you who hacked
Rahav to pieces, you who pierced the sea monster?
10 Wasn't it you who dried up the sea, the waters
of the great deep you who made the sea bottom a
road for the redeemed to cross?
91Isaiah 511-11
11 Those ransomed by ADONAI will return and come
with singing to Tziyon on their heads will be
everlasting joy. They will acquire gladness and
joy, while sorrow and sighing will flee. Rahav
symbolizes Egypt the sea monster symbolizes
92Rebbes Parsha on this portion
In Bible school we are taught that therefore the
redeemed of the L-rd shall return unto Zion is
about the Church finally going home to heaven.
Zion is heaven. There will be no more sorrow or
mourning just like the song says.
93Rebbes Parsha on this portion
Were taught that because in Christian theology,
Israel had its chance and now its the time of
the Gentiles right up to the end when the Church
is then raptured leaving Israel behind. Lovely
sentiments towards the Jewish people. Thats why
there arent any mission programs to the Jewish
people, The Jews arent not going to make it
anyway and their budget reflects that.
94Rebbes Parsha on this portion
Missions to Africa? Absolutely! Missions to
China? You bet! Missions to Guatemala? Where do I
sign up? Missions to Israel? Hmm its not in our
budget. Why? Because they get left behind
Where do you see that in Scripture? Because the
Redeemed go to heaven in Isaiah 51 not the Jews
95Rebbes Parsha on this portion
My question is this. It says therefore the
redeemed of the L-rd shall return unto Zion. If
Zion is heaven as they say How can the Church
return to a place theyve never been. Anyone here
been to heaven? This passage is actually about
Israel getting Saved and returning to Israel Born
96Rebbes Parsha on this portion
Anti-Semitism is rampant in the Church
RAMPANT. Dont tell me Im being sensitive when
there is an all out attack on our people.
97Acts 1119 to end of chapt.
19 Now those who had been scattered because of
the persecution which had arisen over Stephen
went as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch
they spoke God's word, but only to Jews. 20
However, some of these, men from Cyprus and
Cyrene, when they arrived at Antioch, began
speaking to the Greeks too, proclaiming the Good
News of the Lord Yeshua.
98Acts 1119 to end of chapt.
21 The hand of the Lord was with them, and a
great number of people trusted and turned to the
Lord. 22 News of this reached the ears of the
Messianic community in Yerushalayim, and they
sent Bar-Nabba to Antioch.
99Acts 1119 to end of chapt.
23 On arriving and seeing for himself the grace
of God at work, he was glad and he encouraged
them all to remain true to the Lord with their
whole hearts 24 for he was a good man, full of
the Ruach HaKodesh and trust. 25 Then Bar-Nabba
went off to Tarsus to look for Sha'ul
100Acts 1119 to end of chapt.
26 and when he found him, he brought him to
Antioch. They met with the congregation there for
a whole year and taught a sizeable crowd. Also it
was in Antioch that the talmidim for the first
time were called "Messianic." 27 During this
time, some prophets came down from Yerushalayim
to Antioch
101Acts 1119 to end of chapt.
28 and one of them named Agav stood up and
through the Spirit predicted that there was going
to be a severe famine throughout the Roman
Empire. (It took place while Claudius was
Emperor.) 29 So the talmidim decided to provide
relief to the brothers living in Y'hudah, each
according to his means 30 and they did it,
sending their contribution to the elders in the
care of Bar-Nabba and Sha'ul.
102Rebbes Parsha on this portion
First we see that a great number of people
trusted and turned to the Lord. In Bible School
they use this as proof that a great number of
Gentiles came to the L-rd. They show the verse
before it which says 20 However, some of these,
men from Cyprus and Cyrene, when they arrived at
Antioch, began speaking to the Greeks too,
proclaiming the Good News of the Lord Yeshua.
103Rebbes Parsha on this portion
They say, the great number of people were
Gentiles. But it doesnt say that. It says
people! It was talking collectvly theres no
way to tell from that verse alone if there were a
lot of Gentiles Saved or not, just that there
were some Gentiles that were saved.
104Rebbes Parsha on this portion
We also see in Sterns translation this 26 and
when he found him, he brought him to Antioch.
They met with the congregation there for a whole
year and taught a sizeable crowd. Also it was in
Antioch that the talmidim for the first time were
called "Messianic."
105Rebbes Parsha on this portion
The word there in Greek is Ecleasia. Most
translate it as Christian but what it actually
means is set apart. Set apart is Hebrew is
Prushim (Pharisee) a synonym of Kadosh. They
probably were called Ecleasia in Greek but in a
sarcastic way.
106Rebbes Parsha on this portion
Like if in the west one was to say, Oh, there
goes a holy one. Or if one today was to call
you a Pharisee as if there is something wrong
with that. It is the same attitude. We know it
was done sarcastically because it says they were
called not they called themselves. In Greek
that means it was done as a slur against them.
107 Baruch atah Adonay Eloheynu melech ha'olam,
asher bachar-banu mikol ha'amim, venatan-lanu et
torah-to.Baruch atah Adonay, noten hatorah.
108Blessed are You, LORD our God, king of the
universe, who chose us from all the peoples and
gave to us His Torah. Blessed are You, LORD,
giver of the Torah.
109- Children are dismissed for Shabbat School!
110Todays Message Who needs a Rabbi?
111- We ALL do. END
- Lets stand for the benediction.
112- Today were going to look at some of the MANY
reasons why we all need a Rabbi. - (disclaimer) Now I want to first make a
statement. This message is NOT directed at any
one person or group or couple or family here.
113- Its not unusual for different people to think
Im talking directly to them. - Please dont make that mistake.
- Theres not one person that this is directed to.
- Its more looking into the future.
114- Even if I look at you when Im saying any
particular thing - Im not looking at you!!!
- Ive looked directly at a women when Ive talked
about circumcision, I promise you she didnt have
a problem with the issue.
115- So, as I go through parts of this teaching take
it for what it is its a heads up to all of us.
116- I really hope that no one will take my meaning
out of context today because that could be easily
done because of the nature of this type of
117- Most Pastors wouldnt do it, because its not
safe. - But if you know me at all, youll know I tackle
things head on even preemptively if needed. - Which is really the case today.
118- Why do we need a Rabbi?
- We need an individual who knows more about
Judaism then the rest of us. - I also need a Rabbi. My dad happens to be my
119- Hes studied the Bible for more years then I have
and he has more formal education then I have. - No, formal education is not enough in itself. I
realize that.
120- I know people who have Doctorates in
Ministry/Christian Education but they dont
understand even the basics of what the Bible
121- If they dont understand that the Bible is about
G-ds Laws and how those Laws were created out of
His love for us - Then theyve missed the boat from the get go.
122- If theyve studied all their lives about how we
should NOT keep the Law, then their education is
for naught. - Its no different then a scientist with his PhD.
who believes that we came from monkeys.
123- He/she may have studied all their lives trying to
find the missing link. Turns out THEY are the
missing link ?
124- But for someone who has been studying the truth
for many years, THAT is the person who deserves
our respect and my dad is such a person. - Theres a funny thing that has happened in the
125- Theres an incredible amount of disrespect
ingrained in the people. - Theres been so many phonies, shysters, and
crooks among Believers that weve all become
126- This is a design of The Enemy.
- This is the birth of what I call, The Great
Deception. - If even G-ds people cant tell what the truth is
when its right in front of them, then Satan has
won a big battle indeed.
127- What Ive been presenting to you in the last year
is the truth. - One is not smarter or more holy because they
dont see it, theyre simply more jaded.
128- We have some people here who have jumped into
Messianic Judaism with both feet. - That doesnt mean they are quickly persuaded,
they simply recognized the truth when they heard
it and if anyone was to put them down for that
then they are in the wrong.
129- The person in the wrong is NOT the person who has
grabbed onto G-d with both hands. - Fact is, the one who grabbed onto G-d is smarter
and more discerning because they know the truth
when they see it.
130- Now that doesnt mean that each and every one of
you shouldnt be searching out everything I say
here because you should. - Never take my word for it.
131- But if one isnt searching it out and theyre
criticizing others for their participation in the
truth then G-d help them.
132- What Ive taught so far here isnt difficult.
- Its often hard to accept but its very plain.
- The reason its hard to accept is because of
various reasons.
133- One of those reasons is because by accepting what
were teaching here means ones friends and or
family didnt tell them the truth in the first
place. - The people who have cared for them, helped them
and maybe even loved them directed them down a
path of lies.
134- Pastor wouldnt lead me down a path of lies. He
loves me! - Well, he may not have meant to, but the result IS
the same. - But my parents love me and they told me we
didnt have to follow the Law.
135- Im sure they do love you, but they were wrong
and their message leads to a path of destruction. - Arent you being too hard Rabbi?
136- Im actually not. Yeshua said, I am the way the
truth and the life. Do you think for a moment
that was easy for all those around Him to hear? - His own brothers felt it was too difficult to
accept and didnt believe He was the Messiah in
the beginning.
137- Do you think its easy for the Muslim kid who
sees on the internet for the first time Jesus is
the way? - Do you think its easy for him to disregard
everyone in his family who has cared for him to
think that his family is leading him to a path of
138- Well, thats different, Muslims are the bad
guys - Were the bad guy to that kid!
- My point here is this we cant be soft on the
truth just because we love our friends and family
because you know what
139- Thats exactly what the Church Fathers felt and
thats whats got us into this mess in the first
place. - There is nothing more dangerous to the Messianic
Movement then compromising or allowing Gentile
doctrine to infiltrate.
140- Talk to other Torah Observant Congregations and
they will tell you thats absolutely right. - Unfortunately some take this too farThere is a
line of thought in a few Torah Observant
Communities and they wont allow any Gentiles into
their Synagogues.
141- They say Gentiles always bring their garbage
doctrine in with them. - Im very aware of that danger no matter what
Synagogue Im leading.
142- I dont agree with their method.
- But I do understand why they do that.
- Sometimes Christians come into a Messianic
Synagogue thinking theyre in a Church. - This is NOT a Church.
143- If you want a Church, theres plenty of Churches
in this Valley. - Pick any one of them.
- We are Jews and this is a Synagogue.
- We do NOT conform to the Church here!
144- Now, one of the few things we have in common with
the Church is the potluck ?
145- A quick reminder
- Not one of us here at Beit Aveinu is in a
position (including myself) to dictate on their
own authority what Jewish doctrine is. - None of you guys are Jewish enough yet.
146- I cant because I submit my authority to Torah
Light and allow them to decide the little Halacha
we have here so far.
147- Would one really be so proud here as to think
they could decide on their own authority how Jews
should understand Scripture? - We have to check our pride, no matter who you are.
148- Well G-d has given me visions
- G-d has told me this and that
- Maybe He did but Ill share from my own personal
149- When I was in Christianity I thought I had heard
from G-d often times and I guarantee you, it was
no different then when you heard from G-d, youll
never convince me otherwise. - It was just as loud and clear.
150- most times however, I had not heard from Him.
- The one time I really did hear Him speak to my
heart do you know what He said?
151- Keep My Commandments!
- Jesus said, If you love me, keep my
commandments. - It is the prime Scriptural principle that the
love of G-d is always first! - Who of you here will tell me anything different?
- The love of G-d is ALWAYS first.
152- And His love is given to us via His Laws.
- Just because someone goes around saying G-d told
me this or G-d told me that. - Dont swallow it.
153- Be careful, that is often used as a manipulation
to cause you to think that they have a closer
walk with G-d then you do. - We used to have a woman that attended here. She
was telling everybody how G-d spoke to her.
154- Im filled with the Spirit that makes me closer
to Him. - Being filled with the Spirit does make one closer
to Him, but pride drives you far from Him. - One is directly related to the other.
- One cant be full of pride and be close to Him.
155- And then what did she do? She didnt want to keep
G-ds Commandments and she forsook the Brethren. - That told me exactly how close to G-d she was.
156- I could not care less how many times someone
tells me theyve heard from G-d. - I will be looking straight at the fruits of their
life. - And every one of you should do exactly the same
157- If they blatantly dont want to keep G-ds
Commandments and they leave the truth theyre
full of hot air.
158- You better have some serious works to back you up
if youre hearing so much from G-d other wise
your just a blow hard.
159- 2. We need Rabbis because the Bible says we need
them. - Eph 411 And He gave some as apostles, and some
as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as
pastors and teachers. - Guess how you say teacher in Hebrew?
160- Rabbi doesnt only mean teacher however.
- A Rabbi is someone who has a knowledge of Hebrew
and interprets Scripture from a Hebraic
viewpoint. - How many people do you have in this valley that
fits that description.
161- Youre lookin at him.
- If you go to a Church that doesnt have a Rabbi
and theres another place that does have a Rabbi
youre in the wrong place.
162- Every body of Yeshua MUST have a Rabbi if one is
available. - But I dont like that Rabbi. His place doesnt
have a good sound system. - Tough!
- I dont like the song he chooses
- Tough!
163- Theres no such thing as Synagogue hopping
unless you move. - Church hopping is a Christian phenomena, its a
cousin to bar hopping. - I dont like the Music here, Ill try this one.
164- I didnt like his message, Ill go where the
Pastor tells me Im righteous. - If youre not happy here, you need to try harder.
- As opposed to the Pastor, its not my
responsibility to make you feel loved here.
165- You need to cling onto your brothers and sisters
here because this is where the truth is. - Thats very egotistical of you to say.
- Nope, its just a fact.
- My ego means zero to me.
166- If I had any ego left, its back in India where I
was laying on the floor in my underwear in 130
degree temperature scared to move because I
didnt want to vomit from heat exhaustion. - Sorry for the image but I had to make you
167- G-d doesnt always tell us what we want to hear.
- I can prove it.
- RARELY did the man of G-d (prophet etc) tell the
Congregation of Israel how great they were doing
and everything was going smooth and easy
168- I taught here not long ago that we had to get rid
of any graven images in our houses. - Linda went home and she did exactly that and it
wasnt easy for her.
169- She had some swans and some other statue type
things that she really liked and cared about. - It wasnt easy for her.
- What she didnt do is try to find ways to keep
them. - She didnt start thinking negatively of me or the
170- She didnt entertain thoughts like, well, I dont
agree with Rabbi on a lot of things this is just
another thing I dont agree on so Im gonna keep
them. - She didnt make it a statement of how discerning
she is, that shes so discerning that she was
going to take it slow and be discerning about it.
171- Shes not someone who is blown about by any
doctrine that comes by, in the past shes
actually been very slow to jump on any bandwagon,
she has a very good sense of Binah.
172- When it comes to G-ds Laws Linda is dead
serious. - If you think youre smarter or more discerning or
more temporate because youre not jumping towards
G-ds Laws, youre deceiving yourself. - We all need to be more like her.
173- Yeshua said, drop your nets and follow Me.
- When the move of G-d comes around, ya better step
up or youre a fool. - I dont care what ya think, the move of G-d in
this Valley, is at Beit Aveinu.
174- The statement Im making is a strong one.
- If I went to a Church and the Pastor there said
that G-d was moving in his town ONLY at his
church and if I didnt believe it was, Id leave
his church. Its too strong of a statement if it
isnt true.
175- This is the message of the Messianic movement if
they arent teaching you to be Jewish, then they
arent teaching you the truth. - This IS the direction that were going and Ive
always been clear on that.
176- Youre saying that only YOUR group has the
truth??? Youre a cult!!! - Sorry, that doesnt apply because Beit Aveinu is
not ALL the Messianic movement. - Theres over a million Messianics worldwide.
Theres over 15,000 Messianics now in Israel.
177- Were just a very little group here living the
same message. - The Church has been asking me for a very long
time, Ive heard it since I was a kid, Why dont
the Jews get it, why are they so blind to the
fact that Jesus is the Messiah. Were getting
it, problem is, the Church isnt.
178- Think about this those 15,000 in Israel arent
Gentile Christians. Theyre Jews. - Im not saying were in the last days, but when
theres 15,000 Born Again Jews in Israel,
something's about to happen.
179- I remember when I was a kid in Israel there was
10 of us there and that caused an uproar. - We had spies from the Israeli government coming
into our meeting. Joe Shulam was leading and he
ran em out.
180- The Messianic message is spreading and spreading
181- I predict Beit Aveinu WILL BE the biggest
congregation in this town. - People will be leaving their Churches by the
droves. Theres a lot of good people in this town
who have a heart for G-d.
182- Ive met some of them and theyll be coming
eventually. - We have to be ready.
183- This is the time for you to get strong.
- Delaying the Commandments of G-d in your life
keeps you weak, thats a Biblical reality.
184- In fact, each Commandment makes you stronger.
- Dont fool yourself into thinking it makes you
weaker. - Thats a lie from the pit of hell.
185- One more point on this I heard from G-d
business. - Im not saying anyone has or hasnt heard from
G-d. But if they have it shouldnt just roll off
the tongue so easily. - If G-d has spoken to you, you should repeat it in
humility and fear and trembling.
186- The Holy One of Israel, the Creator of the
Universe spoke to you and you talk about it as if
it was nothing??? - If youre going to speak for G-d and let me warn
you, G-d told me this or that is NO different
then saying thus saith the L-rd
187- In Hebrew vyeomer means And He (G-d) said
(Thus saith the L-rd). - If one of us was to say, G-d told me he/she
shouldnt be here and another person says,
He/she is supposed to be here., in the End
Days, one of them will die. Its called a false
188- Im not condemning anyone about this, I used to
say it too. - And Im not saying anyone here is having these
kinds of problems, but we will be growing even
more soon and inevitably, you can mark my words,
189- there will be people coming in who will have
these problems. You, the core group, need to be
able to recognize the truth and be able to see
through them.
190- Church discernment is pathetic!
- Ive heard it for 40 years
- What we teach at Beit Aveinu is Jewish
191- Were not going to be taken down to a Church
level, were taking things a step up. - If people start coming here in the future and
they try to take you down a level. - Let me know, I have no problem showing someone
the door.
192- Im a nice guy, but when it comes to the things
of G-d, were not playing around here. - Weve no time for Church politics and frankly,
were smarter then that.
193- They can call us elitists all they want.
Because they turn right around and act like
Christianity is better then Judaism. - Theyre hypocritical, at least were being up
194- I have no problem saying Im smarter then some
people and some people are smarter then me. - Its just true.
- No, were all the same. Nope, were not.
195- How dare you think you have more truth then
other Believers in Jesus!. - Are you kidding?
- Why do you think Lutherans go to the Lutheran
196- Because they think the Lutherans are giving more
truth then other denominations. - Why do you think the Methodists go to Methodist
197- Why do Pentecostals go to Pentecostal Church?
- They think they have the most truth.
- Its no big revelation.
- Im saying the Messianics have the most truth and
I stand behind that firmly.
198- The New Testament shows us that there is a
passing on of Rabbinical authority starting from
Yeshua. Matt 18 says - 18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall
bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and
whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be
loosed in heaven.
199- Weve talked about this before but its new for
some of you. - This passage has nothing to do with Believers
binding demons or anything of the sort. - I hear it all the time
- We bind you in the name of Jesus and cast you
into outer darkness.
200- First of all we dont have the power to cast
demons into outer darkness, if we did, theyd all
be gone by now. - Second of all, this passage isnt about power
over evil spirits. - It is a Hebrew idiom that is related to
Rabbinical authority.
201- Its used all throughout Rabbinical literature
and it means this - ??? (asar) To bind means to forbid and ????
(hitir) means to loose concerning Halacha
(Halacha means rules/law etc.).
202- In other words when a Rabbi makes a rule like, it
is allowed to go to Rosh Chodesh Feasts wearing
shorts. - In this case hed be loosening
- If he said they werent allowed to, hed be
binding. - This is very typical Rabbinical argumentation.
203- The only people who are allowed to pass Halacha
are Rabbis. - So what was happening in this passage?
- Yeshua was talking to The Twelve and He gave them
their ordination. - They were now officially Rabbis. They could pass
204- From there the authority passed from Messianic
Rabbi to Messianic Rabbi. - The Church has tried to usurp that authority and
now many believe that Pastors have that
authority. - We dont believe so.
205- The teachings that are passed on to Pastors are
not Rabbinical and they are not Rabbis. - Well theres not that many Messianic Rabbis in
the world today what are all the people in the
world supposed to do if theres not a Messianic
Rabbi nearby?
206- Well, there was 12 of them when Jesus ordained
them what did the whole world do then? - G-d is NOT a socialist, not everyone gets the
same opportunities.
207- Im doing everything I can to train Rabbis.
- Im training hundreds of them all over the world
via the internet. - I thank G-d He allowed me to be a Rabbi. I dont
deserve it.
208- Theres people smarter then me, taller then me,
thinner then me, more gifted at speaking then me
but - G-d chooses who He will.
- He gave me the opportunity and I said, Ill do
209- I dont believe that everybody has the same
opportunities. - The Church says, anybody thats willing to lead
that G-d will have them lead. - I know theres thousands of YWAMers (its the
largest missionary organization in the word)
210- Who want to be full time missionaries. Go to any
YWAM base and youll meet them. - Theyre all willing, but very few of them can
maintain the support.
211- Ive been to YWAM bases all over the world and
been the special speaker at their world
headquarters in Lausanne. - Theyre always asking me how I do it, how have I
been a missionary since I was 20. - I tell them
212- I have no idea!
- Theyre just as willing as I am but G-d chooses
who He chooses and when He does choose its via
Rabbinical ordination because thats the pattern
He followed with His own Disciples.
213- If one does go out without the proper Messianic
training they are open to falsity and
misinformation. - And thats what weve had for 2,000 years.
- The Messianic movement is trying to change all
214- Ordination from other denominations means very
little to me because theyve NOT been trained in
the truth.
215- Cmon just because someone is a nice guy and he
helps people talks real well, loves Jesus and is
your personal friend he can say anything about
G-d that he thinks is correct?
216- Does anyone here really think thats ok?
- When are we supposed to get tired of that
217- We need Rabbis because it keeps us on track.
- If one doesnt stay under the umbrella of
authority, they are open to attack from the
enemy. - Make sure youre under the right umbrella.
218- Have you ever noticed that all denominations
claim to have - G-ds authority.
- How can that possibly be true?
- One Church teaches the complete opposite of
anothers fundamentals, one of them has got to be
219- Were convinced that the true authority of G-d is
with Torah Observant Messianic Judaism and with
its Rabbis. - These Rabbis have been given the mantle of
Authority and can loose or bind.
220- With this responsibility we Rabbis have to be
very careful that our theology is not only
comprehensive but that it is also cohesive. Every
piece has to fit together or it MUST be REVISED. - Church doctrine is dogmatic, you make it fit no
matter what.
221- When we see a piece that does not fit, we
circulate the new information speedily. - If you believe Pastors do that, please invite me
to your Church.
222- I will show him indisputable proof that we are
still to follow G-ds Laws and then well see if
they retract their stance the following Sunday. - If you dont think he would, that should tell you
something shouldnt it?
223- Rabbis help us to understand the truth and be
aware. - We need to know and understand our surroundings.
- Even though the Bible speaks literally of knowing
ones surroundings we can understand it
spiritually as well
224Case 1- God to Abramraise now your eyes and
look outfrom where you are North, South, East
and West.(Genesis 1314) Case 2 God to
Mosesraise your eyesto the West, North,
South, and East (Deuteronomy 327)
225- Understand your spiritual surroundings and a
Rabbi will help facilitate that. That is what
counseling often is. - When Teresa and I are counseling, we dont
always have the answers. Sometimes I just give
you more questions to think over. - Well, have you thought about it this way or
have you thought about it that way?
226- Understand your spiritual surroundings and a
Rabbi will help facilitate that. That is what
counseling often is. - When Teresa and I are counseling, we dont
always have the answers. Sometimes I just give
you more questions to think over. - Well, have you thought about it this way or
have you thought about it that way?
227- That brings us to the next point.
- You need a Rabbi because you need spiritual
direction. - We all do! You should get to know your Rabbi
and allow him to get to know you. The more I know
about you, the better guidance I can give. - If I dont know the answer Ill go to the
Rabbis of Torah Light and get the answer.
228- You cant get proper spiritual direction from a
Pastor. - Theyre not grounded in Torah and most of the
answers lie in His Commandments which they
reject. - Can a Pastor put you in a place better then
where you were spiritually? Some can, but there
is a ceiling that they cant pass. A cap so to
229- My folks have been in ministry a lot of years
and theyll tell you that the majority of people
in a Church never pass above the spiritual
maturity of their Pastor. - Many Pastors will even tell you that if youre
on their leadership teams etc.
230- In closing, like I said in the beginning, we all
need a Rabbi. G-d set it up that way so that we
can be better instructed. - Theres many other reasons why we need a Rabbi
and we will revisit this topic another time and
expound some more on it. - Please stand for the benidiction.